He died circa December 30, 1970, in Las Vegas, Nevada. On top of the mob issue, Liston had to overcome more problems with the law before he could be free to fight Patterson for the title. gnalogique Dowling avec plus d'un demi-million de parents, He died in Vegas as mysteriously as he had lived, a man bent under a great shadow, afflicted by a legion of personal demons that no one could exorcise. Was the favorite fighter of the famous Fab Four, the Beatles, and he appears on their "Sgt. His parents were Tobe Liston and Helen Baskin. Soon caught (his crimes were inept, spur-of-the-moment, strong arm jobs) and charged with first-degree robbery and larceny, he was sentenced in 1950 to five years in the Missouri State Penitentiary. Carbo was in prison and Palmermo would soon follow. Yet, Tosches postulates that Liston threw his first fight with Cassius Clay in Miami in February of 1964 at the behest of the mob. Did he need Liston's cooperation to beat the rapidly aging champion that night in February of 1964? With Cus DAmato as his coach, Liston reigned as champion for seventeen months. In Michael Mann's Ali, Liston was portrayed by famous boxer Michael Bentt, with whom he shares a strong resemblance. Foes like the murderous-punching Cleveland Williams, Mike DeJohn and Nino Valdez succumbed to Liston's heavy fists. While Liston was incarcerated, prison athletic director Father Alois Stevens introduced him to the sport of boxing. Wrong username or password. Liston went down in the first round, felled by a punch few saw. The Murder of Sonny Liston: Las Vegas, Heroin, and Heavyweights. lis! In 1966, following his loss to Clay, Liston launched a comeback. In September of 1953, he knocked out Don "Toro" Smith in two rounds in St. Louis, setting in motion a career which would span 17 years and bring Sonny to the pinnacle of success in his sport. He won 11 consecutive fights by knockout in 1968 and added three more wins in 1969 before losing a brutal bout to Leotis Martin. For a while, he even lost his license to box in the United States. There, he became a thug, committing various muggings and robbery. He is one of the Richest Boxer who was born in AR. At the age of 16, Listonmore than 6 feet tall and weighing 200 poundsbecame a menacing presence in his neighborhood, occasionally working as a strike-breaking labor goon. Check back often as we will continue to update this page with new relationship details. Owing to his bold physique and strict upbringing, Liston loved training. In a short amount of time, those felonious deeds cost Sonny Liston his freedom. Sonny Liston prefers not to tell the details of marital status & divorce. The subsequent rematch with Clay on May 25, 1965, included the infamous phantom punch. Though it appeared that Liston had barely been grazed by Clays right fist, the boxer went down just one minute and 45 seconds into the first round. For those interested in knowing more about the life and times of one of the most enigmatic and troubled heavyweight champs, the book "The Devil and Sonny Liston," by Nick Tosches (Copyright 2000, published by Little, Brown and Company), is a wealth of knowledge. At the age of 13, he ran away to St. Louis, following his mother who had left earlier. He was trained by Charles Hills and has raced for Chelsea Thoroughbreds, and was bred in [Add Data] by [Add Data] . Hardly. Best Known For: Sonny Liston was introduced to boxing while serving time in a Missouri State Penitentiary. He had earned the title shot with an impressive string of 195960 victories over top contenders Cleveland Williams, Nino Valdes, Roy Harris, Zora Folley, and Eddie Machen (all knockouts except for Machen). Geneastars | Facebook. After a rough upbringing, with little formal education, Liston found himself in trouble with the law. During the years that Liston was champ, the mob was in retreat. He was officially knocked out by Muhammad Ali in one minute for the fastest KO in heavyweight history up to that time. Additional support provided by the Arkansas Community Foundation. Pacific Grove, CA: Park Place Publications, 2012. Major funding provided by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. He died circa December 30, 1970, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Encyclopedia of Arkansas He was arrested twice in a period of months in Philadelphia in the summer of 1961. Liston and Geraldine had no children, but Liston loved kids and enjoyed being in their company. However, his career was marred by criminal activity and, later, accusations of mob connections and throwing fights. He kept fighting and kept winning against a progressively better grade of opponents. contains thousands of pictures and GeneaStars. Nine years of steady fighting later, and following additional scrapes with the law (fourteen arrests between 1953 and 1958 and a conviction in 1956 for assaulting a police officer), Liston finally fought Floyd Patterson for the Heavyweight Championship. He started boxing in prison and was likely over 30 then. Helen Liston His final record as a professional was 50 wins, 39 by knockout, and four losses. American professional boxer who became world heavyweight champion in 1962, Born on May 08, 1932 The match was held in Miami Baech, Florida. The subsequent rematch with Clay on May 25, 1965, included the infamous "phantom punch." He climbed back into the ring on June 29, 1970, registering a 10th-round technical knockout against Bayonne Bleeder Chuck Wepner. L'arbre From the start, it was apparent that he had a future in the ring. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. After winning most of his matches by knockout, he turned pro in 1951. Cruel Beginnings. Sonny Liston had a controversial boxing career, winning 54 of 58 bouts from 1953 to 1970. From the start, Liston was a devastating puncher. Liston was beaten in his ninth match by Marty Marshall. Tosches insists that films of Liston losing to Clay reveal that Liston was missing punches intentionally. Liston continued fighting following the loss of his title, mainly because it was the only legal way he knew how to make a buck. General Melvin Krulewitch, chairman of the New York Boxing Commission in the 1950s, refused to issue Liston a license to fight in New York because he was guilty of associating with "questionable" characters. Sonny Liston turned professional in September 1953. He got little good press, even from sports columnists, and was routinely subjected to overtly racist slurs in print: in 1964, Look ran a story titled Sonny Liston: King of the Beasts. Liston moved to Las Vegas in 1966 and was found dead there on January 5, 1971, when his wife returned to their Las Vegas home from a Christmas visit with her mother. His mother separated from his father and went to St. Louis in Missouri. Trivia He was convicted of robbery and larceny. Liston is another. Liston claimed he was born in 1932, yet his rap sheet for his 1950 arrest for armed robbery listed his age as 22, making him born in 1928. Give a donation in someones name to mark a special occasion, honor a friend or colleague or remember a beloved family member. Charles "Sonny" Liston was pronounced dead at the scene. He had the biggest fist of any heavyweight champion: 15 inches. Sonny never really had a Prime. On this date in 1964, a heavily favored Liston lost his title to upstart Cassius Clay, soon to be Muhammad Ali. Donations made to the CALS Foundation are tax-deductible for United States federal income tax purposes. Sonny Liston: His Life, Strife, and the Phantom Punch. He was friendly with his fans and had a soft spot for children. . Liston celebrated the speedy reinstatement of his license with an impressive 1-round knockout of German baker Albert Westphal, who was ranked No. Due to the poverty in the family, Sonny never went to school. Dating is to describe a stage in a persons life when he or she is actively pursuing romantic relationships with different people. The official cause of death was lung congestion and heart failure, although Liston had fresh needle marks on his arm and police discovered heroin and a syringe in the house. Early Life and Family: Before he was famous, He sold pecans from his brother-in-laws tree in order to reunite with his mother and his siblings. In St. Louis, he quickly encountered problems with the local police. He only served six. Even Sonny's mother, who was called Big Hela, didn't know, though she believed him to be born during the month of January. He quickly destroyed all the leading heavyweight contenders--Roy Harris, Zora Folley, Cleveland Williams--to earn a title shot against Floyd Patterson. gnalogique Dowling avec plus d'un demi-million de parents, His death certificate states his death as December 30, 1970, based on milk deliveries at his doorstep. Nevertheless, he had a soft spot for children. Served time in prison for robbery and later for assaulting a police officer. Biography, Net Worth, Gossips, Salary, News & Much More. He, however, won in the subsequent rematch. WebTogether with his 24 siblings and half siblings, Sonny grew up in the local cotton fields. Liston excelled in his newfound love, boxing, and, after a short amateur career, turned professional. He supported many in his life. Joe Louis rated Liston's jab one of the best in boxing history. Just three months after Sonny's move to Denver, his license was reinstated. Liston won 26 consecutive bouts, moving inexorably toward the heavyweight championship. On this date in 1964, a heavily favored Liston lost his title to upstart Cassius Clay, soon to be Muhammad Ali. In a short amount of time, he rose to prominence as a contender in the heavyweight division. The official cause of his death was given as cardiac arrest and lung congestion. As the top fighter in the world, Liston became an easy target for sports columnists who remarked frequently on not only his menacing demeanor and vicious punching power but also his criminal background. WebThe son of tenant farmer Tobey Liston and his second wife, Helen, Liston was the 24th of his father's 25 children. Liston was beholdin' to the mob and everybody knew it. He was thirty-eight years. At the age of 16, Listonmore than 6 feet tall and weighing 200 poundsbecame a menacing presence in his neighborhood, occasionally working as a strike-breaking labor goon. His epitaph reads: A Man.. Copyright 2020 ARKANSAS SOUL MEDIA, All rights Reserved. But there is another side. Liston went back to the ring. DAmato went on to coach another great boxer in Mike Tyson. Twenty-two-year-old Muhammad Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, defeated reigning world boxing champ Sonny Liston on this day in history, Feb. 25, 1964, in Miami, Florida. Reverend Stevens was both the prisons chaplain and sports director. He is from AR. There's no question that the hard-scrabble existence of youth prepared Liston for the success he would later enjoy as a prizefighter. Tosches is admirably objective in his presentation of Liston. Let's check, How Rich is Ivn P, Mario Daser estimated Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Relationship Records, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. She had been away on holiday. He had been dead for some time, an ending every bit as murky as the Clay/Ali fights. He rose from poverty in the rural south to become one of the most dominant and feared professional fighters of the 20th century. Special thanks to the Department of Arkansas Heritage. Thus, cloaking the heavyweight champion of the world--the epitome of masculinity and male supremacy--in a Santa Claus hat was the height of irony at the time. He quickly learned how to box and within three years was fighting on the amateur circuit. As the top fighter in the world, Liston became an easy target for sports columnists who remarked frequently on not only his menacing demeanor and vicious punching power but also his criminal background. Paroled in 1952, he had a brief amateur career, winning several Golden Gloves championships and defeating 1952 Olympic heavyweight champion Ed Sanders. Served a prison sentence at Missouri State Penitentiary for robbing a gas station at age 18. William Friedkin was intended to direct his biopic "Night Train" with Ving Rhames as Sonny Liston. According to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb & Various Online resources, famous Boxer Sonny Listons net worth is $82 Million before He died. Liston won 26 consecutive bouts, moving inexorably toward the heavyweight championship. Clay was no debtor to the mob. He was one of many Paroled in 1952, he had a brief amateur career, winning several Golden Gloves championships and defeating 1952 Olympic heavyweight champion Ed Sanders. The coroner picked December 30, 1970, as the date of death, and Liston was buried in the Paradise Memorial Gardens in Las Vegas under the simplest of epitaphs: A MAN.. Armed robbery. Liston turned professional in September 1953, earning his first paycheck in St. Louis with a first-round knockout of Don Smith. While Liston was incarcerated, prison athletic director Father Alois Stevens introduced him to the sport of boxing. If you can, provide 1-2 sources of information backing up this correction. Full body measurements, dress & shoe size will be updated soon. In his next fight he bounced back to TKO Chuck Wepner shortly before his mysterious death in 1970. There, he committed various muggings and robberies. Liston on his age: "I'm like Jack Benny, I never tell my age.". Liston, who was viewed as nearly invincible before the fight, was unable to answer the bell for the seventh round, and Clay (soon to take the name .css-47aoac{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#A00000;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-47aoac:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Muhammad Ali) was named champion on February 25, 1964. Very little is known about his birth and his On Popular Bio, He is one of the successful Boxer. (LogOut/ Along with his many siblings, Liston grew up working in the local cotton fields. WebPatterson defended against Liston in Comiskey Park, Chicago, on September 25, 1962, and the rest is history. Gambling. Eddie Dooley, chairman of the New York Boxing Commission in the 1960s, said that as long as he was chairman of the commission Sonny Liston would never be granted a license to box in New York State. Family Big Hela had moved there in 1946. At the age of 14, he was almost 6 feet tall. Apart from his demeanor, Liston was a charming man with a captivating smile. 1932-1970 Sonny Liston was the heavyweight boxing champion from 1962 to 1964. {{ mediasCtrl.getTitle(media, true) }} All Rights Reserved. Liston's career was interrupted for nine months beginning in December 1956, when he was sent to the St. Louis workhouse for assaulting a policeman and stealing the officer's gun. Tosches does a nice piece of reporting on the incident that led to Liston's arrest, objectively revealing all available viewpoints. Appeared in a Santa Claus hat on the cover of the December 1963 edition of Esquire Magazine. The Devil and Sonny Liston. Steen, Rob. 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Liston's purpose was to show the Pennylvania State Athletic Commission, and the world, that he was turning a new leaf. Auspiciously, the massive man is known as The Bear then won his first nine fights before dropping an eight-round decision to Marty Marshall. He managed to turn his cruel past to his advantage. It was there in Sand Slough that Charles L. Liston was born, on the 50 acres that Tobe rented from the Man.". Liston was the second last in a family of twenty-five siblings. Liston had a rough and violent childhood. Additional support provided by the Charles M. and Joan R. Taylor Foundation Inc. in rural St. Francis County. The official date of Charles L. Liston is given as May 8, 1932. His alcoholic and violent father was thirty years older than Sonnys mother. Astrological Sign: Taurus, Death Year: 1970, Death date: December 30, 1970, Death State: Nevada, Death City: Las Vegas, Death Country: United States, Article Title: Sonny Liston Biography, Author: Biography.com Editors, Website Name: The Biography.com website, Url: https://www.biography.com/athletes/sonny-liston, Publisher: A&E; Television Networks, Last Updated: April 23, 2021, Original Published Date: April 2, 2014. All Rights Reserved. On the same night at a different location, but on the same closed-circuit broadcast, Patterson defeated unheralded Tom McNeeley in four rounds in what would be the final successful defense of his crown. The place had a name, but it was not to be found on any map. The reader can form his own conclusion based on the reports of those involved. Some suspect foul play; others believe Liston died of a self-inflicted drug overdose. The dark side is evident. Time magazine photograph of Ali standing over Liston, taunting him, is one of the most popularly published in boxing. His heavyweight title-winning victory on September 25, 1962, was indicative of his powerful style: After a mere two minutes, he knocked out Floyd Patterson, which marked the first time in history that a reigning heavyweight champion was counted out in the first round. He acted in a number of films, the most famous being "Harlow" with Carroll Baker. It has been rumored that the crime boss John Vitale arranged for his early release. Known for scowling at opponents, he combined an intimidating ring presence with awesome power. Or it would be history, if boxing historians would stop sweeping the legacy of Sonny Liston under the ring canvas. Before his sentencing, Liston had been arrested more than twenty times. Charles Sonny Liston was a noted boxer who briefly reigned as Heavyweight Champion after a first-round knockout against Floyd Patterson. First heavyweight title challenger to earn a purse of $1,000,000. The rematch in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 22 1963, was another first-round knockout, with Patterson counted out in two minutes, twenty-three seconds. The second was a boy. His 17-year ring log was an impressive 50-4 with 39 knockouts. As Toches brings out, Liston's brooding temperament can be explained in part by his insecurity. An error has occured while loading the map. WebAnswer (1 of 2): At anytime in their careers Clay / Ali would have been too fast and elusive for Sonny. {{ media.date_translated }}, {{ asCtrl.bannerRights.content|translate }}, The Geneanet family trees are powered by Geneweb 7.0. He was referred to as the man with the steel punch and an iron chin.. On September 25, 1962, Liston made history by becoming the heavyweight champion. Known for scowling at opponents, he combined an intimidating ring presence with awesome power. With the proceeds he traveled to St. Louis and reunited with his mother and siblings. In 1950, Liston was arrested at his apartment at 1006 O'Fallon Street for robbing the Unique Cafe on 1502 Market Street in St. Louis for 37 dollars. Lets check, How Rich is Sonny Liston in 2019-2020? According to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb & Various Online resources, famous Boxer Sonny Listons net worth is $82 Million before He died. He earned the money being a professional Boxer. He is from AR. Liston was an excellent boxer. Tosches' explanation, of course, is that Liston was again dutifully following orders given by the mob. In the films the good guy always wins, but this is one bad guy who ain't gonna lose. Inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame, 1990. Boxer Charles L. "Sonny" Liston was born in St. Francis County, Arkansas on May 8, 1932. Liston started boxing at the age of 14 because there were no sports available in Florida at the time. His best years were 195862 when he destroyed everyone while Patterson shamelessly ducked him. Liston moved to Las Vegas in 1966 and was found dead there on Jan. 5, 1971, when his wife returned to their home from a Christmas visit with her mother. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. Robert B. Cochran Charles Sonny Liston was a noted boxer who briefly reigned as Heavyweight Champion after a first-round knockout against Floyd Patterson. Sonny was probably born in 1929, but no one knows for sure. Womanizing. At the age of 13, he ran away to St. Louis, following his mother who had left earlier. . When he won the heavyweight title in 1962 at age 30, he had a daughter age 25. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Relationship with Timothy Michael Dowling (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1), Relationship with Geraldine Clark (spouse), Browse using this individual as Sosa/Ahnentafel #1, , born in1872 - Choctaw Co., MS, deceased, , born inApril1873 - Montgomery Co., MS, deceased, Sources: Dowling Family Tree - Tim Dowling - rootsweb, 2001-2015 - - electronic - I435533, Marriage (with Geraldine Clark) - St. Louis, MO, List of all individuals in the family tree, {{ 'gw_downgraded_access_back_to_max'|translate }}, Born 8May1932 - Sand Lough, St. Francis Co., AR, Deceased 30December1970 - Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV, He organized a criminal gang that robbed and mugged locals. Because of this alliance, which was public knowledge, Liston was called before the committee investigating organized crime that had been established by Tennessee Democratic Senator Estes Kefauver. Liston penalized two points for low blows. (LogOut/ Before Fame He sold pecans from his brother-in-law's tree in order to reunite with his mother and his siblings. But the champ went down in a hurry: two minutes and six seconds in the first round. Liston was the 12th of 13 children born to Tobe and Helen Liston (and one of 25 children sired by Tobe). In 1950, he was convicted of two counts of larceny and two counts of first-degree robbery and spent more than two years in the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City. He sold pecans from his brother-in-laws tree in order to reunite with his mother and his siblings. He has ranked on the list of those famous people who were born on May 8, 1932. Former World Heavyweight Champion who learned to fight while in jail. The title fight was in Chicago, Illinois, on September 25, 1962, with a wide public pulling for the champ (including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and authors James Baldwin and Norman Mailer). Sonny was probably born in 1929, but no one knows for sure. He was trained by Willie Redish and later by Dick Sadler. Tosches believes the latter. Sonny Liston was a violent person even outside the ring. Sonny Liston: The Real Story behind the Ali-Liston Fights. He became a professional fighter on September 2, 1953, when he knocked out Don Smith in a single round in St. Louis. By all accounts, Liston had a woeful childhood. Sonny had to put the proper face forward to the public. He won in the first round against Don Smith. Along with his many siblings, Liston grew up Primary Income source Boxer (profession). He compiled a career record of 50-4, competing against such boxing legends as Muhammad Ali and Floyd Patterson. Sonny Liston was born in Sand Slough, AR on May 8, 1932. When a tribute gift is given the honoree will receive a letter acknowledging your generosity and a bookplate will be placed in a book. He won 11 consecutive fights by knockout in 1968 and added three more wins in 1969 before losing a brutal bout to Leotis Martin. angelsunchained, Other Works Sonny Liston Wife According to our records, Sonny Liston married to Geraldine Seithel. Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. At 13, he escaped from his father's control and hitchhiked to Creating an account gives you access to all these features. He never shied away from street fights. Sonny Liston was born on May 8, probably 1932, to Tobe and Helen (Baskin) Liston, African-American sharecroppers in rural St. Francis County. Nous sommes tous Sonny Liston was born on May 8, probably 1932, to Tobe and Helen (Baskin) Liston, African-American. Tosches, who hails from Newark, writes in an engaging style that is as beautifully stylish as a Liston left jab and as savagely straightforward. He was caught and charged with first-degree robbery and larceny, and was sentenced in 1950 to 5 years in the Missouri State Penitentiary. The continual conflicts with the police. First World Heavyweight Boxing Champion banned from fighting in New York State by the New York Boxing Commission. Tosches here betrays an ignorance of boxing that no doubt hurts his credibility with those know know the sport. There were also times when he showed surprising compassion for the less fortunate. Because of his arrest and prison term, Liston didn't have a fight between March of 1956, when he decisioned Marty Marshall in Pittsburgh, to January of 1958, when he knocked out Bill Hunter in two rounds in Chicago. During that same period, he got married (in 1957 to Geraldine Clark), moved from St. Louis to Philadelphia, and was questioned by a congressional committee about the takeover of his management by mob elements in 1960. The local police classified him as the yellow shirt bandit.. From the time he was old enough to be useful in the fields, Sonny was a laborer for his tenant farmer father. In accordance with the legal provisions, you can ask for the removal of your name and the name of your minor children. The author begins appropriately at the beginning with his subject, providing more comprehensive information about Sonny's childhood than probably even Sonny himself knew. Sonny Liston, hard-luck son of Arkansas sharecroppers, was champion of the world. WebHe had seven siblings. Liston claimed he was born in Liston emptied his pockets of bills and returned to the car with all of the women's pencils. Owing to his many siblings and a brutal, hardscrabble Arkansas childhood with an abusive father (excruciatingly detailed in the movie and book), Liston had an affinity for needy children. After the court case, he was sentenced to a five-year jail term in the Missouri State Prison. Liston, who was viewed as nearly invincible before the fight, was unable to answer the bell for the seventh round, and Clay (soon to take the nameMuhammad Ali) was named champion on February 25, 1964. His parents were peasant farmers who grew cotton in the south. Some believed that the fight was fixed as reported in later biographical works like The Devil and Sonny Liston (2000) by Nick Tosches. Charles Sonny Liston was a noted boxer who briefly reigned as Heavyweight Champion after a first-round knockout against Floyd Patterson. To give back to society, he supported many children. He put himself under the care of still another Catholic priest, Father Edward P. Murphy, a kindly Jesuit who was the pastor of a predominantly black church in Denver. (There is some speculation about his year of birth, but most sources state sometime from 1929 to 1932.) She was working in a shoe factory when her son Charles unexpectedly came to the city and looked her up. Tosches, Nick. Least of all, Sonny himself. He married Geraldine Chambers on June 10, 1950. Paroled in 1952, Liston quickly captured the local Golden Gloves championship.
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