How convenient for me. Okay this episode has already been hated enough you can pretty much type in the rants for 'No such luck' and there will be a lot of those, I too hated this e. Lola added, shouting. Lincoln: No! Lisa: Easy, easy! Lincoln: Happy Valentines Day, Ronnie Anne. Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. ", Lincoln: "But just because you lost your game, doesn't mean you have to pin it on me! But the woman did, "That your parents were caught skinny dipping after hours? Ruth shouted at the top of her lungs. Sighing, Rita turns to her children and said, "Look I know Aunt Ruth isn't your favorite relative" She was interrupted by Lynn Jr. saying, "That's the understatement of the century." ", [The sound of the ball getting hit by the bat is heard and the rest of Lynn's team runs the remaining bases. The End. 5 months of research ruined. ", Baseball Announcer: "I think you're rubbing off on me, Pep. I certainly am not! Lori: No, this is literally a terrible beach trip and I want to go home! Learn more. She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. Ronnie Anne: [Sighs] The softball game she accused Lincoln of being bad lack was on Friday the 13th. "Yeah, brah." While they were still upset about their parents' behavior and getting them kicked out of an awesome hotel, they understood why they did what they did and understood that they shouldn't had forced their parents to take them on their vacation. House of Lies alt ending14. Lori: WE'RE THE WORST SISTERS EVER!!!! Loud House Alternate Ending: Out of the Picture by . tears began to fall out their eyes. I have just had it! But Lynn Jr. yelled, "SIT DOWN!" (Points at Lynn) Nothing, but a stupid sore loser and a nasty, brainless brute! The siblings began agreeing with that statement, but Lynn Sr. and Rita were frightened. They got their answer when, suddenly, the door the spa was kicked open by someone's shoe. I thought you were my family! While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. When the officer entered the room, he was shocked at what he saw. Leni: Linky, if you didnt want to come to my fashion show, you just had to say so! Lincoln is running through town, sweating, panting, tearful and very thirsty. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. He staggers inside, weak and collapsed. No Such Luck (Alternative ending, my version) . "No need," another voice was heard saying, everyone turned and saw Jeffrey, the spa manager standing in the doorway, glaring at all of them, "I got staff to pack all of your stuff into your bags and bring it downstairs when I was informed you were still here by Maddie, one of my front desk clerks." The entire lobby was destroyed, couches were stomped beyond recognition, lamps and desks were thrown and broken, hotel luggage carts were somehow damaged beyond repair and some people were hurt (another author interruption sorry: not severely, mind you, but enough that they were going to feel pain tomorrow and the next few days). "Wait, what are you saying?" Also please don't flame me. You didn't deserve to win that stupid game or any game! Years after his death, Lincoln is given the opportunity to see how his sisters are doing. "Kids," Lynn Sr. got up from his seat, not realizing how angry the kids were, "What are you doing here? I don't expect it to be good, I just felt like doing an alternative ending. Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were battling off against three obnoxious hotel guests that made all of them look like saints. The school bell rings at Royal Woods Middle School. Look, I see sweaty footprints! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. We just thought you were bad luck, we didnt mean to upset you like this. After a minute, "Hello," the gruff sound of their Aunt Ruth was heard. The parents shook their heads up and down rapidly and nervously, the thought of being arrested terrified them and they couldn't stand the thought of being separated from their kids. ", Lincoln: "Just hear me out." "No," Lynn Sr. and Rita responded with, not liking where this was going. And Lori and Lisa. "Wait," Lori interrupted with, "How could our parents get us kicked out just for taking a late night dip?" ESPECIALLY THE EXTRA TOE! He gives her bat a furious glare, smashes it in half and throws it out the window. the goth girl added. Lori responded with, yelling the last few words. So, I plan to rectify that. Can you check on the computer and see who's staying in this room." Lincoln: And, you locked me out of my room. It's too broken, even for me! I'll keep it between the both of us. Lola: (sniffles) He called us all dummies.and a waste of life. Luan: (starts to cry) He also called us monsters..that we don't care for anyone, but ourselves.. Lana: He did have a point. Lincoln: That's what i always say. I'll admit, it was stupid and wrong of me to lie to them and take advantage of it, and I probably should've just told them that I just wanted some me time, but honestly, I think this is way more than I deserve. Theres no need for such vile, hateful behaviour, elder brother! Angus: (surprised by the question) Oh my. ], Family: "CONGRATULATIONS! Submit your writing. ", [The family and Bobby cheer for Lynn as she makes her run around the field. "Hotel security came up to the room?!" My own family, locking me out. How can I help you?" Almost as good as any Ace Savvy convention. They wanted to comfort him, but they both knew that he would push them away. An alternate ending to Underratedheros story, "Requiem For A Loud". I do not own The Loud House, it belongs to Nickelodeon Animation, created by Chris Savino. I hate clowning! If he losses, he doesn't blame me or my other friends. by Jeffrey Gaskill 191 2 1 Lincoln was outside the backporch but he went through that window like it was unlocked and his so-called family return home from the baseball game and then they went ins. NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. We should thought about it ourselves before jumping to a preposterous conclusion that you were bad luck. Lucy: Lincoln, stop! Looking at her parents in shock, she said, "You got us kicked out because you decided to go skinny dipping?" Maybe I should just stop playing softball for a while. We feel so ashamed!" Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! When Vanzilla pulled into the Loud Family driveway, Lori turned to her parents and said, "We're going to take our luggage up to our rooms. ), Lynn Sr.: "Get ready kids, we're going to the movies again, but Lincoln is coming with us. "EXCUSE ME???!!!" Hey guys, I'm sorry I was so horrible. "They're not the only guilty ones," Lynn, the girl in red with brown hair tied in a ponytail, responded back with, in a bit of wise-cracking tone, "Yesterday, Lana and I broke the elevators. I'm giving it a Teen rating, because while there is no serious violence in this story, there are still some moments that might not be comfortable for youngsters to have to read (primarily shouting and lots of it). Two more squirrels collide into each other and miss the catch. Wow, Lincoln, I'm really sorry. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. "I can't believe we didn't do that sooner," Lola responded back with, "She was nothing but an icky leech. Our family wouldn't be a family without-. #The loud house #lincoln loud #lori loud #leni loud #luna loud #Luan Loud #Lynn Loud #Lucy Loud #lana loud #lola loud #lisa loud #lily loud #the loud house headcanons #the loud . This response shocked Lynn Sr. and Rita, Aunt Ruth was someone they could rely in case they went out of town and couldn't trust their kids to be home alone, hearing her say she doesn't want them anywhere near her home made them very worried. Did anything life threatening happen? And, as a result, everyone, including the obnoxious guys and Lucy, were terrified. Lincoln: Enjoy your life in suits! Lincoln: AND I NEVER, EVER WANT TO SEE YOU UNLUCKY PARASITES IN MY LIFE AGAIN!!! "YOU KIDS ARE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND TO BE HONEST, I WAS GLAD WHEN YOUR PARENTS DECIDED TO TAKE YOU TO THAT HOTEL BECAUSE I COULDN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF BEING STUCK WITH YOU MONSTERS FOR TWO DAYS!" I was being a sore loser! I don't want this stupid bunch of brats in my life anymore! Sweaty Pants here! The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. She also knew it wasn't about Jeffrey, the manager, because any reviews he gave to staff were done over a month ago. It centers around an Alternate Timeline involving the events of the infamous episode "No Such Luck", where the Loud family thought that Lincoln was bad luck. Lincoln: (to the viewers) "Well, looks like everyone learned something. "Aunt Ruth," Rita said, trying to stop the kids from doing something they'd regret, "hang up the phone." [In stepped David, Winston, Skippy, Silas, Paige, Francisco, Benny, Sam, Chaz, and Bobby. We know we don't deserve it, but we hope you can forgive us! "Although," Lana, a six-year old tomboy wearing a baseball, added, "if it helps we tried to fix it." ", [It's revealed to be Lincoln in the runabout costume], Lincoln:[to the viewers] "My plan is simple: I watch the game in disguise, and when the Squirrels win, everyone will see I'm not bad luck. ", Lola: (slightly sad) "Well, I probably would've before, but, from now on, you come to my pageants when you want to, and if not, it's fine by me. Hmm. ", Pep:[dully] "Oh, I have that effect on people. Was the thought on her mind. Things were destroyed or damaged and they saw some people getting tended to for bruises. They knew they not only had the bill from the hotel to worry about, but also the possibility of getting sued. Lock 'n' Loud / The Whole Picture. THAT THING IS AS HIDEOUS AS YOU!" Lincoln: Stop it! Lincoln yelled, "WE HATE YOU!" I hate pageants! Are you saying that our parents are responsible getting us kicked out?" They knew their kids wouldn't like that but this was supposed to be a weekend for themselves, not the family, and the kids should've just accepted it and gone to Ruth's. But dont worry, youre still a great writer. ", Lincoln: (to his parents) "What kind of parents lock their own child out? "WELL, NOW THAT I KNOW HOW YOU KIDS FEEL ABOUT ME! "And just remember," Lori said, and then she and her siblings yelled one last time, "WE HATE YOU!" Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. ", Lincoln: "Because your my sister." Need i remind you looneys that its against the law to not shelter one of your own and what am i supposed to do now that all my belongings are gone!? *Cries* It's going to take me days to fix this baby! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Lola: *Gasp* My lovely car! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! Lincoln and Lucy hung their heads in shame and embarrassment. It spawned dozens of fanfics about it, and caused his whiny fanbase to go haywire on the sisters. Luck. "Yeah, I guess that's fair," Luna said, "we made a promise with you and we couldn't keep it." The siblings and parents saw Leni standing there, mom and dad were curious why Leni wasn't with them in the room but before they could say anything, Lisa answered her, "Yes my second oldest sibling. Not you or Lucy. Lucy: This was all just a complete tragedy and not in a good way. HATE ME FOREVER!!! This Fanfic is a MASSIVE critique on every fanfic that is targeting the Episode "No Such Luck" of the Western Animation Series "The Loud House." Also it is part Satire, so most of the behavior of the Characters appearing here may not be their usual self's. If you like all the Revenge-Fics who like to torment Lincoln's family and/or present his . And he did not look happy. Re-Uniting With Lincoln by KingMercury254. "I know you're headstrong sometimes, but I know that deep down in your heart, you love me. (he goes to the living room window. (She hugs Lincoln again), Lincoln: "Thanks Lynn. ", "Can I just say that I was only out there because I was accidentally locked out." Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. Literature. ", (the sisters cheers. I hate it that you don't have any feelings or care anymore! WE WENT TOO FAR!!! Ugh!" ", Lincoln: "No, Lucy. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. Lucy said, as the siblings once again glared at their parents with anger. I pull off one little trick and you guys all flip out over some nonsense like a bunch of gullible buffoons! Lynn Sr.: KIDS, please! "WE HATE YOUR DISGUSTING PUDDING!" (Lincoln picks up the head and jumps up and down on it several times.). Ive often helped feed your pets and come to your stunt moves. One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. ", Lincoln: "Well Luna, we all make mistakes. Lucy: But..but you wanted us to believe it. Immediately, everyone started running or hiding to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs of their destruction. DeviantArt Protect. NOTE: I apologise to those who hate NSL fics, but ive really wanted to get this off my chest. "What we're saying is is that you two are going to be confided to this building for the next 2 calendar cycles, only to leave for employment reasons or to get us sustenance from the one of our beloved stores." I wont spend the whole afternoon working up an over sweat in that stupid costume that reeks and doesnt fit me! ", Lynn: (angered, she gets closer to Lincoln and raises a fist at him) "If you don't get out of here, I'm gonna-", Luna: (pull Lynn back) "WHOA! And with that the parents ran into the room and closed the door. Anyway, here's my fanfiction. Ruth meant what she said when she said she would get a restraining order, which she did, and to make extra sure the family couldn't go to her, she packed up everything and moved to somewhere in Alaska. He even then flips over and smashes the trophy case. First, she got groans from her children and then Lola said, "What isn't wrong with Aunt Ruth?" I hate softball! And he did not look happy. Ive come to many grave-digging events and cemeteries with you! Pre-Story Notice: Hello everyone. "We don't have a hotel room anymore," Lincoln said, in a very angry tone that the parents weren't used to seeing. Lincoln: (points to the window) "The window. I cant take a moment more of this! Baby Steps / Brawl in the Family. Right now." "But you know what's not fair?" Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. He briefly looks at the family photo, beginning to cry. You're supposed to be grounded to the hotel room, remember?" Felix looked at the door and saw a number 5 on it. This is a family moment. Lincoln: I've had enough of this stupid costume! Rita asked. Lincoln: "Did anything bad happen, something life threatening that I would be deemed 'bad luck'? "You guys are literally going up the room right now and getting our stuff now!" You're all just pure wastes of life! ", [Margo takes a swing and flings herself into the umpire and the bat hits her helmet. We don't want to stare at you on the drive home, so you're sitting in the back." Well just grin and bear it. MY TROPHIES!!! "Huh. "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. This triggered events that none of the Loud House family could have seen. I hope you enjoy, please try to be as gentle yet honest as possible as to what you think about the story (this is my first fanfiction in general). NOTHING!! She shouted that last part at the top of her lungs. Rita: (Gasps) Lincoln! ", Rita: "And tomorrow, we're going to the beach." How about i give you something new to explain! I ADMIT IT!!! They knew that whatever they were going to tell Aunt Ruth, it wasn't going to be good. But in hindsight, I guess I should've thought about it more before lying to you guys. I kinda have mixed feelings on this alternate ending, though Im leaning more on the approval side. I'm not. (Lincoln, without hesitation, hugs her, with the rest of the sisters joining in for another group hug. The worst part is, they had no argument against this. The Louds. They all shouted. *Lincoln approaches the front yard with a megaphone. (Meanwhile, back on the beach, the family has gathered together, feeling very ashamed and humiliated. ", Lincoln: "Guys, it's me!" WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! We don't need to get violent here. Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. Lincoln: (crying berserker tears) NO!!! I have failed as a human being. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering lifestyle and. But we have to know, how the heck have you been able to scoop us?" Katherine: With help from my boyfriend. Meatbrain here and her dumb softball, this never would have happened! Lincoln: I don't believe it! ", Lincoln: "Well what are we standing here for? ", Lucy: "We don't care, we'll watch anything you want. Some sisters those ghouls are. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.). My coffin. (looks at Lincoln with a smile and puts a hand on his shoulder) "All of us. Lincoln turned to Lori and said, "I think we should call Aunt Ruth and tell her how we feel." Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. With how much of a hatedom Lynn Jr got after this episode, I had to have her own up to her mistakes. [Ronnie Anne handed Lincoln the card. You think you can just say sorry after making me look like a freak and everything will be fine!?! Lucy: (shedding tears) Me too. You're all insane!!! "Her pudding is at least a hundred years old and will cause us all to go to the hospital for stomach pumping," Lisa added. I just hurt Lynn! "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. I hate that you do nothing but ruin other people's lives, including one of your own! Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! Give it back! Everyone awed over this.] "WE HATE DOING ALL THOSE CHORES FOR YOU, YOU FILTHY SLOB!" Everyone winced at the final words out of Lola's mouth, but not the woman on the other end. The Loud House No Such Luck Altern. *Later in the Duke's room, Lincoln approaches Angus* Angus: Ah Lincoln, What's seems to be on your mind? "Do you have any idea how guilty you made us feel for possibly ruining your vacation for acting like ourselves?" Kick the . Did anything bad ever happen at your concerts with me there? Fortunately, there was no earthquake. Lana: (tearful) He might tell everyone in town and everyone will hate us. I hate concerts! Completed Sell custom creations to people who love your style. nosuchluck loudhouse Well here is an alternate ending to No Such Luck that ends on a happy note. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. And you better start talking now!". Luan: Yeah, our luck has just run out! (Lisa turns to him) Whatever happened to Woman of Science, huh!?! (pauses for a few seconds) "Do you guys notlove me anymore? Rita: Sweetie, please! The heat increases. ", Luan: "The same goes for all of us. Luna. Ruth yelled, "I DON'T WANT YOU OR YOUR UNGRATEFUL BRATS OR YOUR MANCHILD HUSBAND ANYWHERE NEAR MY HOUSE AGAIN? Rita walked over to her side of their bed and sat down, put her hands on her head and started sobbing. Lincoln blushed and hugged Ronnie Anne. (Cries) All my precious tiaras. If you dont want to wear the squirrel costume, dont wear it. Lola: Hey, Lincoln . I can't believe I told him to back away from his own home! This confused everyone even more, until Lincoln started putting 2 and 2 together. I'm supposed to be the most special Loud of all. Especially with the ending, so I created this story to give it a better ending. They also saw Lori in the front seat, Lynn Sr. knocked on the window. ", Lori: (smiles forgivingly) "It's alright, Lincoln. Lincoln: Which is why Im making you all wear squirrel suits for the rest of your lives, [They all gulp. I can't even begin to imagine what they'll do their parents when they find them.'. SQUIRRELS WIN!" I am bad luck! Lincoln: But you were all so gullible and stupid! Except for Lynn). Ive put up with your insults, your immaturity, your punches, your violence, your madness, your lack of manners, your stubbornness and your attitude and after today, ive well and truly had it! ", Lincoln: "No. She playfully rolled her eyes. I need to hide! Just a head's up. He really doesn't like us at all does he? Making Lincoln think we don't care about him? We really are just a bunch of chickens Lynn: Fine! But this particular day, one of those children has been left out due to some "bad luck". My first story is done. Lynn Sr.: (tears up) I can't believe he said we're not a real family. Lana: You know, on second thought, I don't want to be at the beach. Eventually Lincoln had the courage to say something, but was stuttering as he did so, "Areare you saying" he wanted to finished that sentence but felt that he couldn't. The Loud House Re-Write - Linc or Swim. Well thanks [Sam then kissed Luna on the cheek. After a few moments of static, a female voice was heard on the other end, "Hello, Felix. Why do these three buffoons have the room. There's a massive storm heading your way." Lincoln said, as tears started forming in his eyes. Her son said, "You and dad told us to behave ourselves and grounded us when we didn't, which we understand, but the fact that you said all that and decided your own advice was pointless! I only told Leni, Luan, Lana, Lola and Lily. ", Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! I hate that fact that you never make up for anything! There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned. It was wrong of me to blame you for my failure and call you bad luck! (Tugs at it), (They tug and pull while the rest of the family backs away nervously). Who do you think you are, calling us names and insulting us like that!? Whenever the kids fought, they were scared, whenever the kids were angry at each other or one specific sibling, they were scared, but when all the kids were angry at something (in this case, them), they were terrified, because they knew something bad was going to happen.
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