a cup and enjoy! "Suramin: an anticancer drug with a unique mechanism of action. [11], The molecular formula of suramin is C51H40N6O23S6. Suramin is a reversible and competitive protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) inhibitor. The boys were extensively monitored in the following 6 weeks for suramin blood levels, a panel of blood chemistry, adverse effects and autism-related traits. Thankfully God has not left them and us comfortless, there is an antidote, Suramin, that Dr. Judy Mikovits and others speak about in this article, available in Pine Needle Tea you can make yourself. Descriptions. 9. recommended to aid the liver detoxify Tylenol overdoses, FDA recently made it illegal to purchase OTC, prevent blood clots by safely dissolving fibrin, breaks down proteins into smaller particles and is antiinflammatory, chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein, Nebulizing NanoSilver or Glutathione for Lungs & More: The How To, Prepare NOW While Prices Are Still Lower. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when. It's considered almost a pest in New Zealand as it's everywhere. . JavaScript is disabled. National Center for Biotechnology Information. In this trial, 10 male children with ASD were grouped into five pairs, ages 5-14 years. Researcher Dr Robert Naviaux of the San Diego School of Medicine gave suramin, a drug first developed in 1916, to 10 autistic boys between the ages of five and 14, and noted transformative results. ", 15.Mooon, Jeong-jo, Young-bok Han, and Jin-suk Kim. "Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of young pine shoots (Picea abies L.)." Lots of amazing eating benefits in those ones. Too many people have stated its what they used with great results. Suramin is manmade and is not a natural product found anywhere in Nature. De Clercq, Erik. The mark of the evil one is this: when people sell their souls to the devil by participating in ghastly human and ch/ild sa/crifice so they can obtain more power, finances and fame. Further development of suramin was passed from Dr. Naviauxs university research lab to the private sector. Some places sell powdered camel milk, but I do not think that is as good, and I dont recommend it. Suramin is used in the treatment of African sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis) and river blindness (onchocerciasis), infections caused by parasites. 10.Kartnig, Theodor, Franz Still, and Franz Reinthaler. . This is a highly concentrated - potent extract that has been created to ensure maximum bioavailability with an easy dosing solution. [2] Severe side effects may include low blood pressure, decreased level of consciousness, kidney problems, and low blood cell levels. The synthesis of suramin was an extension of Paul Ehrlich's pioneering work that showed that certain chemical dyes were concentrated in microbial parasites like the trypanosomes that cause African . National Institutes of Health. It loves the cold, the colder the better. Maca Root 8050mg Per Caps, 4 Months' Supply Supports Reproductive Health Natural. The drug is still sold by Bayer under the brand name Germanin. Suramin can be found in trees, plants and spices which may be growing even in your front lawn! The richest sources of life-giving suramin today are conifers growing in ecologically clean regions of Siberia. "Suramin: an anticancer drug with a unique mechanism of action." On September 5th, the FDA issued a proposed rule rejecting eleven substances nominated by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and like-minded organizations for use in drug compounding, including curcumin and cesium chloride. Several P2Y12 inhibitors are approved to treat heart disease, but other purinergic receptors are likely to be more important in ASD. Before you begin treatment with suramin, you and your doctor should . Suramin inhibits Zika virus replication by interfering with virus attachment and release of infectious particles. Of-course there are others but you do need to do your own research concerning the types of pines in your area. 10. Its a 100 year old essential medicine, a WHO essential medicine for African Sleeping Sickness. Please feel free to contact with any questions you may have. [24][25][26][27], 8,8'-{Carbonylbis[imino-3,1-phenylenecarbonylimino(4-methyl-3,1-phenylene)carbonylimino]}di(1,3,5-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid), O=C(Nc1cc(ccc1C)C(=O)Nc3c2c(cc(cc2c(cc3)S(=O)(=O)O)S(=O)(=O)O)S(=O)(=O)O)c8cccc(NC(=O)Nc7cc(C(=O)Nc6cc(C(=O)Nc5c4c(cc(cc4c(cc5)S(=O)(=O)O)S(=O)(=O)O)S(=O)(=O)O)ccc6C)ccc7)c8, InChI=1S/C51H40N6O23S6/c1-25-9-11-29(49(60)54-37-13-15-41(83(69,70)71)35-21-33(81(63,64)65)23-43(45(35)37)85(75,76)77)19-39(25)56-47(58)27-5-3-7-31(17-27)52-51(62)53-32-8-4-6-28(18-32)48(59)57-40-20-30(12-10-26(40)2)50(61)55-38-14-16-42(84(72,73)74)36-22-34(82(66,67)68)24-44(46(36)38)86(78,79)80/h3-24H,1-2H3,(H,54,60)(H,55,61)(H,56,58)(H,57,59)(H2,52,53,62)(H,63,64,65)(H,66,67,68)(H,69,70,71)(H,72,73,74)(H,75,76,77)(H,78,79,80), The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of, World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Suramin Injection Advanced Patient Information", "Micromedex Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer: Suramin (Injection route)", "Our Formulary Infectious Diseases Laboratories CDC", "Trypanosomiasis, human African (sleeping sickness)", "CDC Infectious Diseases Laboratory: Our Formulary", "Suramin Injection Advanced Patient Information - Drugs.com", "Synthesis and StructureActivity Relationships of Suramin-Derived P2Y, "Inhibition of receptor/G protein coupling by suramin analogues", "International Union of Pharmacology LVIII: update on the P2Y G protein-coupled nucleotide receptors: from molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology to therapy", "International union of pharmacology. I do you a concern about the med beds and whether the DNA is actually being reconstructed our is it possible that our DNA is being changed-much the way the jab is changed and damaged. But this so-called pest, this common pine tree, is packed full of goodness! I haven't seen night awake or silly giggling in the middle of the night since he started Kudzu. Bumping this to see if anyone's benefited from high dose Kudzu, Good question, I don't have a good answer, though someone with more scientific knowledge than me could probably calculate it using the paper cited above, I'd be remiss if I didn't post this Kudzu precaution literature. Suramin and trypan blue were detected using scheduled multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) with a dwell time of 30 ms in negative mode and retention time window of 7.5-8.5 min for suramin and 8.4 . ", 21. Hi Luke, $8.99 to $12.75. Our bodies are built in such a way they can withstand being treated badly for a time, but it doesnt go on forever. El PDF llegar a su buzn de entrada! "Suramin: a novel growth factor antagonist with activity in hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer." I have heard of a study at UCSD using Suramin to treat autism. Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine "shedding" [] This tea helps with vascular and heart diseases. Upon treatment with suramin, median individual glycosome volume increased from 0.0113 to 0.0127 m3 (p 0.037). We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine, and I just gave my testimony of past abortion. The N/W/O and all their minions. An extremely good read Fed Up by Sue Dengate. Sent in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Boom-chakalaka, phreaks! OK, last one, because I'm still trying to understand it. Thus, reduction in extracellular pH facilitates P2X2 and P2X2/3 receptors but inhibits P2X1, P2X3, P2X4 and P2X7 receptors (. This medicine works by causing the parasites to lose energy, which causes their death. An alternative to synthetic drugs is the search for anti-parasitic plant extracts or secondary metabolites derived from them. These are proving to be beneficial for people who have taken the jab, or those who come in contain with injected people and find they are experiencing bad symptoms. You must log in or register to reply here. Many generations of locals strengthen their immunity with the help of natural teas from: Pine tree cones. Suramin (as mentioned by Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD) and Shikimic acid are both found within the needles of the common pine tree. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 83, no. Clinical trial evidence of suramin and autism. Ive just stumbled upon upon your site and discovered suramin can be obtained naturally. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, turmericspecifically curcumin, the main active ingredientmay be one of the top natural remedies showing promise for treatment and management of autism symptoms. Stinging nettle can be found online and at health food stores. "Understanding the mechanism of the antimitogenic activity of suramin." [3] It is given by injection into a vein. [6] In the United States it can be acquired from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Thank you!). Nattokinase (proteolytic enzyme) has a history of being used to, Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia), Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (the young blades). Its such a dreadful thing that they robbed us of such good food and have destroyed it by pasteurizing and homogenising. Y usted recibir un obsequio importante de la temporada: Cerebros Ambrientes y Escasa Atencin En Los Nios PDF imprimible. and this shows what Graphene oxide does to the blood of the vaccinated under the microscope: This protocol may mitigate damage in those with buyers remorse whove been injected with spike protein, graphene oxide, SM-102, and mRNA. "Efficient reversion of simian sarcoma virus-transformation and inhibition of growth factor-induced mitogenesis by suramin. It prevents the association of heteromeric G proteins and therefore the receptors guanine exchange functionality (GEF). 100 Years of Suramin. It is used parenterally in the treatment of African trypanosomiasis and it has been used clinically with diethylcarbamazine to kill the adult Onchocerca. We now have evidence of the injections containing: mRNA, spike protein, graphene oxide, and highly toxic SM-102, and other potentially toxic substances. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.~Isaiah 41:10, Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! So head over today and like, share and download a few episodes! Suramin is a 100-year-old drug developed to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness. Suramin is not approved for any use in humans in the United States except to handle the few cases of African sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis) that have recently traveled from Africa. Antiviral research 7, no. I tried it for the lipid modulating properties and have seen some improvement in various serum lipid ratios (though of course I don't know that this is specifically attributable to the Sytrinol). The synthesis of suramin was an extension of Paul Ehrlichs pioneering work that showed that certain chemical dyes were concentrated in microbial parasites like the trypanosomes that cause African sleeping sickness. One of them cannot be true. 19. Personally, 40mg of Emodin a day for the past three weeks has not produced great results. [22], Suramin was studied as a possible treatment for prostate cancer in a clinical trial. [10] Suramin causes non-harmful changes in urine during use, specifically making the urine cloudy. or Best Offer. . Quercetin is an antioxidant found naturally in . http://www.fedup.com.au, Dr Judy explicitly says that pine needle tea will NOT act as anecdote, in fact, it can be toxic and has similar properties to terpentine. "Suramin: a novel growth factor antagonist with activity in hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer. The natural alternative of Suramin - and the original compound is found in Eastern White Pine (pinus strobus) needles. I am a mother. And yes my neighbors thought I was crazy when they saw me collecting them. B: May be acceptable. She was healthy and lived a long life taking this faithfully. B-complex vitamins: The "complex" part is important. And this video discusses the findings of graphene oxide and how it sets into motion a whole cascade of inflammatory responses and cell death in you or a loved one. This recent study was double-blind, placebo-controlled and involved 10 boys, ages 5 to 14 years, [] Regarding our own experiment with natural antipurinergic therapy, we've been trialing Kudzu for the past three weeks and the outcome has been pretty impressive. You can even make DRAH your browser homepage. [2], The most frequent adverse reactions are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a feeling of general discomfort. 2 (1991): 155-157. Weve tried everything else. Taken together, the results show that sgp130 may exert an anti-inflammatory effect on microglia and neurons by inhibiting IL-6 binding. 21. Suramin is approximately 99-98% protein bound in the serum and has a half-life of 4178 days average of 50 days; however, the pharmacokinetics of suramin can vary substantially between individual patients. And this gem of a video by Judy Mikovits. ", 20. (See protocol below). Suramin is 20 or more times as powerful as remdesivir, which is the only currently approved anti-COVID-19 drug. Cat's Claw. But God knew this would happen and provided an answer long before we required it. i just emailed a well known ME/CFS doctor i know (who wishes to remain anonymous) with the names of the two herbs/supplements mentioned at the top of this thread, and he said: "I have talked with every prominent herbalist I know to see if there is a similar substance out there, and so far, nothing.". Cancer research 47, no. A vitamin B complex contains B6, B12, biotin, and folate, essential vitamins for the nervous system and can help with the formation of serotonin. 8. cryoEM studies reveal the binding of suramin to the RdRp catalytic site to prevent . Im sorry but I cannot say exactly how much is required for the reversal of autism. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.06.328336v1, 3. It is illegal to use suramin in humans for any purpose in the US except in FDA-approved clinical trials. Funny how uridine is a p2y2 agonist and so many people take it as a nootropic. You must realise too that the medbeds are for good and not evil. Betsholtz, Christer, Ann Johnsson, Carl-Henrik Heldin, and Bengt Westermark. You can inoculate the tiniest amount of Suramin and reverse Autism! "Suramin in the treatment of AIDS: mechanism of action. Suramin. 14.Stein, C. A., R. V. LaRocca, R. Thomas, N. McAtee, and Charles E. Myers. This is handy to know if you cannot source a suitable pine tree in your area. It seems promising! No I am not sure if they need to be heated for the Suramin to be released. I think you should take this post down, if someone were to try this remedy and then get worse they kudzu. "After the single dose, it was almost like a roadblock had been released," he said. A quick google search was not conclusive of whether Emodin inhibits the Pannexin 1 channel. "Suramin exposure alters cellular metabolism and mitochondrial energy production in African trypanosomes. "Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of young pine shoots (Picea abies L.). 24 (2020): 8331-8347. All rights reserved 2018 Mouthful Matters, ABN: 28 112 380 209, Suramin Contained In These Unusual Foods And Spices, DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE, Pine Needle Tea Easy To Make Massive Health Punch, Fennel essential oil (100% pure, therapeutic grade), Boost Your Immune System Naturally For Powerful Wicked Health, Chlorine Dioxide Powerful Against Spike Proteins In Your Body, https://www.bitchute.com/video/fRmqkRbuaKg6/, Baby Formula Ideas To Beat The Current Shortage, How To Use Fennel To Boost Your Immune System, Boost Your Immune System Daily For Energy And Cleansing, MMS A Powerful Purge To Overcome Parasites & Pathogens, Homemade Quinine / HCQ Easy Steps To Make Your Own. interesting! I was reading just yesterday about the Douglas Fir pine tree. [8][9] It is considered first-line treatment for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and second-line treatment for early-stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, where pentamidine is recommended as first line. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He truly is speaking much in these days. Did it excellently as well. I've come across two over the counter supplements that inhibit the same purinergic receptors. This is the most important Antidote. If this works, it would literally be an answered prayer ! I'm fascinated and excited by this new research on cell danger response (CDR): Low-dose suramin in autism spectrum disorder: a small, phase I/II, randomized clinical trial abstract and the ramifications for autism as well as anxiety and other chronic health conditions. However, it is imperative to choose the right pine needles as there are 20 known toxic varieties of pine trees. by Kim Molisani January 2, 2022. I love this Diana, thank you for sharing such good information. Jason Shurka was interviewing Dr Judy Mikovits PhD., and he asked the leading question: Do you know of any way, to heal oneself from the injuries from the current injection? Tea made from pine cones is a real treasure of useful substances. I was desperate, and I gave her one capsule, 150mg, of Sytrinol. Clinically, suramin works by removing negative signals that block or slow natural child development. According to a comment on a doctor video Brown-colored suramin should not be used. Stresses of all kinds are translated by the cell into graded eATP release. [11] Once inside parasites, suramin combines with proteins, especially trypanosomal glycolytic enzymes, to inhibit energy metabolism. You must log in or register to reply here. Raw Camel Milk can help reverse many parts of autism. readily accessible. I'm not too concerned about Il-6 being a problem in CFS but I've thought about that receptor a bit. Suramin is manmade and is not a natural product found anywhere in Nature. Free shipping. Suramin is a potent inhibitor of Chikungunya and Ebola virus cell entry. Based on this system, we have demonstrated that an aqueous extract from the Natural herb Prunella vulgaris (NhPV) displayed potent inhibitory effects on SCoV-2 SP (including SPG614 mutant) pseudotyped virus (SCoV-2-SP-PVs) mediated infections. The simplest and most common of weeds are often the very medicine we need to counteract our ill health. Dr. Naviaux frequently says, Our work is not about suramin, or any other single drug. There are so many wonderful natural medicines in the world. Suramin | C51H40N6O23S6 | CID 5361 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. 1. Yes, those pesky little yellow flowers that seem to love gracing the best of lawns! A few Dandelion leaves in salads are good, and Fennel is great to eat. It is a secondary agent in the treatment of Onchocerciasis (river blindness), but because of its toxicity, it is rarely used. [2] Sore palms of the hands and soles of the feet, trouble seeing, fever, and abdominal pain may also occur. Within minutes, behavior returned to normal. That our professionals and decision-makers have continued to allow this sham to . Coffey Jr, Robert J., Edward B. Leof, Gary D. Shipley, and Harold L. Moses. In other words perfect! However. 11.Croci, R., Pezzullo, M., Tarantino, D., Milani, M., Tsay, S.-C., Sureshbabu, R., Tsai, Y.-J., Mastrangelo, E., Rohayem, J., Bolognesi, M., et al. Suramin is a polysulfonated naphthylamine that is a primary agent in the treatment of African trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness) caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense or Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. Its considered almost a pest in New Zealand as its everywhere. (3) This study also says suramin doesn't work well on p2x4. 49 natural alternative to Ivermectin, due to its rapid degradation, low toxicity to mammals 16, and 50 effectiveness in controlling nematodes and ticks 17,18. The study participants in question used 300 milligrams (mg) each day. Structural Basis For Repurposing A 100-Years-Old Drug Suramin For Treating COVID-19. These people invite evil spirits to come into them and tell the HS He must depart! ME/CFS is a multi-systemic neurological disease, distinct from chronic fatigue as a symptom. Naviaux Lab, 2023. We loved pickled everything, sour the better. Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration could result in local tissue inflammation or necrosis[citation needed]. THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PRESENTED IN SUMMARY FORM, IS GENERAL IN NATURE, AND IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; IT IS NOT ADVICE, NOR SHOULD IT BE TREATED AS SUCH. I believe the White Pine is totally safe as well. Ph-D Boric Vaginal Suppositories 36 Count Each Exp 10/23. Consult your own doctor. As follows: The Antidote to the Contagion [3] In regions of the world where the disease is common suramin is provided for free by the World Health Organization (WHO). Albulescu, I.C., Kovacikova, K., Tas, A., Snijder, E.J., and van Hemert, M.J. (2017). As you dig really deep, you may be surprised what youll dig up. Coffey Jr, Robert J., Edward B. Leof, Gary D. Shipley, and Harold L. Moses. We have two sons with Autism and are verbal but are not using full sentences accompanied by the usual jumping, head and hand movements and jumping. Suramin was shown to be safe and effective in three preclinical models of ASD9-11 and a small human clinical trial1 in peer-reviewed papers published between 2013-2017. The research is promising and the findings are backed up by similar studies. [4] Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, skin tingling, and weakness. Every time, before I drink, I give the bottle a good shake. This compound is known to inhibit the binding of growth factors (eg, epidermal growth factor [EGF], platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF], tumor growth factor-beta [TGF-beta]) to their receptors and thus antagonize the ability of these factors to stimulate growth of tumor . I hope that someone posts something here which will help. So there are a few different alternatives. 1 (1987): 143-148. I have others mentioned in this post: (This page contains a link to products for purchase. Ethanol was found to decrease the time-constant of deactivation of ATP-gated ion channels without affecting the time-constant of activation, indicating that ethanol inhibits the function of these receptors by an allosteric decrease in the affinity of the agonist binding site. Sartor, Oliver, Catherine A. McLellan, Charles E. Myers, and M. M. Borner.
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