Please be aware that your use of such third partys linked website is subject to their privacy policy and terms of use, which may differ from those of Hasbro. Having managed to capture one of the critters, the two scouts brought it to Wheeljack for study. Bumblebee congrulated the accomplishment only for Maccadam to shrug it off considering Bumblebee had just driven off a shuttle and blasted a ship with a triple-barrel ion shoulder cannon in mid-air. Transformers: Cyberverse Story Club. When the alternate Megatron arrived, he disabled his counterpart before reclaiming his Matrix. item was in excellent condition and fast delivery, Fortnite Legendary Series Frozen Raven 6" Figure Epic Games NEW (234858692135). Siloed Awaken Sleeping Giants, Once the scouting team had made planetfall, Starscream contacted their shuttle for a status report only for the Autobot Bumblebee to answer his call instead. Maccadam informed the two he would be staying behind but reassured them that, though they would go their separate ways for a while, they'd see each other again and their friendship would endure. Bumblebee, Starscream and Windblade go downtown for date night. Trials, Once Cheetor had explained his backstory, the Autobots invaded the Nemesis for the AllSpark and Vector Sigma. Waving her after him, Bumblebee entered only to fall under the thrall of the Dweller being forced to attack Chromia before she used his own stinger to free him. Screamed And Redeemed, a transformers/beast wars fanfic | FanFiction Transformers Cyberverse Scout Class Windblade - Transformers - Hasbro Bumblebee (Cyberverse) - Transformers Wiki Those who have not yet request Starscream hasn't been the one that open up about his emotions or anything, he also hasn't been the one that shows he cares or anything. - Bumblebee, Transformers: Robots in Disguise Team Combiners Game, Transformers Robots in Disguise: Power Up for Battle. Cyberverse Fanfiction Stories - Quotev And it's my first Cyberverse story. Feel free to join! Excellent seller! well, one of them Craving some love stories, but can't decide if you want to read Clone troopers or Transformers romance fiction. Nobiggie. No one can give those Decepticon Seeker jets a fly for their money like Windblade can. Back on the Ark, Optimus had Teletraan-1 confirm his hypothesis that the aliens had evolved to feed off the energon. Hes fast, tough, and bursting at the seams with enough firepower to handle any situation. Considering Megatron deceased, Starscream declared himself the new Decepticon leader only for his confidence to flounder when the Autobots neared the control room. Enemy Line, Using a psychic tracker from Caminus, Chromia led Bumblebee across Cybertron to Windblade's various psychic shards. Deal with it, Megatron! In the era prior to the Great War, Bumblebee was close friends with Grimlock and Maccadam (though he heavily doubted the barkeep was one of the Thirteen). bayverse. Protocol is my favorite. His hand became his signature weapon: stinger, and blasted the rock. He re-routed his circuits to increase his T. rex power. Soon they had very beautiful sparkling twin femmes.Can Bumblebee and Windblade deal with twin sparkling? Left in the dust by Hot Rod and the cheetah's speed, Bumblebee failed to make it to the GroundBridge before it closed. Though a few lost their lives to the matter between universes, most were able to escape using the combined power of their AllSparks. When Megatron X crossed over into the primary timeline, he referenced Bumblebee to his counterpart, noting that he had died as a simple scout. The Autobots teleported to the Cube arena, and Bumblebee rushed to Optimus side. His boogying brought out a vengeful Shadow Striker. I know it's a little too early to put out cyberverse video But i was very tempted to do new videosoon the part 2Song: Bumblebee Lyricsi hope you like th. Before he could make good on this, Windblade awoke the War Titan Iaconus. Sea of Tranquility, As Starscream seethed over this, the Autobots destroyed the Planet Smasher, prompting the Decepticons to retreat underground and enact their backup plan of using planetary engines to smash the moon into the Earth. Synopsis. "- Bumblebee, "Slipstream is really good at telling others what to do, and also really good at strategizing ways to stop us Autobots. Windblade is an Autobot from the Kre-O continuity, a Kreon version of the character listed below, who was actually introduced in fiction before the original. When he returned to the GroundBridge Nexus, he found all the Autobots and Decepticons already there and, after some verbal jousting with Megatron, prepared to extract their sparks only for Optimus to channel the power of the Matrix, its energy blasting the AllSpark out of Starscream and knocking him into stasis. I'll have to battle Decepticons, outrun an explosion or two, and be heroic- basically, I'm in for one epic ride across the Cyberverse."-Bumblebee The resourceful Windblade uses her telepathic Cityspeaker powers to defend justice with the Heroic Autobots. Sabotage, As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. Anyway, turns out being cloaked in mystery makes you very difficult to defeat, and even more difficult to buy presents for. The first of these led the two friends to Crystal City where they befriended Thunderhowl and aided him in defeating the Crystalline King. Allspark, As Cybertron's condition deteriorated due to the loss of the AllSpark, Starscream led Thundercracker, and Nova Storm to the Grand Imperium where the trio attempted to slay Optimus Prime only to be bested and forced to retreat. No one can give those Decepticon Seeker jets a fly for their money like Windblade can. Windblade - Wikipedia Refresh your browser window to try again. Transformers x Reader (OLD) by StephoIsHere. Transformers: Cyberverse- Windblade and Bumblebee Shortly after, he and Optimus went . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TRANSFORMERS CYBERVERSE ADVENTURES S4 DINOBOTS UNITE WARRIOR WINDBLADE FIGURE at the best online prices at eBay! And he's always driving circles around the Decepticons!" Optimus eventually managed to shut down the chips, and later made the ultimate sacrifice, dancing, to get the victory celebration back on track. Oh right, he got kicked out of the star team due to his unstableness and insanity. Matrix of Leadership The new Vanguard-class vessel, the Ark, was soon completed and ready to launch, Bumblebee among its crew. Im not scared of much, but this guy gives me the heebie-jeebies. Book 2 of the Cyberius Saga Sort by: Hot. Ironhide (Transformers) - Works | Archive of Our Own What if Megatron and Starscream had a sparkling? Transformers: Cyberverse Legacy - Transformers Fanfiction Wiki But all he's really good at is getting in my way. He plays a major role in . One the most powerful foot soldiers in Megatrons war on me and the rest of the Autobots? At the same time. While in jail, Bumblebee met Teknicus who explained that he'd built a tower for Affluous that cause the shocks. - Bumblebee, "Wheeljack is totally brilliant! Contemptuously, Megatron threw Starscream's body onto the moon's surface as the Nemesis left. Tarn summoned reinforcements, and Bumblebee was pinned down and his teleportation device was destroyed. Awakening to the sight of a massive city, Bumblebee discovered that the Monsterbot society had been taken over by the decadent Energon Masters, run by Affluous. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Meeting up with other versions of themselves, the nine groups of Autobots used all their AllSparks to punch open a portal back to their universes. 2023 Hasbro. Information he was only telling Bumblebee because he made sure that the scout would never tell Optimus, a statement he backed up by ripping out the scout's voice box. The Other One, Bumblebee was present at the signing of the Treaty of the Wall, but, along with all the other Autobots and Decepticons, was frozen by Mercenaries' time blaster. Prowl does some great stuff for the Autobots: he's patient, loyal, and super smart! Add him to the top of the list of fun challenges well face in the battle against the Decepticons." Wiped Out, While discussing Cheetor's longing for Earth, Bumblebee and Cheetor found that Windblade had stolen the AllSpark, her will overridden by an entity from a red planet. Arriving in orbit of Cybertron, the Autobots had a hearty cheer that their struggles were finally over. A reboot essay about my own Transformers Universe. Free shipping for many products! Optimus Prime is the best leader an Autobot can ask for, and the worst nightmare a Decepticon can imagine. The story is intended to be split into multiple Arcs on FanFiction.Net and Archive of Our Own. He has a habit of destroying everything in his path to clinch a win. - Bumblebee, Cheetor is the Allsparks mysterious guardian. When Soundwave reprogrammed the supersoldiers, they stopped fighting, and Bumblebee questioned what had happened, realizing in horror that Soundwave had sacrificed himself to destroy Tarn. Optimus ordered Bumblebee to hold his position, The End Of The Universe II before Wheeljack simply used his grappling gun to reunite the trio. Work Search: In order to save Cybertron, Optimus Prime and his allies (thatd be me, and a few others) will have to throw a lot of speed bumps in this bad guys path. Frisstse a bngszablakot, s prblja jra. Battle For Cybertron IV, The peace would not last long however. Starscream's Children, Starscreams next scheme would involve him kidnapping Cheetor and Bumblebee, which he did by sending his seekers to pursue them. The Other One. He's always eavesdropping on our plans by messing with our electrical impulses, or something along those evil lines. However, Sky-Byte, not fooled by the Autobot ploy, attacked the Ark and broke onto the bridge, Grimlock knocking the attacker back out into space. Bumblebee/Relationships - Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki All rights reserved. Enjoy! He remarked that he didnt know what he would do, now that the fighting was truly over. Megatron Is My Hero When Megatron had slew the High Council, Bumblebee brought Optimus to speak with Alpha Trion, the sole survivor of the attack. Seems about right. King of the Dinosaurs, Bumblebee crashed in the Himalayas and eventually reawoke, though suffering from heavy amnesia. Bumblebee accompanied Optimus to a last peace talk where he bore witness to Megatron declaring the Great War. Optimus and Windblade eventually found Starscream waiting for them on the bridge, where he ordered his Scraplets to attack and drained their energon, preparing to take the Matrix of Leadership from Optimus. Bad Moon Rising, Despite Megatron's assault, Starscream barely clung to life. Confused, he befriended a tribe of local goats and lived amongst them for a while before he went off exploring, leaving behind his stasis pod and blaster. "- Bumblebee, "Ugh, Starscream. Knowing that Optimus would want the Seeker to face a trial, Bumblebee dragged the unconscious Starscream back to the Ark. Party Down, When passing through a dense asteroid field, Bumblebee, Cheetor and Hot Rod broke out the solar-wave boards and went surfing solar flares before they discovered unusual formations in the rocks. As the Seekers fled to the safety of the Planet Smasher, Megatron radioed Starscream for air support, an order that the Seeker chose to ignore and instead ordered the force field raised, intending to leave Megatron at the mercy of the Autobots. Oh, and shes on a mission to destroy planet Earth. Convert and attack with Transformers Cyberverse Action Attackers! Windblade finds where she fits into Starscream and Bumblebee's relationship. Heading to Wheeljack's lab to see if the inventor had any useful inventions, Bumblebee bore witness to Grimlock gorging himself on Hyper-Fuel, Bumblebee racing after his overcharged friend only to constantly bested by his kinetic energy. A three way between the trio ended in disaster when the Plague of Rust struck Velocitron destroying the cities and infrastructure in mere hours. Siloed, With his fleet, Starscream entered the Sol system only to find Shockwave had beaten him there. So Cyber Megatron, or just Cyber Megs invited hi Just a few one shots of the Transformers franchise that popped into my head. The End Of The Universe IV, During the course of the invasion, Windblade had overexerted herself freeing the brainwashed Croaton. Transformers (Marvel Generation One) | Bumblebee | Romance Bumblebee X Oc. When spending time with the thrill-seeking Hot Rod, he is comparatively cautious, but also encourages more reserved bots like Cheetor or Windblade to try new things and enjoy themselves. Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Dinobots Unite Toys Action Figures. Transformers Toys! (Generations Windblade and Jetfire) - Transformers Memory Much to his ire, this would not prove an isolated occurrence and he swore to demote Slipstream as far he could when he came to Earth. AN: So, as I mentioned in the description, this story was inspired by an idea Mae Catt, a writer for Transformers: Cyberverse, had for a redemption arc for Starscream.In it, he would've emerged from the remains of his Quintesson judge body with amnesia and carried with him a psychic shard of Windblade, which would've only said five phrases, and Bumblebee would've befriended him. Luckily, this one likes him back just as much. After both Optimus and the AllSpark had been taken through a GroundBridge to the Ark, Bumblebee made a point to retrieve Starscream's body, reasoning that Optimus would want the Seeker to face justice. Founder: BigMoose01 - Stories: 16 - Followers: 2 - Staff: 1 - id: 132759. After channeling his multiverse energy for a jailbreak, Bumblebee destroyed the tower, just as Grimlock led Repugnus' group into the city, collecting the shard of Windblade. 17.6K 236 8. Episodes - Spotted, The Decepticon would then hasten his plans further with the timely arrival of both Jetfire and Sky-Byte, and approached both of the warriors with the promise of defeating one another. In the aftermath, the Transformers formed a truce. friendly, caring, cooperative, brave, collected, formidable, humane, selfless, honorable, driven She was a fan-made Transformer made in her facial appearance is a reference to painted masks of . 6.6K 129 8. This is here. After Teletraan had used the ship's guns to take care of the Decepticons, he raised the shields in time to protect them all from the eruption. Kadee just wishes to get away from everyone and her pain. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. In Iaconus' medbay, Ratchet explained Windblade's state before Chromia entered with a potential solution. As the two shared a toast to their friendship, Maccadam told them to find "the king of the dinosaurs" before Grimlock called them to the launchpad. Party Down, Managing to dupe Teletraan-X into giving him enough space to escape, Starscream made it out of the Ark but soon became a tag-along to the Titan Croaton, screaming as he left for parts unknown. And once Windblade puts her mind to something, she is unstoppable." - Bumblebee Browse through and read cyberverse fanfiction stories and books. (Transformers Cyberverse) - (Windblade and Bumblebee) - (with music Using the human power grid, the Autobots reactivated Grimlock only to find his beast mode instincts were dominating his mind. [3] After Starscream and Soundwave obtained the AllSpark, Bumblebee and Arcee fought them to retrieve it.[4]. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. As one, the Cybertronians gave him contradictory information prompting him to take Arcee as a hostage, threatening to kill her. If youre looking for a hero, this is your bot. Focus: Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars, Since: 06-22-20. $10.00 + $5.65 shipping. Upon returning to the Ark, a distress came in from the Nemesis, under siege from Starscream. Hot Rod is always down for a friendly race to prove he rules the roads. Scout Class Windblade figure inspired by the Cyberverse animated series Each Action Attackers figure performs a signature character attack move Convert Windblade to activate Turbine Thrash Action Attack move Once converted, attack move can be repeated through easy reactivation steps Changes from robot to jet mode in 8 steps . is it not as cool when I say it?" Nombre de saisons: 4 Nombre d'pisodes: 64 Synopsis: Lorsque Bumblebee commence souffrir d'amnsie, son partenaire, Windblade, vient la rescousse et rpare ses puces mmoire, lui permettant de redcouvrir ses aventures passes sur Cybertron.Une fois ses souvenirs rpars, Bumblebee obtient un indice qui le conduira lui et Windblade pour terminer leur . I dont know how Blurr talks like that all the time. I Am The Allspark, Guarded by Prowl and Rack'n'Ruin, Starscream attempted to unleash his AllSpark power upon reawakening, only to realize he no longer had it after Rack'n'Ruin mocked him for it. Though the three welcomed Drift's aid, the swordsmech lunged at the three, revealing himself to having been a deep-cover Decepticon agent. I am a very serious and important Autobot. Though the two nearly made it back to Autobot territory, they were intercepted by Megatron, who was ready to execute them, before Optimus arrived, citing that Megatron holding an Autobot was a treaty violation. "- Bumblebee, "Long, long, long (long) ago, Thunderhowl swore to destroy the Crystal City but he was defeated in battle and imprisoned within its walls. Problem is, his memory chip was damaged on Earth, and now he can't remember his critical mission, or how he got to the planet in the first place. Shes always stomping around, glaring at everyone, calling us fools, and trying to blast us with plasma! On June 7, 2017, Boulder Media Limited confirmed working on an additional Transformers series besides Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy.. Transformers: Cyberverse was first announced during Hasbro Media and Investor Day in August 2017. The End Of The Universe III Arriving outside, the Autobots joined the fight against the Prosecutors before they were confronted by the new Judge, Starscream, and Megatron arrived aboard Astrotrain. When he's in bot mode, Grimlock is one of the smartest, smoothest talking bots around. S A girl named Kadee has a hard life with her parents. Transformers: Cyberverse . Follow . With Meteorfire And Cosmos, Along with Grimlock, Bumblebee ventured deep underground to the valley of the Monsterbots for the next shard before an energon river separated them.
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