[1], By this time Thrin was in possession of the last of the Seven Rings of power. Under Thranduil's imprisonment, the blade had been confiscated by the Wood-elves. The surviving members of the company later kneel by his body as a mark of respect, before he is eventually entombed with Orcrist and the Arkenstone. Thorin found the Elven blade Orcrist in the trolls' cache,[T 2] and used the sword fighting goblins in the tunnels beneath the Misty Mountains. 20% Oops. for a customized plan. Once again, it's worth pointing out that in the source material and unlike in "The Rings of Power," this event doesn't take place when Durin III or even Durin IV is in charge. As seen in the first film, Thorin earns his epithet Oakenshield during his fight against Azog at the Battle of Azanulbizar where he uses an oaken branch as both a weapon and shield. 2941, being the son of Thrin II, grandson of Thrr and older brother to Frerin and Ds. After Dain I and younger nephew Frr were slain at the doors of their hall by a Cold. This time it's because of a new threat: dragons. 2941, being the son of Thrin II, grandson of Thrr . $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Raised in Erebor, though spent his rule in exile in the Blue Mountains until he set out on the Quest of Erebor and returned to his old home. Thranduil traced his fingers along the trunks of each tree he passed, whispering sweetly to them, promising their renewal soon, very soon. Answer (1 of 2): They are related from a way back, through the line of Durin's Folk. In The Hobbit film trilogy, Thorin is portrayed by Richard Armitage. The oldest and most famous of these Fathers is Durin I, who wakes up and wanders for a long time through the freshly created world of Middle-earth. Abigail Baggins is 23 years old and the adopted daughter of Bilbo Baggins. 2850 until his death in T.A. So, there's no knowing how much of this version of the text would have become "officially sanctioned source material" if the author had lived to flesh it out properly. Thorin appears to be strongly defined by his sense of entitlement: He is a proud leader from a family of nobility on a quest to reclaim his stolen inheritance. In Peter Jackson's films, Thorin begins his quest with his sword, axe, and oak-branch shield. Titles. Go back to your books and your armchair. In the film The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, Thorin is mortally wounded after a fierce battle with the goblin Azog. Thorin II, also known as Thorin Oakenshield, was the King of Durin's Folk from T.A. 2850 until his death in T.A. 1. Tolkien. It means "Bold". Thorin was portrayed by Richard Armitage in The Hobbit film series. He was immensely brave and was willing to give himself up for a just cause, until Dragon-sickness came over him. A family full of food and relaxation. In their beginning, there are seven Fathers of the Dwarves who are created and placed at different points across Middle-earth. However, because the name appears twice, both in Drinn's and Dvlinn's line, it has also been suggested that it simply means "with an oaken shield". Though the quest was a success, Thorin showed his true greed at the end of his life and died in battle. It seems like it's an easy hop, skip, and a jump from here to Smaug attacking the mountain kingdom, too. "You miserable hobbit! Farewell."[14]. tho'rin. 215 7 2. In the end, Thorin gives in, and is stabbed by Azog. Tolkien mentions a certain Borin, younger brother to Dain I, the two sons of Nin II king of the Dwarves in the Grey Mountains. [3], The Dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf encountered many dangers on their journey to the Lonely Mountain, surviving Trolls, Orcs, Wargs, and Spiders. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Because Thrr is Thorin's grandfather. 2799. Thorin had 2 siblings: Frerin and one other sibling. With that, he died. Orcrist, axe There they discussed their tales and Gandalf formulated a plan. [1][5], Disillusioned, Thorin's grandfather Thrr wandered to the Eastern gate of Moria, the old mansion of the Longbeards, now infested by Orcs. As the battle drew on, Thorin leapt from the front gate and rallied all Elves, Men, and Dwarves to him. Merriam-Webster primarily defines "bane" as "a source of harm or ruin: CURSE." Commentators have noted that Thorin is Old Norse both in name and character, being surly, illiberal, independent, proud, aristocratic, and like all Dwarves greedy for gold. Published: Nov 10, 2014. Race Titles The One Wiki to Rule Them All is a FANDOM Movies Community. Tolkien wanted them to epitomize the character of valiant Viking warriors of old. Thorin was best known for his deeds as leader of a company that infiltrated the lost Kingdom under the Mountain to take it back . Once again, things seem pretty good for a while, and they stick around for multiple centuries in their prosperous new home. 96 followers. In Soviet 1985 television play ("The Fantastic Journey of the Hobbit Mr. Bilbo Baggins") Thorin was played by Anatoly Ravikovich. Thorin passed away of cause of death in 1814, at death place. The power of the Rings: (Source: Wikipedia) The Nine were given to Kings. Thorin, then aged ninety-five, was never to see his father again, as Sauron captured and imprisoned Thrin in Dol Guldur. They settle the Lonely Mountain, head north for a bit, and return due to dragons one of which follows them. This was on the wizard Gandalf's advice to hire Bilbo as a burglar, to help them steal their treasure back from the dragon Smaug. [5][6], Shippey writes that in chapters 68 of The Hobbit, Tolkien explores "with delight that surly, illiberal independence often the distinguishing mark of Old Norse heroes". Birth Thorin was determined to get the treasure back, and especially wanted the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain, an heirloom of his Kingdom. By. He fought with one of the Dwarven armies beneath the East-gate of Moria. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin leads the company into the Battle of Five Armies with a sword and a shield, with which he slays many Orcs. [2] They soon reached the Lonely Mountain itself and "with the last light of Durin's Day" they found the secret side-door, using the key to open it. Thorin was born in the Lonely Mountain to Thrin II and his wife in TA 2746. . Although Thorin makes no appearance in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he is mentioned by Gandalf in the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring, during the Fellowship's journey through Moria. Hosts of Wood-elves and Lake-men approached the mountain led by the Elvenking and Bard respectively. Bilbo Baggins. Therefore Gandalf invited Thorin and other Dwarves to Hobbiton of the Shire, instructing them to look for a smial whose door was marked with the sign of the thief (as the dwarves had gotten it into their head that Bilbo was a thief). You undersized burglar! He was the leader of the Company of Dwarves who aimed to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon, and was the son of Thrin II, the King of Durin's Folk in their exile from Erebor, and the grandson of King Thrr but . [23], Thorin was capable of being stubborn, proud, and greedy. [5] He wore a belt of gold and jewels,[22] and his stockings were yellow. The race of the Dwarves plays a quiet yet important role throughout J.R.R. Answer (1 of 8): No, Thorin's grandfather Thror had two younger brothers, Fror and Gror. This migration, in effect, hits the reset button for Durin's Folk. Legolas confiscates Orcrist, and the company is captured. Thorin Oakenshield was born in 1619, at birth place, to Thrain. Therefore both he and Thorin had a shared interest in removing Smaug. But it turns out that the dispossessed Dwarves aren't quite as settled in their homeland as one might expect. Thorin wields the sword during the Orc chase, and slays a warg with it. Interestingly, there's nothing in Tolkien's writings about the Durins being consecutive father-son pairings or two Durins living at the same time (which contradicts "The Rings of Power" narrative). Balin was seven when Smaug attacked Erebor. It is possible that as Sauron's power grew so too did the ring's influence over Thrin. Both Thrin and Thorin were wounded during this battle and Frerin (Thorin's brother) was killed. [T 6] Seeing that Smaug was not there, the Dwarves reclaimed some of the treasure; Thorin gave Bilbo "a small coat of mail" made of mithril as the first instalment of his payment. The House of Finw and the Noldorin descent of Elrond and Elros. After succumbing to Dragon-sickness, he seemed to be cruel, stubborn, and vain, and overvalued the treasure of Erebor. Fili Y Kili. [6] They escaped in barrels and traveled down to Lake-town. Tolkien derived the name Oakenshield from Eikinskjaldi, a Dwarf in the Old Norse poem Voluspa. The figures after the names are those of birth and death where recorded (when only one figure is shown it is the date of birth). After the Balrog wakes up and begins trashing Khazad-dum, "The Return of the King" says that "Durin was slain by it, and the year after Nin I, his son; and then the glory of Moria passed, and its people were destroyed or fled far away." The complete family tree of all the creatures in the Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's Middle Earth. Eventually, lusting for gold in his mind get this he assembles a group of Dwarves and sets out on a quest to retake the Lonely Mountain from Smaug. According to Gandalf he was, from the beginning, contemptuous about the notion that Bilbo should go with him on his long-desired adventure to the Lonely Mountain; he thought that Gandalf was trying to mock him and make him look foolish. [T 3], When the Dwarves were captured by the wood-elves of Mirkwood, Thorin insisted that the others not disclose their quest to their captors. Renews March 11, 2023 First they are family. 2850) Thorin became the King of Durin's Folk. The Dwarf-king is captured by Sauron's servants and brought to his fortress in Mirkwood, where the Dark Lord lives at the time in his guise as the Necromancer. I want one of these beads! When Gandalf had rescued the company, letting dawn turn the trolls to stone, they opened the trolls' lair. The Dwarves duke it out with these new oversized pests until their king, Din I, and his son Frr, are killed. Thorin even begins to talk like Smaug, slowly, stressing sibilant syllables. During the battle, Thorin led an assault that proved his strength as a leader, striking out from the mountain and providing vital aid as the goblins threatened to overwhelm his allies. Here they prospered in their own fashion, forging iron objects and increasing their numbers (albeit, due to a scarceness of Dwarf-women, very slowly, and by wandering Longbeards who heard of his dwelling). They had the power to make people invisible and prolong life. Thorin is a 'real' dwarf-name from the Vlusp, perhaps related to the god Thor, apparently deriving from Old Norse for 'daring'. Using a broken branch as a shield during the Battle of Moria, Thorin was given the name Thorin Oakenshield. It was there that he earned the name Oakenshield when his shield was broken and he used the branch of an oak tree in its place. Thorin II, also known as Thorin Oakenshield, was the King of Durin's Folk from T.A. This takes place in front of the gates of Moria (an event portrayed in a flashback in "The Hobbit" trilogy), where the Orc-chieftain Azog is killed (unlike in the movie version where he survives), and Thorin earns his nickname of "Oakenshield" through his resourceful use of an oak branch in the fighting. We've finally reached the point where Thorin himself is the king. Their arms are different and are shown with pride. King of Durin's FolkKing under the Mountain (briefly) Plant your trees, watch them grow~ . The future King under the Mountain has two siblings. cried Thorin, turning upon him and grasping him with both hands. He is the son of Thrin II, grandson of . The text adds, "But those who fell in Azanulbizar were honoured in memory, and to this day a Dwarf will say proudly of one of his sires: 'he was a burned Dwarf', and that is enough. He repeatedly berates and shouts at his followers, almost strangling Bilbo to death on the revelation that he gave the Arkenstone to Bard and Thranduil and later banishes and threatens to kill Dwalin. He was laid to rest deep within the Lonely Mountain. His mother a took. Din continues to rule for several decades until the War of the Ring breaks out. Thorin was the first to emerge from the barrels at Lake-town, marching up to the leaders of the town, declaring himself as King Under the Mountain. At Thorin's burial, Thranduil decided it was more appropriate to place it on Thorin's tomb, and did so, along with the Arkenstone.[14]. When the Dwarves are brought before the Great Goblin, Grinnah finds Orcrist, alerting the other goblins of its presence, and the Great Goblin orders the Dwarves' execution over it. Other Info. [note 1] They then proceeded to go to Thorin's Halls. There he was killed by Bard the Bowman, who pierced the bare spot on Smaug's left breast with his Black Arrow. [13] The film adaptation adds to Thorin's quest an arch-enemy in the form of the villainous orc leader Azog,[14] as well as a history of enmity with Thranduil, which began with a dispute between his grandfather Thrr and the Elvenking over the White Gems of Lasgalen. [11] Instead, he sent a Raven to seek aid from his relative, Din Ironfoot, who sent a force of Dwarven soldiers on the move to secure the reclaimed mountain city. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? . The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. His family continues to rule, with five of his heirs specifically being recognized as "other Durins" in his likeness. Titles. Thorin is the leader of the Company of Dwarves who aim to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon. The people of Lake-town welcome Thorin in ch. However, in his last moments after the battle, his true noble self returned, and he asked Bilbo for forgiveness. In the 1977 animated version of The Hobbit, Thorin is voiced by Hans Conreid. Thorin II "Oakenshield", eventually called King under the Mountain or Mountain King [1], was the son of Thrin II, the older brother of Frerin and Ds, the grandson of King Thrr and the uncle of Fli and Kli. While less utterly destructive than the Nine Rings for Mortal Men, these are still evil trinkets that corrupt the heart and make the Dwarves who wear them ravenous for riches. However, in Thorin's own words in "The Hobbit," "There was a most specially greedy, strong and wicked worm called Smaug. Others took up the song and it rolled loud and high over the lake. After a long line of Khazad-dm-based kings, including six of the eventual seven reincarnated Durins, the Longbeards are forced to leave their home. General Thorin in Gene Deitch's version by [Ghostwalker2061]. Fangirl. In the final film, Balin recognizes that Thorin has utterly succumbed to Dragon-sickness, and confides this tearfully to Bilbo. These news were brought by his companion Nr to Thrin, thus the War of the Dwarves and Orcs began. Thorin belongs to the race of Dwarves, typically short, stocky beings with long beards and shining eyes . And then there are the other well-established Middle-earth Dwarves we already mentioned, like Gimli and the Durins (all of whom are also distantly related to Thorin, too). Remember earlier when the Dwarves went to the Grey Mountains in the north, and then some dragons forced them to head back south again? Thorin Oakenshield (Thorin II) is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit. Pronunciation. While traveling from Rivendell to the Misty Mountains, Thorin's axe is seen as more of a walking axe, than a battleaxe. The armies of the free peoples of Middle-earth emerged triumphant. In Peter Jackson's three-film adaptation of The Hobbit (20122014), Thorin is portrayed by Richard Armitage. Thorin is also seen wielding a short sword called 'Deathless' during the first part of the movie, as well as a metal battleaxe. In the book "The Fellowship of the Ring," Gimli recites a song about Durin: "The world was young, the mountains green, No stain yet on the Moon was seen, No words were laid on stream or stone When Durin woke and walked alone." Want 100 or more? When Thorin enters the story for the first time in "The Hobbit" book, the author describes him as an enormously important, haughty Dwarf who represents a venerable line of kings forced into exile by the infamous Smaug the Golden. In the course of the adventure, Gimli aids the Ring . "I gave it to them!" 8K Views. Thorin is the descendant of the King Under the Mountain who lost his throne when Smaug came and ousted the dwarves from their home. Durin Family; Do Not Separate The Heirs Of Durin; During The Hobbit; Durin Family Feels; . After the battle he led his people to establish a foothold in the Blue Mountains west of the Shire. (well, I know theres at least one), so I thought Id post this here. Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thrin, son of Thrr, King under the Mountain is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit. 27.7K 710 40. When Balin realizes that Thorin was not himself, he believes that the sickness has fallen onto his companion and convinces him to enter the mountain to save Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield (TA 2746-November 23, TA 2941) was the heir of the royal Line of Durin, and the Dwarf king of Erebor . You'll be billed after your free trial ends. While in exile, he quickly grew to become a capable warrior. tho'rin. [12] When Thorin learned of this, he became enraged and denounced his former companion as a traitor. He has great bravery and integrity, but his love for the treasure that was stolen from him and his people . This inseparable pair forms the youngest members of Thorin's company when he sets out for the Lonely Mountain. Weapon [13], Before he died, he made his peace with Bilbo by commending the Hobbit's bravery and good character, apologising for his harsh words as he now recognised his comrade's fundamentally benevolent motives. [T 1]. Gandalf feared that Sauron could use Smaug as a weapon, and was concerned that Thorin's pride and quick temper would ruin the mission to destroy the dragon. Thorin II Oakenshield SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Nain is the father of Dain II Ironfoot who assumed the kingship of Erebor after Thorin's death in 2941 TA. Even then, Ds's role is merely that of the mother of her two sons, Fli and Kli. Young Thorin, miniature by Games Workshop. Spouse They mostly disappear from the history books until they suddenly return right before the Battle of Five Armies at the end of "The Hobbit". A Took is an adventurous daring hobbit willing to anything. $24.99 He eventually comes to his senses after experiencing a hallucination of Smaug underneath a solid gold floor created from their attempt to kill him, casting off his grandfather's crown and robes, he leads his relieved company to reinforce Din's forces who rally around their rightful King and push back against the Orcs. Reluctant at first, Thorin later keeps the blade when Gandalf tells him that it would be the best he could find. To truly understand Thorin's complicated and convoluted family tree, though, one needs to head back to the beginning of Middle-earth history itself. The Wizard goes on to point out that dragon fire and destruction would have devastated the northern regions were it not for his chance meeting with Thorin which sparked the quest to retake the Lonely Mountain and vanquish Smaug once and for all. Thorin fought using typical Dwarven axes, a bow, and swords, as well as an Elven blade called Orcrist, which was given to him by Gandalf the Grey (Gandalf had found it in a Troll cave). Conflict amongst the Dwarves, men, and elves was averted only by an invasion of goblins and wargs, whereupon the Dwarves joined forces with the wood-elves, the men of Lake-town, and the great eagles in the Battle of Five Armies. Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thrin, son of Thrr, King under the Mountain is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit. This keeps the dynasty in the family despite the tragic situation. ", The note goes on to point out that the Dwarves typically don't just bury their dead. The fiery demon does what you would expect any grumpy individual to do when they're woken up on the wrong side of the bed it attacks its unexpected guests, kills a lot of them, and burns their home to the ground or under the ground, in this case. Tom Luce voiced the character in the 1979 The Mind's Eye radio adaptation of The Hobbit. He was respected by many throughout Middle-earth. When his shield broke, in its stead he used an oak branch to block the blows of his foes. 2013: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: 2014: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: 1980: Der Hobbit (1980 German radio series): Different accounts dispute the exact location of this first meeting. John Justin voiced the character in the 1968 BBC Radio radio adaptation of The Hobbit. Thorin Oakenshield is one of the main protagonists in The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Meaning. The formation of the group grew out of a meeting Gandalf had with Thorin in Bree which kindled Thorin's interest in recapturing his long lost family . Thorin later recovered his sword after Gandalf saved them. Now, as the strong, fearless fighter and respected leader of The Company of Dwarves, Thorin is determined to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that brought such misery upon his people.The Hobbit. He was the son of Thrain II. The book "The Peoples of Middle-earth" talks about this final chapter in the Longbeards' story in a few different places, at one point stating, "It was prophesied (by the Dwarves), when Din Ironfoot took the kingship in the Third Age 2941 (after the Battle of Five Armies), that in his direct line there would one day appear a Durin VII but he would be the last." Though his birthright and noble bearing initially make Thorin seem like a fairly heroic figure, the dwarf's status quickly declines as Bilbo's rises. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. However, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, he becomes more determined to gain the Arkenstone and the treasure. This is where it all starts to come together. TA 2746 So, that's the end of the story, right? The studio released the following statement about Thorin in the trilogy: As a young Dwarf Prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire-breathing dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom of the Lonely Mountain. Thorin II "Oakenshield", eventually called King under the Mountain or Mountain King[1], was the son of Thrin II, the older brother of Frerin and Ds, the grandson of King Thrr and the uncle of Fli and Kli. Thus the three armies of Elves, Men, and Dwarves united against the two armies of Goblins and Wargs: the Battle of Five Armies had begun. "The Return of the King" book breaks down this mirrored monicker phenomenon thusly: "Yet in the end [Durin] died before the Elder Days had passed, and his tomb was in Khazad-dm; but his line never failed, and five times an heir was born in his House so like to his Forefather that he received the name of Durin." In Middle Earth, twelve years have passed since Thorin found Milena. November 23, TA 2941(aged 195) Thrin initially leads his people way to the west, where they settle in the Blue Mountains (near the Shire and the old Elvish kingdom of Lindon). He is the son of Thrin II, grandson of Thrr, and becomes King of Durin's Folk during their exile from Erebor. The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield's Ancestry Explained. Thorin became King-in-Exile of Durin's Folk in TA 2850 after his father went missing, and died in the dungeons of Dol Guldur . Thorin appears in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film series, in the Rankin/Bass animated version, and in the 1982 game of the same name. Throughout this journey, they're led by their fearless exiled king Thorin. Gimli is the poster child of the hardy Dwarven race in both the written and filmed versions of "The Lord of the Rings." O Hobbit. Dwarves Jrr Tolkien . In Gene Deitch's film adaptation in 1966, Thorin II Oakenshield was actually a human and a general and was one of three survivors in Erebor and Esgaroth along with 'Princess Mika'. When the Dwarves return to the Lonely Mountain, the dragons they faced in the north generally leave them alone.
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