Last Name. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Unfortunately there is much more "research" required on this individual profile. He married in Sudbury, MA, 6 July 1670, Elizabeth Freeman, born there 23 June 1618. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. And no-one who claims to be descended from them can provide proof. Grab your favorite trucker hat/baseball cap, and settle in for this episode where Jeff picks Meb Faber's @MebFaber brain on everything from skiing to picking an investment advisor because they can get you on at Riviera Country Club. Thomas Gates (ABRAHAM ABEL, NATHAN, SIMON, Amos, Simon, Stephen, Stephen, Thomas) was born on 7 Nov 1843 in Missouri. The Life Summary of Ann. The Thomas C Phillips of Seattle, Wa:Information about Ronald Gates Home Page |Surname List |Index of Individuals | |Sources Ronald Gates Ronald Gates.He married Diane Yvonne Harnden, daughter of Kenneth Harnden and Helen Yvonne Phillips. Daughter of Nathaniel Hales and Susannah Busby, Place of Burial: Manakin, Goochland County, Virginia. aged 52years old. He served as Governor of the small Virginia settlement at Jamestown until 1614 when he returned to England where he died in 1621. Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Thomas Gates born 1669 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay died 1752 Preston City, New London, Connecticut including ancestors + descendants + 4 genealogist comments + Y-chromosome DNA + more in the free family tree community. NAME: According to the Chute Genealogy, by William E. Chute (p. 1 xvii), Stephens wife was Ann Hill. His son, Thomas Gates, was given administration of his father's estate on 13 June 1623. They replied back that they have never gotten any proof that Thomas and Elizabeth Gates had any children." Crewe Hall is a Jacobean mansion located near Crewe Green, east of Crewe, in Cheshire, England.Described by Nikolaus Pevsner as one of the two finest Jacobean houses in Cheshire, it is listed at grade I. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Thomas Gates to pay them a last tribute. The English surname Gate has three possible origins: (i) a topographic name from Middle English gate 'gate' (Old English geat dative plural gatum) denoting someone who lived by a gate or set of gates (possibly sometimes an occupational name for a gate keeper; compre Yates); (ii) in northern England the East Midlands and East Anglia a . CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. I have removed Sarah Olmstead as a spouse of Thomas Gates. Mr. Harrison's research turned up 16 burials for Neaves or Neeves during 1600 - 1700. From page 36 of THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY By EDWARD D. NEILL "Ships Arriving At Jamestown, From The Settlement Of Virginia Until The Revocation Of Charter Of London Company.". discoveries. Jump to: Biography Memories Family Tree Followers . Just because something/someone is listed on does not necessarily mean that the details are correct. Benjamin Gates = wife | Samuel Gates (c1590) William Gates (c1590) Unknown Gates Thomas Gates = wife Unknown Gates . CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Elizabeth, her parents' names unknown, arrived in Jamestown on the Warwick in 1620, a "Bride ship" for colonists. Enter a grandparent's name. Just one grandparent can lead you to many Born in the southwest of England, he served in the West Indies with Sir Francis Drake and fought with Robert Devereux, second earl of Essex, in Normandy and Cdiz, where Gates was knighted in 1596. Genealogy for Thomas Gates, of Jamestown (c.1588 - 1629) family tree on Geni, with over 240 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. login . Hi Everyone! May 1610, built at Bermuda, the Delierance and the Patience. Uni verbil v hemi Dies PHILADELPHIA. In 1974, Ben was told by his grandfather, John Gates, about a treasure that goes back to the Freemasons and the Knights Templar which was so large that no one man could claim it. Login to find your connection. They sailed via the West Indies, and while stopping there, his wife died. Thomas married Elizabeth Unknown about 1620 in James City, Virginia Colony. Thomas Mayhew Charlie Munger. Edit: Simon Gates (1648-) is also not the son of Thomas Gates and Elizabeth Weedon. Boulder Ridge is a 'lifestyle' community located on the picturesque hillsides of the Saint John River Valley. Sir Thomas Gates 1582-1634: Family Tree owner : comrade28. [9] This Thomas is being detached as son of Peter and Mary (Josselyn) Gates. Under research notes, it says that Stephen, the emigrant ancestor, was the son of Thomas, but it is believed that he was the son of Eustace, not Thomas. His wife and daughters went with him. Have you taken a DNA test? If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. On 12 Nov 2018 the profile birth location field said he was born in Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts BUT the profile bio said he was christened in Hingham, Norfolk, England. It is presumed he died in James City County, where he was granted land when he arrived. All that I can find in viable documents when it comes the Childrens mother is " whose mother (name unknown) had died on the transatlantic voyage". John Martin for a debt of "800 waight of tobacco". Gates was born at Colyford in Colyton Parish, Devonshire, in the southwest of England. Dates, locations and children do not match any history of this Governor I have found, also where did they obtain the wife's information (unsourced). If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. Governor Gates born 1585 died in the Netherlands sometime before September 7, 1622. Home; Trees; Search; DNA; . If so, login to add it. Henry Louis Gates uses DNA detective work to solve haunting family mysteries for actor Joe Manganiello and football star Tony Gonzalez. 132; Brainerd Anc. His exact date of birth and the identity of his parents are unknown. . Her surname is proven by lawsuit brought by Mary and her husband, Edward, to obtain custody and guardianship of her nephews when her brother suddenly passed away. The Rockefeller family (/ r k f l r /) is an American industrial, political, and banking family that owns one of the world's largest fortunes.The fortune was made in the American petroleum industry during the late 19th and early 20th centuries by brothers John D. Rockefeller and William A. Rockefeller Jr., primarily through Standard Oil (the predecessor of ExxonMobil and Chevron . . Just one grandparent can lead you to many This link between the Gates and Maxey families gives credence to the claim of some genealogists that Susannah's maiden name was Gates. Some facts that may support Susannah's maiden name being Gates: Parents. Welcome to My Family Tree Website. Her surname is proven by lawsuit brought by Mary and her husband, Edward, to obtain custody and guardianship of her nephews when her brother suddenly passed away. Genealogical Outline Descendant Tree (ODT) of the Gates family, relations of Rod Dav4is . If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. He arrived in Virginia a litte before Dale's ships (Starr, Prosperous, Elizabeth) were ready to depart. Presidential Family Trees and Famous Kin. Research genealogy for Thomas Gates of Hingham, Norfolk, England, as well as other members of the Gates family, on Ancestry. Aboard the flagship Sea Venture, Gates and his crew were shipwrecked on Bermuda for nearly a year before finally making it to Virginia. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. This profile and some related family profiles are under review for editing and sourcing on behalf of the US Southern Colonies Project. FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. No documentation has so far been found to support that date. February 12, 1759, Present, New London County, Connecticut Colony 10. 1627) Thomas. He married in Sudbury, MA, 6 July 1670, Elizabeth Freeman, born there 23 June 1618. The Territory of Tappahanna ouer against James Cittie. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. Her Captain was Christopher Newport. No source given for a marriage date of 1710 which would have put her as already the mother of 5 before she actually married Edward. Hi Everyone! Gates was heavily involved in plans for the development of the new Valley Forge campus for the University; however, the idea was eventually dropped in favor of expanding Penn's West Philadelphia campus, not before currying strong support. He is being removed as son of Thomas and Elizabeth. (Note: He would have been no more than about 17-20 years old in 1610, too young to be appointed Governor.) Surname meaning for Gates. Founded in 1852, Phi Mu Fraternity is a women's organization that provides the resources personal and . Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results John George Gates (1926 - 2012) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Have you taken a DNA test? Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. The family tree for Thomas Gates should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. 72; Dawes-Gates 2:9; Olmsted 12; Smith-Hale 213; Bigelow 23; Fox Fam. Sir Thomas Gates, lieutenant General of Virginia, returned from Holland in March and sailed from England towards the end of May 1611 with three ships, the Trial, the Swan and the Sara, three carvells (cattle only) and two hundred and four score men and twenty women, two hundred Kine, and many swine and other necessaries. If so, login to add it. Father of Anthony Gates; Capt. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. He was not the Govenor. Includes ahnentafel (ancestor) charts, family group sheets, famous kin relationship charts, surname and name indexes, and more. Before his election as university president . An Ann Neave, daughter of Thomas Neave was christened in Hingham, England 16 June 1611. "The English Origins of Stephen Gates, 1638 Immigrant to Massachusetts", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume 160 (January 2006). No Ann is listed. Have you taken a DNA test? I emailed the Jamestown Society and asked why they were not on their head of household list. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. There are also trees that say she is the granddaughter of Sir Thomas Gates the early Governor of Virginia. Charles Gates was early in Henry County, Virginia, and some of his descendants migrated to Georgia after the American Revolution." "Robert Gates who settled in St Mary's County, Maryland left a will, signed February 5, 1694, that names his wife, Dorothy and children with birth dates: John, 1681; Robert, 1686; Catherine, 1687; Susanna, 1688 . His children did not settle in America." He died on 10 Aug 1726 in Preston, New London, Connecticut. Mary's Aldermary with St. Thomas the Apostle,London England. Few records have been found for Thomas and Elizabeth Gates. He arrived in Hingham, Massachusetts, in the ship Diligent of Ipswich, England, 1638. From: Harrison, Edward J. This Thomas Gates is not the Thomas Gates who married Elizabeth Weedon in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England in 1617. Februar 1833: Eltern. Percy, through inept leadership, was responsible for the lives lost during the period called the "starving time". He created the Institute of State and Local Government in 1937, and the Fels Institute of the Wharton School in March of that year. FORMER U. P, PREXY DIES. 12th cousin 2 times removed via Adam . Thomas Gates was born in Norfolk, England, around 1595. Spouse(s . Research genealogy for Thomas Pickens Gates of Madison, Madison, Alabama, as well as other members of the Gates family, on Ancestry. Gates arrived to find a few surviving starving colonists commanded by Percy. He died in the Netherlands about 7 September 1622. Mary's Aldermary with St. Thomas the Apostle,London England. Seen in the book, Changing Tides. Husband of Mary Gates Rufus Thomas Gates family tree Family tree Explore more family trees. {{ media.date_translated }}. Governor Gates was born in Colyford, Colyton Parish, Devonshire, England about 1565. That has been proven to be not true. This Thomas Gates is also not the son of Peter Gates and Mary Josselyn. The rarity of having such a small Greek community is that it feels like a sas retail services payroll department University of Colorado Boulder - Xi Alpha - Check out our Fall 2021 Recruitment Videos under the Media tab!. Click the Changes tab for the details of contributions by Candy and others. Children: From Stephen Gates of Hingham and Lancaster Massachusetts And His Descendants, A Preliminary Work Subject To Addition And Correction, compiled by Charles Otis Gates, New York, Willis McDonald & Co., Publishers, 1898 Ann, the widow of Stephen Gates, married Richard Woodward of Watertown, MA, in 1663. User Home Page Book: The Root Cellar (12/2001): Register Report of Thomas Gates . Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Thomas Gates born 1732 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts Bay died 1814 Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States including ancestors + descendants + Y-chromosome DNA + more in the free family tree community. Sir Dudley Carleton was quoted, saying that Gates was "an ancient honest gentleman of this nation." Outline Descent Trees . We encourage you to research and examine these records to . John GATES: Mary WHITNEY: Quellenangaben. William Gates: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R-FT345366, FTDNA . However it seems to confuse Avery Kolb writing in Early Passengers to Virginia: When Did They Really Arrive? Found birth date of Oct.19,1651,England.[2]. This is the only Ann in the records. Edit: John Gates (1621-) is again not the son of Thomas Gates and Elizabeth Weedon. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Thomas James Boyce (1908 - 1987) . Explore genealogy for Thomas Gates born abt. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Skip Ancestry . Seen in the book, Changing Tides. Parents: Eustace Gates (1566-1626) and Rose Wright (1566 - 1635), (New England Historic Genealogic Society Web site; must be a member to use most services). The first evidence of John Gates in Virginia is in 1636 in Elizabeth City. Research genealogy for Rufus Thomas Gates of Orange, North Carolina, as well as other members of the Gates family, on Ancestry. Welcome Home to Boulder Ridge Estates. Genealogy for Thomas Sovereign Gates, Sr. (1873 - 1948) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Millennium File Publication, Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2003; This profile developed through the merging of Gates-1405 and Gates-624 into Gates-187. In 1703 he sold out and moved to Norwich. September 7, 1622 - Sir Dudley Carleton writes a letter informing an English official of the death, in the Netherlands, of Sir Thomas Gates, describing him as "an ancient honest gentlemen of this nation.". 1646 Hingham died 1726 Preston, New London, Connecticut including ancestors + descendants + 3 genealogist comments + Y-chromosome DNA + more in the free family tree community. Middle Name. Thomas V Gates was born on December 5, 1945, and died at age 57 years old on January 8, 2003. Thomas Gates was christened on 6 December 1593 in Coney Weston, Suffolk, England. Geni requires JavaScript! IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. I assert that Ann Gates IS NOT Stephen Gates daughter, but rather Thomas Gates daughter (with Mary McInye) on the following basis, and that the incorrect assumption that she was Stephen Gates daughter has been perpetuated to the point it was taken as fact when evidence exists to the contrary for the following reasons: (1) No record exists of Ann Gates having been born to Stephen and Ann Hill/Veare/Neaves Gates. Deze informatie is onderdeel van Speake-Moody-Gates-Gochenour-Washington Family Tree van Kenneth L. Gochenour op Genealogie Online. This story permanently impacted Ben, starting . Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. On 24 June 1622 in Hingham, Norfolk, England, Thomas married Maget Mylnye. Edward Maxey, Jr. hath seduced from him the said children, and praying they be ordered to return to him. The family tree for Thomas Gates is still in progress. Thomas Garth was a graduate of Airframe and Powerplant at Reedley College. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Gates oversaw the use of the university campus as a training ground for American troops. Leave a message for others who see this profile. . Lot is large and mature trees will provide serenity, privacy and shade. 335, 6 April 1724: William Bradshaw by petition sets forth that John Gates bequeathed the care of his two sons William and James to Charles Snugs, who did appoint the petitioner his sole executor and residuary legatee. (From Harrison, Edward J. One of the witnesses to Susannah Maxey's will was James Gates, probably the son of John Gates, both of whom were mentioned in a court petition of William Bradshaw directed to Susannah's son, Edward Maxey, Jr., in 1724. The Genetic History of Bill Gates. discoveries. September 7, 1622 - Sir Dudley Carleton writes a letter informing an English official of the death, in the Netherlands, of Sir Thomas Gates, describing him as "an ancient honest gentlemen of this nation." He was christened on 03 May 1646. Contact . view all 16. Father of Elizabeth Holmes; Isaac Gates; Sarah Gates; Mary Rose; John Gates, Sr. and 21 others; Josiah Gates; Deborah Standish; Anna Tyler; Ruth Andrus; Abigail Forbes; Caleb Gates; Joanna Standish; Stephen Gates; George Gates; Simon Gates; Freeman Gates; Henry Gates; Thomas Gates, Jr.; Bererah Gates; Robert Richards; William Gates; Richard Richards; Thomas Richards; Edward Richards; Jonathan Gates and Joseph Gates less He may be the same as John Gates (1621-abt.1713). They resided in Stow, Charlestown, Marlborough, and Sudbury, MA, before their removal to Preston. Menu. Sir Thomas Gates (fl. William Thomas Gates West Union - William Thomas Gates of Seneca, SC passed away Monday, May 10, 2021. . Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. . Thomas Gates, baptized in Hingham, MA, 3 May 1646, died in Preston, CT, 10 Aug. 1726. I have seen family trees going back to the 1300s and more for this Gates family. He worked in construction and loved working with his hands. He is also not the father of George Gates of Haddam, Connecticut. His wife and two children were with him and they settled in Massachusetts, where he died in 1662. Thomas left a will, dated 10 July 1723, with a codicil, 8 April 1724, in which his wife is not mentioned. Sifting through stories of the Armenian Genocide, the rise of Nazi Germany, the Jim Crow South, slavery, and the American Revolution, Gates unravels deep secrets and uncovers lost ancestors--compelling each of his guests to rethink their own identities. 3rd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. - The First Republic in America, Alexander Brown. [3][2][4] They had the following children born at Preston:[5], Thomas died on 26 Aug 1752 at Preston, New London County, Connecticut. Sir Thomas Gates, Categories: Ancient Planters of Virginia | Jamestown, Virginia Colony | Swan, sailed 1609 | Jamestown Colonists, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. 1590 - aft. His wife was one of many that died en-route to Virginia. via Gov. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, William Gates, Stephen Gates, Stephen Gates, Alice Gates, Bridget Gates, Simon Gates, Mary Gates, Coney Weston (probably), Suffolk, England (United Kingdom), Hingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, Hingham, Norfolk, England (United Kingdom). Susannah is 14 degrees from Jennifer Aniston, 17 degrees from Drew Barrymore, 17 degrees from Candice Bergen, 18 degrees from Alexandre Dumas, 11 degrees from Carrie Fisher, 28 degrees from Whitney Houston, 19 degrees from Hayley Mills, 14 degrees from Liza Minnelli, 15 degrees from Lisa Presley, 17 degrees from Kiefer Sutherland, 14 degrees from Bill Veeck and 20 degrees from Brian Nash on our single family tree. A 1651 birthdate seems highly unlikely. [6], His will is dated 20 August 1751 and proved on 26 August 1752 in Norwich. Sir Thomas Gates, lieutenant General of Virginia, returned from Holland in March and sailed from England towards the end of May 1611 with three ships, the Trial, the Swan and the Sara, three carvells . 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Thomas left a will, dated 10 July 1723, with a codicil, 8 April 1724, in which . 161) "Stephen Gates of Hingham, Lancaster and Cambridge, Mass., and Some of His Descendants" by the late Clarence Almon Torrey, Ph.B. The only record of a John Gates in the area is an indentured servant who arrived in 1628. [2] She could not have been the Elizabeth Unknown who arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1620 on the Warwick and married Thomas Gates there. (a) I can find no documentation for Ann Gates actual DOB other than an American Genealogical Biographical Index reference (Vol 61 p 156) that refers to 1610, however (to my knowledge) there is no supporting documentation, and this may well be based on false information. If I remove Robert, Daniel and Thomas as children will the profile be correct? 1, page 604 "GATES, George (1635-1724) & Sarah [OLMSTEAD] (1641-1709); ca 1661; Haddam, CT {Hartford Prob. The estate distribution was set out to Daniel Gates, Zebediah Gates, Thomas Gates, Prudence Phillips, and the children of Robert Gates, decd (Simeon Gates, Margaret Gates, Mary Babock, Abigail Gates, Azubah Gates, and Grizella(Priscilla?) Grandson of John Adams Gates . Welcome to My Family Tree Website. Gates Fort, also named in his honor, is a point of interest in St. George, Bermuda. Denis (see following note) notes this is an item downloaded from the Internet. Thomas' death date is unknown. . Famous Kin . . Additionally, Mr. Harrison conducted a thorough investigation of the original registers and makes a strong case for Anne's last name to be Neave. Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. Most of them seems to be named after one of the founding fathers. Sir Thomas Gates had one son Stephen, who was left in England when Sir Thomas and his wife traveled to Virginia. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their . Thomas Gates was Burgess for Mulberry Island in 1629. Family, friend, or fan . Thomas Gates was born in Essex and he is as far back in the Gates family tree as I can trace. discoveries. It is not unlikely that she would have been placed under the guardianship of her uncle. Family tree of Bill Gates - EntiTree Visualize the family tree on a dynamic, navigable tree diagram Governor Thomas Gates was b 1585, Cotyldon, Englland, This profile does not have historical documentation support. Muster Search Results for February 1624/25 show this information for Thomas Gates. All the children are correct except Jeremiah, who is the son of another Thomas Gates, Gates-1205. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. William Gates: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R-FT345366, FTDNA kit #841194 It is . . Discover the family tree of Thomas Gates for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. From genetic engineering to geoengineering, we treat nature as though it's a machine. If so, login to add it. She is also listed as having been born in Virginia, which is unlikely. [3] Also, a William Gaites is listed as owning land next to Susannah and her husband Edward Maxey (see Map attached to this profile)[4]. Has a lot of reading to it and states that her parents are Profiles merged by. Thomas George Maxwell (c1835-) 25. 4, pp.212-13, The Maxey's of Virginia, by Edythe Maxey Clark, A Genealogical History of, Ancestry Family Trees, Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Thomas is 14 degrees from Jennifer Aniston, 14 degrees from Drew Barrymore, 20 degrees from Candice Bergen, 19 degrees from Alexandre Dumas, 16 degrees from Carrie Fisher, 26 degrees from Whitney Houston, 15 degrees from Hayley Mills, 12 degrees from Liza Minnelli, 15 degrees from Lisa Presley, 14 degrees from Kiefer Sutherland, 15 degrees from Bill Veeck and 18 degrees from Brian Nash on our single family tree. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Leslie Lyons, b. 28 Feb 1970.; Ronald Gates, b. 22 Jun 1972.; Jake Gates, b. Start Family Tree; Matthew Gates - Upper Marlboro, Maryland - (301) 574-0554. Sir Thomas Gates had a cross erected before leaving Bermuda, on which was a copper tablet inscribed in Latin and English: In Memory of our deliverance both from the Storme and the Great leake wee have erected this cross to the honour of God. . . Sir Thomas Gates served as governor of Virginia in 1610 and then as lieutenant governor from 1611 until 1614. At his death, Gates had at least two sons, Thomas and Anthony, and three daughters, Margaret, Mary, and Elizabeth. Leave a message for others who see this profile. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Thomas Gates (1669 - 1752) Thomas married, July 6, 1670, Elizabeth Freeman, daughter of Edmund Freeman of Sudbury, Ma. The Thomas Gates who had children Robert, Daniel, Thomas and Priscilla made his Will in 1751, so he could not have died in 1726. He left London in 1612 with . (No Gates ancestors here; All are cousins or cousins-by-marriage.) NEW RESEARCH seems to show that Anne's last name was Neave. He worked to establish a College for Women by 1 July 1933 that would have the same curriculum as the current colleges. Thomas Gates' birth date is estimated based on the date of his arrival in James City, Virginia in 1610. Two different people. 15851621), followed George Percy as governor of Jamestown, the English colony of Virginia (now the Commonwealth of Virginia, part of the United States of America). There is no proof as to who her parents were, that has been found.
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