At the same time check if the conjunction is in the house of badhakesh then less result from this conjunction. When they get married, this placement activates their talents and fame. Business Astrology: What Combination To See For A Successful Business? He has good knowledge. They have constant thought about what others think of them and they care a lot about their image and personality in the eyes of others. The GaneshaSpeaks Team. They are very diplomatic in nature. Elder siblings can deal with lots of up and downs in life. Marriage elevates their fame and recognition. The health of the father may suffer. When sun comes close to mercury it brightens the qualities of mercury which means it brightens the intelligence of the native and gives qualities of authority, communication, speech. These people usually have a charming personality and they are usually easy-going. The native is intelligent and mother may take role of father. As per the Vedic astrology, the natives of Sun and Venus in the same house will be knowledgeable. When Sun is exalted or in its own sign then Sun can handle itself better and situations can improve. The native enjoys the benefit of handling the property, such as land and buildings. Read your Aries Zodiac Sign horoscope today! People with this conjunction can be power hungry and may not be ready to give up their power. Native may has limited number of kids. Mars in tenth house gets digbala.You will have good landed property. Lets study sun Saturn conjunction in all houses: The person may need to face a lot of struggle in choosing the right life path. These people are good in business related matter. The native may also cheat his/her business partner. Our Kundli software can help you predict the future for yourself by reading the birth chart. His behavior will have a royal touch and he will be respected highly among his relatives. Two planet conjunction Generally, the spouse is extravagant. S/he may lack clarity about his career, self worth and self esteem. They become devoted to some higher cause which is generally given by a guru or father. One is very close to mother. The person tends to stand out among the group. The native is passionate about, stock market, politics. If they are devoid of attention, they will feel rejected and vulnerable. He can also show his interest in politics. At the same time, they love to serve people and they are less focused on home. He will receive support from the government. The eighth house represents secrets or any hidden activity. This can act as a trigger in the marriage. The natives of this positioning look for romance in their life. Venus. The native with Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant earns massive wealth. They can meditate at night if they face sleeping issue. This conjunction leads to a person who is clear in his thoughts. After birth of first child, one can get recognition, achievements and wealth. At the same time, they can have phobia related to darkness or water. The relationship with father/family suffers a lot especially in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th house. He may be criticizer of goverment policy. rahu They can be lucrative. As ketu is the significator of 8th house the person will be good in astrology and tarot reading. Also, Sun-Venus conjunct people are tolerant and accommodative towards others. The native always keeps himself getting get success and progress in occupations. After marriage, one can build connection with politicians, government etc. Lord of one and ten is again a good combination to start your own business.You can go abroad.Extremely a good combination for an enviable life. It also shows that mother may be very strict and the child lacks nourishment as sun may burn the qualities of moon only if they are in close conjunction. One can have romance in a foreign land with the partner who comes from a royal and powerful family. They are intelligent and wise as well as skilled in one or more activity. He may be full with self proudness and self respect. They are a narcissist and are very proud of themselves. It can also give unusual relationship with father or loss of father. The native with Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant earns massive wealth. Success, Name & Fame In Astrology: Everything You Need To Know, On Chaitra Navratri 2023 Day 9 Pray To Maa Siddhidatri For Better Health. A person will have to travel to meet their spouse. The native makes great progress if their children are born in foreign lands or if the children move to foreign lands. Such a person is likely to be cold and harsh in temperament. In wealth houses it will earn wealth but it may get spent. This is an excellent conjunction for sports, martial arts or athletic field especially if this conjunction is in 5th house in a friendly sign or they are in their own sign. Buy Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues Report. Sun ketu conjunction in 7th and 8th house is detrimental for marriage. Generally, they meet their spouse or soul-mate at their workplace. if Sun is not well placed it can lead to defamation by higher authority and government. See also 10 Vastu Shastra Tips for Bedroom The native becomes very successful in his career and will quickly rise in his professional life and work. The person will have a charming personality but will have less hair. Romantic life in early part of life can go for toss. He may be involved in show off and try to prove own self smart and clever. When Sun is exalted in Aries than the malefic effect of ketu decreases. As Saturn is delay the person will ripe the results only after 30 by means of good karma and hard work. This person can also has a tendency to incline towards fashion industry. Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology, Sun moon conjunction in first house/ Sun moon conjunction in 1st house, Sun moon conjunction in second house/ Sun moon conjunction in 2nd house, Sun moon conjunction in third house/ Sun moon conjunction in 3rd house, Sun moon conjunction in fourth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 4th house, Sun moon conjunction in fifth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 5th house, Sun moon conjunction in sixth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 6th house, Sun moon conjunction in seventh house/ Sun moon conjunction in 7th house, Sun moon conjunction in eighth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 8th house, Sun moon conjunction in ninth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 9th house, Sun moon conjunction in tenth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 10th house, Sun moon conjunction in eleventh house/ Sun moon conjunction in 11th house, Sun moon conjunction in twelfth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 12th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in first house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 1st house, Sun Venus Conjunction in second house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 2nd house, Sun Venus Conjunction in third house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 3rd house, Sun Venus Conjunction in fourth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 4th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in fifth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 5th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in sixth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 6th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in seventh house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 7th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in eighth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 8th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in ninth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 9th house, Sun Venus conjunction in tenth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 10th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in eleventh house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 11th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in twelfth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 12th house, Sun mercury conjunction in vedic astrology/ Buddha Aditya yoga in vedic astrology, Sun Jupiter conjunction in vedic astrology, Sun Saturn Conjunction in vedic astrology, Hair based on color and textures in face reading, Hair based on thickness and length- Face reading, Sun mercury conjunction must takes place in kendra or trikona house. The native is greedy about authoritative position or status in society. The native may separate from siblings. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. One can be involved with religious activities. Ketu represents spirituality, isolation, separation, abandonment of material things, moksha, salvation, liberation, philosophy, allergy, fever, wound, surgery, insects, spotted dogs, mysterious diseases. Surya signifies ones essential attributes the sense of self, ego, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and so on. The native has a good life partner and gets more sexual pleasures. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. If conjunction is within 5 degrees then sun being a hot planet will burn the qualities of Saturn. Sun sitting in the 1st house denotes that the native will be extensively involved with his career and work in his life. The native gets good gain from higher education and gets good teachings from father. Sun represents ego and confidence and ketu is a headless body. They have the capability to easily connect with people. He will gain a win over his enemies and will get success in his field through his hard work. They treat their co-workers as a family, so they cant e authoritative with them. At the same time, this conjunction also shows favor from government as Sun and moon represents government. If the sun is not well placed then the person can face eyesight and speech defection issues. Get the best Horoscope and kundli matching predictions today! They tend to have a strong career. \r\rWhat I bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of India. Saturn, its ruler, signifies routine work, and the movable property adds to the active nature of the 10th. Travelling is important to build their career. They have an amazing relationship with them. The person can have very few friends or no friends. On the other hand, Rahu with sun in 10th, 2nd, 7th, 9th,12th house can give trouble from government. It is better to marry after 28 as every planets starts calming down with time. The native can overcome the obstacles and transformations of life. They may have to take the responsibility of home at early stage of life. The natives father might cause issues within the marriage. It will give you very good . The conjunction of Sun, Mars and Venus in a horoscope also makes the native a little self-centered. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. One of the greatest quality of Sun is Sun brighten the quality of the planet it is placed with. Native may wear spectacles. Marriage is important for the individual with this conjunction. The person will live a luxurious life with every comfort he desires. It also shows a disturbed relationship with father. They can be stylist or can be very lustful. They can also be spendthrift in nature. They generally meet their spouse in a religious or spiritual ceremony. Great wealth comes after birth of first child. The conjunction makes a person shy and introvert. Sun and Venus are enemy. The native is competitive and win over enemies and diseases. Moon represents mind, emotions, subconscious mind, imaginations, local or state government, home, happiness, mother, breast, lungs, beauty, sensitivity, sleep, travel, pearl. If it is in the masculine sign, ego plays a major role. This person secretly desires to be the most powerful person. Natives family life may be disturb. The body of a person born in Leo Ascendant is Panduvarna. It is the most active house and is generally connected with how we do things and how the outside world labels us. It also shows that the native has real estates but aggressiveness of mother can lack peace at home. People having this conjunction in their horoscope have a lot of knowledge about material goods like posh cars and branded things. The person will also try to be dominating in relationship. They can meet their spouse in professional life. Partnership in business may not sustain. The person can be a lawyer or a government service provider. This makes an interesting and perfect combination. Scorching hot Mercury is regarded as the planet of language, cleverness and communication.Serene Venus however, is considered to be the planet of love, art and beauty.. For astrologers, when we see 2 planets share the same house, their energies are seen as augmenting each other which makes any associated characteristic more noticeable in a person. Native could have bad throat, bad stomach, chest congestion, etc. The native can earn wealth but may be a spendthrift. The native enjoys handling the property such as land and buildings and vehicular facility, and all other comforts of life. 7)Sun in 10th house is Taurus Sign is indicating native may have good education. With combust Venus, one can have hard time while dealing with female boss or a female boss can transform their career in good way. Man needs to be subservient in marriage. On the other hand, the life path of the native can be hard. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant gets a good education and loves his children. The native can gain from career, lands and family. So Sun is not very comfortable in Taurus. Venus represents divinity, romance, and love. How To Start Your Day According To Astrology, Which Car you should buy as per your Zodiac Sign, - 2023: 2023 . This person will be very knowledgeable and will hold a good interest in art and culture. Copyright 2015-2023. When the Sun and Venus conjunct in the tenth house, a person receives money and wealth after marriage. He will be of sound health and will achieve success easily. There may be some hindrance or obstacles in relationship with father. He suffers from bile and wind disorders, meat-eating, succulents, Krasnodar, meagre, small-minded, extremely powerful, arrogant, indulgent, sharp-witted, petulant, heroic, wandering, rajoguni, indignant, big-handed. 4) Native doesnt have a stable professional life. A person can also deal with diseases like diabetes. If the conjunction takes place in 10th house professionally The person can be a police or commander in army or his father was in the Army. If Sun holds the lowest degree and if Sun overpowers Venus then the person may sacrifice their relationship for goals. Alcohol addiction, immoral carnal desires and other vices are common amongst the natives having these two planets in one house. The native can involve in illegal activities and has health problem. Apart from this he will be romantic and will know how to respect his partner. silver,watery places, blood,masses, crowd, people , grains, fruits, soft/white objects, water, milk, immediate environment, Nourishment, Intuition. At the same time, this conjunction also shows favor from government as Sun and moon represents government. If the conjunction takes place in 10th house, it shows a doctor as Jupiter represents biology. Watch out! 8)Sun in 10th house in Taurus Sign is indicating native may be fully materialistic regarding life. They will be clear about the ambition of life in later part of life as Saturn is reality and maturity.
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