If heroes killed their villains we would lose a lot of our best stories. So, who exactlyisthe Punisher and whats his history with the Man Without Fear? Does the Punisher take place before or after the events of the Defenders in the Netlfix universe. The trailer should also give fans a good taste of Jon Bernthal's performance and Frank Castle's personality. The Blacksmith. Many times over the course of their comic book history together, Matt has tried to make Frank . Surely he has recovered by now? Daredevil and the Punisher have come to blows many times, and neither would be sad if they never saw the other again. Both Daredevil and Kingpin are now set to appear in the upcoming Marvel series Echo, with Matt Murdock slated to also star in his own series, MCU Phase 5/the Multiverse Saga's Daredevil: Born Again. In fact, he's even willing to murder an innocent fellow Marine at one point just to prevent his plan from being discovered. Frank didn't ask about him . "At this point she has no friends. Despite this philosophical distance, Daredevil and the Punisher often run into one another because they worknear one another. Search the world's largest fan wiki platform. The Punisher: Where Was He During The Defenders? - Screen Rant When he does, Castle will have played a role in helping the Kingpin rise to power. But even though Frank Castle didn't show up in Episode 5, that doesn't mean fans of The Punisher should skip it. It also allowed Marvel and Netflix to test a new version of the character after three successive Punisher movies failed to make much of an impact at the box office. Marvel One-Shot: All Hail The King While an epilogue to Iron Man 3, this final One-Shot is placed after Thor: The Dark World. Frank Castle may have been introduced in Daredevil Season 2 as a client for a distracted Matt Murdock, but Marvel comics readers and film audiences know the character as a stand-alone entity. That's the thing--despite their deep and unshakable convictions, Daredevil and the Punisher are not incapable of self-reflection. No matter how far hes pushed, he has a strict moral code and he believes that killing is a sin. 10 Coolest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Characters. The biggest central conceit in all of superhero comics isnt that superpowers are possible, or you can lift a giant object by applying pressure to a tiny point, or even that spandex can look something other than ridiculous. But then, in Episode 7 ("Semper Fidelis"), when Elektra's meddling screwed up Murdock's opening defense statement in Castle's trial, it seemed like their client would stop cooperating. Unlike most superheroes who have some kind of code against killing, the Punisher does not arrest criminals or attempt to rehabilitate them. Frank doesn't generally have neighborhood pride, but Hell's Kitchen's propensity for corruption draws him near it. In the end, Frank comes face to face with the Blacksmith, and it turns out to be Ray Schoonover. That had to stop eventually, partially because of things like theCCA, but even more so because it just didnt work. Castle kills Schoonover and takes over his armory, including a bulletproof vest that he spraypaints a skull on. Including Frank Castle in season 2 of Daredevil was actually a cleverway to introduce the character. The X-Men Just Lost Their Best Leaders - What's Next for Marvel's Mutants? Privacy Policy. Seeing an opportunity to send a killer to take out Matt Murdock, he worked to get Castle out of jail so he could be an asset on the outside. I highly recommend watching it. Frank knows that he's allowed his crusade to turn him into a blood-soaked monster. Finally, Iron Fist . the Punisher, in Netflix's Daredevil season 2 opposite Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock. The failures of the criminal justice system and law enforcement took Frank Castle's family away from him, and the Punisher will never stop making the criminals of the world paying for it. Frank was once a family man and remembers what it was like to have anything resembling a normal life--even one has unstable as Matt's. In his mind, theyre two soldiers on the same side of a war. Luckily, Jon Bernthal's performance floored critics and audiences alike and the announcement of The Punisher swiftly followed Daredevil season 2's release. Daredevil (Season 1) - April 10 . Bernthal told Awards Daily in 2016 that Frank's relationship with Karen helps keep him human, which will likely reverberate through this season as well. He does know what it's like to take a life, but he is thoroughly against doing it. Some seasons are more easily watched independently than others, but this Defenders watch order is undoubtedly the best. The Punisher: What You Need to Know From Daredevil Season 2 - Screen Rant Netflixs Marvels The Punisher is the latest series connected to the growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. The trial provides an opportunity to show off Matt's skills as a lawyer once again, and we meet Frank's former commanding officer Ray Schoonover, who speaks highly of his comrade. Finally,Iron Fistseason 2 is expected in 2019. He simply punishes them. When the second season opened, Castles crime scenes were investigated by Daredevil, and defended by Matt Murdocks law firm. Marvel Movies Watch Order: An MCU Timeline Guide | Den of Geek So perhaps this version of Frank, who's had more time to heal from his family's death and more time to come into his own as the Punisher, has used his relationship with Karen to reconnect with his feelings. It can be a chore to figure out exactly how to watch The Defenders, and other Marvel Netflix shows like Daredevil in order. But there's also another interesting bit to consider. However, Matt has never put the Punisher away for good, and Frank has never killed Daredevil. So Daredevil's producers decided to make Castle the prominent "big bad" figure in most of Season 2 to flesh out his character, despite Daredevil's main villain being Wilson Fisk in Seasons 1 and 3. Frank believes that, without his intervention, killers, rapists, and similar assorted monsters will never get the punishment they deserve. Matt's always tried to keep Daredevil apart from Matt Murdock, and he's never been much one for teams--even if he has teamed up with the likes of Spider-Man, Luke Cage, andIron Fistmany times. Did you know that Frank Castle's wife kids were killed in front of him? The Defenders was originally a project by Marvel Television created for Netflix Originals. Everything You Need to Know About 'The Punisher' If You - TheWrap Despite Frank Castle ostensibly being a side character in Daredevil's story, much of season 2 of the latter character's show is built around him. "I think as a man that swore off caring about anything besides his mission and completing it, I think he started to care about her, her well-being, and her opinion," he said. and our They want to see the good in each other, but Murdock cant let Castle go around killing people, and Castle cant let Murdock get in his way. So when Frank The Punisher Castle began showing up in Daredevil episodes, it was only a matter of time before hed get his own show. Daredevil and The Punisher: A History | Fandom By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The strikes left 34 people injured, including three children, and caused widespread damage. Maybe there's more to his military past than meets the eye. Matt sees the Punisher as a man and not a monster. Writer/artist Frank Miller's influential tenure on the title in the early 1980s cemented the character as a popular and influential part of . In that weird way, the Punisher is one of the most stable relationships that Daredevil has had as a superhero. Their conflict is rooted in this difference of philosophy. While Matt condemns the Punisher's actions on every level, he still understands Frank enough to not have complete contempt for him. Daredevil is disgusted by The Punisher and his disregard for human life. The above is the Marvel Netflix shows order as originally released. With some help from Fisk, Castle finally gets pointed to a man named Dutton who reveals more about what happened in Central Park. The story highlights that Frank is mostly psychotic, and his fixation on criminals in the regular Marvel Universe is almost just a lucky coincidence. When Does 'The Punisher' Take Place? 'The Defenders' Left Some - Bustle This means she was still coping with the death of Matt Murdock, who was still assumed dead by this point. journey of Frank becoming more and more human. All 31 Marvel (MCU) Movies in Order: By Release Date & Chronological No, he definitely does not. The Punisher season 2 The Punisher season two will air on Netflix from Friday, January 18. Serving as the blueprint not just for Daredevil: Born Again, but also shows like Hawkeye, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and other street-level Marvel series, Netflix's Defenders proved that the format of superheroes on television works and can be wildly successful in the age of streaming. He believes that the universe has an order and that everyone in it has a higher purpose we should be aspiring to. Butwhile Season 2 ofDaredevilarguably raised more questions than it answered about The Punishersassociation withthe masked vigilante he calls Red, The Punisher refuses to fill in the gaps. Soon enough, Karen is the only one who Castle will communicate with, as he recognizes the darkness she's been hiding since before she arrived in season 1. Daredevil, by nature, is a lawyer. "If you watched Defenders, you know why Matt isnt in her life and Foggy really isnt in her life.". Does season 3 of Daredevil take place after The Defenders? These are all things that Americans have demonstrated repeatedly that we do not care about but in superhero comics the possibility that a hero might kill someone will lead to riots in the streets. That makes his episodes in Daredevil something of a Punisher prequel. Should I watch Daredevil Season 2 before watching The Punisher - Quora After his family was killed in a three-way mafia shoot out, he took out all three mafias by himself. However, the pages of the comics hold some answers. Since Season 3 of Daredevil is set in a cooler climate, it could take place more in the winter of 2018 or late 2017, right before the Battle of Wakanda. In another interview with EW, Bernthal got more in depth with Entertainment Weekly in a more recent interview saying, "The show takes you on this journey of Frank becoming more and more human again and then shutting off and shutting off and going back to what works for him.". Frank knows there is no going back from the path he's taken--he knows and has seen things that don't allow for that. The Netflix Marvel shows are on Disney+. It can be a chore to figure out exactly how to watch The Defenders, and other Marvel Netflix shows like Daredevil in order. The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have suggested that Daredevil Season 2 was the first time Castle and Matt Murdock met each other but comic fans will know that Daredevil and Punisher have encountered each other before. 'Daredevil' Season 2 Described as 'Daredevil vs. Punisher' Which leaves us all still scratching our heads about the complex relationship between these two characters. Matt has also had his life ripped to pieces on the regular and has watched numerous girlfriends figuratively and literally torn apart by the world. Whether the Defenders' previous Netflix adventures are canon or not, key elements of their shows are clearly being absorbed into the MCU. And sure enough, The Punisher premiered in 2017. Its probably cheating to usePunisher Kills the Marvel Universesince its an alternate universe story, but I love this book because it totally encapsulates the weird friendship between Frank and Matt. RELATED: 10 Worst Things Daredevil Ever Did, Ranked. Before doing anything else, even via flashbacks, the series has to explain how Matt Murdock survived after a skyscraper collapsed on him in The Defenders. Daredevil season 3 appears to see Matt Murdock give up on playing by the rules. Faefyx is also a co-host for the podcast "Unramblings," can occasionally be found making music, and runs the writer/editor community The Queer Writers' Block. Its a constant talking point that The Punisher doesnt actually make any sort of meaningful difference or cause a drop in the crime rate which, again, is insane. Disney is acknowledging this and the introduction of the Netflix Marvel shows to Disney+ has led the platform to introduce new changes to provide age rating advisories for the series. Daredevil is the one character who really works alongside The Punisher, because theyre both similar enough in powers and scope that neither one completely invalidates the others existence. Towards the end, with most of them lying unconscious, Frank told Daredevil: Look at the lengths Ive had to go to not to kill you. This is what it all boils down to. Daredevil: Who Would Win? Trump's latest attack addresses DeSantis' overseas trips to the U.K., Israel, Florida's Covid-19 record, and polling support for the 2024 Presidential race. Murdock happened to be a promising young law student when he lost his father, Castle happened to be a traumatized ex-soldier. He didn't want Murdock to use PTSD as a defense, as it would be disrespectful to his peers who were really suffering. Foggy Nelson appeared in Jessica Jones Season 2, which appears to take place at least a couple months or so after The Defenders, as Jessica Jones mentions Matt Murdock's death. The Punisher thinks that eye-for-an-eye is the only way to bring any balance to the world, even as he brings chaos wherever he goes. before upcoming . He killed people over nothing, like it was eating a sandwich. This brings us to. His self-hatred for who'd he'd become meant he'd convinced himself it would be best to be locked away. They both (basically) have no physical enhancements, so theyre an interesting match when they fight. But also like Iron Man, when it became clear Daredevil was a hit, the franchise went full steam ahead, seeding spinoff shows left and right. After heading to Rikers, Castle comes face to face with Wilson Fisk, who has been slowly building up his power base inside the prison since Daredevil season 1 ended. Daredevil has an even stricter no-killing policy than most Avengers. He is an angry man who wants to hurt. The second season of the American streaming television series Daredevil, which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Matt Murdock / Daredevil, a blind lawyer-by-day who fights crime at night, crossing paths with the deadly Frank Castle / Punisher along with the return of an old girlfriend Elektra Natchios. Bernthal debuted as Frank Castle a.k.a. Chronologically, the streaming service's Marvel shows have jumped around a bit in terms of the order events take place, and it's not always immediately clear when things are happening. You see, Castle is not a traditional hero. Do You Need To Watch 'Daredevil' Before 'The Punisher'? Frank - Bustle Daredevil is probably the character hes most closely tied to, which is kind of insane given how popular The Punisher is. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Related: Every Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie & TV Show In Development. Faefyx writes both fiction and non-fiction, focussing on science fiction, fantasy, and mystery for the former and on culture, gender, and current affairs for the latter. Castle pleads guilty, and kicks off the third stage of his arc on Daredevil. While it might seem tempting to watch them out of order, binge the seasons of a particular character, or skip a character, this will have a negative impact on the viewing experience. So, The Punisher has landed. Daredevil (Marvel Comics character) - Wikipedia Nor does it give answers to how long it had been until he woke up in bandages calling for Sister Maggie (as seen in the final scene of The Defenders.) However, Matt has never put the Punisher away for good, and Frank has never killed Daredevil. The exciting news broke earlier this month that Jon Bernthal had been cast as Frank Castle a.k.a. At the very end of Daredevil Season 2, Frank appears in his signature skull attire as the Punisher, but at that time the NYPD already believe he died in a previous scuffle. The Fandom article on this by Billy Arrowsmith is some great additional reading on the subject. Several high-profile people are killed and the Punisher is framed, while Karen Page continues her investigation. OR completely neuter him, and watch him get humiliated or chumped every time he goes after a costumed character. Daredevil vs. The Punisher: Their Friendly Rivalry Explained - CBR Spider-Man is a close second, but the two of them just dont have enough in common philosophically to make their conflicts really interesting. The characters of Daredevil (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter), and Iron Fist (Finn Jones) all received their own series to set up the characters before coming together in their entirety for the first time in The Defenders, which became the collective term for Marvel's Netflix superheroes. In one of their darkest encounters, Castle decided toteach Murdock how it felt to be The Punisher. "Karens a real isolated person in New York," Woll says. The series will see The Punisher take on Jigsaw, who was disfigured in the first season of the. Timeline Explained. We're breaking it down (as much as we can before the season releases). Daredevil & The Defenders Complete Timeline: What Order To Watch The Punisher has also repeatedly demonstrated his ability to outsmart Daredevil. "I think that [the] Frank Castle that was in Daredevil is not in Punisher," he said. In the end, he ended up being caught in a far bigger web. Things eventually fall apart, however, when Castle gets word that someone inside Rikers Island has information on the man who killed his family. It has to. Theres also a built-in rhetoric that The Punisherhasto be a failure, because the Marvel Universe needs to have criminals for its stories to function. He saved Karen Page's life, and the two began an uneasy friendship, despite her misgivings over Castle's murderous ways when she witnessed him casually assassinate a room of low-level henchmen in Episode 11 (".380"). In a way, that allows Matt and Frank to feel some sense of solidarity with one another, even if they will almost certainly come to blows the next time they meet. Daredevil: Who Would Win? In fact, Daredevil isnt in the series at all. He simply punishes them. Its simple. This means heading into Daredevil Season 3, Foggy's place of employment is still relatively unclear. When Daredevil put together a task force with Spider-Man and Wolverine to take Frank down, Frank lead them on a wild goose chase across the entire city. Daredevil (season 2) - Wikipedia In essence, Daredevil Season 2 operates as Castle's origin story, the journey he makes from being a classic villain and antagonist to an anti-hero worthy of his own story. (Spoilers for The Defenders Season 1! They are a relic of another age before Disney was doing. It's rare for a Marvel show to start with a chyron update that sets it in time, so it's always a bit hard to tell, but this much is clear: The Punisher certainly isn't beginning long before the events of The Avengers like Iron Fist's flashbacks, nor is it taking place parallel to the other origin stories, the way Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage's first seasons all took place generally in the same span of time. Castle ultimately doesnt care about whether hes saving lives, or making the world a better place. For the first four episodes (including "Dogs to a Gunfight," "New York's Finest," and "Penny and Dime"), Murdock's quest to find the "army" that took down the Irish mob (which was really just Castle) consumed the main plot of the season. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Hoping to write an expos on Castle's innocence for the New York Bulletin, Page interviewed his old former Marine commander, Ray Schoonover. While the Marvel Television Netflix series relocation to Disney+ hints at the potential for more appearances from the rest of The Defenders gang in the upcoming MCU movies and TV shows, it's only Daredevil who's set to reappear in MCU Phase 5. The And Just Like That Trailer Teases Season 2's Release Date & Aidans Return, House Of The Dragon Season 2's Cast Includes 'Slow Horses' & 'Perry Mason' Stars, 'The Mandalorian' Season 4 Is Already In The Works, Everything To Know About 'RHONY' Season 14, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. The actor told Entertainment Weekly at San Diego Comic-Con how he believes the Punisher has changed since the last time audiences saw him. They are aware that they are small-scale measures relegated to their own corner of a world that has the likes of the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men running around. With Castle in jail, Elektra and Daredevil growing closer during their hunt for the Hand, and Stick's reveal of the Chaste, it almost seemed like Castle would fade into the background until his spinoff premiered. So when does Daredevil Season 3 take place? What 2022 Revealed About The Future Of The MCU. Vincent D'Onofrio isn't confirmed to appear in The Punisher, but there's always a chance. He does not believe in redemption and does not consider himself a hero. To date, I think the most impressive casualty in Punishers body count isStilt-Man, which is Frank-ly embarrassing. So you may be worrying that you'll be behind when The Punisher Season 1 premieres on Nov. 17 on Netflix. Let Frank be Frank and allow him to systematically wipe out the worlds biggest mass-murderers Red Skull, Doctor Doom, Magneto, Green Goblin(which they obviously cant do). Mixed developments have made it wholly unclear whether the Defenders' shows are considered canon in the MCU. Other characters from The Punisher comics might factor in to the new series, but his time on Daredevil was more of a prologue this is where Frank Castle's story really begins. By now, fans have completed theirPunisherbinge. There was a time in the 1990s when the Punisher was moving just as many different monthly series as Superman, because it was the 90s and of course he was. Im not saying that would be moral, Im just saying he would be a lot more effective if he didnt exist inside a narrative that made his success impossible. The Joker. Then, were hoping forDefenders2, but that has yet to be announced. All the actors involved were not allowed to appear in a non-Netflix Marvel production for two years after the cancellation. All three seasons of Daredevil and both seasons of The Punisher are streaming on Netflix. Faefyx Collington (They/Them) is the Perennial Beat Editor and a writer for Screen Rant. This is taken as fact in almost every superhero comic ever published, when (in the real world) we accept good guys killing bad guysall the time. Cookie Notice When Marvel TV decided to introduce Castle on Daredevil in 2016, the producers faced a much more difficult task. Only a few things could use a little context, so here are some events and characters from Daredevil Season 2 that might figure into The Punisher. It's the elephant in the room that underscores all of Karen's interactions with Frank during The Punisher.She lost Matt, she's not gonna lose someone else that she cares about deeply. The timeline can get a little confusing as the story follows Karen Page. The dude has a bodycount in the thousands mowing down faceless mobsters and street thugs, but put him up against someone in a domino mask and suddenly hes tripping over his shoelaces. But how long after Daredevil Season 2 does The Punisher take place? In fact, much of that backstory is in the trailer, so that bodes well for new audiences. Several high-profile people are killed and the Punisher is framed, while Karen Page continues her investigation. This would give the series some timeline leeway after Karen's appearance in The Punisher and Foggy's appearance in Jessica Jones Season 2. "Doctor Strange" technically takes place before and after "Civil War." Some suggest it's good to watch "Ant Man and the Wasp" in between "Infinity War" and "Endgame," which can certainly be done as the events of the sequel technically take place between both films. Jessica Jones, in particular, can hit some viewers hard as it deals with trauma in a visceral way. It only got more complicated in Episode 12 ("The Dark at the End of the Tunnel"). Marvel's The Defenders Saga in Order Chronologically and by - MovieWeb He believes humans are no better than animals, and the only way to stop one rabid dog from infecting the others is to put it down.
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