As you browse our website, you will find ideas to help you restore or update every room. They are due to be delivered around the middle of the month. Box 480, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Technical Assistance: (888) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Precision Mannikins Inc. "I was scared of this happening when that company bought it," Reider said. People also searched for these near Riverside: What are some popular services for taxidermy? It was constructed to help inspire your home improvement projects. As the trucks were being filled, Miiller said many longtime Van Dyke's employees close to retirement age were left realizing they would need to find another job. Address: 6860 Hillshire Drive, Suites 20 & 22, Memphis, TN 38133 Sales: (901) 365-8101 -- Fax: (901) 365-8101 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Matuska Taxidermy Supply Company We carry an extensive line of tools, mannikins, glass eyes, earliners, jawsets, paints and airbrush equipment as well as a wide array of incidental supplies. We here at Ohio Taxidermy Supply want every mount you create to be the best! Offers free technical service, toll free ordering and on-line ordering. And from what Peterson's heard, Monday's layoffs may not be the final move by McKenzie. If you are an existing customer of McKenzie, Van Dyke's or WASCO, you should automatically receive your new catalogs in the mail this month. Today Van Dykes Restorers is proud to be Your Restoration Partner, offering you all the quality products you need to make a house your home. Box 480, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Technical Assistance: (888) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Matt Thompson Taxidermy Supply Inc. Address: 1910 St. Luke's Church Road, Salisbury, NC 28186 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Office: (704) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Quality Taxidermy Supply Quality Taxidermy Supply is a supply house on the grow! Find Related Places. If you have some new ideas that will improve our forms or have a custom look needed, please contact us and we will be glad to assist you. Our forms assure you of satisfied customers every time. Welcome to Second 2 Nature Taxidermy Supply. Van Dyke's is proud to offer the McKenzie Tanning System. Visit regularly to see the latest products we have to offer along with storewide specials. Address: A McKenzie Company -- P. O. Address: P. O. In 1949, returning WWII veteran Bert Van Dyke started a supply company in his basement, offering quality taxidermy supplies to both amateur and professional taxidermists. "And they only gave us insurance through the end of September, so that gives me, what, five days and then I'll have no insurance? New Wall Habitat and finished habitat bases have been designed for flying birds, leaping foxes, deer heads and half-lifesize bear. Free Catalog. We use cookies in order to provide you the best shopping experience. To subscribe to Windjammer News and Updates, please provide your email address and subscribe below. E-mail: We are proud to offer some truly distinctive products, like library ladder kits, hand-carved wooden corbels, gingerbread and other carved wooden trim, copper sinks, solid oak furniture, and claw foot bath tubs. Address: 200 52nd Street, Fairfield, AL 35064 Sales: (800) 423-8601 -- Fax: (205) 787-9027 -- Office: (205) 787-6902 Web site:, Dan Rinehart Taxidermy Supply Three-time International Champion Dan Rinehart has release his NEW supply catalog focusing on whitetail manikins with the New Advanced Pre-Set Eyes, Bird manikins by International Champion Steve Henthorn, artificial bird heads by National Champion Tony Finnazo and fish manikins and eyes (Aqua Eyes) by himself. All of the WASCO products that you love are back and can be ordered alongside any McKenzie items to save on shipping and quantity discounts. Featuring Don Holt's Original Creations mannikin line, Bio-Optix glass eyes, panels, chemicals, display accessories, airbrushes, supplies and tools. All Rights Reserved. Address: P. O. Van Dyke's offers more than 14,000 items across a wide array of taxidermy products, tools and supplies and is considered one of the premiere manufacturers of glass eyes in the world. Services NEC. -- The focus here is on ease-of-use in conjunction with the printed catalog. Another online shop that has an extensive database of products. Specializing in unusual and hard-to-find products, Van Dyke's experienced technical staff continues to search out vintage, outstanding original hardware pieces to have reproduced by highly skilled artisans from around the world. Terms of the deal are not disclosed. This is a review for a taxidermy business near Riverside, CA: "My pets were one of the most important loved ones in my life. well. As always, our customers come first, just like they have for the past 30 years. Address: 2536 Prairie View Road, Harrison, AR 72601 Sales: (800) 467-0369 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Joe Coombs Classics, Inc. View from your computer NOW. I can now stand back and marvel at the wonderful job the McKenzie staff has done to produce the biggest and best catalogs that the taxidermy industry has ever seen. Neither Van Dyke's nor McKenzie was available for comment Monday afternoon, but Miiller said she is aware of at least 10 other employees who were laid off. Taxidermy Supplies We are now the sole suppliers in the UK for Skandia Hardwood Forms from Sweden. Address: 210 Crawford St., Piedmont, SC 29673 Sales: (864) 845-7691 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], KB Mannikins Our goal is to sculpt and produce some exciting new forms that will have your customers exited about doing some new and upcoming looks. These are some highly rated businesses for taxidermy near Riverside, CA: Precious Creature Taxidermy and Pet Aftercare (5/5). By 1984 the company had changed its name, parting ways with its early Taxidermy division to focus instead on providing antique furniture and vintage home restoration supplies, specializing in unusual and hard-to-find pieces. [emailprotected], Rayline Mannikins, Inc. | Free shipping on many items! Address: 632 5th Ave. North, Texas City, TX 77590 Sales: (800) 347-5009 -- Office: (409) 948-2673 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], New Wave Taxidermy Over 600 beautiful saltwater and freshwater fish blanks available finished or unfinished. If anyone I knew was suddenly faced with the passing of their loved pets and wanted taxidermy services, I would recommend Simon's Taxidermy in a heartbeat!". Address: Bakkehusvej 19, 8643 Ans, Denmark Tlf: +45 8687 0100 -- Fax: +45 8787 9222 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], BM Sports BM Sports is a Taxidermy, Woodcarving and Moldmaking mail order company in business since January 1989. The use of Quality Taxidermy forms will save you time and money because there are no changes to be made. Address: 350, Rang Pied de la Montagne, Ste-Marcelline de Kildare, Quebec J0K 2Y0 Canada Sales: (800) 351-2037 -- Fax: (866) 648-2774 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], K&D Taxidermy Supply House K&D Taxidermy Supply House is Canada's taxidermy supply specialists. "In time, it's going to be all of it the way it sounds," Peterson said. Two distribution centers, 24 hour shipping, technical assistance, on-line ordering. Address: 39 Nevin Drive Thomastown Vic. These are some businesses with a large number of reviews for taxidermy near Riverside, CA: Precious Creature Taxidermy and Pet Aftercare (24 reviews), Precious Creature Taxidermy and Pet Aftercare. Windjammer will continue to serve as a member of McKenzie's board of directors and will support the company's organic and acquisition related growth efforts. Whether you choose one of our many new items or a customer favorite that we've carried for years, one thing is for certainwhen you buy from Van Dykes, you are getting only the finest in Restoration Supplies! Claim this business (951) 737-5060. "It was like a death, and it's a death for our community of Woonsocket. Easy navigation has been enhanced through threaded categories and a smart search with google-like spell-check and alternate search term suggestions. Request your free color catalog today! If you are a taxidermist looking for an experienced, honest, quality freeze dry service, let us show you what we can do for your studio. Full-Service General Taxidermy Suppliers | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! New hardwood and habitat bases have been designed to fit larger mammals like lifesize bears and mountain lions. Van . Visit our web site or call our toll-free number today for a big free catalog. Box 480, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Technical Assistance: (888) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Jim Allred Taxidermy Supply Mannikins, chemicals, glass eyes, taxidermy tools and supplies. For a company to continue to turn out this level of new and innovative products year after year is incredible. Heck, I may even get to take a few weekends off and go deer hunting! Address: A McKenzie Company -- P. O. Please leave a comment at checkout if BACK ORDER is ok. Some new product highlights include big expansions to the popular new 6900 whitetail deer mannikin line. Using Quality Taxidermy forms means more life-like trophies for your customers. We invite you to do the same. Catalog Request | Van Dyke's Restorers Catalog Request Please complete the following form to request a catalog for yourself or a friend from Van Dyke's Restorers. A new flatter rock panel has been added as well allowing you to create flat spaces for mount attachment when building rocks and mountains. We constantly strive to expand our line of hardware and supplies, offering everything that the amateur or professional home restorer needs to complete a Victorian, Arts and Crafts, Mid-Century, Retro, Traditional, or Transitional look. The company also produces many of the chemicals used throughout the taxidermy process and maintains on-site wood-working and . Address: 42889 CR 19, Coshocton, OH 43812 Sales: 1-888-398-1546 -- Office: (330) 674-3722 Web site:, Ronald Carter Taxidermy & Supply Co. We also stock, bird/mammal eyes in glass and acrylic, fish eyes, apoxie sculpt, epoxy, bird preservative, washing detergent, ear liners, etc. Box 367, Woonsocket, SD 57385-0278 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Office: (704) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site:, WASCO -- Wildlife Artist Supply Company WASCO is a full-service taxidermy and wildlife artist supply company offering the best quality, service and value in the industry. * indicates a required field First Name* Last Name* Company Name Address* Apt., Suite, etc. Box 766, Concordville, PA 19331 Sales: (800) 772-7924 -- Office: (610) 459-8547 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Lone Star Taxidermy Supply We take pride in the fact that if you have a problem or question about any of the products we sell we can probably tell ya what the problem is. Address: 48555 Highway 445, Loranger, LA 70446 Sales: (800) 722-2327 -- Fax: (985) 542-1083 -- Office: (985) 542-2777 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Dixieland Taxidermy Supply Dixieland Taxidermy Supply carries a full line of taxidermy supplies. I must admit that I was a little nervous about seeing the first WASCO Catalog that I was not personally responsible for putting together. When you decide on a home improvement project, you can rely on Van Dyke's Restorers to supply you with the very best merchandise at the best price. almost everything. No waiting for the print catalog to arrive in the mail. ", Miiller arrived at 7 a.m., and she was told by her boss to enter one of two meeting rooms. Portraits of nature. When I got my cats back I was so happy with the work Simon provided! From hardwood panels to accessories and tools, Ozark Woods delivers. Address: P.O. Call Today for your FREE supply catalog. Permanent link to this article: The company manufacturers glass eyes, forms, chemicals, wood products, and other general taxidermy supplies. Our entire catalogue is available online in PDF form. Windjammer had previously invested redeemable preferred stock in McKenzie to support RFE Investment Partners' acquisition of McKenzie in 2003. Address: 1309 Ozone Drive, Saluda, NC 28773 Toll-Free: 800-624-7507 -- Office Phone: 828-749-5800 -- Fax: 828-749-5890 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Research Mannikins Think of us as your hometown taxidermy supply store. All "taxidermy" results in Riverside, California, "My pets were one of the most important loved ones in my life. Address: 2772 County Road 103, Fort Madison, IA 52627 G2 Taxidermy Supply strives to bring the industry an affordable mannequin with top of the line customer service & reliability. Address: A McKenzie Company -- P. O. Address: 14-A CR 247, Glen, MS 38846 Toll-Free: 1-800-488-3337 -- Fax: 662-665-0344 -- Information: 662-286-5133 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], Authentic Taxidermy & Supply Our new portable fleshing machine has no belts or pulleys, but a direct drive that helps eliminate noise and vibration. Mitchell Board of Education to review superintendent candidate applications at special meeting, Mitchell Rep. Ben Krohmer's fuel gas bill passes Senate committee, appears likely to become law, South Dakota legislative round-up: Tax decision upcoming, county funding, first veto. Available in several sizes, they also work great for other gamehead and deer mounts. Box 480, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Sales: (800) 279-7985 -- Technical Assistance: (888) 279-7985 -- Fax: (704) 279-8958 Web site: -- E-mail: [emailprotected], John Rinehart Taxidermy Supply Co. All Rinehart manikins include the innovative Pre-Set Eyes. Sales: (319) 470-8117 KEYWORD SEARCH. Basically, you could go with a rock or a panel, but the bear always had that unnatural disturbing look that it was cut in half (which, in fact, it was!). Whitetails, wild boar, and more. Our unequaled selection features over 50,000 products, encompassing everything from Knobs and Pulls to Decorative Wood and all the accents needed to make over a Kitchen Bathroom, Living Room, or Outdoor space. Van Dyke's offers more than 14,000 items across a wide array of taxidermy products, tools and supplies and is considered one of the premiere manufacturers of glass eyes in the world. Get the best deal for Van Dyke's Hunting Taxidermy Supplies from the largest online selection at But Miiller said she was shuttled in before the "firing squad.". Proven competition winners. "You know, we knew it was coming, we just didn't think it was going to be today," Miiller said. Creator of the worlds's most realistic fish forms! In August of 2006, Windjammer provided a combination of redeemable preferred stock, common stock, and senior subordinated notes in support of the buyout of McKenzie Sports Products, Inc. led by Gridiron Capital in a new change of control transaction. We offer a wide variety of hard-to-find specialty hardware and components for restoring antique desks, tables, chairs, dressers, hoosier cabinets and much more. Address: 5011 East Texas Street, Bossier City, LA 71111 Sales: (800) 256-4800 -- Fax: (318) 746-5878 -- Office: (318) 746-5792 Web site:, Ohio Taxidermy Supply Call for free catalog. While Miiller was not surprised about the mass layoffs, she was caught off guard by the timing. Even though hunting season is gearing up across the country, there is another favorite season among taxidermists that is unfolding this month. Address: A McKenzie Company -- P. O. After completing your project, please send us photos that proudly display your craftsmanship. When tragedy struck (unfortunately sooner than I'd ever predict) I knew I'd only want the best aftercare for my pets. Each fall, I would go into catalog deadline mode which basically meant that I would work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, for about 10 weeks straight. We Supply, We Teach, We Create.Since 1978. Traditionally, economists believed that [], Social selling could be your key to securing new prospects and boosting your bottom line. Glass eyes, Eppley earliners and products, wood pedestals and bases, plus general supplies.
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