On the positive side, this relationship is particular was my longest. What this synastry offers, when Sun and Saturn are in sextile position is a relationship that lasts. This individual is also going to encourage responsibility in this relationship, wanting both of them together to work hard on achieving goals they set out for themselves. Mars conjunct Moon is a highly sexual aspect in synastry. Both planets can overcome any obstacle in their relationship as long as they're together. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. With the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect, the couple focuses on working towards common goals. In synastry, the sun sign of each person will play a key role in how they communicate and interact with one another on the surface level. Venus trine Jupiter in synastry is an aspect that is often found between the natal charts of married couples and people in long-term relationships. If both people work to overcome communication challenges, the Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can be a very successful and rewarding love connection. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. February 5, 2023 by Sasstrology. Through Saturn, Mercury learns how to communicate in a more mature and level-headed way. 2. With this aspect, you like spending time with each other and socializing together. You easily forgive each other, and are conscious of each others needs. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Saturn indicates the two of you are similar in your attitudes towards hard work, responsibility, and duty. Both people may start to ignore all of the wonderful things they saw in their partner initially because these issues become so heavy. The two of you have a profound, transformative effect on each other. This aspect indicates a difference of opinions and perspectives on intellectual issues. The Saturn person may feel the Neptune person has their head in the clouds, and may discourage them from expressing their spiritual ideas or fantasies. As the Sun trines Venus in synastry, the relationship is blessed with good fortune, happiness, and a strong sense of connectedness. These two partners might even consider marriage and stay together for a long time, or even the rest of their lives. Mars Conjunct Trine Sextile Mars "This physical chemistry is on fire." Mars is your raw animal passion, so when it's having a good conversation with your partner's Mars, the sexual compatibility can be off the charts. At the same time, Saturn may be afraid of change and wants to maintain the status quo. Even if we dont have a profession or a life in public view, the Sun speaks about us and our path in life. They work well together and it feels natural to be together. Mercury conjunct Ketu: Mercury is the sibling.The person was a brother or sister. At the same time, there is a fundamental difference in your temperaments, which can lead to conflict. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. Thanks to the blessing of the trine, this relationship won't experience too much turbulence relative to others. It can be amazing if they nurture it and put in the effort to succeed together. I censored my feelings of affection for him, and he did the same. They will be motivated to take on the responsibilities and challenges of this relationship through thick and thin. In a marriage, you will be dedicated and helpful to one another. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. Saturn represents commitment and responsibility, while Venus represents love. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Uranus is an explosive aspect to share in synastry. It shows us the best synastry aspects of our life where we have the potential to shine the most. Their physical chemistry tends to be off the roof, even when Moon is the man and Mars is the woman. When arguments do happen, they are both able to take a more rational approach and easily find a resolution that suits both of them. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Pluto blends realism and practicality with transformation and intensity. Two people with a Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect share previous lives, making them even more committed to each other subconsciously. Here, the Saturn person helps the Neptune person come down to earth, while the Neptune person encourages Saturn to dream bigger. This difference will also show in the way the partners express their emotions. They can feel like theyre stuck between a rock and hard place, which is why its important for them to have supportive partners in their lives helping them through tough times if possible. The Saturn person is effortlessly supportive and committed to their Sun partner. In those two relationships, I felt that I was scolding my misbehaving children. However with Venus square Neptune almost to the degree alongside this Sun . The nature of the planet is to bring limitations and restrictions to keep us on the right path. The same went for affection; affection did not flow easily between us due to deep-seated fears of rejection, which was ultimately frustrating for both parties. In long term relationships, the Saturnian partner is the one who is the most likely to crave, expect or ask for more . There can be a lack of warmth and an invisible barrier between the couple. Saturn and the Sun bring a very high level of devotion and commitment to the relationship. Molly Hall. Another way in which this manifested was through a withdrawal of affection. Their goals might not line up well, and there may be a tendency to always get in each others way. If you have the Sun opposite Saturn synastry aspect in your chart, you tend to feel very attracted to each other in the beginning of the relationship for karmic reasons. This aspect is often found in the synastry charts of married couples. Alma/Juno: alma "soul" juno "partner" = the soulmate. More than our identity, the Sun focuses on our present situations. The Saturn person stabilizes the Sun person, and the couple truly feels they can depend on one another. 5. Say Pluto rules your 7th house, and your partners Saturn makes a square aspect to your Pluto. It feels fated or 'karmic,' with the underlying mood that there's work to do together. This couple may engage in many lively debates, and can learn a lot from each other. . Fire and Air signs are in harmonious aspects to one another, and Water and Earth signs are in positive aspect to one another. The Saturn person in the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship is going to be the one who sets boundaries and continually challenges their partner to become more responsible and mature. Sun-Saturn aspects in synastry are apparently very common aspects to find in the synastry charts of married couples and long-term partners. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. It can be quite painful if one partner holds back, but this partnership can be truly deep and wonderful should the partners choose to put their best feet forward. They share solid and true feelings and mutual respect. Theyll make an excellent parent or mentor for them, always wanting the best life possible for themselves and their partners. This relationship has many things in its favor, but without healthy communication, it can break apart. Over time, the Sun person can get really worn down and discouraged. Do you wonder how your mate really feels about you? Astrologers say that in the horoscope, both personal and global, there is not much more difficult aspect then the Sun and Saturn positioned in the square position (that is hard as it is, and brings many challenges with it). Over time, these same qualities in the Saturn person can start to be oppressive, restrictive, or even controlling to the Sun person. It will bring people together and keep them together. At the same time, Saturn protects and nourishes this cozy home and ensures both partners grow together as a couple and at an individual level. Click here to read Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mercury-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Venus-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mars-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Jupiter-Saturn Aspects in Synastry. All it wants is for us to be in the right place at the right time. This is an indicator of a deep attraction and a powerful sexual connection. This is often known as the unrequited love aspect. They support each other and help each other grow in their professional lives. The outcome of the relationship will probably depend on whether or not the Sun person wants to stick around and deal with the Saturn persons fears, but it also depends on the extent to which the Saturn person is willing to do the personal work to grow. Once we understand what the Sun tells us, we can use Saturnian energy to fulfill its plan for our life. Saturn may tend to ignore, interrupt, or criticize Mercury when Mercury is speaking. The mutual trust between the Saturn person and the Sun person is a critical aspect of the development of the relationship. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. They are effectively able to organize and plan for their future together. My best friend of 30+ years has her Saturn square my Sun. At first, the Saturn person may feel that the Sun person is overreacting to their criticisms. Saturn aspecting the lunar nodes is a particularly powerful karmic aspect. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, www.astro.com is the first address for astrology on the web. The Saturn person must especially work tonot control the Sun person. It is important that you are clear with one another about what you expect out of the relationship. They are completely opposite energies in some ways, so when combined in synastry, it produces a tense energy between the couple. . Misunderstandings are likely when Neptune is involved in synastry. Sun-Saturn aspects in synastry are apparently very common aspects to find in the synastry charts of married couples and long-term partners. In astrology, the Sun is the masculine energy, while the Moon is feminine and motherly. Every obstacle they face will make their bond grow more substantial and intense. There is an opportunity for the Saturn person to give the Sun individual structure, both in the relationship and in their separate life. Trust me- I tried. This trust is so vital that it can keep the couple together when it exists or create severe conflicts when its not authentic. 3 Mercury Aspects. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. This relationship is characterized by power struggles, as the two of you wish to dominate the other. Saturn is also associated with limitations in life, as well as discomfort that comes from being unable to be supported by others. Mercury looks up to Saturn, and Saturn enjoys helping the Mercury person. These people can be very popular and can indulge in life a lot, but this aspect can . This aspect will make people feel like they belong together. You are compelled to find out every detail about each others lives, and this desire often leads to unhealthy obsession and possessiveness. The Sun person tends to be more romantic and exuberant, while the Saturn person is reserved and speaks through their action. This is the perfect catalyst for a deeper, more substantial form of love and trust. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship, Saturn tends to dampen the Suns enthusiasm and vibrancy. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, both parties should make sure to communicate their needs to each other. Each aspect is worth 1 point. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Sun conjunct South Node (Ketu): Sun is the power.The person was in authority over you. Chiron Conjunct Juno. The Sun sign is associated with your identity, appearance, ego, vitality, and overall energy levels, so its important to keep this in mind when trying to understand someone else or even yourself in a relationship. Saturn is an outer planet from our sun and has a very slow orbit time of approximately 29 years. A poor aspected Saturn will bring our traumas into our life until we heal and learn from them. Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! Her Saturn square your Eros could put a damper on your erotic urges (when she's around). The Sun person stimulates Plutos jealousy and possessiveness. The Saturn person in the relationship. Most likely, this couple has met before and is here to work out their karma. These challenges will be more present if Saturn and the Sun need to be better aspected in the chart and synastry. Typically, the Sun trine Saturn synastry dynamics are overlap from a past life where the couple had some sort of karmic working relationship. The soft aspects, such as trine and sextile, between Venus and Saturn are ideal in a relationship. They feel mutually supported and appreciated in this relationship. 7. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. The Sun is the star that gives us the zodiac sign and, ultimately, our identity. Look to the rest of the chart to see if theres enough aspects to hold the partners together. Someone with Saturn square my Saturn would make me more self-conscious, and may talk over me and interrupt me often. Lilith conjunct Venus tends to be sexual and intense almost all of the time.
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