If we wanted to make a couple of pennies we would just call in and asked if he wanted any bundles of sticks made up or any sacks filled. You know that lad, he wants to meet you, but I said, I dont know him!. The centrepiece was the Hall, a grand building for indoor games, paid for by the miners. 15 memories of South Shields to read. It was taken in 1966. [44][45] This very unusual lighthouse resembling a 1940s sci-fi movie space craft was built by Newcastle-upon-Tyne Trinity House in 1882 (ownership was passed to the Tyne Improvement Commission the following year). If you were going somewhere special you'd put a bit of soot in, to make the teeth sparkle. Its the Yanks - theyve arrived.. We were caught in some of the most difficult weather conditions ever experienced at that time of year - supposedly summer! Anything that stayed still got painted white, We were hanging on to an empire, they were fighting for independence. Oh happy, happy days, when everyone made their own entertainment. Antique Postcard. The last shipbuilder, John Readhead & Sons, closed in 1984 and the last pit, Westoe Colliery, closed in 1993. A to Z. This school closed July 2008. The smell of burning coal and oil and the noise of the roaring engine will be with me forever, The waiting room it was great, just like entering a toaster as the fire was blazing away, I don't remember when I first learnt to read. One winters day the travellers were so cosy in the waiting room that they were unaware of the train having stopped, and then moved on! Play in the arcades or the I used to wonder why she had never married again. celebrations-events childhood shops-shopping. Before he went to sea, my father was a midden man who emptied the netties, as the toilets were then called. [105] It is currently held by Emma Lewell-Buck who won the seat in a by-election held on 3 May 2013 which had been triggered by the retirement from politics of the previous incumbent David Miliband, who had served as Foreign Secretary in the government of Gordon Brown. In 1864, a Tyne Commissioners dredger brought up a nine-pounder breech-loading cannon; more cannonballs have been found in the sands beside the Lawe; these artifacts belonged to the English civil war. When there was a ship in distress a rocket was fired and the men had to stop what they were doing and rush to the brigade house. Migration came from up the River Tyne, with other migrants from rural County Durham, Northumberland, Scotland and Ireland. We often had natural creamy ice-cream in the 1940s winters. Newcastle could be baking hot but by the time you got to the beach it could be misty and murky. South Shields Town Hall was built. [24] Many Yemeni sailors married local women and became integrated with the wider community, resulting with a migrant population less distinct than in other mixed communities across the UK. I told them I have to live here and they have to come into my shop so they got more friendly. Historic Maps of South Shields and the local area. It was hard for families to make the decision about evacuating their children. Honour satisfied, we became friends again. I thought it was the countryside - it was all fields! It was a huge machine and a special room had to be prepared. [55] The architect was E. E. Fetch of London. It shows shoppers in the decoration department of Woolworths in Newcastle upon Tyne. It was a long haul with 3rd rate equipment. In 1860 Frith began supplying photos to retailers. We saw them go up and we saw them come down! She found four happy children covered in mud and also the walls and ceiling of the sty had been redecorated in mud. 1960s Allen's Store at Laygate. This photograph shows the window of the Broadloom Mills shop in Newcastle upon Tyne, Grey Street. My summer holidays were spent on the Fish Quay sands, childhood house-home my-life pastimes-entertainment schooldays working-life. When it came to our dancing lessons, Miss Laverick was certainly one of the best, She was the John Travolta of her day, Knocking spots of all of the rest, You always felt that she was muttering those immortal words, one to me, lads!. All these maps are available to buy as a wide range of products, including Framed Prints, Canvas Prints, Jigsaws, Mugs, Tea Towels, Cushion Covers. These industries played a fundamental part in creating wealth both regionally and nationally. Everything was either flower designs or psychedelic swirls or patterns. Can you imagine what our teachers had to put up with. T Archer Lee must have dressed half of Shields in its time. one or two to get you started! We ran races along the sands and played cricket and rounders. One of South Shield's seafront amusement parks was attacked in a Zeppelin airship raid during World War I. Once Jane had a bit of money saved, she bought her mother a rocking chair. My favourite time was haymaking or bringing in the stooks. When the Procession of Witness came past we always stopped what we were doing. Our family was poor as pee but all I remember is having fun. It wasn't just one day - it went on for most days of the week! The port in South Shields employed men of Yemen, Aden, Somalia, African, Indian and Malaysian nationalities. As well as in South Shields town centre and in Chichester, there are other Metro stations at Tyne Dock, Simonside and Brockley Whins. This is a 35mm slide. I never had to contradict a customer, because the customer was always right. It was taken in 1963. childhood house-home transport working-life. We used to get the bus to the Central Station and then the electric train from there to Tynemouth. It wasn't unusual to see a mouse come out of the corner of the classroom and lick the milk bottle tops. South Shields is a safe Labour Party Parliamentary seat,[104] the only constituency in existence since the Great Reform Act of 1832 never to have elected a Conservative MP. The 1950s proved to be a period of great change in South Shields, when residents were beginning to put their lives back together after the hardships of World War II. . celebrations-events childhood games house-home my-life pastimes-entertainment schooldays transport working-life. After the sales, we were drafted upstairs to dust the fixtures. Harking back to Christmas past now, with these photographs of Christmas shop fronts and high street scenes of Newcastle upon Tyne and South Shields in the 1960s. [citation needed] It is said in local folklore that a Viking ship was wrecked at Herd Sands in South Shields in its attempts to disembark at a cove nearby. It was taken in 1966. Something went wrong, please try again later. I think he must have worked very long hours and was just too tired to change. The dairyman took his horse and cart every morning to North Shields Railway Station to collect the churns of fresh milk, 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s. It was taken in 1966. It was taken in 1964. 1925, 3-Map Boxed Set Once it was in full blaze the roar coming out of the pipe was like a jet engine, then at the same time the pipe would start to rattle like mad. The Port has a freight rail connection. The Hoyer - The man who for the time being was throwing coins. New housing estates and factories were built, bringing increased prosperity to the area. We built sandcastles, got buried in the sand, and collected crabs we took them back to the cottage but they always died. Sign up for our newsletters. It is on the south bank of the mouth of the River Tyne. I have no qualms about the good old days for I am pleased I was there for the ride. The length of your dress was measured with your shoes on, and it had to have so many pleats round. How proud I felt, and I knew my mother was there somewhere. Beware of the pointed finger - you could never tell if it was loaded! It was taken in 1963. Revised New Colour Series It was taken in 1965. In these days the first year of an apprenticeship was being a go-for. The Select Room was Gentlemen Only and a tie was de rigueur. I was assigned to the toilet department and had appalling visions of being surrounded by mountains of toilet rolls. Amazingly, the front end of a number 17 double-decker bus was down a big hole in the road. I was lucky enough to land a job selling both the Chronicle and Gazette papers for a man called Johnny. lots of rides and you can get a ticket to ride most rides for a set price. The problem was that it would snap at full stretch and give you a nasty smack. Our 'made-up' chant at sports events was "Western - the best 'un! is the town's main football team. I went to Queen Victoria School. As barbers go, Rudi was irresistible to us teenagers. There are no railway stations within the town (stations operated by National Rail) or in the surrounding borough. The Callers department store name is spelt out in festive lights. The staff were given the job of painting a big red 'V' onto each of the cream drinking mugs. This is a night view of Northumberland street, Newcastle upon Tyne. Founded in 1245, South Shields quickly developed into an important fishing port, with industries such as fishing and salt-panning attracting workers from far and wide. 1910. The side currently play in the Northern Premier League's Premier Division after winning promotion to it in 2018, the seventh tier of English Football. celebrations-events childhood community-life schooldays. When he wasn't flying around the room he was on my head being carried. We discovered life and eventually became adults. [42] The pier is 5,150ft (1,570m) long (accessible from South Shields seafront, it is open to the public except in bad weather). This photograph shows the festive window of Binns department store in Newcastle upon Tyne. [23] However, the main reason for the reduction in numbers was the end of the shipping industry and the need for sailors as coal-burning ships decreased in numbers. Events. I have often wondered how they explained it to the Captain and what punishment they received. The Metro network serves South Tyneside, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Sunderland and Newcastle Airport. 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s. In this photograph shoppers look at the festive displays at Callers department store in Newcastle upon Tyne. The arcade of Callers store, Newcastle upon Tyne. childhood pastimes-entertainment shops-shopping, Just up from Whitehill Point coal staithes, There stood a small public house. It was 3/6d a visit in those days and one could always see the doctor. childhood pastimes-entertainment schooldays shops-shopping wartime working-life, My mother and I were trapped in the cellar for 4 or 5 hours, childhood health my-life schooldays transport wartime working-life. 497 Reviews. Choose one to see a larger version. [63][64], A less commonly used colloquial term is Sandancer. The first toy I made was the typical Cowboys Gun, or Revolver', drawn out on a thickish piece of wood, then carefully cut to shape with a fretsaw. South Shields ( English: / ilz /) is a coastal town in South Tyneside, Tyne and Wear, England. Many ruins still exist today and some structures have been rebuilt as part of a modern museum and popular tourist attraction. I walked all the way from Dockwray Square. This is a 35mm slide. A third time was not required most of the time as us kids used to put our full weight on the mangle rolling handle to get it to turn, often with your feet off the ground, bouncing like mad to get it to turn. The children rode the bicycle over 100 miles to the nearest port and addressing it to Miss Ella Gordon, Liverpool, shipped it off. By 1961 another two farmers had lost most of their land and a great new estate was thriving on it. celebrations-events childhood pastimes-entertainment schooldays. There used to be tons upon tons of sprats swimming up and down the river then. When we went to the firing range we had a target made of paper with a mans silhouette on it, floating in the air. This is a 35mm slide. My greatest memory is the sound of the slipway. You can walk around it. In a book that became to be known as 'The People of the Abyss' London described the time when he lived in the Whitechapel district sleeping in workhouses, so-called doss-houses and even on the streets. Went there all the time in the 60s. Thankfully, only three people were injured including the leading fireman. Given its beautiful setting, parks and trees, this street was often the setting for a number of books by the novelist Catherine Cookson. One man in Crawford Place even built himself a motor launch in his garden. For great art and culture delivered to your door, visit our shop. One year my father decided to bring a caravan over to the North East and the first port of call was up near St Marys Island. and Afterwards you can have fish and chips or go to Ocean Road for a curry or Minchellas for coffee and ice cream. This photograph shows the display for Fenwicks, for all your Christmas presents. in Fenwicks department store in Newcastle upon Tyne. Register to find out more and create your first album! flexible offerings for business. You can go on the rides. The town hosts traditional, continental and farmers' markets and has high street of shops. Sometimes it was foggy down here and you would see people all dressed up and it was just thick fog but they still went and sat on the beach. [57], South Shields is home to South Tyneside College, one of the two leading maritime training centres in the UK, with facilities including a marine safety training centre and a simulated ship's bridge for the training of deck officers. . In July when the mackerel were abundant, Ross could catch up to a hundred big fish in one session. Kitty Brightwell remembers her time in the WAAF. Going to "the threepenny squash" picture house. When she was eighteen years old Elizabeth joined the Womens Timber Corps. There are Nine pictures of South Shields in the 1950s and 1960s - former resident shares his memories One man's photographic reminder of the 1950s fairground scene went down a storm with Gazette. The date was 3 September 1939. After the service, every child got an orange.. As I was the oldest girl at home after my sister married, I left school at 15 and had to stay at home to help our mother. What nowadays would be a sea mist, in the 1930s and 1940s turned into a thick orange impenetrable fog. In 2007, Brinkburn Comprehensive and King George V Comprehensive merged forming South Shields Community School. That was what we called wellingtons when we were kids. Do I have the right time period? [Head of Rampart on the Rocks] Tynemouth North East of England. There was always something going on at the Rocket. It had a downstairs and an upstairs, just full of everything you would need to keep a house going. I was awarded a certificate for 120 words per minute shorthand and 60 words per minute in typing. South Shields is the home of two rugby union clubs, South Shields RFC and Westoe RFC. We had to bath in a zinc bath in front of the coal fire or a bath in the poss-tub on a washday. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. The coal was frozen solid in the railway trucks and could not be delivered on time to people. I used to do shopping for other people, and Id get a 1d for going. When the party was over, we were each given a little bag containing an apple and an orange. It was taken in 1963. A poetic look back at a trip from Newcastle to the coast in the 1920s. The 1950s proved to be a period of great change in South Shields, when residents were. The 1950s proved to be a period of great change in South Shields, when residents were beginning to put their lives back together after the Second World War. There were other girls like me on the base, two or three pregnant at the same time as me. During election campaigning we targeted people according to their political affiliation. Dont forget you are there to sell the books, not get lost in them. Percy Main was a close-knit friendly community you could wander into anyones house (which I was told I frequently did). A birthday party was a big event because you were bombarded with presents. your memories of South Shields itself or of a particular childhood holidays pastimes-entertainment. Theyd been there for 100 years passed down through the generations. Binns occupied two different locations until it closed its doors in 1996. When the coalman came you had to run out and take all the washing back in again. This is the decorated Christmas window of the Woods store in South Shields. I did and I chose my own staff to work with me. The Flashbak Shop Is Open & Selling All Good Things. Harking back to Christmas past now, with these photographs of Christmas shop fronts and high street scenes of Newcastle upon Tyne and South Shields in the 1960s. They include: South Shields F.C. If I wanted dresses I went to Bell Bros. or D Hill Carter, they were both nice shops. Maps of different years, series and scales available to browse and buy. celebrations-events house-home my-life pastimes-entertainment transport wartime working-life. His nurse had to bar the door to stop us escaping. Whitley Bay, United Kingdom. See more ideas about old photos, local history, olds. When the bath was out the cleanest (least dirty) members of the family got bathed first, leaving grandad to get in last, with all his coal dirt. it was taken in 1966. Long trains arrived, which were the length of Whitley Bay station platform, to be met by boys with their bogies. To my horror, they slipped down and were all broken and dripping from the bag. Nell's legs would start to wobble as soon as she approached the Newcastle Arms. [42], In 1928, both the South Pier and the Groyne lights were converted from incandescent gas to automatic electric operation. A Whitley Bay lady talks about her fathers experiences as a taxi driver during the 1920s and 30s. You wouldn't believe that in fifty odd plus years time we would still bump into one another for a bit natter but it has happened! [citation needed] The fort was abandoned as the Roman Empire declined in the fourth century AD. Similar communities were founded in Hull, Liverpool and Cardiff. A Whitley Bay resident recalls her time in the ATS during World War II. We used to decorate our tops with brightly coloured pieces of paper to make a nice pattern while they were spinning. It's the little things that stick in one's mind! Pleanty to see and do in the Pleasure Park. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Historically, it was known in Roman times as Arbeia, and as Caer Urfa by Early Middle Ages. The Progressives have no representation beyond South Shields. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Comments made on this page may be used in follow-up sto See more 39,850 people like this 42,967 people follow this https://www.shieldsgazette.com/ +44 191 501 5800 gazette.news@northeast-press.co.uk I lived on Goathland Ave. near Eccleshaw shops, most of my family still live in Benton. People wanted to have fun. We just romped about the place as youngsters never thinking of time we just played and played and played. [56], The Old Town Hall, a square building of 1768, provides the centrepiece of the Market Place and closes the vista along King Street. The floor and windows would all move in time to the music. Friends visited specially so they could go to our shops. The Tyne and Wear Metro light rail system was introduced in the 1980s and replaced British Rail services over the same route. Any child who had freckles could get in free. It was taken in 1965. He had coke for eyes, a row of coal for a mouth and a carrot for a nose. It shows the gift display in a ladies fashion shop on Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne. Once war came the beaches were all closed off. They were run off mains electricity (the gas lights being retained as an emergency standby). This is a 35mm slide. We went on long walks with our grandfather, who always carried a 'poke' to collect scrap metal. This is a 35mm slide. celebrations-events childhood house-home my-life pastimes-entertainment shops-shopping. I remember growing up in Burradon, a little village, in a beautiful old colliery cottage which I loved. We used to invade the cinema and fidget about upstairs, munching appalling concoctions of sticky goo. Dry dock owners and ship repairers South Shields, 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s. Mr Murphy had an uncanny way of making teaching interesting so that you wanted to know more. Originally formed during the first decade of the 20th century, the team played in the Football League during the 1920s. In 1930 we played in the Tyneside Senior League and had a reputation for encouraging young, talented players. Dumpers (cigarette butts), picked up from the streets and re-rolled, provided a smoke. Mat making was an example of people pulling together during hard times. A: The waves of a passing ship, tug or boat etc.. Men wore suit and tie and polished shoes to go on the beach women got all dressed up too. Cleadon Hills are made conspicuous by the Victorian Cleadon Water Tower and pumping station (opened in 1860 to improve sanitation)[citation needed] and a now derelict windmill, both of which are listed and can be seen from many miles away and also out at sea. During World War I, German Zeppelin airships bombed South Shields in 1916. One day we thought we would get some slabs and sell them uncut from the shop, I think our venture only lasted a couple of days and we only made a few bob. How many black bullets could we take from my father s jar before he noticed theyd gone? Georgie thought he was one of the family. I then let down the hem of my evening skirt, which had been pinned up clear of the bicycle chain with safety pins. As the title of the group indicates, please ensure any images and posts have local historical content. I travelled to night school on the old fashioned buses, with the driver up in the cab on his own. It was a regular thing to see the men dressed up, often in women's clothes! [22], After World War II, the Yemeni population declined, partly due to migrations to other industrial areas such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Sheffield. When he went back to work on Monday, Father's suit would go straight back into the pawnshop until the next settling time. my-life pastimes-entertainment schooldays, It was so clean that Newcastle University made a study of his methods, After about a week a pretty usherette approached me and asked was I the new person working with Fred. for our site. Sweets were wrapped in a square of newspaper which was rolled into a funnel. Whenever I asked the time it would always say "One o'clock". I was a Ward Maid in a couple of local hospitals. This is a view of the festive display in Callers department store in Newcastle upon Tyne. A Christmas display in Callers department store, Newcastle upon Tyne. I would sit in the front of the van next to a small sink where the driver could wash his hands. The big change came in 1966 when the firm acquired a computer. Houses had no numbers, they were all named or known by the people who lived there. This is a 35mm slide. This is a night time view of Binns department store Christmas window in Newcastle upon Tyne. As most were too big to get through the filter system, now and again we got some good sized whiting, haddock and cod that had no escape and were doomed anyway.
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