List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, 5in (127mm) 54 calibre Mark 45 dual purpose guns, Mark 32 triple 12.75in (324mm) torpedo tubes, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, List of destroyers of the United States Navy,,,,,, List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy, 529 ft (161 m) waterline; 563 ft (172 m) overall, 6,000 nautical miles (11,000km; 6,900mi) at 20 knots (37km/h; 23mph), 3,300 nautical miles (6,100km; 3,800mi) at 30 knots (56km/h; 35mph), Mk 23 TAS automatic detection and tracking radar. BIVgood to see you're doing well! PAUL F. FOSTER joined Destroyer Squadron NINE and moved to its new homeport of Long Beach, California, in August 1983. Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm 1971 Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? Glorious City, putting out the fire and saving its crew of seven. GABRIEL and his staff embarked aboard, leading a five-ship surface action group and participating in several major allied fleet exercises. You may also use the letters above to narrow the list to last names starting with a specific letter. For a small annual donation you will receive eligibility to serve as a board member, should you so desire. hope all is well and best wishes with everyone. Around the Horn Cruise 1957. Total inducted into Navy, prior 12/31/46. AD. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Additionally, by executing this plan, the Navy would be able to eliminate the deployment of USS PAUL F. FOSTER because the additional on-station time generated by swapping out the crews meant a ship would already be in theater meeting that requirement. Second tour aboard Foster was full of much happier memories than the first. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? All Rights Reserved. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? Add a DD-964 Shellback Initiation : . Cruise books are created for private distribution. Operating out of San Diego, Paul F. Foster became the first Spruance-class destroyer to deploy to the Western Pacific in March 1978. PAUL F. FOSTER (DD-964) Association Reunion Information. [5] The ship arrived Thursday morning to the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Port Hueneme in Southern California after traveling for 17 hours on a maiden trip from San Diego. During the next two days, Wisconsin fired a total of 24 Tomahawk land attack missiles, while continuing to coordinate the successful launch of 213 of 214 assigned Persian Gulf Tomahawk strike missions. The same castle appears as part of the Coat of Arms from the port of Vera Cruz, representing where, the Ensign Foster, distinguished himself and earned the Medal of Honor. USS Paul (FF-1080) was a Knox -class frigate built for the United States Navy by Avondale Shipyard, Westwego, Louisiana . Conducting operations in the northern Arabian Sea, she was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. | USS Paul F. Foster (DD 964): . I was the OPS boss for a few months. It is no official listing but contains the names of sailors who submitted their information. 1 Helicopter. We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you. | [citation needed], On 8 April 2011, reported that ex-Paul F. Foster had successfully used the Maritime Laser Demonstrator for the first time in a sea-to-sea target test, sinking a small inflatable motorboat at a range of one mile in rough seas. 2 x Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk LAMPS III helicopters. WESPAC 2002-Navy decided to decommission the USS Paul F. Foster midway through deployment. She was commissioned on 21 February 1976 and decommissioned on 27 March 2003. Last updated: September 7, 2022 The USS Paul F. Foster was the Pacific fleet's very first Spruance-class destroyer. USS Paul F. Foster (DD-964), named for Vice Admiral Paul F. Foster USN (1889-1972), is a Spruance-class destroyer built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi. Powered by, Other Donation amounts or Lifetime Memeberships here. The Peruvian Navy frigate BAP MONTERO (FM 53), Chilean Navy patrol frigate CS LYNCH (PF 07), guided missile cruiser USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70), destroyer USS PAUL F. FOSTER (DD 964), and guided missile destroyer USS LASSEN (DDG 82) took their position three miles (about 5 km) from the RATHBURNE and fired a variety of missiles and naval guns in succession.Other platforms participating in the sinking included the guided missile destroyer USS OKANE (DDG 77), U.S. Coast Guard high performance cutter HAMILTON (WHEC 715), and aircraft of VP-9, and VMFA-321.Naval gunfire from participating units and two AGM-84D Harpoon missiles fired from a USN P-3C Orion aircraft helped sink the RATHBURNE.A P-3C Orion aircraft approached the RATHBURNE at 300 knots and fired the first of two Harpoon missiles from 20 miles (18 km) away. Our short-term goal is to secure a broad and strong base of membership that will carry the Association into the future for many decades. Help| Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. [1] In 2008, Paul F. Foster was used in an episode of NCIS (Road Kill) portraying USS Rubicon, a ship about to be decommissioned. 3,793,429. Later appointed to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, with the rank of Ambassador, Adm. Foster served in the position until 1961. Had a great time in the short tour. I miss the friendship I had with my shipmates. USS Paul F. Foster underway on 17 November 2011. If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. She was built by Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Mississippi beginning 27 December 1974.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. In addition to condemning the invasion as a violation of international law, the United States responded by deploying military forces to the Persian Gulf. one was being part of deck division it helps build character, Engineering Dept. Gabriel and his staff embarked aboard, leading a five-ship surface action group and participating in several major allied fleet exercises. Working with them made me a better officer and better person. Six were saved by USS Paul F. Foster. "Midnight Flyer" was our ship's "Breakaway" song. 11 ocean ave, monmouth beach, nj Ignore neatness, spelling, and sentence structure--get the ideas down. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. She commissioned on 21 February 1976 and decommissioned on 27 March 2003. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. The hit also caused a large explosion and a lot of smoke followed. [4] The ship arrived Thursday morning to the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Port Hueneme in Southern California after traveling for 17 hours on a maiden trip from San Diego. Every branch of the military used asbestos during the 20th century. During the ship's tenth deployment which began 21 February 1997, Paul F. Foster was a part of the multinational force during Persian Gulf Operations, enforcing United Nations sanctions against Iraq. | In addition, the ship conducted boarding's in support of United Nations sanctions against Iraq. August 2 . Last homeported in Everett, Wash., the USS PAUL F. FOSTER is currently at Port Hueneme, Calif., serving as EDD 964 as the Navy's new Self Defense Test Ship (SDTS). About the Destroyer's Name, about Vice Admiral Paul F. Foster: Commander Theodore C. "Ted" Lockhart, USN. , for sonar dome change-out. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. How bout those decom coins. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. As the initial Spruance-class destroyer assigned to the Pacific Fleet, Paul F. Foster had many milestone firsts, including successfully firing a NATO Sea Sparrow missile, demonstrating the feasibility of landing H-46 helicopters, and determining the operational limits of the SH-3 helicopter. Foster received orders to Philadelphia to assist in fitting out light cruiser TRENTON (CL 11), serving on board as Engineer Officer upon the ships commissioning in April of that year. Last person and Suppo to report aboard the PFF for duty. She was commissioned on 21 February 1976 and decommissioned on 27 March 2003. PAUL F. FOSTER (DD-964) at - Specs & Deployments - Crew Roster - Photos - ALL HANDS - Internet Links - Reunion Info . [2], Upon returning from deployment on 20 October 1994, Paul F. Foster entered into a regular overhaul at Long Beach Naval Shipyard where several of the latest technological weapons, sensors and engineering systems were added. Call Sokolove Law right now at (800) 647-3434 if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease. Received orders to another Deployed Ship-USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)-back to back sea deployments-June 2002 to October 2003.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. These sections represent the Medal of Honor, the Navy Cross, and the Distinguished Service Medal, all awarded to Admiral Foster during his brilliant career. Part of decom crew-was the last crew member to leave after handing her over to be the Self-Defense Test Ship. A triple towered castle forms the crest of the ship's emblem. USS Paul F. Foster (DD-964), named for Vice Admiral Paul F. Foster USN (18891972), is a Spruance-class destroyer built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi. According to the Navy unit Awards site, Paul F. Foster received the following awards: Decommissioning and Self Defense Test Ship role, Last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:42, 5in (127mm) 54 calibre Mark 45 dual purpose guns, Mark 32 triple 12.75in (324mm) torpedo tubes, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, List of destroyers of the United States Navy, "NSWC Port Hueneme Welcomes New Self Defense Test Ship", "Navy launches its largest biofuel test for ship", "Paul F Foster EDD-964 Final DOI Naval Vessel Historical Evaluation",, 529 ft (161 m) waterline; 563 ft (172 m) overall, 6,000 nautical miles (11,000km; 6,900mi) at 20 knots (37km/h; 23mph), 3,300 nautical miles (6,100km; 3,800mi) at 30 knots (56km/h; 35mph), Mark 23 TAS automatic detection and tracking radar, This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:42. I AM GLAD TO HAVE BEEN PART OF THE CREW. | The three five-pointed stars within the chevron represent his final rank of Vice Admiral. After completion of overhaul, she moved to her new home port of Everett, Washington arriving November 22, 1995, the day before Thanksgiving. Hey Shipmates! 1 user currently logged in and 113 visitors active. She was commissioned on 21 February 1976 and decommissioned on 27 March 2003. Back to the USS Paul F. Foster (DD 964) page. Paul F. Foster departed for her eleventh deployment on 27 January 1999. During the ship's most recent deployment, its ninth, Paul F. FOSTER served with USS CARL VINSON Battle Group and was the first ship on the scene to provide assistance to a burning ocean going tug, GLORIOUS CITY, putting out the fire and saving it's crew of seven. Multiple Command Reunion Information. Great first independent tour as a Surface IDC. The RATHBURNE sunk on July 5, 2002, at 022 11' 42.0" North, 160 13' 07.0" West. In January 1927, he received the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism in the aftermath of a turret explosion on board TRENTON. Sponsored by: Mrs. Isabelle L. Foster, widow ofPaul F Foster. Hello crew, I really enjoyed being on this ship especially the med cruise before desert shield. takes your privacy seriously. USS PAUL F. FOSTER DD-964 was the second ship in the Spruance class of destroyers and the first ship in the Navy named after Vice Admiral Paul F. Foster. The photo below was taken by John Rebus (Michael) and shows the PAUL F. FOSTER during a visit to Naval Base San Diego, Calif., on June 2, 2016. 1999 2000 Paul F. Foster departed on its sixth Western Pacific/Indian Ocean deployment on 24 February 1989 in company with the Ranger Battle Group. Learned alot and experianced alot. 1997 1998 The photos below are official US Navy photos and show the PAUL F. FOSTER on November 17, 2011, off the US west coast conducting a demonstration of shipboard alternative fuel use on a 50-50 blend of an algae-derived, hydro-processed algal oil and petroleum F-76. Shortly before departure, two children were baptized in the ship's bell. I'm free from the NAVY but, I still wonder about you guys and how you're doing. | [2], Paul F. Foster joined Destroyer Squadron Nine and moved to its new home port of Long Beach, California, in August 1983. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Paul (FF 1080). All Rights Reserved. I'm a survivor of it. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. DD-964 Crew Roster . Shellback Initiation - 5 JUN 1980 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 31 MAY 1982 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 29 OCT 1983 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 8 OCT 1984 - Indian Ocean, WestPac/IO/PG (Operation Earnest Will: AFEM), Shellback Initiation - 14 MAR 1989 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 8 MAY 1989 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 10 FEB 1991 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 27 APR 1991 - Pacific Ocean, Deployment Arabian Gulf Operation Southern Watch, Shellback Initiation - 5 OCT 2002 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 5 OCT 2002 - Pacific Ocean, Transfered to Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Ca. While serving as part of the Pacific Middle East Force, she participated in Operation Iron Siren, Eager Sentry, and Arabian Gauntlet. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. On 29 August 1984, Paul F. Foster began its fourth Western Pacific deployment as Destroyer Squadron Nine's flagship, with then DESRON NINE Commodore, T.O. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Paul (FF 1080), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, ihad some good times and bad on the paul especially with BM1 Ricky Mack,what happened to GM2 sloan(the ninjaturtle)and delk,hindu,pierce,big coley,kemp,big A,BM2 nichols andmosley,vallejo,doc harvell,SM1 thomas and big burkhart. A major change implemented during this overhaul was a retrofit of a berthing, to accommodate her first female crew members. She now serves as the Navy's test ship for experimental weapons and sensors. OD Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm now a Full-time Instructor in Waco, TX. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Paul (FF 1080). | in camp sunnyside phone number. HONOR. USS PAUL F. FOSTER was designed and built by Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and was commissioned on 21 February 1976. [citation needed], Paul F. Foster was decommissioned on 27 March 2003. U.S.S. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. In 2004, Paul F. Foster was designated to replace ex-Decatur as the Navy's Self Defense Test Ship, a role she assumed in 2005. Port visitsPearl Harbor Mar 6 to 10Subic Bay Mar 26 to Apr 2Singapore Ap 7 to 11, Diego Garcia May 12 to 17Hong KongPhuket ThailandFremantlePattaya Beach ThailandPearl Harbor. Foster is a ship associated with the United States Navy. Upon returning from deployment on 20 October 1994, Paul F. Foster entered into a regular overhaul at Long Beach Naval Shipyard where several of the latest technological weapons, sensors and engineering systems were added. Hello to all, I hope your doing great. Save up to 30% when you upgrade to an image pack September 1, CVN 70 arrived in Busan, Republic of Korea, for a four-day port call; Inport Subic Bay, Republic of the Philippines, from Sept. 12-18. . Other features may include candid photographs of crew members at work and recreation, details and history of the ship, and short biographies on captains, commanders, and other prominent officers. USS PAUL F. FOSTER's Commanding Officers: The Coat of Arms of USS PAUL F. FOSTER:The design of the PAUL F. FOSTER Coat of Arms is a composite of emblems representing the many outstanding honors and achievements of Vice Admiral Foster during his long and vigorous service to his country and the Navy. As the initial DD 963 class destroyer assigned to the Pacific Fleet, PAUL F. FOSTER had many milestone firsts, including successfully firing NATO USS CARL VINSON (CVN 70) The U.S.S. Good luck to all! During the ship's tenth deployment which began February 21, 1997, PAUL F. FOSTER was a part of the multinational force in the Arabian Gulf, enforcing United Nations sanctions against Iraq. Portraits are generally organized alphabetically by surname within each division or department. Upon graduation, he received orders to cruiser WASHINGTON (CA 11), serving until December of that year, when he was transferred to the newly commissioned battleship UTAH (BB 31). Search crew members| During the overhaul the ship received over 55 major ship alterations, including installation of the MK 41 Vertical Launch System for TOMAHAWK cruise missiles, the AN/SQQ-89 Anti -Submarine Warfare Detection System, and facilities to employ the Navy's most sophisticated submarine helicopter, the LAMPS MK III. i have so many good memories on the foster. Welcome to the USS Paul F. Association website. Being one of the photographers for the cruise book this is so memorable. 1 user currently logged in and 120 visitors active. Launched - Ingalls Shipbuilding, West Bank, Pascagoula, Miss. Find the perfect uss paul f foster stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. 2005-mar-16. November 24th Shellback InitiationDecember 1 to 31 - Guam, M.I. [4], On 17 November 2011, ex-Paul F. Foster demonstrated the use of shipboard alternative fuel, while underway in the Pacific Ocean on a 5050 blend of an algae-derived, hydro-processed algal oil and petroleum F-76. Good times, I think. Machinery, 80,000 SHP; 4 LM 2500 Gas Turbines, 2 screws Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. [2], During a fifth deployment beginning in August 1986 with Desron Nine as part of the Carl Vinson Battle Group, Paul F. Foster was awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation for her performance in Operation Kernel Potlatch in the North Pacific and Bering Sea. takes your privacy seriously. The ship deployed again in 1979 and 1982, serving in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. Last homeported in Everett, Wash., the USS PAUL F. FOSTER is currently at Port Hueneme, Calif., serving as EDD 964 as the Navy's new Self Defense Test Ship (SDTS). HSL-33 Det 4 debarksFirst 963 drydocked in a floating dry-dock. National Convention Information. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 341 crew members registered for the USS Paul (FF 1080). 1981 1983 7 Dec 1941 - 31 Dec 1946 was 4,183,466 (390,037 officers and 3,793,429 enlisted) 3. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. | Got smart and changed rates after this tour. A variety of surface-to-surface missiles and naval guns were used to sink RATHBURNE.In the SINKEX, five naval warships formed a battle line to engage an "enemy" ship some 30 miles (48 km) north of Kauai. During the overhaul the ship received over 55 major ship alterations, including installation of the Mk41 Vertical Launch System for Tomahawk cruise missiles, the AN/SQQ-89 Anti-Submarine Warfare Detection System, and facilities to employ the Navy's most sophisticated submarine helicopter, the LAMPS MkIII. We invite you to join TheUSS Paul F. FosterAssociation. As the initial Spruance-class destroyer assigned to the Pacific Fleet, Paul F. Foster had many milestone firsts, including successfully firing a NATO Sea Sparrow missile, demonstrating the feasibility of landing H-46 helicopters, and determining the operational limits of the SH-3 helicopter. Our short-term goal is to secure a broad and strong base of membership that will carry the Association into the future for many decades. The two photos below were taken by William Chiu when USS PAUL F. FOSTER visited Hong Kong on May 12, 1991. Copyright 2023 [2], Operating out of San Diego, Paul F. Foster became the first Spruance-class destroyer to deploy to the Western Pacific in March 1978. Credits: The navy blue border represents the service during World War I and the sinking of a German submarine, for which he received the Distinguished Service Medal. See 1 photo and 1 tip from 11 visitors to ex-Paul F. Foster (DD-964). ex-Paul F. Foster performed a test launch of the LRASM Anti-ship missile from her Mark 41 Vertical Launching System while underway in the Pacific Ocean. The ship would remain deployed and be manned by the crew from KINKAID. Copyright 2023 Just wanted to say hello to everyone.. derrick, clay.. chief moore.. and rj gimme a call sometime.. this is dirty boats. PAUL F. FOSTERs thirteenth and final deployment began 17 June 2002, over the course of which several multinational exercises including RIMPAC in Hawaii, MALABAR (inconjunction with the Indian Navy), and ANNUAL-EX off the coast of Japan. She is now ex-Paul F. Foster, serving as a Self Defense Test Ship for experimental U.S. Navy weapons and sensors. Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm 1975 In 2004, Paul F. Foster was designated to replace ex-Decatur as a test ship for the Navy, a role she assumed in 2005. Chuck Nygaard, met with military and government officials including Vice Adm. Ding Yi Ping, China's Commander, North Sea Naval Fleet, Senior Capt. Zen in the Art of Bilge Diving! USS Paul F. Foster Reunion April 26th-29th 2012 Las Vegas Nevada DD-964 Joseph Schmitz LT 1/91 - 7/93 Back to 1st page. Login| Add Your Name to the DD-964 Crew Roster . PARTS of HulNumber are UNDER REVISION. She is now carrying a Sea RAM system. | UNDERWAY! Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. USS PAUL F. FOSTER DD-964 was the second ship in the Spruance class of destroyers and the first ship in the Navy named after Vice Admiral Paul F. Foster. Check out our uss paul f foster selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. The visuals of the USS Foster show the Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke DDG-51 with a reversed image to obfuscate the hull number. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? Amazon Music Stream millions of songs: Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon: 6pm Score deals on fashion brands Had some good times. Conducting North Arabian Sea operations, the ship was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. Guo Shouqian, China's Deputy Chief of Staff, North Sea Naval Fleet and the Deputy Mayor of Qingdao.
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