The changes were made on October 24, 2022 to the GUIDE FOR AVIATION MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Elon Musk builds rockets but doesnt fly on them. "Fluvoxamine is a highly effective anti-inflammatory treatment option which can dramatically lower hospitalization and fatality rates as well as lowering the risk of long-haul COVID and organ damage. At first, you had to prove that there were less than 500 vaccine deaths. In a normal year, there are about 3 million US deaths from all causes. I didn't have to get an EKG this time, but I do have to once a year (everyone 45 and over, I think). Tech Tycoon Dangled a COVID CureThen Went Full Anti-Vaxxer - Yahoo! News Some countries had few covid deaths. Kirsch said no racetrack workers who took fluvoxamine had lingering symptoms at 14 days of follow-up, compared with 60% of workers who did not take the drug. The timing. You have to refute 2 blog posts to win Steves million dollar prize. The point of this graph is to show that the COVID outbreak exacerbated the slope since you are seeing effects of seasonality PLUS the waning part of a COVID outbreak. Lenze (who reports consulting fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Luvox CR) and colleagues acknowledge that they could not validly monitor the most severe baseline symptom of COVID-19 over time, and that "the potential effects of fluvoxamine on symptomatic improvement are unknown.". There has been at least one case report of acute fluvoxamine toxicity and death. VAERS shows that cardiac damage happens at all ages, not just the young: Bottom line: The most logical conclusion is that the FAA knows the hearts of our nations pilots have been injured by the COVID vaccine that they were coerced into taking, the number of pilots affected is huge, the cardiac damage is extensive, and passenger safety is being compromised by the lowering of the standards to enable pilots to fly. And Steves project didnt even fund the large trials that proved fluvoxamine successful, that was done by two other charities (the Rainwater Foundation and Fast Grants). Whats going on there? Steve embarked on a world saving quest in March 2020, to identify cheap, generic drugs that would fight covid: By March 2020, hed settled on the idea of searching for covid treatments in the pre-existing pharmacopeia. Experiments that should yield either result A or B show us C, instead. Steve plays the same game of cherry-picking countries in some of his own writing (see page 23 of his document). Kirsch also says that the online open publication platform Medium has deleted the last six years' worth of his content. That is why there are no before/after studies in the US. That might be possible. The problem with Steves claim is that you need some place to hide all those bodies. So, Steve has a huge brain. Its not a perfect argument covid doesnt swim from country to country, it comes in on airplanes. It matters what a country does to control transmission inside the country, just as much as it matters controlling what comes in. If Steve keeps up the way hes going, people will only remember the tantrum he threw after not winning: Steve Kirsch read this post and wrote a response. As recently as this spring, Steve Kirsch and his COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) were riding high. Its possible theyve killed 100 people. They can make changes every month. Opens in a new tab or window, Visit us on TikTok. FALSE: Steve Kirsch, the FDA advisor, said that Covid-19 vaccines killed 150,000 Americans. In New Zealand, excess deaths went down by 3.6%. The Substack letter published on Dec. 28 by Steve Kirsch, an individual previously fact-checked by Reuters ( here and here ), calls for an immediate halt to vaccine rollouts, saying the. It turns out that most of Steves million dollar offers are actually bullshit. In Norway, vaccinations began on December 27th. With little government funding available for such work, Kirsch founded the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), putting in $1 million of his own money and bringing in donations from Silicon Valley luminaries: the CETF website lists the foundations of Marc Benioff and Elon Musk as donors. The 23 countries hes pointed to must be lying by mislabeling massive numbers of vaccine deaths as covid deaths. This offer is also a lie. They initially denied that covid is serious, changed opinions on masks, suppressed lab leak discussion, oversold the vaccines. The US has seen 4 waves of covid deaths: To make this clearer, we can substract the usual number of deaths and look only at the excess deaths. QAnon wasnt just crazy because it theorized that Trump was fighting a global cabal of wealthy elites that terrorize children and drink their blood. It was crazy because it said that cabal controls the media and all the tech companies but the cabal isnt strong enough to control Youtube. CFR can go up and down for a few reasons. These days, he sees about 30 patients per day, 7 days per week. The brashness that may have served Kirsch well in the business world, where a word like game-changer attracts investments, clashes with the subtleties of scientific research. So were talking about using repurposed drugs for Covid-19. Ill take an educated guess as to why they did that. It is tricky work, but you know what is easier? Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work! So, excess deaths track covid deaths. A 63-year-old engineer who loves "solving hard problems," Kirsch started talking to scientists and studying the coronavirus that has infected 22.2 million people and killed 783,525 worldwide,. at the time of this writing, troponin levels were measured on 777 hospital employees who received a booster injection after having received two shots previously. Its funny, Steve didnt respond to anything I wrote and Crawford said hes too busy to respond. Deaths in August 2020 - Wikipedia It should kill you in California. Those were not all vaccine deaths, because we only started vaccinating people on December 14th. They fixed the law so none of them arent liable (the doctors, the drug companies, the government). COVID marked the twilight of America's arrogant 'expert' class One theory is that were not diagnosing every case of covid. We should already know this is false. Data does not show Covid-19 vaccines are linked to more heart attacks. Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. The spike protein itself, encoded by the vaccine, was biologically active, he claimed, and dangerous. Regarding the Pfizer vaccine, he claimed that a six-month study showed the Pfizer vaccine "killed five. Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist and science communicator, is a bit more charitable in his assessment: there is no evidence it impacts COVID-19 mortality, but it could still provide modest benefit or modest harm. The fact that the FAA *quietly* changed the EKG parameters for pilots suggests that the vaccine is causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening. So, why is he telling people that the vaccine kills 150,000 people? The US CFR does settle down to a reasonable range. A strong work ethic. As far as his money is concerned, there were less than 500. There are two particular drugs you suggest should be used for early treatment ivermectin and fluvoxamine. Fraudulent and mediocre studies swayed the minds of people inclined to believe in large pharmaceutical conspiracy theories. In applying the language and posturing he knew as an entrepreneur to the culture of COVID research, Kirsch ended up radicalizing himself into becoming a COVID-19 anti-vaxxer. The fact that the Thailand study was published in a peer-reviewed journal, that they only did the easy-to-do assessments (which only found a portion of the damage), and the FAA quietly changed their EKG guidance should at least open your mind to the possibility that I might be right. Steve Kirsch - COVID Vaccines & Infertility - The Covid Compendium It was just an artifact of how deaths get categorized at any given time, about 25,000 are waiting for classification. This claim is not true, but it feels like it might be. In other words, the 29% rate of injury was a lower bound of injury. All have plausible mechanisms of action. He says he has raised $5 million for CETF, starting with a tax-deductible bolus of $1 million of his own money. Debating pseudoscience-peddling, bad-faith actors is a recipe for disaster. Crawford could be a totally honest guy who believes everything hes saying, but hes just bad at data analysis. Even though we cant do a before/after study in the US, they did such a study in Thailand on 301 kids. The peak death rate will be in January and decline over time since it is based on when the oldest people were vaccinated. And when I started seeing my friends die and be injured and I. When asked about the change, the FAA couldnt justify it. The government just tells you: take the vaccine, its safe. Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist. If the vaccines are toxic, what is Kirschs solution to the pandemic? The net increase was 2.5% per month, almost 10 times lower than Steves math would predict. We just didnt have much testing capacity at the time that people started dying in New York City. Longer-term follow-up data was not available. This tech millionaire went from covid trial funder to misinformation superspreader After boosting unproven covid drugs and campaigning against vaccines, Steve Kirsch was abandoned by his. Even dissecting the latest ivermectin study to find a positive signal, there is no good evidence that the anti-parasitic drug can help with COVID-19. sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot. To the best of my knowledge, the risks of vaccines are small and getting the shot is safer than getting the virus. Australia got through the pandemic without any excess deaths: Deaths went down in 2020, went above the average trend a bit in November, then stayed roughly flat through 2021. Its true in Scandinavia. Bezos flew to space in his own rocket. He admits the number could be over 100M. That covers almost 150,000 of them, which happened before vaccinations began. Like investors, you dont want to invest in just one stock, says Kirsch. Its hard to stop believing in a covid conspiracy theory because you have to admit that you have harmed people: Heres the sad part: we still need cheap, generic drugs to treat covid. Debunking Steve Kirsch's latest claims about covid vaccine deaths | by The Gift Of Fire | Microbial Instincts | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. There was a study done on pilots. On The Dr. Drew Show, Kirsch said that shingles is something that the FDA knows is caused by the [COVID-19] vaccine, sort of the retriggering of shingles, before boldly claiming that shingles numbers are off the charts for this particular vaccine.. If there were 150,000 vaccine deaths, youd think there would be 150,000 VAERS reports. 20052022 MedPage Today, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. At the end of the article, I talk a bit about the psychology of the anti-vax movement and try to answer a more interesting question: what motivates a multi-millionaire like Steve to make false claims about covid vaccines? If you can spend $20 million and test every drug scientists think are worth testing, those are the first philanthropic dollars that should be spent.. I have been vaccinated and my entire family has beenvaccinated. Steve Kirsch went on those websites and I think he emailed everyone who was open to alternative treatments.". This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse Podcast on Apple Podcasts Also, there are a number of states that got through the pandemic with no waves of excess deaths. Im not going to make the same mistake again.. The fund is managed by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which will disburse grants that are recommended in coordination with research being undertaken by CETFs Scientific Advisory Board. Next up in 5. One way we could try to control for case reporting and underreporting is to look at how deadly the average covid hospitalization is. The organization was founded to test preventative drugs in people suspected to be infected with COVID-19 via outpatient clinical trials, which test existing antiviral drugs on patients as soon as they are infected. Another anti-vaxxer (Igor Chudov) wrote to tell me that he likes getting followers and he likes making contributions. Its eye opening. The COVID-19 virus dealt an irreparable blow to the credibility of our ruling class and its appeal to its own authority as a coterie of highly credentialed and capable experts. Most people dont have time for that, so they end up watching someones misleading Youtube video: So, whats Crawfords game? Why is that? He points to two blog posts by Mathew Crawford. Its not like you were forced (or coerced) to take it or anything like that! May 20, 2020. Thus far, CETF has raised funding for clinical trials for drug candidates includingPeginterferon lambda, a hepatitis D treatment, and Camostat mesylate, a protease inhibitor used to treat reflux esophagitis and chronic pancreatitis. Opens in a new tab or window, Share on LinkedIn. This can cause deafness, blindness, inability Kirsch believes that fluvoxamine will be a game changer: an inexpensive, easy-to-take pill with few side effects that has provenin a double How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Steve argues for 150,000 vaccine deaths in the US. "I was listed on a few websites as being willing to prescribe ivermectin. There are 23 studies that have been done from hundreds of researchers all over the world. Luvox was taken off the market in the U.S. following reports that one of the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris, had been taking the drug at the time of the tragedy. There is an argument to be made that the system is incentivized against studying off-patent drugs for newer applications. There might be a smaller blip in excess deaths there, or that could be some random noise. It's a general-purpose solution that also may reduce your risk of getting other viral and bacterial infections as well. In a 58 page document, tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch argues there have been over 150,000 covid vaccine deaths in the United States. It should kill you in Hawaii. He started transitioning into telemedicine about a year ago with Teladoc, one of the nation's largest providers of telemedicine. Instead, he called Avis job and tried to get the guy fired. What he actually showed is that the delta variant killed a lot of people. Massachusetts health officials on Sunday reported zero coronavirus deaths and 33 new virus cases, which is the Bay State's lowest ever single-day case count since last March at the start of t They found that 29.24% of the participants developed cardiac injuries within days after they got the second shot: But heres the most important part about that study that nobody points out: None of the tests that were done in the Thailand study included doing a cardiac MRI with contrast on all the participants since that would be expensive and invasive. Fact Check-VAERS data does not suggest COVID-19 vaccines - Reuters All they need do is zero in on a bit of fragmentary data and blow it out of proportion. There is no need to wait for the clinical trial," he writes in his blog post "How I Would Treat COVID.". Steve says the difference of 171,000 deaths hides the vaccine deaths. Its an advice that we have for other diseases and for other viruses. 225Steve Kirsch114,000 . Silicon Valley entrepreneur and computer whiz Steve Kirsch is no stranger to tackling tall challenges with creative solutions. In the US, most VAERS deaths were reported over a span of 34 months: If all the deaths happened over 3 months, that means excess mortality should spike by 20% for those 3 months. And its going to be epic. To stop undermining the credibility of his own movement. ATAGI disappears incriminating Coronavirus advice page. In 2020, about 500,000 more people died in the US than in an average year. The evidence for Spike leaving the site of injection (i.e. Steves friends didnt even agree with each other about covid, they just made 3 hours of noise. So when this [COVID-19] came along, I approached it in the same way.. He had already seen the efficacy and the practicality of using preexisting drugs and applying them toward other maladies, and so founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) the only organization in the world focused on finding the most promising drugs and treatments that, when given sufficiently early, can reduce hospitalization and death rates. Obviously, a new drugs patent can be very profitable when the drug is brought to market, and it can pay for that drugs research and development (as well as the R&D behind a number of other drugs that didnt pan out). Im pretty sure they wont tell me, so Ill speculate: its because they didnt want anyone to know. The organization supports grantees through funding, improving study protocols, advertising trials through op-eds, newspaper and TV interviews, and finding ways to manufacture drugs faster and at lower cost. Steve Kirsch | Science-Based Medicine Theres a clearer signal but its still pretty noisy: To double check, I pulled up the same same graph on OurWorldInData, they use a slightly different time lag between cases and deaths (10 days instead of 18), but its about the same shape as mine. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Many states and countries didnt see any such spike. To former President Obama, its $1 million to join him in a debate, for which Kirsch pre-emptively accuses Obama and his friends of being misinformation spreaders. What Is The Potential Of Generative AI In Healthcare? If the vaccine kills people, it doesnt matter if you take it on an island or a continent. They're Called Vaccines. See the difference? This narrative is going to start falling apart at an accelerated rate. Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch went from covid trial funder to Hes so confident in these two arguments that hes offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove these arguments wrong. To get the word out about fluvoxamine, Kirsch has hired the PR firm G.F. Bunting. If instead of treating people in four days after symptoms, they treat people five days after symptoms..its set up for failure. I dont see any effort to do this in his calculation, it looks like he just averaged the CFR across all of Europe, plotted that against the vaccine program start dates (in December/January) and found some kind of spike. They widened it by a lot. It failed in an RCT for late treatment. The initiative has drawn grant proposals from top scientists, including cancer genomics pioneer Bert Vogelstein and Michel Nussenzweig, whose research has led to the development of innovative vaccines against infectious disease and new treatments for autoimmunity.
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