Dont worry though, your sim can always apply for university again. Its your choice whether you want to save their allowance or not. Adding mods to your school experience in The Sims 4 can seriously make the game so much more fun. Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesn't affect homework - faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Thankfully, modders are always able to add exceptional depth and detail into the game and school mods are no different. The no goals needed for school mod will make it so your sims no longer have to do homework or gain any skills for school. . Well, downloading some really great discover university mods for The Sims 4 is the absolute best way for you to make your experience so much more fun or more challenging depending on what you're looking for. This mod adds the ability to actually go to school with your sim, including going to different classes with different subjects which makes it so much more fun. ____________________________________________ Mod Requirements Realm of Magic required. If you have The Sims 4: Discover University youll definitely want this mod. Post not marked as liked 33. itsmeTroi. Shouldnt conflict with anything since it has its own resources. If you're like me and you went to a British University, where you had access to . So now you can get their homework done faster, and regardless of their mood! The drop out of highschool and get a real job mod by telford is a great option if you just want a sim to not spend their entire teen lives in High School. Well, KawaiiStacies preschool mod has the answer. So, your Spellcaster worked so hard to learn that Immortality potion, yet they still age? I mean come on guys, dreams dont work unless you do. Your email address will not be published. The no grade or highschool mod does just that, makes it so none of your sims have to go to school anymore. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Since 2019 I've been working on this website to help sims players get the most out of their gameplay and have the best time playing The Sims 4. (Comment by LittleMsSam: I merged the Faster Homework Mods into one Mod with Addons and reworked them a bit. No University Housing Restrictions. Immortality Trait description is also updated to reflect this change. If you lose your homework, you can buy a replacement book online or from a bookcase for just 1 simoleon.Kids can speed up their homework by gaining child skills. Mod Conflicts No known conflicts. I don't know what we would do without you!Mods in order they were shown in the video:1- Media \u0026 Other Links Origin ID: penglve218 Twitter: Twitch: CC Finds: Instagram: What do you use to record?A: OBS.Q: What do you use to edit your videos?A: Sony Vegas Pro 15.Q: What reshade do you use?A: I use my own, probably Solar Breeze v2 or v1. Not sure which mods are currently working to make time in university shorteranyone have one they recommend? It can really make the going to school experience more streamlined and fun for your sims. There will be an actual teacher standing at the front of the room teaching the children and your sims are going to be able to earn skills and even unlock special aspirations if they are doing well enough. The no university housing restrictions mod is a simple but great one that can make your life in the University dorms so much better. These new bikes are Sims 3 Conversions, converted by Around the Sims 4. Created with It allows you send your toddlers to preschool between the hours of 8AM and 12PM giving you a couple of hours without your toddlers. The education system bundle by KawaiiStacie takes four of their most popular school mods and mixes them together allowing you to have a really great school experience. The go to school mod pack by Zerbu is one of the best school mods available. Sep 3, 2021 - Sims 4 Homework mod, assigned to the Sims characters on their school days. Higher Scholarships (goes with the tuition increase) Harder Distinguished Degree acceptance Ask to be Roommates | Fewer Restrictions. At level 3 do homework turns into breeze through homework, and at level 7 it turns into dominate homework, which will see them complete it in 15 minutes.Having a parent help a child do their homework will make it significantly faster [almost double]. This helps you gain more skills. Updated for patch 1.90! Scarlet's Faster homework mod has been a life saver for my Uni Sims. Lover of a good cup of tea, bad puns and hoping to engage with the wider sim community. What I would like to see is a mod created to be able to edit an occupied University Lot.. so when I am living in a university lot, I can edit that lot while there.. rather then going onto another sim and then having to go edit the lot. No Bike Helmets by Scarlet. Required fields are marked *. The Sims 4 Discover University is taking you back to school, as the newest DLC introduces plenty of college-themed content to explore. Not to worry, you can still check it out on our, March 3rd- It's time for our Friday Highlights! Just like my Uni mod for no tense homework (and faster), I bring you my no tense homework for children and teens! Higher Scholarships is another one by Zeros Sims 4 Mods and it is what it says on the tin really, the amount your Sim will receive is greater, which is definitely more realistic. by Taylor O'Halloran | Jan 29, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. No Meal Spawning Roommates by Scarlet. SIMS 4: university mods you need. You'll be able to invite over the private school headmaster and you'll need to convince them to let you into their school. Today. drop out of highschool and get a real job mod. The teens jump to university mod by Zero allows your teen sims to go to University if they are doing well in school, however, it is not guaranteed. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Ask for Allowance (Friendly Interaction) - Available for Children and Teens while selecting their parents (or caregivers). Given to Child/Teen if their allowance is discontinued. This type of mod is extremely useful for different story lines and having sims who may be teenaged parents who are no longer in school. You are free to share the link to my uploads,givingappropriate credit (creator name and link to original source). By default, stressed out sims with the tense moodlet will not do their homework. . I cant seem to find it anywhere no matter what I google. My sims were taking all day doing their homework, leaving little time for anything else. Quickly Check Uni Performance. 30,343 views 1 comment. Lost Allowance - Sad Buff that lasts for 6 hours. Note - If in a club using the Homework Boost perk, they will complete it a little faster. 33 likes. Q: H o w o l d a r e y o u ?A: I ' m 2 5 y e a r s o l d Q: W h a t s y o u r e t h n i c i t y ?A: I m 1 0 0 % M e x i c a n Q: W h a t d o y o u u s e t o r e c o r d y o u r v i d e o s a n d e d i t ?A: S p e c s a r e a l l d o w n b e l o w G a m i n g E q u i p m e n t:\u0026 LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANNA SEE NEXT? After day three of playing The Sims 4: Discover University I was sick of making over my randomly generated roommates, and wanted my Sims old school friends to join her in her dorm. This doesnt make it happen for everyday, but you get to choose specific days that you want the event to take place, giving you full control. Additionally, Children and Teens will prefer to do their subject homework at a desk. You can get scholarships for 5,000 or 15,000 and there is even a night school for your sims to attend to get their grades up and earn a scholarship. Join. If youre like me and you went to a British University, where you had access to a real kitchen, youll probably be as frustrated as I was when I found out you couldnt put a kitchen in your university dorm building. Medium Amount Children will receive about 144 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time). Teens will receive about 270 on Tuesdays and Fridays (no specific time). More information Sims 4 Faster Homework (University Edition) More like this Sims 4 Mm Cc Sims 4 Cc Packs Sims 4 Teen Sims 2 Star Citizen Sims 4 Jobs Sims 4 Traits It includes, a botanical garden, computer rooms, a library and so much more. I made a mod that allows your sims to do their Uni homework even while tense! Jul 7, 2019 at 6:33 PM. Also, sometimes the moodlet would be gone but the homework still wouldn't be accessible because the game still thinks your sim is tense. Click "Do homework.". Faster Homework! There are three styles to choose from and they come in an array of colours. A big thank you to our wonderful community of modders. that also increases the homework speed. We are not EA. Press J to jump to the feed. Family Members) at Restaurants *** Added " Upgradios " to Terrains which will Upgrade all Objects on the Lot. A faster homework mod would be great. 59. r/Sims4. These were not in the game, but I wanted them to have some options as children do. On Tuesdays and Fridays, the allowance amount will be deducted from the household funds and stored into their Allowance Account (accessible in the Household category on their phone). This mod adds a full elementary school for your sims to go to, including an alchemy lab, classrooms, headmasters offices, and so much more. These mods add things like after school activities, the ability to drop out, and so much more. Also, sometimes the moodlet would be gone but the homework still wouldn't be accessible because the game still thinks your sim is tense. Pimp My Sims has created a bumper pack of SEVEN university themed aspirations including Sporty Scholar, Campus Crook and Party School. will complete their homework in about 10 minutes. Another tip, make sure your uni sims leave offerings for academic success at their university's statue. I adjusted & reworked some of them a bit as well. Sims 4 Faster Homework (University Edition) The Sims Sims 4 Cas Sims Cc Sims 4 Mods Clothes Sims Mods Sim University Scarlet Sims 4 Traits Sims 4 Expansions More information . This is really great because you can get a jump start on University without having to wait until your sim is a young adult giving you a chance to spend less of their adult lives in school. This simple mod removes those restrictions allowing you to set up a full kitchen and be able to cook meals at your own pace and not wait for the commons to start serving food. Chinese Translations (by Miaow_CC)Dutch Translations (by Unfortunately the amazing Scarletdecided to stop modding and asked me to adopt some of her Mods. In addition to letting your sims drop out of school, this mod will let your teen sims start any adult career that you have in the game. When they are in a Group doing Homework together i want them to use Dining Tables as well. Additionally, theyll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable. Get To Work and version 1.9.80 of the game. Q: Can you upload your mods folder?A: No, it's against cc creators TOU.Q: Where can I find *insert cc piece here*?A: Check my cc finds tumblr first or the video linked below. My Must Have CC 2019: My Must Have Mods: from: Epidemic SoundsNew Videos: As often as I can!Subscribe to stay up to date with my videos Join. I made a mod that allows your sims to do their Uni homework even while tense! All news about the The Sims 5 and Sims 4 news and guides, Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? I decided to keep & update some of her Mods. I don't know about you guys, but I always forget to make my children and teen sims do their homework until the last minute! The Chores mod by LittleMsSam, allows you to add cleaning schedules and assign Sims to cleaning tasks and times. Default is about 150 minutes. As with any PC release though, the mods that . Any recipes that have required ingredients are now optional. This mod allows you to go to school with your sims. Ive also added these to the Publish Book type whims/aspirations so the computer interactions will count for those as well. 409. The Mod prevents Sims with the Immortality Trait from aging. OPEN THIS In this video: Faster Homework - Helmet - This is not a university specific mod but here you can find Scarlet's mod that improves all homeworks. University Aspiration Pack by PimpMySims4. The Child/Teen will receive a sad buff for 6 hours if their allowance is discontinued. Required Mod: Scumbumbo's XML Injector v4 TEENS Children bgc homework interaction mods All you have to do is Press CTRL + SHIFT + C in Live mode to open the cheat console, type 'grades', and then press ENTER. Zerbu has created the No University Housing Restrictions mod allowing you to cook to your hearts content (Lets hope the other students know how to cook). This willow creek high school is another mod that you need to have the Go to School mod we spoke about earlier to use. Another one by Zeros Sims 4 Mods, this time making it harder to be accepted into Distinguished Degrees. The best part is that each of these after school activities will allow your sims to earn skills in those particular subjects (i.e., video gaming skill for the gaming club). Default is about 150 minutes. Please like and comment, and Subscribe here: can be done from your sims inventory by clicking on it and telling your sim to do it. This is the official Sims Community News & Media Platform, running for almost a decade! Q . 25 min -Sims will complete their homework in about 25 minutes. This elementary school mod works in conjunction with the go to school mod that well talk about in a few. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 3.5K. You can check them out. Children and Teens can now collect an allowance! The after school activities mod created by Kawaii Stacie is a great mod because it will give your child or teenaged sims something to do after school, since most of the time its just homework, dinner, and then bed. This mod is BGC and includes a faster version for doing HW. Nope, gone! The 'genius scholarship will be offered to a genius Sim and will cover the whole Sims tuition. His spellcaster wife takes him out into the back yard and sets a little fire for him to put out to beat his fear. IlkaVelle has also added the ability to receive an actual rejection letter via the mailbox in the latest addition of this mod. Sims with the Rebellious trait will complete slightly slower. ____________________________________________ Translations . These are the same interactions as the ones for the mailbox, however they do not override them. Given to the Child/Teen when you agree to give them an allowance. flqwerz)French Translations (by Candyman)German Translations (by helene912)Italian Translations (by xISYx)Japanese Translations (by Licer)Korean Translations (by Robin)Polish Translations (by kelwiak)Spanish Translations (by Amanlen). DON'T PLAY UNIVERSITY WITH OUT THIS MODS! It will allow you to let teenagers go to University if they meet a requirement. This is just another highschool lot for your sims to attend that will make things feel a bit different and give you a different experience. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. No more full-on doctors without a degree! Working mods to shorten university time? I LOVE that this mod takes into account traits, school grades and skills when deciding whether a Sim will get university. I fixed this! I hope you find this post useful and I hope you enjoy the mods Ive picked out for you guys. Yea, I agree! Uni Costs More by Zero. Ah, this one takes me back to when I tried to make a cleaning rota in my university dorm it lasted three days. flqwerz)French Translations (by Candyman)German Translations (by helene912)Italian Translations (by xISYx)Japanese Translations (by Licer)Polish Translations (by kelwiak)Russian Translations (by Origamika)Spanish Translations (by Amanlen). One of my favourite parts about The Sims 2 was calling up the headmaster and trying to get your sims into private school. All you have to do is the "testingcheats true" code + "bb.enablefreebuild" :). Tired of trying to remember which mood each bath soak gives you? This can be interesting for different storylines, like if you want to act like you were homeschooling your sims kids or if school didnt exist. This mod includes a few awesome mods including a preschool mod (enrolls toddlers in preschool), the better schools mod (giving you skill building and interactions at school), the smarter homework mod (letting you build skills while doing homework) and finally, online schooling allowing your sims to take school from home.
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