Today I want to share something thats been troubling me for the better part of the last year or soits this new disturbing trend that could destroy youth basketball. Below is an email correspondence between Dena Evans, former PGC Basketball owner, and a PGC grad she corresponds with throughout the year. If you spend time in the car, it's ideal. This means you cant work out half-heartedly if you want extra minutes on the court youre going to have to work really, really hard on your game. But we do. Dont give the coach a reason to hold a grudge against you. Many coaches go over expectations of athletes and repercussions to breaking those. When the choice about who gets to play is between a player who works hard or a player who doesnt, the priority will go to the one who puts in the effort. Jason is just one of many former college and professional players, college coaches, and parents who are part of theNext College Student Athleteteam. Whats holding me back from getting more minutes on the court?4. If you find yourself constantly shooting from spots you arent comfortable from, it wont be long until youll be sitting extended minutes on the bench. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Sitting the bench provides a unique opportunity to watch, anticipate the required moves, learn plays, and analyze opponents. "My child understands the rules of the game, but may forget them in the heat of the moment.". If your child has been bullied, you may need to tell them over and over that what they experienced isn't right. Take ownership of your own game and skills. Do you look interested in the basketball game when youre on the bench? Opportunities to meet with representatives from Arizona's universities on CGCC's campuses. Looking to get an extra workout in? If theyre having fun, enjoying practice, and theyre okay with that situation, I think they should be allowed to play. The great John Wooden said these two great quotes about conditioning, The better conditioned team will probably win in the long run John Wooden, When the legs go the heart soon follows John Wooden. It can be far too easy to dismiss bullying behavior on the part of a coach. So players end up having to compete amongst their teammates for court time. There are coaches who are much more focused on winning than player development and will only play their best players. Put extra effort in drills, reserve chatting with your friends until water breaks, help pick up equipment after practice, ask for tips, and say thank you. In fact, according to one study that looked at the role of general practitioners in assessing bullying activity, many young people would welcome having their pediatricians become involved as their advocate in bullying.. A friend has been assisting me through this difficult season and has recommended I look into transferring in the next year or two. What you can do is focus on your game until its at a level where it cant be ignored. Know that every real athlete who is worth their salt has been through adversities, doubts, frustrations, and unfairness (often in their freshman or sophomore years, in particular). We recommend our users to update the browser. By Jason Smith, NCSA Director of Recruiting Services If youve attended a youth basketball event in the past year or so, theres a good chance youve witnessed a trend that I believe will very likely ruin youth basketball unless we put a stop to it. Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert. Before you talk to a coach about extra playing time, check out notes from your initial meeting. Are you demotivated to continue showing up to practice? Stay Positive, take the team-first approach. No matter how hard you try, does it feel like your coach is unhappy with your progress? Seasoned teammates provide valuable examples of plays, expectations of the new league or team, and insight into the teams unique flow. 3 They may worry that allowing a child to quit will mean she always gives up when the going gets tough. You cannot depend on others to have your back if you dont have your own. Promote more interactions to create better group cohesion. For parents and players alike theres nothing more frustrating than going from one game to the next with seeing little to no real playing time. And remember that psychological and emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse, and in many ways more difficult to cope with. Sure it probably wont be obvious on the surface, but you can guarantee the coach is always playing favorites in the back of their mind. Working with the coach can help make sports a positive and valuable experience for your child. 11 Tips for Basketball Tryouts (How to Stand Out and Get Selected), How to Get a College Basketball Scholarship (11 Tips), How to Develop a High Basketball IQ (and 14 Examples), How to Get Better at Basketball in 2 Hours (10-Step Guide), 12 Simple Tactics to Get More Playing Time, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense Complete Coaching Guide. This rare observation is executed without the pressure of messing up a game. This behavior brings down the entire team. They just assume the coach is tough and that they should not intervene. The best approach for your son or daughter is a positive one. Their goal is to undermine your child's success and to maintain control in the situation, especially if you have reported the coach or talked with them about their behavior. How can you regulate social media intake and add more recreational activities to your schedule? 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. My son or daughter hasn't missed a practice from what I see. Their perspective is, of course, biased. Do you look like you want to be part of the team when the coach is explaining something at practice? If your ball-handling should be improved, check out these dribbling drills. By Jaimie Duffek, NCSA Director of Softball If your athlete is looking for more opportunity, the first step is to identify what they can do to change the situation. Improve your time management. Daniel Jones remained close with his high school varsity head coach long after he settled in the Big Apple. Coaches love players that know their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their game accordingly. Stop letting every thought and doubt on the surface of your mind lead you down a hole. Try not to come off as attacking or with a victim mentality. Or switch your child to another team where the fit might be better. Here, youll find practical tips and real-world advice on becoming a better recruit to maximize your opportunities to play at the college level. However, its not just about having confidence. When the Coach Doesn't Coach Even if you believe youre unfairly stuck on the end of the bench you should always be cheering and encouraging your teammates during games. The truth is there are some things in life we cant change or control. What do you think my strengths are as a player? Be sure to consider whether the sport itself is a good fit and something your child enjoys. If you want extra minutes on the court, you should be that player. He needs a coach. Receive our weekly newsletter with the latest articles, media, and resources. Think about it. Comparing yourself to teammates puts the coach in a tough spot. Not liking the way you talk to your parents. For parents who played through injury, this comes as a surprise. Affies for Kids is a YouTube channel with a great range of activities, audio-books, and songs, all aimed at helping coach children about emotional responses and personal skills development. Playing through a virus such as influenza can complicate the infection and lead to a more serious secondary infection. Why Do Youth Coaches Bench Good Players? - Rookie Mentor But even if the coach has a basic idea, she may not understand the wide range of potential symptoms. Remember why you play. Sitting the Bench the No. 1 Issue Between Parents, Coaches Standing up for your child will not only let them know that you will go to bat for them, but also may spare other children from being similarly abused. If you're planning to transfer to a university or four-year college, take advantage of CGCC's transfer services, including: Information about public, private, out-of-state, and nontraditional colleges and universities. Does the sport that once brought you joy seem to be the place youd least like to be? A lot of us also run a website or a concession stand and work with a booster club to raise money for the team. Sometimes the abuse may not be as obvious but can be just as damaging or worse. Thats a recipe for success in sports and beyond. Jim Bucci from Positive Coaching Alliance believes that there may be times when parents should speak to the coach. Instead of saying My child doesnt like it when you yell, try something like, My child gets upset when you yell because he doesnt know what he did wrong. That provides more room for conversation. Health. Does it matter if indoor or outdoor? It's December 8th. So after saying "My child has. If youre playing a pick up game, take on the strongest opponent and try your best to limit their scoring. (3) Why isn't my child allowed to do whatever they want (or within reason) without consequences (being taken out of the game for making a mistake). Nokia reveals new logo to remind you it doesn't make phones anymore In my opinion, coaches should alwaysbe open to discussing playing time with their players and parents of their players as long as its done appropriately. Coaches love players that are coachable and willing to learn. Clarify team members' roles so . Were excited to give you three free videos! The Associated Press. Taking the coachs feedback into consideration, they should get to work on any weaknesses and keep honing their strengths in order to become a more well-rounded athlete. A bullying coach may also blame others for losses or mistakes in a game, while boasting that their skills as a coach are responsible for good outcomes. During practice and individual workouts is when you should be improving your weaknesses. Youre trying to plan it out, but how long do volleyball games last? Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. If they have more than enough time and skills: If a manager has tons of free time, knows all the answers and thinks coaching others is a flavor-of-the-month methodology, they shouldn't coach. Finally, check in on your academics. The most common question I get from players is without question How do I get more playing time?. Poor relationships with coaches or teammates. Maybe: You aren't sleeping well because you have a stressful deadline coming up. IN THIS ISSUE: Playing Time, (PT). 2023 NFL Mock Draft 2.0. Meanwhile, a bully may also question your child's commitment if they miss practices due to school or family obligations. Attend every practice. March 16, 2017 10:00 am ET. The World Championship of Left Handed Golfers was being played over a week in Naas, on the south-western outskirts of Dublin, and a friend . But its worth it to see the kids improve. 6 SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE PREDIABETES - BioCoach It's important that parents keep their eyes open for bullying. In some cases, it can be hard to differentiate between a tough coachone who has your child's best interests in mindand a bullying coach. For many athletes, its difficult to be objective about their own talent level, but easy to complain about not receiving recognition. Many teams have a required GPA to maintain eligibility. Why Parents Must Stop Coaching From The Sidelines - Basketball For Coaches You know, at the beginning of the season, these were the parameters that you laid out that would result in playing time. Coach Ignores My Kid - What Should I Do? - PCA Understand that its difficult to increase your time on the court without improving your ability to contribute while youre on the court. While improving all other areas of your life, starting a schedule will show you where the free hours are in your day in which you can start really working on your game! The Parent's Playbook: How to deal with playing time issues Coaches do play favorites. Verbally abusive coaches also make snide remarks or offer unfair criticism about your child's abilities or performance in a game.
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