and insulate yourself with a protective Thank you for the read I found it very helpful. Once youve selected the option on that menu, youll be prompted to connect your Paypal account. While this isn't technically a scam because you will still get your item, it just means you didn't shop around. I enjoy giving out likes, I feel its a great way to support other shops and get their items seen but it doesnt mean I want to buy the item. 7. There are loads of great reasons why Depop is a popular app for people looking to sell their clothes online. Here are the categories that attract a lot of online scams.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); When any higher amount of money is involved, that is where you will most likely find scammers. Lots of sellers will have a wide range of clothes in various sizes, including plus-size. "It doesn't necessarily just focus on clothing, or the selling of clothes. So the seller unknowingly sends the product to the address of the scammer, having been paid. This is your chance to tell everyone how great your listings are. I simply put a thumb tac in a white wall & hang clothes on it to photograph them in broad day light. Do you have any resources to help guide other new online business owners? Sign up to Depop. 8. Depop gets plenty of messages they know they Thats my excuse & Im sticking with it! Depop currently lacks its own payment system, meaning all purchases are done through Paypal. But it is a strange practice that many people have in their shops. Depop, Poshmark, eBay, etc) are not supposed to be refused and that they are to accept as is. Before you can start selling on this app, you should familiarize yourself with the fees that Depop charges to its sellers per item. into spells. A vintage clothes seller, who triples her money by selling car boot sale finds on Depop, has revealed her top tips to bag a bargain. On Depop, you will be able to list an item for sale in just a few seconds. there can be no back and forth about from the seller that it was not sent While this isnt technically a scam because you will still get your item, it just means you didnt shop around. That said, a little bit of effort with your photography on Depop goes a long way. scammers exits on any platform so the next time you read a post about how Refunding is something that anyone wanting to learn how to sell on Depop should know about. I sell on Mecari often, like two items a week but have not had lick with this app. Make sure that you list regularly, use five trendy hashtags, execute all listing fields, and refresh your items daily. I had a international customer in the EU (which has certain rules about returns, etc) return a package to me due to buyers remorse. Ive often only noticed minor faults when photographing the item but by being 100% honest youre giving buyers the opportunity to buy the item knowingly with faults as opposed to only seeing the minor damages on arrival. A Forbes article even states that in 2018, Depop users were on track to sell $460 million so a 10% cut of that I is pretty good for a niche reselling app. As someone whos sold on Depop for 3 years now and on Ebay for many years before that Ive developed quite a knowledge on how to sell ( and buy!) Dont use WhatsApp, Instagram, or any other communication methods. Well there you have it, my 5 top tips for getting your stock moving on Depop. 5. Offer up and sell preloved stock on Depop with your own thrift store and make money to buy your next look. Here are a few important things to check before you send your item Depop Payments If your buyer paid using Depop Payments then you can ship your item straight away, your payment is protected and will be shown in your balance within the Seller Hub. If someone is giving you too much of a story, whether a sob story, that theyre using a friend/family members PayPal, their PayPal is down at the moment, or anything like that, be wary. Plus new people are more anxious to sell with better deals typically. Understanding Depop's algorithm First, the algorithm scans the keywords entered and filters applied by the seller across the item name, description, category, brand and tags (e.g. Ive managed to make my little Depop shop such a success that it was registered as a small business & had become a fantastic way for me to earn some extra money on the side. You can sign up in two ways: through the Depop app or on All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. We would love to hear your stories! Item says sold but it's not? If there are items that you may have that were too pricey to donate or give away, recovering some of the cost makes selling on Depop or any other platform worth it. If the item is already marked as sold, you won't see the option to mark it again. Looking for the best way to sell clothes on Depop? myself from scammers. You can add more pictures from different angles or even add more pictures to show details such as buttons, frills, etc. to to thank you for your time due to this fantastic read!! 5) Take clear photographs You really don't have to be a professional photographer to sell on Depop. W for me today after 10 incompetent depop support representatives finally got someone to review my account suspension. Keep a consistent style. We are always buying new items, but we never seem to toss out the old at the same time. You can offer free shipping to catch buyers attention try adding this to your bio or description to let them know. To start selling on Depop, youre going to have to first create an account! We do this to prevent other users from buying items from sellers that are potentially not using the app. Say that. We have done trades in the past without any issues. Read our guide on how to create a username and bio for your profile here. For the packaging size should we pay more attention to the weight instead of the size? Its usually a bundle sale set up so that a buyer can purchase a few items at a discounted price while the seller has to only a pay a small Depop fee as the sales are based on items prices (the buyer also has buyer protection too as they paid through the app) I couldnt be sure of each individual item youre inquiring about but this is often the case. Say so. Why Depop? Press J to jump to the feed. Depop is experiencing steady growth and have raised 62M in Series C funding to expand its US base and tech presence. I have a paypal receipt and it's in my Depop purchase history so I know it's gone through. Transparency is the key to success when conducting business online! Depop is trying to make money they are also investing a lot into infrastructure to build a formidable platform to last for some years and also now they have investors who will be looking for profits in the short term so trust and believe they are going to try to make, Depop's platform works like a shoppable Instagram, and just like Instagram, Depop utilizes tags/hashtags to, You keep hearing of how important Depop packaging is, but you may wonder how far, One way many sellers choose to get rid of Depop fees is to have an. The worst that could happen is that you spend money that eventually will be refunded and your time is wasted. For example, if youre selling a handbag, you can write something like I made this purse from an old dress and two plastic bags!. 99. Try listing your item using only WiFi or mobile data. the person you are dealing with is legit and trustworthy is deal only within Keeping unwanted clothes out of landfill means they stay in use for longer. The first and perhaps the most obvious scam come from private messages. If you are not wearing or using items in your closet or home, listing it will give them a chance to go to someone else. But something will be off. I shipped out the item and he received it and it doesnt show as shipped on Depop. So many people contact me to thank me for the note & about 70% of my buyers return which I feel is, at least in part thanks to the minor details I add to the experience. This might be because you sold the item on another. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Get your shop off to a good start by listing at least 4 items. , Does anybody know why this happens? Allowing a refund will mean that youll need to go through Paypal to get it done. Preloved. thank you and hope you can help xxx, Hey hun, youll have it in your notifications on the app (he bell symbol) or, it should be in your e-mails too x. Hi, Im currently selling things on Depop as well, and I bought an item a couple of days ago, but the seller hasnt replied to my messages. The lesson here is dont deviate from conducting sales legitimately through the app, no matter someones story. Set your price. Your email address will not be published. Extended: How To Create A Recession Proof Business As A Freelancer with Dorothy Hollabaugh, Ep. Work-flow can help the Cash-Flow. Why is my item inactive? What do I do now? I could delete it but I'm just wondering is anyone knows what's up. There are 2 main places where you can do this, which is their app or website. This phrase is guaranteed to attract attention! You'll most likely be more interested in deleting the listing if it garnered bad reviews or bad comments, but you'll want to keep the listing and instead mark it as sold if it got a lot of good reviews and comments that could help your Depop store. I went into my depop account and the item that has sold doesnt have the sold writing across it, has this happened to anyone else? But what [], Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will make a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thankfully, But don't worry, How To Pack & Ship An Xbox (With Pictures). You can clean out your wardrobe and earn cash to fill it up with new-to-you clothes. I just came across your post and love what you have to say! You will need to message the seller and ask them to contact PayPal to resolve this Network issues. Hey Amanda, glad you found it helpful! Write a clear and informative description for your item, including details about size, fabric and condition. For example, you know how some of those online pushy people areand they remind you of the used cars salesman and you immediately know in your gut you dont want to deal with this person? Now that you know how to sell on Depop, you can begin to sell your items! With those on lower incomes relying on secondhand clothing options, these markups have essentially gentrified affordable shopping. However, if their post says it will take weeks to ship or they come up with excuses for why they havent shipped in a week, be awry. Answer: It means the buyer paid you not from their own PayPal balance nor via a credit card, but rather through a method using the buyer's own bank account. Your email address will not be published. I'm really confused 5 2 Related Topics Also, tags such as like, similar, and best offer are not allowed. Hello, Im new to Depop. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Say that. For example, eBay charges a 10% final value fee and takes out PayPal fees for both the seller and the buyer whereas Depop only charges a 20% selling fee. Depop will send you an email saying that they have transferred the money into your PayPal account. Hi how long does it usually take to sell something on depo? This might be because you sold the item on another platform and you no longer have it, but the item racked up a bunch of likes and comments and you don't necessarily want to delete it. This means that a $1,000 investment in February 2018 would be worth $5,890 today. There are loads of great reasons why Depop is a popular app for people looking to sell their clothes online. Why would a seller prefer to pay for shipping vs buyer? Mercari's Help Center has all the answers you need about buying and selling on our mobile marketplace app. There are wonderful sellers out there ready to service your needs. app. 1) Pack the item using an envelope or parcel bag. 3. Developed by Progression Studios. Let go of old, unwanted items or overstock. Its free to list your items in your shop and youll only be charged once an item is sold. Still got questions you need answered? Listen to The Offbeat Life podcast and read our blog! sellers. They take 10% commission of every purchase done through the app. For example, we wrote about our experience of buying a fake Reformation dress from a seller in Australia. Making your listing on the Depop Website. I recently registered as a small business but still learning the logistics. This fee wont be deducted from the sale itself, but rather your Paypal account, so dont panic when you see that charge! scammed. one of my items have been marked as sold but i have no idea who bought it. These could be unwanted items from your own wardrobe this is a popular choice for people just starting out selling. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 71,296 times. What makes the Depop fashion community unique is how vibrant, eclectic and diverse it is. Yes, you can sell used clothing on Depop. Take different types of photos. Yes, youll find that lots of sellers sell designer clothes on Depop. Its unfortunate that there is so much talk that Depop is a scam with articles, forums, and Facebook groups all pointing with screen shot evidence how Depop safety is an issue. Trainers. All quotes and testimonials included below were provided in response to that request and represent the sellers own opinions. Since deleting listings from your Depop account also deletes all the comments and reviews from that listing, you might decide that you want to keep it around. 2. The best way to determine if For example, if you are in the US, the standard Paypal fee is around 3.49% + $0.49. Weather you sell on Depop already or, are just now considering it, these tips will help you along the way. This post was very helpful! The worst case is that they take your money and disappear off of the account. To help others from falling into the same scams and to help catch scammers, make sure to share your experience in public forums or on your Depop stores as a listing. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Like a lot of people I read online about Is Depop a scam? so I knew that I needed to prove myself as a legit and trustworthy seller from jump. You risk losing your account as well if you take transactions off of the app. After your logo has been selected, youll then need to write a bio for your shop and what its about and what you will be selling. and then I wont hear from any of the spammy buyers from months. Add more light to your photos. Depop is a very convenient online store to use both for the purchaser and the seller. Start by looking at the shops you like to browse and see what they have on offer for inspiration. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Subscribe to my channel :) - recommended Reseller Essentials: - Shipping Scale - 9x12 inch White Poly Bags, Perfect for shipping shirts and more! - Standard 2\" Tape Gun - 2\" Tape Refill Rolls - 3\" Tape Gun, Amazing tape gun for taping up boxes fast and more securely! - 3\" Tape Roll Refills - Dymo LabelWriter 4XL Thermal Printer, No Ink Required! - Dymo LabelWriter 4XL Labels Refills - Light kit for brighter photos that POP - Photography Light Box - Bubble Wrap - Clear Poly Bags Starter Set (4 different sizes) - Scotty Peelers, Get those pesky labels off easier - Angelus Easy Cleaner Shoe Cleaner - Barcode Scanner - Bluetooth ScannerConnect with me on Social Media! Instagram - Instagram Shop - Twitter - TikTok -
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