Something's happened to her. Police efforts to locate J.J. led to the discovery that Tylee was also missing. The trial is set for October 11, 2022 to December 16, 2022. Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (September 24, 2002 - c. September 9, 2019) [a] and Joshua Jaxon " J. J. Yeah. October 9, 2019 Tamara "Tammy" Daybell calls police after a masked assailant attempted to shoot her in her garage with what she believed was a paintball gun. That's not possible. And she comes back later with Tylee. Chad Daybell and Lori' Vallow's hula dancing days were numbered. April 11, 2022 - Judge Boyce declares that Lori Vallow is now competent to stand trial. CHARLES VALLOW [to police officer]: She's unhinged. September 8, 2021 Judge Boyce found Lori Vallow to still be incompetent based on the progress report from the mental health facility. Melanie Gibb and her boyfriend David Warwick, both of whom testified at Daybell's hearing, were staying with Lori in Rexburg the last weekend of JJ's life. The autopsy results are not published but seeing the critical conditions of the children's dead bodies; were killed brutally. [citation needed], Another factor contributing to the mystery was Chad and Lori's well-documented obsession with certain Mormon-influenced[43] apocalyptic beliefs,[44] which Chad had discussed in numerous books and podcasts. November 26, 2019 Rexburg Police Department conducts a well-being check on J.J. Lori claims J.J. is with relatives in Arizona and Tylee is away at. Gibb and Warwick testified that Cox put JJ to bed in Lori's room. He is now in our pet cemetery. Ryan W. Miller Joel Shannon. Morgan Loew: the same color hair as JJ Vallow. I'm like, 'why are police coming my door?'" Over the past year, Cushing has advocated . Back in Rexburg, on November 26, police visited Lori's townhouse at the request of J.J.'s grandmother, Kay Woodcock, to conduct a welfare check on J.J. Lori told police that J.J. was in Arizona with a family friend, Melanie Gibb. LORI VALLOW: That's why the neighbors don't know us very well. Lori's brother, Alex Cox, the man she considered her protector, moved into the same complex. [16], On October 9, 2019, Tammy reported on her Facebook profile and to police that she had been shot at, in her driveway, by a masked man with what she believed was a defective paintball marker. 'Cause I didn't want to. Both Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow were found dead in Chad Daybell's estate in Salem, Idaho, and their cause of death is still not confirmed. RAY HERMOSILLO: Under the bucket was a partial human skull. [42] Lori was indicted in June 2021 for conspiracy to murder Charles. [c] Cox tasered Ryan and threatened to murder him. And when she actually got to talk with him, it, yeah, just escalated from there. February 24, 2006 Lori Ryan marries Charles Vallow. ", Margaret Travillion [reading aloud] "If you're working or playing or sitting with friends you can [cries] dance til you're dizzy." 2019 American disappearance and homicide case, Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow's marriage and flight, Tylee was last seen September 8, 2019, at. ST. ANTHONY, Idaho A married couple accused in a triple murder case will be tried separately, an Idaho judge ruled Thursday. Autopsy completed in investigation of Tammy Daybell's death Feb. 5, 2021 Updated Fri., Feb. 5, 2021 at 10:07 p.m. Children Joshua "JJ" Vallow, left, and Tylee Ryan. He's perfectly fine. Neither is Echo Itaaehau's daughter Vaisia, one of Tylee's best friends. In November 2019, police questioned the children's mother, Lori (Cox) Yanes Lagioia Ryan Vallow Daybell, about the children's whereabouts and welfare. In court, Melanie Gibb described getting a call from Lori asking her to back up the "Frozen" story: MELANIE GIBB: and that she told the police that I had JJ, that I was at a movie called "Frozen," that she asked me just to pick up my phone and take a picture, random picture of kids running around. RAY HERMOSILLO [in court]: They began pulling up the sod and topsoil which revealed three large white rocks, flat rocks. However, police uncovered a cryptic series of messages that proved to be . February 4, 2021 Prosecutor Lindsey Blake takes over the Fremont County case involving Tamara Daybell's death. In the filing, Charles claims that, in late January 2019, Lori threatened to murder him if he got in the way of her, July 11, 2019 Charles Vallow is shot dead in. How are you guys? June 9, 2020 Human remains are found on Chad Daybell's property in. Cox legally changed his name to Alex Pastenes just before his marriage. GRAPHIC CONTENT: New clues found on #JJVallow's remains that could lead to his cause of death. Tammy's autopsy took so long since it began, Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow have been charged with conspiracy to hide the bodies of her two kids, Tylee Ryan, 17, and JJ Vallow, 7, on his Salem property and are facing a summertime trial in Fremont County, Idaho in part because she had been dead for two months by the time she was exhumed . He's the sweetest soul I've ever met. At Chad Daybell's preliminary hearing, Detective Ray Hermosillo testified the child was covered head to toe in duct tape. [9][10][11] Chad was arrested later that day on charges of destruction or concealment of evidence. [16], In October 2019, two Venmo payments were made from Tylee's account to her older half-brother, Colby Ryan. The police blurred Tylee's face, because she was a minor. I wish that she had known that there were people that really loved her. Julia Allen | JJ's teacher: there was this feeling at LIFE when the remains were found. But the little boy was nowhere to be seen the next morning. Conspiracy to commit first-degree murder in relation to the death of her first husband, Charles Vallow; October 8, 2021 - Judge grants Chad Daybell's request for a change of venue. Hey Lori. And now we're gonna talk about it. Margaret Travillion: Because he was amazing. Requests from Chad to separate his case from Lori's have been denied. And we got nothing for me to raise JJ. May 25, 2012 Joshua Jaxon "J.J." Vallow is born, the son of Charles Vallow's nephew. Margaret Travillion | LIFE co-founder: Our administrator came into my office. Tylee's body was dismembered and burned, according to court documents, while JJ's. No post-mortem or autopsy was initially performed. He also claimed he could read light and dark auras. He passed away in 2018 of natural causes, according to investigators. At 11:53 a.m., after Alex Cox left the backyard, Chad Daybell wrote a text to his wife Tammy who wasn't home explaining why there was a new grave in the pet cemetery. Tammy Daybell died in October of 2019 just two weeks before her husband tied the knot with Vallow and about a month before his new wife's children, 7-year-old Joshua "J.J." Vallow and 17 . [16], On July 11, 2019, Charles Vallow was shot and killed in Chandler, Arizona by Lori's brother, Alex Cox,[39][40] who claimed self-defense. February 10, 2020 CBS News reports police found Tylee's cell phone with Lori's belongings in Hawaii. After a year, the police officers found dead bodies in the Daybells estate. Morgan Loew: Lori sort of viewed Alex as the destroyer of bad things in her eyes he was there to take care of the problems. Chad Daybell, a former gravedigger turned author, podcaster and doomsday prophet, was a married father of five. All told similar stories of self-defense and were sent home. August 7, 2020 It is reported that Chandler, Arizona Police are planning to file a conspiracy to commit murder charge against Lori Daybell for the death of Charles Vallow. He withdrew the petition one month later, saying he "wanted to try to make the marriage work". I spotted a big raccoon along the fence. 0:05. I'm still not holding it together. Benjamin Hyde: That was the number one thing that told me something was horribly wrong . I didn't hold it together at all. DET. RAY HERMOSILLO: He had duct tape continuously wrapped from elbow all the way around his arms, over his hands, all the way to his right elbow. [16][2] That night, a neighbor saw Lori and Alex Cox packing a truck outside her home. They tied yellow ribbons around the trees and waited for his return. " Vallow (May 25, 2012 - c. September 23, 2019) [b] were two American children from Chandler, Arizona, who disappeared in September 2019 and whose remains were found buried in shallow graves on June 9, 2020 in Rexburg, Idaho, in their stepfather Chad LT. RON BALL | Rexburg Police Department: Who's he with in Arizona? This is Chad Daybell's backyard. Both J.J. and Tylee had witnessed the incident; according to an unidentified son of Charles' from a previous marriage, Lori did not inform the family about the shooting and he learned about it from the news. At 9:55 a.m. on September 23, 2019, Cox returned to Chad Daybell's backyard. I just kind of loved how she would just play with him and just always have, like, a really good time with him. It was then that they realized his sister Tylee was also missing. Morgan Loew: He said, "I need to report a shooting. July 29, 2021 Prosecution drops charges for counts of conspiracy to destroy, alter, or conceal evidence against Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. And Lori thought/ that was a liability. that's a real thing. December 11, 2019 Authorities decide to further investigate the death of Tammy Daybell. And his grandmother Kay Woodcock was the threat. Tylee, who had gone outside with JJ, and Lori, who says she was in another room both said they heard the shooting but didn't see it. Police had followed Alex's Cox's cellphone data to the children's graves, and on June 9, 2020, Chad Daybell was arrested. On May 1, 2020, Lori appeared for a court hearing in Rexburg to request a reduction of her $1 million bail. By the time the remains of 7-year-old JJ Vallow and his 16-year-old sister Tylee Ryan were found buried in shallow graves on Chad Daybell's property in June 2020, they had become two of the most famous missing children in America. But it was Tylee's bond with JJ that Vaisia will always remember. OFFICER DORENBUSH: OK. Lori's estranged 4th husband, Charles Vallow, was shot and killed in July 2019 by Lori's brother, Alexander Cox, who claimed self-defense; Cox died of a blood clot on December 12, 2019. MELANIE GIBB: He brought JJ into the house during the middle of the podcast. January 30, 2020 Lori misses court-ordered deadline to produce J.J. and Tylee. Vallow is in jail in Idaho facing felony child desertion charges. An Idaho judge says Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell's triple murder case will be tried separately. March 21, 2022 - Judge denied Chad Daybell's request to separate his case from Lori Vallow's case. March 22, 2021 Scheduled court date for Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell. April Raymond JJ was very difficult to take care of So I really admired how patient she was with him and how much care she took of him. Then family members filed a missing case. December 5, 2018 Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow meet. A guardian who was involved in the custody battle between Lori Vallow and Tylee Ryan's father expressed concern about Tylee's well-being a decade before she and her younger brother were found dead. Morgan Loew: Alex was Lori's protector. 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. this one sticks this one is bad. Tylee was really protective over JJ. ROB WOOD | Madison County/City of Rexburg Deputy Prosecuting Attorney: And what did you observe when they did that? Joshua, aged 7, and Tylee, age 16, went to Yellowstone National park with Loris and Loris's Brother. With Lori now in jail, Chad Daybell returned home. September 28, 2022 - Chad Daybell's lawyers again ask for his case to be separated from that of his wife, Lori Vallow Daybell. Cox (who changed his surname to Pastenes, the surname of his wife) died on December 12, 2019. His uncle Alex Cox later went to take J. J. to his apartment. Jonathan Vigliotti: Why do you think the children were murdered? February 26, 2020 In extradition hearing, judge refuses to lower Lori's $5 million bail. But what about the man who led them to Daybell's backyard? June 10, 2020 Kay Woodcock, the biological grandmother of J.J. Vallow, announces that one of the sets of human remains belongs to J.J. Vallow. It worked. [2] From December 2019 to January 2020, Rexburg police, the Fremont County sheriff's office, and the FBI intensified the investigation into the disappearances of the two children, as well as the investigation into Tammy's death and the flight of Chad and Lori from Idaho. By the summer of 2019, Charles Vallow had gone to the police twice claiming there was something desperately wrong with his estranged wife Lori Vallow. J." East. 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says. Morgan Loew: It's hard to discount the idea that a million-dollar life insurance policy would be a motive for a murder. "There's no place, not one, that my love can't find you.". [33], On February 24, 2006, Lori married Leland Anthony Vallow (August 17, 1956, Calcasieu, Louisiana July 11, 2019, Chandler, Arizona), commonly known as Charles Vallow, in Las Vegas, Nevada. JJ's grandparents, Kay and Larry Woodcock, could barely contain their grief as they listened. Ten days later, Tammy was found dead in her home, purportedly from natural causes. [54], On June 9, 2020, police executed a search warrant at Chad's home, where they discovered human remains buried in a purported pet cemetery. Items are seen hanging on the fence in memory of Tylee Ryan, 17, and Joshua "JJ" Vallow, 7, at Chad Daybell's residence in Salem, Idaho on Thursday, June 11, 2020. '", Through their lawyer, the Daybells stated that, "Chad Daybell was a loving husband and he has the support of his children in this matter. That's an awful coincidence . #fox10phoenix", "JJ and Tylee's families, Chad Daybell's brother issue statements", "Rexburg Police confirm bodies are that of JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan", "Human remains found at Idaho home of Chad Daybell, husband of 'cult mom' Lori Vallow, police say", "Chad Daybell arrested, booked into jail", "Chad Daybell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know", "A timeline of the events surrounding the disappearance of J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan", "LORI NORENE LAGIOIA vs WILLIAM JOHN LAGIOIA", "Missing Idaho Kids' Mom Once Competed in Beauty Pageant", "Judge agrees to reduce Lori Daybell's bond from $5 Million to $1 Million", "Criminal Complaint State of Idaho v. Lori Norene Vallow aka Lori Norene Daybell", "Notification of Rights State of Idaho v. Lori Norene Vallow aka Lori Norene Daybell", "Judge agrees to remove himself from Idaho mom's missing kids case", "Attorney files motion insisting Lori Vallow Daybell be called by her legal married name", "Lori Vallow arrested: What to know about deaths, marriages surrounding mom of missing Idaho kids", "Son of Lori Vallow, the Idaho mom accused of killing 2 of her children, is charged with sexual assault", "Charges dropped against son of Lori Vallow, the Idaho mom accused of killing 2 of her children", "Letters reveal Alex Cox's intense focus on Lori Vallow's ex-husband, even while behind bars", "Arizona police close case into death of Alex Cox, Lori Vallow Daybell's brother", "Missing Girl's Aunt Claims She Thought Lori Vallow Might Be a "Sociopath", "Charles Vallow's ex-wife had concerns about Lori Daybell over 10 years ago and thinks his shooting death was '100% planned', "Grandparents Of One Of Missing Rexburg Children Speak Out", "Inside Preparing a People, the doomsday prepper group Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell were involved in", "Inside the mysterious case of 3 deaths, 2 missing children and a terrified husband", "Marriage license shows Lori Vallow's brother got married 2 weeks before his death", "Alex Cox Body Cam Footage in Charles Vallow Death", "Documents: Lori Vallow claims she was 'god preparing for second coming of Christ', "1487-1488: The Mormon Influences on Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow", "Chandler police records reveal details of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell's religious fervor", "A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell", "Doomsday Dad Chad Daybell Obsessively Killed Bees as a Kid", "Lori Vallow's family members speak out about missing children on Dr. Phil", "Husband of Idaho Mom Lori Vallow Claims Her 2 Children Are 'Safe' as They Remain Missing", "Missing Idaho children's mom fled the night before FBI raided home, neighbor says", "Lori Daybell abandoned a storage unit in Rexburg full of children's items", "Mom of missing Idaho children arrested in Hawaii; Kauai police don't believe kids are on island", "Lori Vallow denied reduced bail. But around 2017, friends say Lori's relationships with her kids began to shift about the time she started reading the books of Chad Daybell. July 2019 Days after Charles Vallow's death, Lori learns her late husband had changed the beneficiary of his million-dollar life insurance policy from Lori to his sister, Kay Woodcock, who is also J.J.'s paternal grandmother. ', [] the children are not with Chad and Lori. And so much potential. Investigators contended that "'Joshua and Tylee's lives are in danger. At right is their mother's brother Alex Cox. In the winter of 2019, Charles Vallow changed the beneficiary of his $1 million life insurance policy from Lori to his sister Kay Woodcock, JJ's biological grandmother. According to Gibb, Chad stated that he had lived 31 different lives on various earth-like planets. June 13, 2020 Authorities officially confirm the remains are those of the children. Lori started doing podcasts with Daybell and began telling people she was a supernatural being appointed by God to lead the 144,000 chosen into the millennium. Morgan Loew: He tapped into this "prepper" element out there, people who wanted to prepare for Armageddon. This is an area the Daybell family called the pet cemetery. Chad later stayed at the Vallow residence in Arizona. CHARLES VALLOW: She said, you're not Charles. MELANIE GIBB: She said that Kay was trying to kidnap JJ. Benjamin Hyde: That gives me the willies, look at this! Within an hour of entering the house that morning, Vallow was lying on the floor in a pool of blood shot in the chest by Alex Cox. What is what is happening? Margaret Travillion: It just didn't make any sense why would you tell us he committed suicide last week and he's been gone for two weeks and he was actually shot by your brother? Daybell was married. He referred to others as light or "dark" and various gradations in between. The court released an audio-only version of that conversation. [16] By February 2019, according to Charles Vallow, Lori was informing him that "she no longer cared about him or J.J." and claimed that she was the reincarnated wife of LDS founder Joseph Smith, then vanished for 58 days. In 2001, Lori married Joseph Anthony Ryan Jr., who legally adopted Colby. Official statements will come from authorities. Who got a million dollars when he died. Morgan Loew: Everybody was hoping in the back of their minds that maybe there was a chance the kids were alive. Around 2015, Lori read Chad Daybell's Standing in Holy Places series of books, reportedly becoming "obsessed" with them. Soon his secret was out. If there is a picture book that captures the JJ Vallow educators at LIFE school came to love, Margaret Travillion says it's this one: "Wherever you are my love will find you. and I really love JJ. End of 2014 Charles and Lori move to Kauai, Hawaii, with Tylee and J.J. April 3, 2018 Joseph Ryan dies of apparent heart attack. The thought of Tylee ending up that way was almost too much for Echo Itaaehau to bear. And he had so much love- - so much love. By the time the remains of 7-year-old JJ Vallow and his 16-year-old sister Tylee Ryan were found buried in shallow graves on Chad Daybell 's property in June 2020, they had become two of the. Seventh District Judge Steven Boyce determined that . Autopsy performed on Idaho remains positively identifies JJ and Tylee | KUTV SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) - The autopsy performed by the medical examiner's office on the bodies found on the property. "Outside and . She was given another 180 days to attain competence. But no one acted on it and Vallow let his guard down. [27] At age 22, she married 23-year-old William Lagioia in Travis County, Texas, on October 22, 1995. [15] Chad and Tammy had five children: Garth, Emma, Seth, Leah, and Mark. Chad Daybell referred to Lori as an "eternal being" of 21 separate lives, only five of which had occurred on this planet; the same five he had lived on this planet. Margaret Travillion: I just get so angry. April Raymond: I feel like whatever story we were given about how Charles was killed was not the truth. Tylee Ryan autopsy report Obituary Tylee Ryan autopsy report By Samuel Sasu May 4, 2022 On June 10, 2020, the Woodcock and Ryan families confirmed that the human remains discovered on Chad's property were those of Tylee and J.J. Prosecutors charged Lori with conspiracy to murder Charles in June of this year, shortly after she was indicted over the deaths of her kids. Since the children's remains were found, they are no longer considered missing and the investigation is now focused on determining the circumstances surrounding their deaths.[60][61][62]. Charles Vallow had good reason to be scared. [49], More than a week later, Gibb called police saying that both Lori and Chad had asked her to lie to police about J.J.'s whereabouts but she refused. It's like not a care in the world. Ryan filed for divorce on August 13, 2004, which was finalized on May 18, 2005. Melanie Gibb testified, "She asked me just to pick up my phone and take a picture of random kids to make it look like it was JJ.". Wiped out in late September 2019 roughly two weeks after the big sister he adored disappeared. The investigation is being led by the . Michael McHugh, Diana Modica and Jack Pyle are the editors. The autopsy report suggests that Tylee's body was burned, dismembered, and dumped in a pet graveyard on the property, and JJ was discovered dead inside a plastic bag that had been duct wrapped. And the children who embraced the light. MELANIE GIBB: Hi Chad. On May 25, 2021, Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell were formally charged with murder in the first degree in the deaths Tylee and JJ. to that big life insurance payout Kay Woodcock got from Charles Vallow. [6][7][8] On June 9, 2020, police executed a search warrant at Chad's home and discovered the remains of J.J. and Tylee. It just seems very unlikely. [ Lori] knows where they are or what has happened to them, but she has 'completely refused to assist this investigation, [choosing instead to leave the state with her new husband]. Several weeks after their initial meeting, Lori's husband left town on a business trip and Lori held an intimate overnight gathering at her home. Vaisia Itaaehau: If I had one more day with JJ and Tylee, I would want them to know how much they did for me. Margaret Travillion: And I literally remember coming into the classroom in the beginning and him just being very closed off To the later part of him being with us, just to "Miss Margaret" (chuckles). September 9, 2020. January 2529, 2021 Lori Vallow's trial for the misdemeanor charges was scheduled to begin. [12][13] On May 25, 2021, Lori and Chad were charged with the first degree murders of Tylee, J.J., and Tammy. She was released from the mental health facility into the custody of the Fremont County Sherriff. [16] Vallow, a lifelong Catholic, became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), converting to his new wife's faith. While JJ was missing, no one at his old school spoke his name as if that somehow made it less real. [47], Chad and Lori were married in Hawaii on November 5, 2019, two weeks after the death of Chad's first wife, Tammy Daybell. December 2011 Alex Cox's probation ends more than one year before it was originally scheduled to end (May 2013). First published on October 3, 2020 / 11:09 PM. Cox says Tylee came out of her room with a bat. [12][13] On July 2, prosecutors dropped two of the charges against Lori two felony counts of desertion and nonsupport of dependent children and instead charged her with obstruction or concealment of evidence in regards to her children's remains. Jonathan Vigliotti: Lori hasn't been convicted of anything yet. They Googled Charles Vallow's name and learned the truth. He reportedly believed he had numerous past lives and could talk to angels. On May 25, 2021, they were formally charged with murder in the first degree in the deaths Tylee and JJ. JJ was wrapped in plastic and. Everyone wanted to know what happened to them. Video footage shows her and her brother, Alex Cox,[c] moving items in and out of the locker prior to her departure. DAVID WARWICK: She said that he was being a zombie and climbed up on the cabinets, climbed up on top of the fridge, smashed her picture of Christ down, and then climbed up onto the upper cabinets and got between the top of the cabinet and the ceiling. She was extradited to Idaho and transported there by officials on March 5, 2020. POLICE OFFICER [Bodycam video]: How long have you lived here? ALEX COX: Yeah, there's blood. Police efforts to locate J.J. led to the discovery that Tylee was also missing. JJ was found dead in a duct-taped plastic bag while Tylee's body was burned, dismembered, and left in a pet cemetery on the property. Because so many people were affected. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Little is known about his death as investigators await results from an ongoing autopsy. I can only say it didn't feel right. [14], In 2015, Chad claimed he heard a voice telling him to relocate to Rexburg, Idaho. And JJ loved dancing. We know that Lori was angry about that. In the fall of 2018, Lori and her friend Melanie Gibb attended a "Preparing a People" event, where Lori was introduced to Chad for the first time. in journalism,[14] and worked as a cemetery sexton, or gravedigger, among other jobs. Around September 1, 2019, Lori, Tylee and JJ moved into a town home in Rexburg, Idaho not far from where Chad Daybell lived with his wife, Tammy. Tylee, 16, and her 7-year-old brother JJ Vallow were found dead in the backyard of Vallow's now-husband Chad Daybell's home outside of Rexburg, Idaho, on June 9. Morgan Loew: We know that shortly after Charles's death, Lori tried to claim that life insurance policy he had changed the beneficiary to his sister. As CrimeOnline previously reported, the son of Vallow's subsequent . The big sister who used to watch over her little brother was no longer there to protect him. March 3, 2023 - Judge has severed the case of Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. ROB WOOD: What did she ask you to do with that, again? It appears the first problem was a 16-year-old girl: Tylee Ryan. [55] On May 25, 2021, Chad and Lori were indicted on the charge of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, first-degree murder, and grand theft by deception for the deaths of Tylee, and J.J., and Tammy. Lori later told police that she walked past Vallow on the floor and went outside. LORI VALLOW: He's with one of my friends in Arizona. How come you're not telling anybody where your kids are?" Julia Allen: He was a spitfire, for sure. October 2019 Lori's brother, Alex Cox, believed to be seen on video security footage using Lori's storage unit numerous times during this period, usually alone. I just can't bear that thought. The discovery of the children in Chad Daybell's backyard was the result of a complicated six-month investigation that unraveled a sordid tale of murder, greed and religious fanaticism a story that began with their mother, Lori Vallow, who, to her friend April Raymond, was a woman who once seemed incapable of harming her own children. POLICE OFFICER [bodycam audio]: So, we're here . Chad was booked into jail later that day on obstruction or concealment of evidence; he was later charged with felony murder. ALEX COX [bodycam]: She came out to defend my sister with her bat. The evidence of course will speak for itself. 2001 Lori Norene Cox marries Joseph Anthony Ryan Jr. September 24, 2002 Tylee Ryan is born to Lori and Joseph, who later divorce. I didn't hold it together at all.
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