But the SD has been using Palmetto 800 for 20+ years, and the town PDs switched over 5+ years ago. GForce 8400GS Video 2GB 10-6 busy Booking Search. Following is a list of police ten codes: 10-1 poor reception 10-2 good reception 10-3 stop transmitting 10-4 message received, affirmative, ok 10-5 relay this information to ___. Frequencies Grouped All New/Updated Show Repeater Inputs Shenandoah County Shenandoah, County of Mount Jackson, Town of New Market, Town of Strasburg, Town of All rights Reserved, City Hall 145 W. Broad St. Spartanburg, SC 29306 (864)-596-2000, Vendor or Performer Request for City Event, Property Maintenance & Housing Inspections. ** Not a chargeable incident in the false alarm ordinance. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Police Departments in Spartanburg, SC. Spartanburg Police Frequencies If available, see below for a list of known police frequencies for Spartanburg, South Carolina. Provide the most effective emergency communications possible for the citizens and visitors of Spartanburg County. On Sale NOW ! It serves the city of Greer, S.C., which has a population of more than 20,000 residents. Anderson County, Fire and EMS, Anderson City and Iva Police, Berkeley County Fire and EMS - North / South, NS Piedmont Division and CSX Charlotte Subdivision, W4BFB 145.2300 MHz Charlotte Regional Skywarn Repeater, Chesterfied County EMS, McBee Rescue, and Alligator Fire District, Darlington County Fire, EMS, and State Forestry, Conway/Myrtle Beach Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC95, South Carolina Hwy Patrol and SHEP Dispatch, Greenville County Fire Departments Dispatch, Horry County Police Dispatch - North/South, Myrtle Beach International Airport (KMYR), Richland and Lexington Counties Fire and EMS, State Hwy Patrol, Richland County and Columbia Law and Fire - North East. HOME SCSO Information and Procedures for Writ of Executions Emergency Dial 911 Non-Emergency 864-596-2222 Front Desk 864-503-4500 Detention Center 864-596-2607 The Sheriff's Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer (and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act for Employment of Handicapped) Spartanburg City Police and County Sheriff This feed also includes the local town Police Departments Dispatch using the Palmetto 800 system such as Duncan, Cowpens and Campobello. F34 FALSE ALARM ACTIVATION - EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION ** This is not a valid disposition for an alarm incident. For Apple mobile devices, you can go to iTunes and download a scanner . Spartanburg Co. EMS communications are carried on the Palmetto P25 trunked radio system (see Spartanburg County talkgroups). DISCLAIMER: SLED classifies certain offenses as reportable/jailable offenses, and requires those offenses to be reported. Click to Join Our TeamJOIN OUR TEAM . B brian DB Administrator Database Admin Joined Dec 10, 2000 Messages 1,876 Location South Carolina Apr 23, 2018 #10 wmac75 said: Welcome To The Scanner Feed For The Spartanburg City Police and County Sheriff (If you have ANY PROBLEMS or QUESTIONS please send me a message - Brian Leiter) Running this equipment to provide the feed: HP Inspiron 3.30GHz Intel i3-3220 CPU Windows 10 Pro (1903) 6 GB Ram Memory GForce 8400GS Video 2GB Uniden BCD996P2 Scanner TrunkTracker V Digital Spartanburg Regional Medical Center Security uses talkgroups on Palmetto 800 and their parking assistants use their VHF repeater for operations. for Windows 10. Please mention it on our Forums Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Spartanburg County SC Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS Area Frequencies General Forums. MOORE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - On Friday, the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office held a press conference to release new details in the investigation into the deadly shooting of Deputy Austin. 26. Spartanburg still maintains the licenses, so that's why they stay listed in the database. Our department works diligently to provide Spartanburg with professional, compassionate, and responsive police services, focusing on partnerships with citizens and businesses to make our city stronger. If you have information regarding a crime in the City of Spartanburg, please contact us. 05/05/2022 - Arrests made in Missing Person Homicide from April 2022, 05/04/2022 - Unsolved Homicide Suspects sought, 04/29/2022 - Person of interest sought in Homicide of Missing Person, Commend an Officer or Civilian Employee of SCSO, SCSO Information and Procedures for Writ of Executions, Internet Explorer on a PC use ALT+Accesskey, Firefox and Safari on Apple or Linux use CTRL+Accesskey. Lyman PD is dispatched on the Spartanburg County Town PDs talkgroup on Palmetto 800. JavaScript is disabled. Inman PD is dispatched on the Spartanburg County Town PDs talkgroup on Palmetto 800. All rights Reserved, City Hall 145 W. Broad St. Spartanburg, SC 29306 (864)-596-2000, Vendor or Performer Request for City Event, Property Maintenance & Housing Inspections. This unit was cancelled by another unit on the scene, whether it be a unit from the same agency or another (EMS or law enforcement cancels fire department). Intercept BBS. Maps which indicate your location as well as the feed's. Landrum PDis dispatched on the Spartanburg County Town PDs talkgroup on Palmetto 800. The sheriff's office also . YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies. That includes the US and Canada, as well as some countries in Europe, South America, and Asia. Code Description; 14: Ambulance in route: 15: Citizens holding suspect: 17f: Fugitive attachment: 17m: Municipal court attachment: 17t: Traffic attachment: 18: Traffic incident: 19: From Business: The City of Greer Police Department provides law enforcement and crime prevention services. According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics' 2022 'Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, the state had 272 law enforcement agencies employing 11,674 sworn police officers, about 259 for each 100,000 residents. Stay informed for what's going on where you live, This feed is provided by: Brian Leiter former Spartanburg City PSO, Spartanburg City Police and County Sheriff. The data is from the FCC Land Mobile - Commercial and Land Mobile - Private, Land Mobile - Broadcast, and Market databases. 2023 City of Spartanburg, SC. 52.525: If you want to listen in on ham radio operators in FM then this is the frequency you need to tune into. 102 S Main St. Greer, SC 29650. Just as with a base model, you will enter the digits you wish to use within the channel you are working in. Maintenance workers at the Mary Black campus use a UHF repeater for operations. Spartanburg City FD is dispatched on the County Fire Dispatch channel, but conducts operations on the City Fire Ops channel. Alternately, if you do not have a list of frequencies or just want to explore a bit, you can hit the "SCAN" button and the scanner will scan available frequencies. Class participants can expect to come away from the class more aware of the challenges in our city, while also gaining a better understanding of the men and women who serve and protect the citizens who call it home.. 8045 Howard St. The incident was handled by the responding units of another department or agency. Many Spartanburg County government agencies - including Parks and Rec, Building Codes, and Roads and Bridges -use mobile phones instead of two-way radios and cannot be monitored. Cowpens FD uses the County Fire Dispatch, Ops and Tac channels listed above. Some Spartanburg Co. Local Govt agencies use the Palmetto P25 trunked radio system (see Spartanburg Co. talkgroups). The Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office is a part of the Spartanburg County Government in South Carolina. (B) "Use" or "Using" means to access, install, download, copy or otherwise Enjoy the Best Police Scanner Radio App for Windows and Listen to Police Station near me or Listen to a Scanner Radio live from around the world with over 7,000 audio feeds to choose from with categories for Police Radio Scanner, Fire and EMS stations from United States, Canada, and more. 554, 2352 Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:37 pm . Scanner frequencies for Spartanburg County SC (Including Spartanburg Scanner Frequencies) Have an update or correction ? Privacy: Your contact information will remain private and will only be used for severe weather or emergency alerts. 20 mile house bernadette 0533 929 10 81; best time to visit kodiak island info@reklamcnr.com; grateful dead from the vault box set caner@reklamcnr.com; athens high school basketball roster reklamcnr20@gmail.com Attendees also get to drive an actual Police Department cruiser with an instructor on a closed course, and may participate in up to three ride-alongs withpolice officers., In addition to learning about all aspects of local police work, participants in the class get an overview of the workings of the local court system, and gain an understanding of the importance of police and community partnershipsin Spartanburg. A South Carolina deputy has died after being shot while responding to a domestic call, according to Spartanburg County Coroner Rusty Clevenger. apn advocacy articles; who is voxy twitch Inman Inman FD uses the County Fire Dispatch, Ops and Tac channels listed above. If you would like to hear the last message delivered to your phone simply dial the number back. Alarm was activated by a user, or due to a user's fault - with no valid purpose. KP KEY-HOLDER PRESENT ** Chargeable incident in the false alarm ordinance. xZn_XdM"t7 Woodruff PD is dispatched on the Spartanburg County Town PD talkgroup on Palmetto 800. Greenville (/ r i n v l /; locally / r i n v l /) is a city in and the seat of Greenville County, South Carolina, United States.With a population of 70,720 at the 2020 census, it is the sixth-largest city in the state. Yes indeed. Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription, Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP), South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind. 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 3 0 R /Metadata 443 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Producer (AFPL Ghostscript 8.11) /CreationDate (D:20031106150710Z) /ModDate (D:20040428154129-04'00') /Title (Microsoft Word - spec_ub320z_v1_05.doc) /Creator (PScript5.dll Version 5.2) /Author (koni) >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [ 420 0 R 442 0 R 419 0 R ] /Count 53 /Rotate 0 >> endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 /Parent 442 0 R /Resources << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /ExtGState 18 0 R /Font 19 0 R >> /Contents 5 0 R >> endobj 5 0 obj << /Length 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream F94 CANCELLED BY OTHER EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS ON-SCENE Daniel Gordon by email at, 2023 City of Spartanburg, SC. Amateur Radio: Marine: Other: Spartanburg County South Carolina Live Audio Feeds : US > South Carolina > Spartanburg (County) [Greenville Spartanburg Anderson] . Lyman FD, part of Tyger River FD, uses the County Fire Dispatch, Ops and Tac VHF channels listed above. Apple users with Spaces enabled may need to use the accesskey for Skip to the main navigation (A); then, TAB through the navigation and press "enter" to activate a link. Share | Click here to check your order status Join the RadioLabs mailing list : All departments respond and conduct operations on the County Fire Ops channel. Roads and Bridges does use their VHF repeater occasionally, and Solid Waste uses their VHF repeater daily for status reports from convenience centers. The $3 million investment will create 76 new jobs. Alarm was activated by faulty detector (fire, heat, smoke, water-flow, etc.) (and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act Spartanburg Co. SD and Town PD communications are carried on the Palmetto P25 trunked radio system (see Spartanburg Co. talkgroups). Visitwww.cityofspartanburg.org/employmentto apply. Assist other City and County departments and outside agencies whenever possible. The department inte. This includes the activation of pull stations. The 12-week course is held twice per year in the Spring and Fall, and classes meet each Monday between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Participants must be willing to submit to a background check, must have a valid driver's license, and must normally be at least 18-years old, though a waiver can be obtained with permission from a parent. Duncan FD uses the County Fire Dispatch, Ops and Tac channels listed above. . This page was last edited on 17 June 2015, at 16:12. To view frequencies with a statewide area of operation, leave the county field blank. ** Not a chargeable incident in the false alarm ordinance. Alarm activation was caused by a weather related event, or another event that could not be controlled by the alarm user. There is no need for changing anything unless thy were to STOP using the Palmetto 800 and revert to UHF, which is NOT going to happen. City of Spartanburg Police Officer candidates must pass a written exam and physical agility assessment. By utilizing the latest in law enforcement technology to enable more efficient information sharing and collaboration, engaging with communities to identify and address neighborhood issues, and through working creatively to reduce youth violence by partnering with social service providers to provide alternatives for high risk youth, the Spartanburg Public Safety Law Enforcement Division works tirelessly to ensure that our city remains a safe, vibrant community. This site contains a number of keyboard shortcuts, called "accesskeys," to assist in navigating. NR NO RESPONSE rodrigo's nutritional menu; coco montrese illness; smudging prayer to remove negative energy from home; Online Forms. Spartanburg County has more than 30 independent fire departments providing fire suppression and rescue service to citizens. Yep, as milf said, those are the old old UHF frequencies that were used by Spartanburg SD and Town PDs many years ago. Duncan PD is dispatched on the Spartanburg County Town PDs talkgroup on Palmetto 800. Sheriff & Law Enforcement is 151.130 and Fire & EMS is 154.965 - both frequencies are FMN or FM Narrow Band. Spartanburg PD uses the UHF and is marked as such. The SO is on the Palmetto 800. for Employment of Handicapped). For More Information For additional program information please contact Sgt. The following persons were booked within the last 72 hours. Live events occurring now. DEFINITIONS (A) "Uniden Code" means Uniden proprietary programming codes and commands used to control Uniden's scanner products. For additional program informationpleasecontact Sgt. Deputy Austin Derek Aldridge, 25, died just. Our next hiring event will be conducted on Saturday, March 18, 2023. This disposition is assigned by the dispatcher if units from the dispatched agency does not respond. 460.42500 KWO307 RM 118.8 PL SCSO Supers Spartanburg Co. SD Sheriff Tac (no longer used) FM Deprecated. (A notification of the response should be left on the premise). I listen to them every day. F43 CALL COMPLETE - HANDLED BY OTHER AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT The fire department in Wellford is part of Duncan FD and uses the County Fire Disptach, Ops and Tac channels listed above. Deprecated means no longer used. Alarm activation was caused by a valid event. CLOSED NOW. If you notice that any codes are out of date, or if you have one to add to the list. It is a law enforcement agency that works to protect the lives and properties of residents and, worst city to live in with no police protection, This department and there cops r a complete joke (period)they break there own laws that they try to uphold against civilians, The City of Greer Police Department provides law enforcement and crime prevention services. There are no Spartanburg police frequencies in our database. Spartanburg County EMS is a division of Spartanburg Regional Medical Center and provides all emergency medical service in Spartanburg County.
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