During these discussions, we talked about vacant and dormant taps to see how the agency would rule on a cost of service appeal if the system were to remove these dead taps to free up system capacity for other applicants along that water main. 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" 365 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<826B791C035DF141B5FC102546D7A1A5>]/Index[339 51]/Info 338 0 R/Length 113/Prev 168287/Root 340 0 R/Size 390/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Section E allows for disconnection without notice when a known dangerous or hazardous condition exists for which service may remain disconnected for as long as the condition exists, including but not limited to a public health nuisance as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code Sections 341.011 or 343.011. I1Aq sa:VAza:o ~6_9d23\@GfqQ H4o?a Z}*B"E}I"}}-}oKk$D%+M?AGPf!Sn$_ WzIj&?K/GrwkIL ( kZPiu-Jbg\N2A;$_J|MS[t7P]"nSx}tcGl>^ZKeKH^ZURCZjVAiU&6mvTAl/wDXIvS-U*Kv[GAWBk'3TnM(u"wP4n": $ ZJ[$+n4b=J}}0_LWjcF;0kc.#1I-u}'[{W}$LSKUnUKI.DW~mR^Np voZNL*aAnh^Xo;kji,5]4>Q/ZhB4cq: TuMBv;M8OPhFGDDDDE_k#[vD4 Dr(~[uk_w~'oa_}2;WdASMS aA aV* 8IxFDDDDD_B""#__O &FF#0B>"(4#c3h*E/#!!80 "Df"qdp%_d$vHf -Uyxn/dqHGci|GE800f:(F/GG0xG#xx DDD-p0 Check to be sure these references are included in your tariff and if so, the member would be prohibited from extending service from one side of the road/alley or across a property line to provide service to a neighbors property not designated to receive service according to your tariff. A: This is commendable for a system member to agree to read all the meters for your system at no cost. 0000001247 00000 n The system needs to be aware of the potential liability issues with such an arrangement and should contact the systems insurance provider to find out what, if anything, would be covered if the person is injured while reading meters or causes an accident or damages some customers property. These references clearly state that the meter belongs to the corporation and is to be maintained by the corporation. Using the formula 3.14 X Radius X Radius X Height X 7.48 (gallons per cubic feet) you can calculate the number of gallons of water added to the storage tank. What should we do with these boxes? 0000001032 00000 n <86> <87> <2020> Example: A 20-space trailer park with a 2-inch meter has been evaluated by some TCEQ inspectors to be the actual number of trailer spaces available. E8EVW:?m^_io~Kk^cQ"_fT"KMB!_ou ]oI_1QdpuOK_-21qWa;_?oN>?/]kD_I'XA_:4}]BhSl'~CA+u_;( m!QVa 8B*t6)(" L-6+$k "gbDF}/?# DWH&J_F#'2,dLj aPh0M0chw&H&; B,"m&_l/@^t\[O;H$w'p!;&C. ~A%b u;_K[O]u?__KVX?p5~5Ka%K}>k47Z=j{u__t Section 290.38 defines a connection as "a single-family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system." Including this language in a notification letter to all utility customers will help explain why the system is requiring a change for existing multiple connections. X1'H`7g3a*|f{h00eiF` BVb`+c0 z^ A: We get this question from time to time, and the answer as to whether you should have one master meter for each apartment building or one meter per individual apartment is it depends. In general, the Public Utility Commissions (PUC) rules first want separate meters for each unit so each individual users water usage can be measured accurately. Our engineers say the only way we can meet TCEQ standards for water distribution if we add the meter is with a six-inch line extension. 1.1 Land Use Assumptions and Projected Population The BPSUD water system operates as 4 independent pressure planes, which requires that each pressure plane be analyzed as a stand-alone system. (16) Connection--A single family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. C+vdt\?K(Pwu,Gu-=s-^|8o!$cntc}Egg=/ckY0 \ s)Q0tWN When a system sees that there is inequity in their current rate structure causing some customers to subsidize the water usage and capacity requirements for other customers, the board ought to rectify the situation by amending rates. The TRWA Sample Tariff addresses this issue and follows the Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chapter 24 rules about the systems ability to access a meter for repairs and normal service. >> def endcodespacerange <8A> <8A> <0160> xref fA=~0xO}wASICHzKnp[o These items became assets and therefore had to be maintained and upgraded at the expense of the water system. However, most of the time there isnt an easement filed between the two neighbors for the meter and service line from the front property to the back property being served. You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. <09> <0A> <0009> Hopefully the two figures are the same or within a reasonable margin of error. <89> <89> <2030> There is an automatic gate that only works by remote and we do not have access to it. <90> <90> <2022> A4INih9'uC0\!a;OKx[TJ2 7Kie u5e` T Ive also not heard of a system providing a water commercial permit. Use of the word commercial by a water system is typically a reference indicating that it is non-standard service and not a regular residential service location. <09> <0A> <0009> A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. We had the owner submit a feasibility study and it shows that we can support them. <7F> <7F> <2022> Some folks opt for wells of around 300 gallons per minute or less to use a fire truck or tanker instead of climbing an elevated tank to do the measuring twice. <00> This certificate should meet the TCEQ master meter test requirements for initial installation of the meter. 0000001388 00000 n /Ordering (UCS) Installing multiple meters on a single undivided property with a line running across the property could lead to easement issues in the future. The larger the meter, the greater the amount of system capacity that must be kept in place for that meter. There also is a section in the Service Application and Agreement form RUS-TX Bulletin 1780-9 (05/17) that states: All water shall be metered by meters to be furnished and installed by the Corporation. #9: "We're already listed as very high risk. Save. <88> <88> <02C6> Given more information about your utility we may have suggestions regarding ideas on sharing the cost of any upgrade. A water well is a hole drilled into an aquifer with a pipe, screen, and pump to pull water out of the ground. <00> <00> <0000> TCEQs Chapter 290 requires a meter to accurately determine the usage of each customer unless a master metering arrangement has been made. NSF 61 states that all components and materials used to cast or create the water works material/parts not contain any banned substances and that the meter, pipe, and/or parts have been properly constructed with the appropriate base materials. Re: US travelers connecting in AMS what are the rules now? 362 0 obj Going back to my earlier example, if a current customer wanted a new meter placed at the end of a road a 1/2 mile past the end of the existing water line, that new customer should pay their costs for extending that line and not have that cost be paid for by the rest of the members. <90> <90> <2022> Fax: 512.472.5186 connection (living unit equivalent) that for the purposes of this Amended Agreement shall be Six Hundred Fifty <00> <00> <0000> \\~;XBM?!GIjM_% ]$N6+ A;#-^V_J_K_Z!m?oW16d pzpDu@N_D}v54}aM,7=?9?rIh:O7U`BVM[np`&6+mC-Ot6)Rz 6+VM?mHAMA5i }l& pc#P3C"!GB448]o_ AtCCk*AC)ADc90cLrU At the time of this Agreement, an ESFC of wastewater means 315 gallons per day of water and an ESFC of water means 400 gallons per day of water. I am not aware of any cost of service appeals dealing with this issue specifically, but systems should be aware that the PUCT might side with the customer if someone complains about being charged new fees to obtain service at a location where service previously existed. /Registry (Helvetica-ObliqueOPBaseFont5) In the event that the placement ends up being wrong, the PUC would likely side with the owner in a dispute about relocation costs because they would see it as the utility shirking its responsibility to exercise due diligence when it set the meter in the wrong location in the first place. 1616 Rio Grande The NSF 61 is the standard for all pipes, repair clamps, and any other fitting or material used in a public water system. >> def % Q: I am going to change out our master meter at the well and replace it with a new one. 36 beginbfrange /CIDSystemInfo However, due to some political maneuvering several years ago, some exceptions were included in the Texas Administrative Code that allow the commissions executive director to permit master metering when applicable. What a system considers to be reasonable access may vary. Next, the system may want to offer a compliance schedule so that service will not be interrupted during the construction and installation of a second meter on the property designated to receive service.. A: This is one of those situations where a little extra effort by the system up front can save them substantial headaches and costs down the road. We encourage you to consider options for providing service and, most immediately, to ensure compliance with the 85 percent requirement. HWn8}7vR}\d.P`! Check to see if this reference is included anywhere and if not, call the supplier or the manufacturer for a copy to keep in your files in case the question comes up in the future. <89> <89> <2030> lF3n~m/O]w@_}!.u5Iul,CeA"Wyac. From this, they can develop a plan that best provides service to the entire development considering the wishes of the developer and the system. <8E> <8E> <017D> <8F> <8F> <2022> Master metering is only applicable when it is a single piece of property, not two different tracts. It is up to each customer to determine whether they must register as a business with the state or not. One of these meters is on a 1"water main line and the other meter on a 1 1/2 water main line. <8D> <8D> <2022> ]*U}%GikLf!=ZpcC[RqHL Then when these other services are discontinued those meters are removed by the utility that owns the meters, not the customer. It is never a good idea to set a meter at one residence with a yard or service line running across the property to the next active connection. <83> <83> <0192> The CSI inspector should make a note on the CSI form stating that the well has been completely disconnected from all the potable water lines serving the dwelling units. A: In the TRWA Sample Tariff, as well as in the USDA-RD Service Application and Agreement Form, it states that a meter shall be installed on a property to serve that single property and water cannot be diverted to another property. If a member purchases land other than where the original meter was installed, according to the TRWA Sample Tariff language, they have to transfer the membership to the new property owner and leave the meter in place. <20> <7E> <0020> Some systems opt to offer discounts to customers that have multiple connections or to waive impact or other front-end capital improvement fees. {Y 9w,r, 6Q@4Og)nF9c"|A""?__ovt^o_dM`L2,s54#Pj0 endstream endobj startxref /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin (7#~mz*B TwIewVq_kgcQyQ4Jd/ K3E\_%9=G$#. One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin How should this be handled? A. Q: Our 1.5-inch water line is at capacity and someone who is building a home in the area asked to add a meter to our line. The impact fee and other front-end capital improvement fees also remain with the existing tap and location and should never be transferred to another property for the same reasons above. D/^&H <9D> <9D> <2022> <81> <81> <2022> Q: One of our members sold their property and land but did not transfer the membership. /CMapName /CourierOPBaseFont1 def 9CT Therefore, removing the meter box completely could allow the utility to reduce its total number of connections for purposes of determining the systems necessary capacity. A licensed operator of a water system can calibrate their own master meters regardless of size or type by using the volumetric calibration method. 0000001312 00000 n This standard specifies that all chemicals used properly will not cause any health effects for the consumers. TRWA does not recommend any product, supplier or person and leaves that decision up to each system. The side benefit of the AMI technology is that when someone reports a leak in the system, this type of meter allows the system to read meters in that section to determine if the leak is from their system lines or from overwatering or leaks on the customers side. <83> <83> <0192> 0000006249 00000 n Texas Water Code Sec. 0000053091 00000 n /Ordering (UCS) Our service agreement states that we only allow one dwelling per connection. Due to an expansion, the two split and are now serviced by the same meter. Since the two businesses have separated and are no longer on the same property, then the convenience store is diverting water to another property, which constitutes an illegal connection or transfer of water from one property to another. A particular manufacturer is selling a pretty good meter, but it is not certified and before I invest a lot of money into their radio read system I need someone to answer this question. The defined area is depicted in Appendix 1. e. The Corporation shall require each Member to have a cutoff valve within 2 feet of the meter on the Members side of the meter for purposes of isolating the Members service pipeline and plumbing facilities from the Corporations water pressure. w;A`@3YceL 0a0DD8T#_ _~qd"D|%U0 a`q]HEWls!G29h4 8P_zz[__z-os%DtGDrJb"" )A The wait times at the transit Schengen passport control might be a bit longer but probably not since the border police seems to be managing staff levels. Q: We have several members who have second living residences at their home, but only one meter. To your knowledge, are there any parts of the tariff that would prohibit the member from entering into such an agreement or any part of the regulations that would prohibit such an agreement or jeopardize the systems compliance? The corporation will disconnect without notice if the member refuses to allow access for the purpose of confirming the existence of such condition and/or removing the dangerous or hazardous condition (30 TAC 290.46(i) and 290.46(j)). 0000002770 00000 n <83> <83> <0192> The customer does not own the meter just like the customer doesnt own the electric meter or gas meter, even though they have to pay all costs for these other metering devices to be installed. I have also seen frustration when the front property owner requests a second meter from the system and the line is at capacity. For customers who have their homes 500 feet or more off the road, meters may be relocated to the edge of the customers property instead of at the house. Others were due to leaks grounding out meters. An eight-inch (8") water main will generally be required to distribute water and provide fire protection within the multi-family district provided that the water main does not exceed 600 feet in length or serve more than two /CIDSystemInfo Your WSC cannot demand that a person pay the entire cost to extend a 6 inch line unless the engineer determines that is the size line it takes to serve that particular applicant. begincmap The result is an estimate of total :RA%_Xo($N4jKA$iH~5]_]_W_4_'MAzcbhS Gj,+ NPt%TJMvM'B!41F"#4_M}:C?o_o_Z__^_,bD-CF`s;7Qfdcq12FnfhPM4w*`Rthj7v>N2nAqNtF?ON~kEWTB}WLO'?~_Kjjv?ijpU5l%.^=8I>5jtLd%-A^XABL4"?DDDD~~/a?i{`TG{`_+IW21 ffy./HZU"L3FRCa;5.Z qa?C$;VY!v +rxO%}^F'dvwtkV~JW_k#Nq|o|!mm+DcWS62q}9jQi|:{MT'^K{Ul%kr#x~jBXDvK{!ZoI";NaZa4?AWuAR#kM4Nh0Ai#'A"""!D~" }~},Tv;R*2@YDxw4& f0OeqXYDtc/DCXt(P 4(A|;Z Where to live in Delft Wedged between The Hague and Rotterdam, Delft is a beautiful historical town that attracts those seeking a quieter lifestyle with good city connections. If your new meter is a 2-inch or smaller positive displacement meter, the straight pipe runs are not required for the meter to be accurate. The short answer is yes, the WSC/district board can change their tariff/service policy to allow for meters to be set on someone elses property. The ERUs would be equivalent to what would be used by typical single-family residences, if they were using the water. Q: Some of our customers have built duplexes in our system. n``N}@:\_EF-_*p"X;9$W'}',vl#A7.9J uph%(+u n'8i b9XAH03047:|clf`. 4Ct?3,RPapG}=>V"vIzJ*m'_ The member wants to know if a neighbor can hook up to the meter and if so, under what circumstances. ~0r; Different growth Most manufacturers suggest straight runs of pipe ahead of and following a master meter. Amstelveen is a leafy, prosperous, family-oriented suburb close to Amsterdam, which has a growing population of international residents. Other possible solutions the system may suggest to the customer are: move the fence back so the meter is outside the fence; install a separate gate at the location of the meter; or provide a key or code so the meter reader or repair crew can access the water line and meter 24/7. Should not effect transit. Based on the level and manner of service being requested by the owner, a 2-inch water meter may or may not be sufficient to provide the water capacity being requested. <91> <92> <2018> TRWA recommends that systems stop floating memberships and meters from one property to another because of the confusion it creates. <90> <90> <2022> The result is an estimate of total There should be a calibration or certification of accuracy with the new meter. The nagging question I have is what is the motive for this charity act and how long will it take for the fun to wear off? As an example, the number of service connections in an apartment complex would be equal to the number of individual apartment units. They summarized that because there had been a meter at that location, the new applicant should not be responsible to pay for upgrades to the water mains because of new customers being added at other locations along that same water main. hb```m ea>O)~N7vy)20:sLr All public water systems that hold CCNs (or are required to hold CCNs) must plan upgrades to the system when a facility, including distribution lines, reaches 85 percent of total capacity so that the improvement or upgrade is imminent or already in place once the facility item under consideration reaches 100 percent capacity. end CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop <9C> <9C> <0153> Where is the middle ground here? Examples of Equivalent Residential Connection in a sentence. pSaU0t}% tAkmBxJ _`TzJjzm*cUxh$IRJ\&O N'>Mg2:I&L=w.- ?A~}TmCi6?IV PnzN' k~"KcJMi?kvEw-a]z}k#AUGH}+ImKefXv~i^v0~Lz_ANxO}toc3X] u:^on}{_ZT_[=u?Z-?ZI{_oVVt}U&/z^mZowam}Mc*)Xk}v>51KuR[M45qQQE{N?ToTvM;,t_KvN=< SM4'e`]'vx\R"""""#[l&`Me!0|Ez/hDDDDDDipPL,qD_{nb~@ 7dnUEh(}|Df1emQ|DGX%A7q3+;* 2r'dDg&J":' tQT[NO1;Z" 0a;AS#ii A: TRWA hasnt tracked the number of systems that have installed electronic read meters, whether they be the AMR (drive-by) or AMI (instrumental gathered information) meters. end <8B> <8B> <2039> endstream endobj 5 0 obj<>/Width 2550/Height 3300/BitsPerComponent 1/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/Type/XObject/Name/background_2/Subtype/Image>>stream Private or domestic wells can be used for a variety purposes, such as irrigation, drinking water and industrial uses. The normal benefit to the applicant and the system is that the applicant/landowner can design their own water system within their property and not have to worry about multiple meters and which service lines goes to which office or trailer space. How do you protect the integrity of the system when you do not know the background or intent of the person performing the volunteer work?
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