Yes, on several occasions Jesus taught His disciples what would happen to Him as His ministry drew to its close. By the first century AD, Eusebius had referred to Bishop Papias of Hierapolis as providing evidence to Matthews authorship of his gospel, stating that Matthew assembled the oracles in the Hebrew language, and each one gave his finest interpretation as best he could. The Gospel of Matthew was written in the Hebrew language, and it was published in Jerusalem, although Matthew fell asleep at Hierees, a village in the Parthia region, according to Hippolytus. This tale of Peter and Paul is supported by the fact that their names are still commemorated in the cemetery of that location to this very day. Later, in the middle of the 1990s, he was deported to the island of Patmos as a result of Domitians persecution. He needed people he could trust to send out his message and to continue the work when he was no longer around to lead the nascent Christian movement. He was joined by Peter, Andrew, James the Greater, James the Lesser, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thaddaeus, Simonand Matthias, who replaced the former disciple and alleged traitor, Judas Iscariot. He reported the phenomena to his superiors, who then gave him permission to dig up the spot. This post is also accessible in Arabic (Arabic version) (Hindi). When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that he had been sentenced, he repented and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, confessing his fault and saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is it doing to us? Take a look at it. courtesy of the Mormon Channel In every account of Thomass death that I have read, it appears that the priest was stabbed with a spear sometime during his ministry in India. Peter and his brother Andrew passed by Jesus while He was strolling along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus wanted to make sure the disciples understood the Scriptures before he revealed himself to them. That the Lord came, not to condemn the world, but to save it. Slightly more than half say they are walking for "religious reasons" and most are Spaniards or Germans. How often do we doubt Gods Word and act as if it isnt true? According to second theory, St. James body was exhumed in Jerusalem by disciples who had followed James from Spain. There is considerable disagreement as to which James is which, but this James is thought to have served as a pastor in Syria, according to tradition. The data-lazy-srcset attribute is set to sl=1 1880w,sl=1 300w,sl=1 1024w, ssl=1 768w, ssl=1 1536w, sl=1 1200w, and the data-lazy-srcset attribute is set to ssl=1 600w. data-lazy-sizes=(max-width: 950px) 100vw, 950px data-lazy-sizes=(max-width: 950px) 100vw, 950px You are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the Saints, and you are a member of Gods household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. After that, the king brought the remains of the apostles into his city, where he built a cathedral of wondrous splendor in their honor.. Matthew appears to have been involved with the Jewish communities of Palestine for a long period of time. The facts of Philips death appear to be in dispute among those who know him. The dispersion of the Apostles is the name given to this historical occurrence. Traditionally, it is considered that Peter was the one who initially arrived to Antioch and founded a community there. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The body would be placed on a stone bench in the sepulcher. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". His 12 disciples were: 1) Peter (originally known as Simon and Simon Peter); 2) Andrew (Simons brother); 3) James the Elder (the disciple that Jesus loved); 4) John (James the Elders brother); 5) Philip; 6) Bartholomew; 7) Matthew (or Levi); 8) James the Less (or James the Younger, possibly Jesuss brother); 9) Thaddeus (or Jude or Judas, brother of James the Less); 10) Thomas (Doubting Thomas); 11) Simon Zelotes; and 12)Judas Iscariot. Because he was a member of our group and had been granted a portion of this ministry. [Source: BBC, June 21, 2011 |::|], Jesus chose his closest followers very carefully. Many people consider the apostles to be among of the most revered and googled human beings to have ever lived on the face of the world. Rest in Jesus!. The Gospel of Mark reports that when Jesus was arrested, All of them deserted him and fled (Mark 14:50). Why, then, did they flee and act so frightened when He was arrested? He was then reburied in a Roman burial ground several miles inland. After 40 days, Jesus left this Earth as recorded in Mark 16:19: So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. After his ascension, the disciples faced many challenges and questions about their responsibilities. According to The Golden Legend, he was martyred in Persia about the year 65 AD. The Gospels refer to this group as crowds. [Source: Reza Aslan, Washington Post, September 26, 2013]. The Acts of the Apostles describes the arrival of Holy Spirit at a meeting of the disciples: Suddenly there came from heaven a sound as if it where a violent windand there appeared to them tongues as of fire, these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to speak a number of different languages, allowing them to spread the words of God and Jesus, and thus ushering in the Christian era. Web326 views, 12 likes, 3 loves, 9 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Parroquia de Santiago Apstol, Ayahualulco, Ver. The word apostle is derived from the Greek apostolos, or messenger. According to Acts 12:2, the apostle James, son of Alphaeus, was killed by Herod Agrippas sword around 45 A.D., according to the Bible. I knew in my head that some of them had been slain very violently, but I was still taken aback by some of the specifics of their deaths. He said, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father They were sent off, probably in small groups, to preach and to perform, on a smaller scale, many of the miraculous things Jesus did. There is little information available about Bartholomews evangelizing activities. They were also filled with fear for their own future. In roughly 66 AD, during the Christian persecution under Emperor Nero, both Peter and Paul were killed in Rome, where they were buried together. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The Garden of Gethsemane was a place located on the Mount of Olives that Jesus often resorted to for prayer and communion with His Father. Jesus told them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.. Christians in that country have claimed that he was the first to bring the Gospel message to their country, and they are right. James (one of Jesus brothers, also called James the Less) was thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple, and then beaten to death with a club. They all preached, and many of them started to work with their own disciples. The word apostle is derived from The remainder were international missionaries who had left their home countriesnine of the 14 were foreign missionaries and church planters, which represented a significant proportion of the total. Its mausoleum may be found in the cathedral of the city of Salerno, Italy. Peter, Andrew, and Philip were crucified; James the Greater and Thaddaeus fell to the sword; James the Lesser was beaten to death while praying for his attackers; Bartholomew was flayed alive and then crucified; Thomas and Matthew were speared; Matthias was stoned to death; and Simon was either crucified or sawed in half. They were present during many of Jesuss miracles. They were certainly not the type of people that many would have anticipated God to hand-pick as the first Apostles the ones who would be responsible for the transmission of the teachings of Christ and the traditions of the Church as they were in the Bible. They may not have always understood what his message was and their faith may have wavered at times but all of them, apart from the tragic case of Judas, stuck with him until his death. It was he who ordered the execution of Johns brother James with the sword (Acts 12:12). WebDays after his crucifixion, Christ appeared to Peter, according to the gospels. Andrew (Peters brother, also a fisherman) died on a cross at Patrae, in Achaia, a Grecian Colony. On the 29th of June in the year 67, he was crucified upside-down. Foxes Book of Martyrs records the following about Matthew: The scene of his labors was Parthia, and Ethiopia, in which latter nation he experienced martyrdom, being slaughtered with a halberd in the city of Nadabah, A.D. 60, according to Foxes Book of Martyrs. Solicitation Disclosure Statement Andrew Todhunter wrote in National Geographic: In the early days, Columba Stewart, a Benedictine monk and historian at Saint John's Abbey in Minnesota, told me, "the organizational structure, the great institution of the churchsignified for Roman Catholics today by the Vatican and its complex hierarchysimply wasn't there. They were not the type of people that you would have anticipated Jesus to send forth on his mission to bring the gospel to all of humanity. [Source: BBC, June 21, 2011 |::|], The paying of taxes may well have been a source of tension between the fishermen and the local individuals the Romans employed to perform the unenviable, but highly lucrative, job of collecting the taxes. WebThe disciples read the Scriptures, but did not see Jesus, even though the text shouts from beginning to end, Look to Jesus! He is the resurrection and the life. In John 20:25, Thomas expresses his initial skepticism about Christs resurrection. Christian Classics Ethereal Library ; Early Christianity: Elaine Pagels website ; Jesus wanted to After the Great Fire of Rome, the apostle was assassinated in Rome by Emperor Nero in the year 64 AD. At least, not from the standpoint of the typical individual, at any rate. And with the sword, he assassinated Jamesthe brother of John. These places served as the foundations for the spread of Christianity. BibleAskTeam is dedicated to His service. [Source: Andrew Todhunter, National Geographic, March 2012 |~|], The Apostles were the movement's cutting edge, spreading the message across the vast trade network of the ancient world and leaving small Christian communities in their paths. He soon converted to Christianity, with the help of Peter. There were missionary efforts in major centers, first in Jerusalem, then Antioch, then Rome, but certainly no sense of a headquarters. As a result of his personal encounter with Jesus Christ, the apostle proceeded to preach the gospel and, according to tradition, penned the Acts of Thomas and the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Judas Thaddaeus, sometimes known as Jude, according to Christian academics such as Michael Patton of Credo House Ministries, continued to evangelize after the death of Christ. The twelve apostles were basically regular guys who went to work every day. courtesy of the Mormon Channel This is another narrative in which the Bible provides us with guidance. In the New Testament, only two of them are certain to die: Judas, who betrayed Jesus and afterwards hung himself, and Jamesthe son of Zebedee, who was murdered by Herod about 44 AD after he refused to repent of his actions (seeActs 12:2). Although there is little evidence to back up the assertion, some people believe that James the Elder went to Spain, St. Thomas went to India, Saint Matthew went to Ethiopia and Saint Bartholomew to Armenia. 2023 Proven Way "Near the cross of Jesus stood his Contact Us. What did the Twelve Apostles do after Jesus died? We also shouldn't minimize the level of expectation that was going through their minds at that time because with the passing of this first generation, the expectation that all of those coming events must be closer to hand probably was a concern for a lot of people. ascent of Jesus ) is Christian teaching that Christ physically departed from Earth by rising into Heaven, in the presence of eleven of his apostles. While there are several myths and legends to choose from, it is impossible to be confident about any one of them. Some stories merely state that he was martyred, while others claim that he was skinned alive and killed by a group of thugs. Afterward, Christianity spread in other places including Syria, Greece, Armenia, India and Rome. James killed as a martyr, and his corpse was sawed into pieces, according to Theory 2. |~|, Thomas the Apostle went east, through what is now Syria and Iran and, historians believe, on down to southern India. These people were ordinary and unexceptional in every way. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". was an apostolic band of followers. What are 2 negative effects of using oil on the environment? He traveled farther than even the indefatigable Paul, whose journeys encompassed much of the Mediterranean. The Apostles are beloved not just because they were hand-picked by God Himself, but also because they are relevant to people of all backgrounds. The 30th of November, 1999 Louis Power provides a fascinating summary of what occurred to the 12 apostles after Pentecost, drawing on myths, stories, historical, and scriptural sources to explain what happened to them. 8 Simon/Peter missionary to Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Betania, Italy, and Asia; martyred/crucified upside down in Rome; a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is recorded that he brought the wife of a proconsul to the Lord. Take it with a grain of salt, as they say). Carrying banners with the scallop shell symbol, Charlemagne's armies marched to Spain threw the Muslims out of Castile and Len, Galicia. There is very little information available concerning Bartholomews death. Peter, James the Elder and John are regarded as the Apostle inner circle. Its easy to condemn those disciplesbut how often does this happen to us? They had hoped He would overcome the power of the Roman government and establish a new kingdom, and now their hopes of this vanished. Act 12:2 And with the sword, he assassinated James, Johns younger brother. All early apostolic literature portrays them as immediately putting their hand to the plough, devoting their time and energy to the onerous task of spreading seeds of faith wherever they traveled. What did the disciples do after the resurrection? These were called disciples, and according to the Gospel of Luke, there were 70 or 72 of them, depending on which version of the text you believe. James and Mark were described as "the fierce, wrathful ones." The Acts of Philipdocument has a detailed description of his death as a martyr. Some say three years, others as little as one. In the dream, God told Charlemagne it was duty to lead his army across the Pyrenees to free northern Spain from Moorish-Muslim rule. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive; accordingly he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders. Matthias, the thirteenth, was a local missionary in Jerusalem who died of old age. Back then, Christian missionaries were not particularly well-liked by the general public. Thomas, or Doubting Thomas as he is commonly known,was one of the Twelve Apostles. Saints' Books Library ; Saints and Their Legends: A Selection of Saints libmma.contentdm ; A heavenly summons to faith and repentance in the rising Christ, the Messiah, and the forgiveness of sins. Simon and Jude: Simon and Jude were the only two apostles to die together, and they were the only two who died together. The legend surrounding Simon the Zealot is that he served as a minister in Persia before being assassinated for refusing to provide sacrifices to idol sun gods. That is, once again, the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit! The third category of Jesuss followers was known as the apostles. Despite the fact that nothing is known about Bartholomews death, Christians believe that he remained loyal to the very end, when he was crucified. He sees our complete potential in its fullest now, just as He does in the past. Acts 13:28 reports that the people of Jerusalem had condemned Jesus, then laid him in a tomb. According to an apocryphal account from the second century called Acts of Peter, Peter requested that he be crucified upside down because he did not believe he was worthy to die as Jesus did. According to Irenaeus (about 180 AD), Peter and Paul started the Church at Rome (Italy geography traveling west and slightly north from Israel, you hit the Mediterannean Sea, then Greece and Italy), which is where they were buried: While Peter and Paul were teaching in Rome and creating the foundations of the Church, Matthew also distributed a written Gospel to the Hebrews, which was written in their own dialect. This was the big bang moment for Christianity, with the Apostles blasting out of Jerusalem and scattering across the known world." They were Jesus' most familiar allies and companions, but what do we really know about the lives and personalities of the twelve disciples? |::|, According to the BBC: We know that Jesus recruited from the community he grew up in, an environment with a simple but mixed economy where jobs were specialised and survival was all-important. For this purpose, most of John is the only apostle who is believed to have died of natural causes due to old age. We all know that Jesus Christ was crucified, but what happened to his disciples? We know nothing of his death, but we do know that his sons continued the struggle against Rome, two were crucified and another claimed to be a Messiah. Originally from Capernaum, he was the son of Zebedee and the brother of James; he was named by Jesus as one of the sons of thunder and as the disciple whom Jesus loved; he lived in Asia until being deported to the island of Patmos by Domitian, the monarch, and died there. The apostle who was picked to take Judas place. They also coveted the idea of being Jesus' deputies, which could have provoked disquiet amongst the other disciples. |::|, Andrew Todhunter wrote in National Geographic: In its earliest days the movement was too insignificant to attract wide-scale persecution, and Christians, as they came to be called, had more friction with neighboring Jewish sects than with the Roman Empire. Sources on what happened to Jesus followers include the following: Source1: Hippolytus of Rome (d. 236 AD) date of birth and death uncertain. : Martes 21 VII semana del tiempo ordinario. Simon the Zealot, the second bishop of Jerusalem to succeed James, died of old age at the age of ten. After he was tried for blasphemy, around the year 35, his accusers dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death while he prayed for them. The fact that they were both slain in Beirut in the same year, according to folklore, is part of the reason for this. Saint James St. James was one of Christ's 12 apostles. The phenomena was reported by King Alfonso II of Asturias to the Pope, who endorsed the finding of St. James body as an inventio (the discovery of a tomb or relic after a miraculous revelation) which is similar to an apparition (miraculous vision) like the ones that took place at Lourdes and Ftima. The remaining 11 original disciples that became Apostles were: 1) Peter (originally known as Simon and Simon Peter); 2) Andrew (Simons brother); 3) James the Elder (the disciple that Jesus loved); 4) John (James the Elders brother); 5) Philip; 6) Bartholomew; 7) Matthew (or Levi); 8) James the Less (or James the Younger, possibly Jesuss brother); 9) Thaddeus (or Jude or Judas, brother of James the Less); 10) Thomas (Doubting Thomas); and 11) Simon Zelotes. 12 disciples plus Matthias (as a substitute for Judas) and Paul equals 14 disciples. In addition to being the son of Alphaeus, he may have been Matthews brother; he should not be confused with the author of the Book of James (who was Jesus brother); while preaching in Jerusalem, he was stoned to death by the Jews and was buried near the temple. This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Following his triumphant return to the coliseum, the whole coliseum was converted to Christianity. Matthew, Mark, and Luke), who is widely assumed to be Nathaniel (albeit he is only named by John), while the other Judas (Jude), the son of James, was most likely the one called Thaddeus, there is a snag in the story (cf. Instead you had this tiny, vulnerable, poor, often persecuted group of people who were on fire with something." They would have left the comfort of their family homes to hit the road, often sleeping rough and relying on the hospitality of locals for food and shelter. But those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. Matthew's fellow disciples would have had to wrestle with difficult emotions when dealing with someone they would have been accustomed to treating with suspicion. The Acts of the Apostles describes the arrival of Holy Spirit at a meeting of the disciples after Jesuss Death and Resurrection: Suddenly there came from heaven a sound as if it where a violent windand there appeared to them tongues as of fire, these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to speak a number of different languages, allowing them to spread the words of God and Jesus, and thus ushering in the Christian era. However, the following is what National Geographic has to say about it: Andreas, the brother of Peter, traveled to Patras in western Greece in 69 AD, where he engaged in a religious argument with the Roman proconsul Aegeates, according to the religious historian Dorman Newman of the 15th century. |::|, They may well have been other factors to upset the group dynamics of Jesus' team. It has been claimed by Christians in that country that he was the first person who delivered the Gospel message to their country. After betraying Jesus, one of the twelve apostles famously committed suicide by hanging himself. According to the Apostolic Voice and the Christian novel A Voice in the Wind, written by Francine Rivers, this information comes from two sources (a very good read). Lives of the Saints:, Jesus and the Historical Jesus ; Britannica on Jesus Jesus-Christ ; Historical Jesus Theories ; Wikipedia article on Historical Jesus Wikipedia ; Jesus Seminar Forum ; Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ ; Another reason, I suspect, is because they were overwhelmed with disappointment by Jesus arrest.
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