Romanized Mike, who is ten years Ximena's senior, met his partner on a dating app after seeking love for quite some time. Season 2 she wakes up in hospital and it all starts from there. 854K 24K 90. Shancai learns Tian Ye's real identity. Earn up to 5x points when you use your eBay Mastercard. Meteor Garden Episode 1. When a spate of grisly murders throws a city into chaos, a tenacious prosecutor must brace for a cat-and-mouse game against a dangerous manipulator. He later develops feelings for Shancai. Does Lei love Jing? Dong Shancai is determined to excel at her dream university, where she encounters an elite clique of dashing, popular high-achievers -- and finds love. It's the only explanation that makes any sense. Daoming Feng leaves Shancai no choice but to cave into her demands. Also im not going to like I thought Thomas was gay. Especially since the rest of the series was so good, only to have the last 2-3 episodes be so pointless and confusing. An ordinary girl is admitted to the most prestigious school in the country, where she encounters F4, an exclusive group comprised of the four wealthiest and most handsome boys in the school - Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Xi Men, and Mei Zuo. [8] She later saw him with another girl, before running away. Jiang Xiao You (girlfriend) Geng Yi Fen (former crush) Education Ming De University Affiliations F4 Xi Men Yan ( Chinese: ; pinyin: Xmn Yn) was a member of the F4 with Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, and Feng Mei Zuo. Ximen is a senior at Ming De University's Department of Business Management, and an expert in. at first i thought it was just me, until i saw this. TLCs reality show 90 Day Fianc: Before the 90 Days follows couples who are in an existing relationship online but havent met in person. He is in love with his childhood friend, Teng Tangjing, who befriended him from a young age despite his quiet and withdrawn demeanour (due to his mild autism spectrum disorder). [1] The series is produced by the maker of the original Taiwanese series Angie Chai and directed by Lin Helong. Xiao You later developed feelings for F4 member, Xi Men . although i wanted them to have a happy ending and get married, i felt like it was rushed and needed to be thought through more. Also. He is lighthearted, enjoys making jokes, and has an incredible memory. The last two episodes spoilt the whole thing. It looks like the 90 Day Fianc star has . Meizuo confesses his selfless, unrequited love for Caina and urges her to go after Ye Mingchuan. So many questions.. As Shancai's whereabouts remain unknown to her friends, Ah Si shuts himself in. This helps her in securing a place in one of the topmost universities, which is mainly inhabited by rich brats. A knight framed for a crime he didn't commit turns to a shape-shifting teen to prove his innocence. Or if you wish to submit your questions, feedback, or request via our contact form. RAW WATCHERS: Refrain from posting spoilers to future episodes/plot until appropriate thread is up. This is the reason you want to get baby chicks in early spring! Read More: Will Usman SojaBoy Umar and Kim End Up Together on 90 Day Fianc: Before the 90 Days? During the course of Mikes visit to Colombia, his patience was tested severely. Jung Ji So will be the heroine in the upcoming K-drama version of the hit film Miss Granny. Why was Thomas and the two chicks that almost killed Shincai there? Episode 44-45 has been uploaded! Once Shan Cai returned, Xiao You was given a few days off work from the bakery. DS loved SC and would have given her a beautiful wedding not trick her. Gradually, Daoming Si falls deeply in love with Shancai, only to realize that she is in love with one of his best friends, Huaze Lei (Darren Chen). It is also available globally via Netflix. I just binged this for the last three days and that final episode was utter nonsense! Free shipping for many products! Hair color | They are the most popular boys in school and their leader is as arrogant as he is rich. During an incident at the spa, Lei rushes to Shancai's aid. 1. He majored in business administration at Ming De University. Lei warns Shancai that Daoming Feng will resort to malicious maneuvers to strike at her closest friends. and everyone had a happy ending. Meteor Garden follows the story of a young working-class boy who joins an elite university which is attended by the children of the richest people in town. In this table, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. Dylan Wang plays the role of Dao Ming Si. In the distance, a sign read "Xi Men, my love". With Ah Si's encouragement, Shancai joins a culinary competition to win a cash prize and help out her family. Company Credits It felt like I'd spent so much time getting invested and waiting for this silly relationship to finally work, and have the dream wedding and then, instead of giving the end of the hunger strike/ acceptance of Shancai/ wedding the time that it deserved in the story it was a nothing flashback filled heap of blah. The stubborn, hot-headed and arrogant leader of F4. Her popularity further increased after she appeared in Meteor Garden. | Amidst all the ups and downs, Mike and Ximena steered their relationship forward. Shancai confesses to Ms. Yu her true feelings toward Ah Si. Meteor Garden Season 1 premiered on July 9, 2018. Xiao You was often fascinated with Shan Cai's tales of the F4[5] and teased Shan Cai about her crush on F4 member Hua Ze Lei. Daoming Si is a senior at Ming De University's Department of Business Management. i iust watched last night and im so mad too!! Meteor Garden ( Chinese: ; pinyin: Lixng Huyun) is a 2018 mainland Chinese television series starring Shen Yue, Dylan Wang, Darren Chen, Caesar Wu, and Connor Leong. He also appeared in its second season. The protagonist of 'Meteor Garden' is Dong Shan Cai, played by Shen Yue. He majored in business administration at Ming De University . After she fainted and hit the floor, I literally believed the whole time the wedding sequence / their newly wed life scenes were happening that it was all just her dreaming while in a coma in the hospital, and kept waiting for her to wake up - or worst case, for it to close out with the rest of the cast at both of their funerals or something - because it just made no sense. Meizuo runs into Terence at Caina's house. Then had the weirdest freaking wedding that seemed so fake. This is a space for all fans of cdramas, TV shows, web series, as well as actors and actresses. Xi Men attempts to scare her off by taking her on a date. This series reminds me of the ending from Imperial Affliction where the writer just stops in mid sentence, the writing for The Meteor Garden seems to skip and end the series in a random way. Shancai is a girl from a family that barely makes ends meet. Feng finally recognizes how Si has matured and gives up the fight. Meteor Garden by B3rry_Sweet Stories. Ximena is a 24-year-old single mother who lives with her two sons in Pereira, a mountainous city in Colombia. Literally any other wedding would have been better, why didnt they just do a normal wedding omg. Obviously, the fans want more of the story. i expected for her to be in a hospital after she fainted but instead she ended up somewhere conpletely unknown. 48. Park Ji Hoon will possibly be the main lead of a new KBS K-drama. His first role came in the historical show Huang Fei Hong. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 College 1.2.1 Meeting Shan Cai Xiao You was kind and loyal to her friends, and always listened to their love problems. Why was she randomly put in a wedding dress, why did DS friends tell her that she ended it with DS. She eventually realizes that she is at her and Dao Ming Si's wedding. He is another one of those actors who got a chance at fame after Meteor Garden. Hua Ze Lei had a mild autism as a child. "Trailblazing idol drama Meteor Garden getting S$33-million reboot", "Meet the new F4 and Shancai in the 2018 Meteor Garden TV reboot",, The protagonist of the story. Fanart and memes are always welcome, so come join us to figure out what drama you should be picking up next! He expresses interest in Dong Shancai's impressive competitor in the Chinese Cuisine competition, Zhou Caina, who he dates for a while before letting her go to her true love. After speaking to Si, Shan Cai decides to join Si on hunger strike. They even visited Hauze Lei <3 T_T hes so cute and Ximen so hot he ended up with his love interest. After laying 8 to 12 eggs in a row, a hen will take a day off of laying and then continue the cycle again. 8.6/10 from 22 users. Official Sites Shan Cai is an 18-year-old girl from a family that's barely able to make ends meet. . Go to this link scroll down to adine3101 's and Danielle's comment and you'll see. Lei looked really alone even though he was smiling and it seemed like they having fun together. Ximen, Meizuo and Lei recall Ah Si's secret business plan for the Daoming Group. At home, she's a single mom to a teenage daughter. Why did Jing end up with friggen Thomas (on that note, everyone totally glossed over his buddies stealing all her shit when she was abroad) Did Si and Shincai ever get it on? Stream music stations SBS Chill, SBS PopAsia and SBS PopDesi, hear news radio in 68 different languages, or explore SBS' many podcasts. Years later, Jing left Shanghai to study in Paris, leaving Lei heartbroken. Weight Why did his sister do that weird dance and kick him at his wedding? Even though Mikes plans to visit Colombia were put on hold, the predicament led them to the reality show. Shancai sees a different side of Ah Si when he visits her at her family home. After the role in Meteor Garden, he rose to fame and popularity. Park So Dam opens up about her health issues and the fight to recover! Literally the same exact experience I had. Why did everything feel so rushed? Residence Considering how well the original version had performed, the success of this series was easily anticipated. In fact, some of them are convinced that Mike might even be out of Ximena's league due to her words and actions. Why weren't her parents there. Stupid Thomas was even there come on! His breakout role came in the form of Meteor Garden which made him an overnight star and a heart-throb. He never fully matured, as his parents were absent for much of his life - his father died when he was in high school and hence, his mother was often busy overseas leading Daoming Group. She comes from a poor family; however, she is very bright and intelligent. I thought it was a great series until the last episode like what happened? Shancai realizes she's not over Lei. Xi Men Yan Meizuo is a senior at Ming De University's Department of Business Management. The ending was terrible. Brown Things become more complicated when Dao Ming Si, the leader, falls in love with Shan Cai but comes to know that she actually fancies someone else, Hua Ze Lei, his best friend. The story is drawn from Japanese comic series Boys Over . 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Unknown to Xiao You, Si's mother Dao Ming Feng had arranged her father's transfer in order to hurt Shan Cai. Here we have discussions and reviews of our favourite shows, provide recommendations for other viewers, and talk about all aspects of Chinese dramas from pre to post production. Hair color it left me with a lot of confusion and questions, for example how did Shincai randomly appear in a building? if thats truly the case, i fully dont like and support the ending to this series. [6] Afterwards, she became good friends with Qing He, who often spoke with her about his crush on Shan Cai. even wiritng that makes me confused. What a letdown, it made no sense at all. With his violin, Lei makes a public display of his affections for Shancai. Brown Brown [1] Prior to the announcement, Barbie Hsu hinted at the news on her Weibo account. . Daoming Feng and Shancai engage in another heated confrontation. Shan Cai stands up to him for not accepting her friend's apology. PDA alert! The manga has also been adapted in South Korea. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Check out the unique motion poster of the upcoming period drama. Jing calls Lei with unexpected news. Watch movies, TV shows, Sports and Documentaries, Mehendi Lagi Hai by Stebin Ben, Sakshi Holkar & Danish Sabri, Answers to most commonly asked questions can be found via the SBS Help Centre. Some days later,, The F4 trick Dong Shan Cai into thinking she is dreaming. It was very disappointing. Jul 09, 2018 . Please feel free to discuss away, but remember to be respectful to the users of this community. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Name in Chinese we could go on, seriously. Also from a wealthy family, Huaze Lei has been friends with Daoming Si since they were young children. Please tell me there will be a season 2 or some sort of answer to this because this series was amazing, the story was fantastic but the ending let it down. This paves way for conflict and this is what brings them close enough to know each other. Shancai fulfills her cleaning duties as Ms. Yu lays down the law around the house. A heated game of bridge pits Shancai and Lei against Ah Si and Meizuo, but Ah Si forfeits at the last minute. I binged watched this on Netflix for the last 3 days, and it was so addictive and great until the last episode. The stream was then made available to everyone the day after it aired. Lee Byung Hun and his company BH Entertainment shared their official statement regarding the reports about their tax evasion allegations. She had light brown hair styled in a bob cut and her bangs covered her eyebrows. Kim Tae Hee responds to suspicions of tax evasion, Jung Ji So to lead the K-drama version of "Miss Granny", Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun Jin in talks to star in a romance Netflix K-drama, "Beyond Evil" Director Shim Na Yeon Seals the Deal to Direct "The Price of Confession", MBC Drops a Motion Poster and Teaser Trailer of Joseon Attorney, Chun Woo Hee in discussion to work alongside Jang Ki Yong in a romance K-drama. Boys Over Flowers Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Jing makes a shocking announcement about her career at her 24th birthday celebration. Go to this linklink and scroll down to adine3101 's comment and the one under it by Danielle and you will see the only explanation that actually makes any sense. Ok the wedding was rushed but it has a sweet ending. "The Price of Confession" is assembling the production team. Utterly confusing and making no sense, it left me feeling as if I had wasted my time watching this serial. Xiao You was moved by it and began searching different buildings every night for the thing Xiao Geng wanted him to see. She also works part-time at a bubble tea shop with her best friend, Xiaoyou. The 34-year old Mike is a resident of Thiells, a hamlet in New York State. The survey post regarding MG2018 discussions on this subreddit received a total of 19 responses. Technical Specs, See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro, unit production manager (1 episode, 2018), second assistant director (3 episodes, 2018), special effects supervisor (32 episodes, 2018), visual effects supervisor (50 episodes, 2018), visual effects producer (32 episodes, 2018), visual effects supervisor (1 episode, 2018). There is also a brighter ray of hope because the manga series has a follow-up story, which has already been adapted in Japan. tunefind An overview of the day's top stories from SBS News, Interviews and feature reports from SBS News. The date ended suddenly, when Si punched Zhong Ze. In the morning, Xiao You called Shan Cai to say goodbye. Im commenting 3 yrs later too Such a great show to be ending like this/that ?!!??! He, however, does not give her, Jiang Xiao You continues her pursuit of Xi Men Yan, boldly telling him "I want it all". Meanwhile, Jiang Xiao You professes her love to Xi Men Yan. 160cm[12] She spent the following day finding Xi Men with the help of Si and Mei Zuo. A photo of Shancai surfaces online, making her the target of public humiliation. Mike might have at first come across as nave and sympathetic, but the New Yorker quickly revealed that his true colors were more sinister than viewers initially saw.
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