The other main ingredient is pyriproxyfen which is an insect growth regulator that kills flea eggs and larvae. display: flex; When parasites take blood meal from a cat's body, the chemical enters the cat's bloodstream and paralyzes the central nervous system of parasites and eventually kills them. Thanks for sharing and Im sorry to hear that youre having these issues with your kitty. While regular Revolution only provides some protection against the American dog tick and is not labeled for this in cats, Revolution Plus has labeled action against not just the American dog tick, but also the black-legged tick that carries Lyme disease, and the Gulf Coast tick. You can purchase the product in packs of 3, 6, or 12 pipettes. It is safe to use on kittens as young as 8 weeks and adults. The second reason is that Bengal cats are very difficult to breed. All flea/tick preventatives should be thought of as medication and their dosage ranges need to be followed closely. Revolution is my favorite topical flea medication because it also treats mites and protects against heartworms. i hsve used revolution for yrs now since frontline became a joke. Revolution Plus is typically applied every 30 days for the best protection. I can't judge people who choose to use it, especially those in humid areas where fleas are rampant, but Ive decided I won't take the chance. Revolution cat treatment prevents heartworm disease and indicated for the treatment and control of ear mite infestations. Fleas are probably the most common parasites that veterinarians see, and are also the one that often troubles owners the most too. This is a topical application that only needs to be applied once a month, making it easy to use. In multiple cat households where lots of co-grooming occurs, separating housemate kitties for up to 24 hours after application to allow the product to fully dry may be advisable. Which is better for cats revolution or Revolution Plus? If the Revolution Plus was related, you would expect the seizures to stop once the product is discontinued and out of a kittys system for 30 days. } The number of parasites that Revolution covers is greater than that of Advantage II and the product is also safe to use in pregnancy and lactation which can be useful if you are breeding your pets. If you have any questions about application or safety for Revolution Plus or any topical product, make sure to get in touch with your veterinarian. However, this reportedly affects only 4% of cats, so is very rare. border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; I mistakingly put a 5 lb revolution on my 10 pound cat Can I put another one on her? Revolution, for example, demonstrated in clinical trials more than 90% control of flea infestations within 30 days of the first dose. Revolution Plus is the newest incarnation of Revolution, a product that has been used for cats for many years and is generally a safe and effective product when used properly. Only those two cats are allowed to breed. There are a few clear differences between the products. This parasite is not particularly fussy and will infect dogs, cats, and rabbits, as well as biting humans. When used properly, side effects of Revolution products for cats are uncommon. .medication-table a{ Sarolaner is a member of the isoxazoline class, and while this group of drugs can be helpful in treating roundworms and hookworm infections, it has been linked to neurologic adverse reactions such as tremors, ataxia and seizures in pets who have used it. Another example is gender. It works by binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) of flea motoneurons causing the insect to become paralyzed and die. 2 lieu dit Vallires 37360 Neuill Pont Pierre. For several days it affected her nervous system, hwr pupils were large, she was tired, then she got somewhat hyper. Dr. Chris Vanderhoof is a 2013 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM) at Virginia Tech, where he also earned a Masters in Public Health. Follow revolution dosage for cats chart given below for appropriate pack size: For over 15 lbs cats, administer appropriate combination of treatments. Make sure to touch base with your veterinarian to see if any other recommendations might be made based on being more familiar with your cats health history. In certain parasitic worms like roundworms and in arthropods like fleas, GABA inhibits nerve conduction. I already have 4 foster kittens so Im stocking up at this price. Sarolaner allows for Revolution Plus to have a better spectrum of activity against ticks. A prescription from your veterinarian is required in order to use Revolution on your cat. } Selamectin is a member of the avermectin group of parasiticides and is effective against a wide range of parasites, including fleas, ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms. Plus, BudgetPetCare offers you great discounts and rewards, which means youll end up saving more than what you would spend for protection against the organisms stated above. Deworming Cats! Make your cat stand in a fixed position. The main difference is Revolution Plus contains the isoxazoline drug sarolaner in addtion to selamectin. It is a newer incarnation of its older predecessor, Revolution for cats. .medication-table .table-row .item{ Now, place the tip of the pipette on the cat's skin between the shoulder blades and squeeze the entire liquid onto the skin in one spot where the cat cannot lick the content. They will be able to help tailor a parasite regime to your pets specific needs (different parasites may be more of a concern in your specific area). Sometimes, even if you order a prescription online, you will still need to send a request to your veterinarian for approval. While Revolution is most commonly known for its use on dogs, it can also be used to treat cats. I've applied two doses when my first kitten was bought home and he is still very rambunctious as ever. The average price for Bengal cats is between $600 - $2750 depending on the coat coloration. Many different things contribute to the cost of cats, though. The formula is safe to use in pregnant and lactating female cats. Laboratory studies demonstrated that more than 98% of existing fleas were killed within 36 hours of application of the product and future flea infestations are prevented by regular application. Does revolution work better than Advantage for cats. flex-wrap: wrap; This is because the product is not effective against adult heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis), although it will help reduce the number of immature worms or microfilariae. display: block; Not only does Revolution prevent heartworm, but it also eliminates fleas in puppies and kittens that are 6 weeks old or older. In terms of actual drug doses, each of the 2.8-5.5 lb doses is 15mg of selamectin and 2.5 mg sarolaner. Thanks for your question, but I unfortunately do not have a terrific answer for you. This health check can often be done at the same time as routine vaccinations so doesnt necessarily mean a separate trip. So you might be wondering, why are Bengal cats so expensive? You should not use it on kittens under eight weeks of age or in pregnant or lactating cats. Because Revolution Plus is a heartworm preventative, it does require a prescription as all heartworm preventatives do. Revolution is my favorite topical flea medication because it also treats mites and protects against heartworms. To administer, part the hair on the base of your cats neck between the shoulder blades and apply the tip to the skin in a single spot. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. Flea eggs that were laid before any anti-parasite products have been applied will still be hatching out of your carpets and upholstery. By enhancing GABA release, selamectin essentially causes paralysis and death of the parasites it targets. Revolution Plus For Cats-Spot On Treatment! Selamectin is a topical avermectin antiparasiticide. Before purchasing Revolution Plus, find out how much your cat weighs so you can buy the correct dosage. According to DVM360, this effect is typically not a true toxicity, but a sometimes dramatic reaction to the bitter taste. Intestinal worms are the most common type of parasite in cats and cause vomiting, dull hair, pot-bellied appearance, and bloody feces. This product does require a veterinary prescription which means you will have to take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination to obtain it. Make sure you weigh your pet accurately so that you can get the correct dose for your pet, as underdosing will mean that the product may not be as effective. This parasite just isn't notably fussy and can infect canines, cats, and rabbits, in addition to biting people. participates in select affiliate advertising programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. font-weight: 700; Yes I am on a limited retirement budget. Your pet should have a wet coat or be allowed to swim or be shampooed within 2 hours after treatment. It is also gentle enough to use on puppies and kittens weighing up to 5lbs. I will continue with it for a couple of months through the summer and see how it goes! (all bugs for that matter) I use revolution topical for the cats and bravecto for the dog these 2 products are the only ones I have currently had good results with. When it comes to choosing between Revolution and Advantage II, there are a few key differences to keep in mind. Bengal cats are certainly worth the investment, as they are loving, intelligent, and absolutely gorgeous animals. Their weight varies. However,Revolution Plus provides protection against ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms, in addition to the three parasites that Revolution protects against. } It is important to use the correct size for your dogs body weight, as underdosing will make the product less effective. It is recommended that dogs are tested for heartworm before starting treatment with Revolution. Unlike other products that protect pets for a short period, this one lasts for 30 days and is applied topically to the back of your cats neck. flex-basis: 50%; I hope your cats are okay now! Using a dose range that is too low carries the risk of not being effective. After applying Revolution, your cat will have protection against fleas, ticks, heartworm, and ear mites for up to 30 days. Most vets will want blood work before anesthesia to make su. No hair loss was documented with Revolution Plus, which had previously been documented with regular Revolution. An entomology (bug science) professor from the University of California heavily investigated this question and concluded that while resistance has been seen to some flea treatment or prevention products, true chemical resistance in fleas with fipronil, imidacloprid, and some other newer products on the market has not yet been demonstrated. Packages should be stored below 86 degrees F (30 degrees C). A Female is also needed for breeding. Unlike regular Revolution, Revolution Plus contains the added ingredient sarolaner, which adds to its spectrum against ticks. They will not cooperate with the vet like we cooperate with a dentist. There are only a few thousand Bengal cats in the world. Revolution plus for cats is an easy-to-use monthly treatment that kills adult fleas, controls sarcoptic mange, and prevents heartworm disease. To get on top of theflea life cyclequicker you may want to treat your home as well as your pet, using chemical sprays which kill flea eggs and larvae. .medication-table h5{ . Fleas die just by contacting your pet, so wont have to bite them to die. Read more Can Cats Be Emotional Support Animals? While Revolution Plus topical solution is considered to be waterproof within two hours of application, the manufacturer still recommends waiting 24 hours to bathe your kitty after application. I will check with my local vet. The Siberian is a strong and agile jumper coupled with medium/large ears, broad foreheads, stocky build, and large eyes. If this was a recent application, it can help to use warm water and dish soap (like Dawn) to gently clean the area and remove any residue on the skin. Avermectin topical antiparasiticide Remember that poison is literally being absorbed into the animal's bloodstream and that is how it is killing the fleas etc. But is the Sacramento area really that crazy about minor league baseball? However, Persian cats are well-loved, and most purebreds tend to command a higher price. international journal of business research impact factor. I always worry about strays because we dont know what theyve had exposure to in their past life. Topical products like Revolution should never be ingested. Brand Names: In the United States, Scottish Folds must be bred with Scottish Folds, American Shorthairs, or British Shorthairs to maintain their pedigree. } is a community of cat lovers dedicated to quality cat care and cat welfare. Read more Why Your Cat's Nose Is Running (& How to Help). Does it work well? In clinical trials for Revolution Plus, a little less than 5% of cats showed signs of looking excessively tired, less than 4% showed signs of skin irritation, and about 3% showed signs of a decreased appetite. Sometimes, there are differences in the inactive ingredients between dog and cat products that would make them inappropriate to consider interchangeable. Isoxazolines like sarolaner have been associated with adverse neurologic signs in some pets, including, I am completely satisfied, I found useful information and tips in this article, Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. Revolution Plus contains the main ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. Two hours later and your pet will be protected against fleas (including their eggs and larvae), heartworm, and other parasites for the next 30 days. .medication-table{ These 7 Signs Will Help You Find Out. } You must Enable Javascriptto run this web page correctly. Bengal cats are expensive because they are rarer than most domesticated cat breeds. The VCA hospital veterinarian gives us their own version I'm not sure if it costs less. A product containing praziquantel is typically used for tapeworms. Bengal cats are some of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. This medication works to prevent fleas and ticks as well as treat and control ear mites and sarcoptic mange. This gene can also cause some health problems, such as osteopetrosis, which . (I didn't even touch it, my vet gave it too her and I was careful not too touch that area where it was applied). Ensure that your pet has his flea product applied regularly as per the instructions, as this should kill any fleas that are hatching out in the house. My vet gave me a free sample and it seemed to work for ear mites for about 3 weeks and that was it. This limits the number of people who can purchase the medication, and drives up the price. In this article, youll learn about Revolution Plus for cats, the ingredients it contains, the types of pests it targets and parasite protection it provides, possible side effects to consider, and some frequently asked questions.
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why is revolution for cats, so expensive
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