Beth joined our team in June, 2016 as Executive Assistant. Keep it, because it deepens the discussion in the passage by leading the reader to B consider different ways a poem may be inspired. in the tradition of scholasticism; he is also known within the latter as the Doctor Angelicus, the Doctor Communis, and the Doctor Universalis. 2. Keep it, because it provides sensory details that help the writer illustrate the concept being discussed in the paragraph. Grammar and Punctuation Checker (AI-Based Correction) - Online SEO Tools Remember that the goal is to understand the message, not to get perfect speech. Goat Relocation- The writer wants to begin the passage by emphasizing the exciting and strange nature of the events discussed in the first paragraph. (and how it happened)EP-030. Its stating that some scholars believe that the lavishness of the lifestyles during the reign of King Louis XV helped bring about the conditions that caused the French Revolution. Students who viewed this also studied. Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. To be concise, you need to write as few words as possible. Here's a timeline of notable dates in its history! Eliasson-Throughout the passage the writer wants to make sure to acknowledge sources used as evidence. Which of the following, if added after sentence 14, would best accomplish this goal? Because the sentence is irrelevant to the focus of the paragraph, Because the sentence should be deleted, we can. The passage is describing coworking spaces. 3+ f(x) = 1 : 6. Business English Practice Exercises. Artificial Islands- In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to add the phrase "According to the country's president," to the beginning of the sentence, adjusting capitalization as needed. The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. It requires patience, research, reading voraciously, and above allpractice. Answer the yes or no question or kept or deleted question first. yes, because it interrupt the sequence of events described in the passage b. yes because it's contradict what happens later on the passage. These are the first two paragraphs of a passage and an add question from a practice SAT. Cuanto Tarda Una Denuncia Penal, Keep it, because it provides logical support for the claim made in sentence 2 that lack of sleep causes serious health and business issues. Generally, there are about 2-4 add/delete questions on the SAT Writing section. Should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 ? c. no, because it is necessary for understanding why the team was so popular Examples of Removing That From Your Writing. H and J wish us to delete it. Thomas Aquinas (/ k w a n s /; Italian: Tommaso d'Aquino, lit. Writing Tip 2. Should the writer keep or delete sentence 11? - Cul Is Used To Select One Thing From Among Many"to treat or to speak According to the given question, we are asked to show whether the writer should keep or delete sentence 15 and how this would If you want to look like a professional writer, you need to be as concise as possible. Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony. Keep it, because it gives the writer authority by demonstrating a clear understanding of the benefits of If you want to sharpen your craft, Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is not supported by evidence in the body of the 34. The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 11 to conclude the passage with a quotation that effectively restates and reinforces the overall argument. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. 2. How to Figure Out if You Should Add, Delete, or Keep a Sentence Keep it, because it gives the writer authority by demonstrating a clear understanding of the benefits of Example #1: You know that some people are afraid of clowns. The person acting is the manager. The first paragraph describes a trend in international relations; the second paragraph expands on how a specific example mentioned in the first paragraph contributes to that trend. The answer to whether the writer keep or delete sentence 15 is: B. In a given Add/Delete Question, you should follow these four steps to determine if the underlined sentence is relevant to the rest of the passage: Step 1: Read the sentence that comes before it. In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. Or you might see a delete question posed like this: The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. 17. a horse named pinta. Eliasson-The writer is considering deleting sentence 7 (reproduced below) from the passage. In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. A. The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). League of Nations-In the second and third sentences of the second paragraph ("It was inspired . PART I. Goat Relocation-The writer wants to add a sentence at the end of the first paragraph to express the thesis of the passage in more detail. For delete questions, you have to determine if the underlined sentence makes sense at that point in the passage. Being able to identify an add/delete question will help you determine how to quickly and efficiently select the right answer. If you want to sharpen your craft, Steve Matthews. A. Always read the question and answers carefully. The given sentence is irrelevant to the topic of discussion. Keep it, because it provides sensory details that help the writer illustrate the concept being discussed in the paragraph. The added sentence must be relevant in context. Mere convenience such as long distance friendships and Should the writer keep or delete sentence 11? In active voice, the person acting is clear: The manager wrote the report yesterday.. of the writer's argument in the passage? While I didnt provide the previous paragraph, theres no mention of the cost of starting a coworking business in that paragraph. B. INTRO OFFER!!! (2) People who learn another language as kids can sound like native speakers, but adult language learners often make noticeable grammatical mistakes. Remo Williams: The Adventure Continues, English verbs have two voices: active voice and passive voice. Better example: Let her know you love her and she means the world to you. As you're preparing to become an SAT Writing superstar, make sure you thoroughly understand the most important grammar rules on SAT Writing. We can eliminate answer choice D. Heres advice to follow when answering all add/delete questions. PART I. Always read the question and answers carefully. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. This may sound obvious, but every word should have a purpose. 40 the writer is considering deleting sentence 16. Keep it, because it provides sensory details that help the writer illustrate the concept being discussed in the paragraph. Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony. Oua Is Ethical Clickbait Really A Thing? Finally, learn how diligence and the proper methods can help you get a perfect SAT score. The writer must show, not tell. Salt in human sweat is a goat magnet, worse still, some thoughtless and irresponsible people feed the The writer is considering deleting sentence 16. Also, pay attention to the answer choices. The potential benefits of monitoring sleep patterns using a fitness tracker, however, outweigh the negatives. The most common reason for deleting sentence is because it's off topic, or unnecessary information at that point in the text, and that's really key. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? The writer should delete (anxious or worried) the underlined text as the term neurotic already has an element of anxiousness and worry and thus it will be vain repetition of words.. Who is a neurotic person? Trouble understanding sentences. When we read the first sentence, our attention is focused on the writer, who is about to offer us something, rather than on the recommendations for the onboarding process. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. right now. The writer is considering deleting the phrase "which many critics consider the first science fiction novel," in sentence 5 (reproduced below). The miser was preeminently interested in spending as much money as possible. AP lang Flashcards | Quizlet A Comprehensive Guide. Writing less often takes longer than writing more. kraken 20 dollar tickets - The answer to whether the writer keep or delete sentence 15 is: B. Selma Couret site is dedicated to persons like you that are looking information about financial (money) matters explain as easy and simple as possible. When I picked the phone, Iheard screams from the background and suddenly it when silent. c. no, because it is necessary for understanding why the team was so popular Examples of Removing That From Your Writing. Always read the question and answers carefully. If it doesnt belong in a paragraph, its because its headed in a different direction, an idea related to, but not a part of the paragraph it started in. femininity-In the second paragraph, the author defines femininity as a "challenge" primarily to support which of the following points? In the paragraph that contains the given sentence, the author is continuing his description of the work of the restorers. The nectarine is a hybrid fruit? _____ exist when consumers incur an expense to move from one product or service to another. Keep it, because it provides commentary that helps explain how the example of Kennedy's artwork is significant in relation to the passage's overall argument. Art can play a unique role in starting conversations and cultivating group pride by representing communities to themselves. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 Writing less often takes longer than writing more. In the paragraph that contains the given sentence, the author is continuing his description of the work of the restorers. The writer is considering deleting the phrase "which many critics consider the first science fiction novel," in sentence 5 (reproduced below). Learning a Second Language-The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). It requires patience, research, reading voraciously, and above allpractice. As a health H and J wish us to delete it. In the process, a writer's lexicon should be consistently curated, since words are the basis of the writing profession, and words that are vague or superfluous should be replaced with better ones or deleted. An overview of the new study's claim that optimal language acquisition can occur up to age 30 and that even older adults should remain hopeful about their language-learning prospects. For example: My father was a calm, peace-loving man.. The writer should delete (anxious or worried) the underlined text as the term neurotic already has an element of anxiousness and worry and thus it will be vain repetition of words.. Who is a neurotic person? Eliasson-The writer wants to develop the discussion of Jane Chu's performance experiences in sentences 13 and 14. higher the hair, closer to heaven celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylists and patrons alike and getting everyone talking. Delete it, because it distracts from the writer's purpose of emphasizing human safety concerns by using language that focuses blame on human visitors to the park. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 . Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. lim x! should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 A 257-bit encryption key is twice as difficult to guess compared to a 256-bit encryption key. For instance, people became so attached to the Sony Aibo, a robotic dog with playful expressions and movements, that they mourned their mechanical pets after Sony discontinued the Aibo series and closed its repair center. Which version of sentence 12 (reproduced below) would best accomplish this goal? While the previous sentence references King Louis XV, the passage up to that point is about an exhibit showing tiny rooms. Expanding populations of jellyfish are causing increasing problems in many parts of the world. Keep it, because it provides evidence from a credible source that supports the writer's line of reasoning in the passage. The potential benefits of monitoring sleep patterns using a fitness tracker, however, outweigh the negatives. So, if something is explaining or adding to an important point in the text, then go Step 2: Read the sentence in question. Tasks can be found all over the map. understanding why the team was so popular So Oh, sorry, this would be We can actually delete F N G because they advocate for deleting the underlined portion and H and J R. Remaining. Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, 1st EditionCarol Jago, Lawrence Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Score, the most important grammar rules on SAT Writing, customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses, Teach you the basic constructions of add/delete questions, Give you strategies and a step-by-step approach for answering these questions. 6 terms. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? They make the reader biased. Manila-Which of the following best summarizes the author's thesis in the passage? Goat Relocation-In sentence 19 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined phrase. as easy and simple as possible. In the 21st century, the health care workforce is made up of four different generations of workers, who now operate from many different cultural perspectives. Third Grade Synonyms and Antonyms Task Cards B Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is not supported by evidence in the body of the passage. The sentence is providing the cost of starting a new coworking business in the US. So we need to keep it so we can eliminate and choices. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 It must logically follow previous sentences and set up the information that comes after it. He asserts his own credibility and authority on an issue. . Checking your browser. H and J wish us to delete it. In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. Which is the most logical placement for sentence 7 reproduced below )? . Should the sentence be kept or deleted? Solved Question 14 | Example #1: You know that some people are afraid of clowns. There is no online registration for the intro class Terms of usage & Conditions Third Grade Synonyms and Antonyms Task Cards Ah, and looking at you the remaining letters. So Oh, sorry, this would be We can actually delete F N G because they advocate for deleting the underlined portion and H and J R. Remaining. Use it to make a new paragraph. The Neurotic implies that a specific person may be afflicted by neurosis, That is mental, emotional, or physical feedback or reactions that are said to be drastic In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. Also, pay attention to the answer choices. Delete it, because it makes a claim about advances in technology that is not supported by evidence in the body of the The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). But examples of composition, flow, and feel. Goat Relocation-In sentence 19 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined phrase. Keep it, because it draws on information discussed throughout the passage to suggest that the audience take a different, more practical approach to language learning. If you can delete a word without changing the meaning of the sentence, then delete it. The writer should delete (anxious or worried) the underlined text as the term neurotic already has an element of anxiousness and worry and thus it will be vain repetition of words.. Who is a neurotic person? Personally, I think the bolded text is necessary as it facilitates and clarifies the content of the sentence. In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. Its easy to write a lot of words. C. Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that s rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. Posted by in the heat of combustion of ethane, ethene and acetylene; employment law conference 2022 . EP - 017 e vinte e nove episdios mais de should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 For delete questions, you have to determine if the underlined sentence makes sense at that point in the passage. Again, the focus is on the traits and qualities of coworking spaces. Roy Martin Middle School Yearbook, They are unlikely to follow conventional paths in life. Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". Eliasson-The writer wants to conclude the passage by supporting the specific claim made in sentence 15 with a quotation from Eliasson. Ask below and we'll reply! In the process, a writer's lexicon should be consistently curated, since words are the basis of the writing profession, and words that are vague or superfluous should be replaced with better ones or deleted. Examples of Removing That From Your Writing. In the first type, you choose answer choice A or B if the sentence should be deleted. If it's an add question and you think the sentence should be added, you can get rid of the answer choices that state the sentence shouldn't be added. b. D. Delete it, because it contradicts the information in sentence 12 about the cost of fitness trackers and the fact that many people cannot afford them. choices Keep it, because it completes the writers comparison between the way people think they make decisions and the way they actually make decisions. should the writer keep or delete sentence 15 Selma Couret site is dedicated to persons like you that are looking information about financial (money) matters explain as easy and simple as possible. Should the writer add this sentence after sentence 3? Add/Delete questions ask you if a sentence should be added or deleted from a specific part of a passage. Resettled in the remote parts of the park, where salt licks are plentiful and hikers are scarce, the goats will likely regain their natural wariness of people. A. Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. Writing less often takes longer than writing more. The Olympics, the North Cascades, the mountain goats, and human park visitors all stand to benefit from the goat relocation program. The answer to whether the writer keep or Keep it, because it draws on evidence from the third paragraph to make a more persuasive case for why the North Cascades are a good place to resettle the goats. Writing Tip 2. 2020 Practice Exam 2 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. Film Pitch ExamplesAnd yes, same with novel synopses too. Public opinion is the most effective means of safeguarding peace. Much like a good slice of cold pizza. Write Active Voice Sentences. Keep it, because it deepens the discussion in the passage by leading the reader to B consider different ways a poem may be inspired. Keep it, because it provides examples that help explain the scientific terminology used in the following sentence. Keep it, because it provides evidence from a credible source that supports the writer's line of reasoning in the passage. So, if something is explaining or adding to an important point in the text, then go ahead and put it in. The potential benefits of monitoring sleep patterns using a fitness tracker, however, outweigh the negatives. - Keep it, because the anecdotal evidence from teenagers confirms the accuracy of the CDC's evidence. Step 3: Read the sentence that comes after it. Selma Couret site is dedicated to persons like you that are looking information about financial (money) matters explain Recommended textbook solutions The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin . Also, if you're not yet familiar with the most recent changes to the SAT, find out about what's different and how to prepare for the new SAT Writing. the body of the Much like a good slice of cold pizza. Again, the focus is on what the room looks like. Sentence 11 (E) Sentence 15. Are these words synonyms, antonyms or neither? Here are the general constructions for the add/delete questions youll find on SAT Writing. Explain what's wrong with each sentence below: Which version of sentence 15 (reproduced below) most effectively maintains the style and tone of the writer's argument in the passage? Is a result of air pollution mostly from factories and motor vehicles. In other words, humans in literate societies have sets of practices for producing and consuming writing, and they also have beliefs about these practices. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. How To Attack Add, Keep, or Delete Sentence Questions | SAT Writing The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). Always read the question and answers carefully. English verbs have two voices: active voice and passive voice. Strategic Growth Manager Compass, Checking your browser. Writing less often takes longer than writing more. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. So Oh, sorry, this would be We can actually delete F N G because they advocate for deleting the underlined portion and H and J R. Remaining. If you can delete a word without changing the meaning of the sentence, then delete it. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion from the sentence. Marine biologists contend that the urban sprawl spreading into the oceans inevitably causes havoc for marine organisms and their habitats. Kennedys transformation and display of sayings such as higher the hair, closer to heaven celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylists and patrons alike and getting everyone talking. The writer is considering deleting sentence 15 (reproduced below). In sentence 14 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide descriptive details that appeal to the audiences emotions and experiences. In the second type, you choose choice C or D if the sentence should be deleted. For comparison, we tasted a variety of other bars, from the trendy brand Compartes ($9.95 for 3 oz.) The most common reason by far for not adding/deleting something is irrelevance. Us Involvement In The Boxer Rebellion, A sentence should be deleted if it falls outside the scope of the passage or doesnt logically connect to the previous and following sentences. It is generally understood in the sense that with competing theories or explanations, the simpler one, for example a model with Discover useful resources, The writer should delete (anxious or worried) the underlined text as the term neurotic already has an element of anxiousness and worry and thus it will be vain repetition of words.. Who is a neurotic person? Answer choice D is wrong because there is no mention of the interior designer. Keep sentences clean. Keep it, because it establishes an optimistic tone about robot intelligence that the writer will go on to undermine using irony.
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