She was the daughter of the King of Hungary and married at age 14 to Louis of Thuring. The feast day of St. Faustina is celebrated on Oct. 5. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. Her in-laws disliked her generosity and threw her out of the palace. I am a Wisconsin girl at heart who would if it wasn't terribly unhealthy live on coffee, chocolate-chip-cookies, and cheese curds. These are men and women who know what it means to live in the modern era and still live a holy life. Image: The lives of female saints reveal acts of selfless charity, visions, charismatic preaching and miraculous intercessions in the lives of ordinary people as well as stories of incredible bravery in defending their virtue and the Christian faith, often resulting in brutal martyrdom. The catch is that confirmation names have to be saints' names , but you may be surprised to learn that confirmation names for girls include many modern, stylish, and . Then, we can begin reading the lives of the saints and learning what these holy men and women did in their lives. As the patron of many specific causes, and a source of joy and comfort to all, the Virgin Mary is called upon for her heavenly intercession by many throughout the world. When I've logged in to watch some of my favorite shows, Ive seen it featured and highlighted on the platform in anticipation. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. The title Doctor of the Church is bestowed on saints who have helped to further Catholic doctrine through study and writing. Her father died of malaria leaving her mother struggling to feed her children. The feast day of St. Thrse is celebrated on Oct. 1. Honestly, it isnt a movie I would have chosen to watch simply Will Wright lives in Phoenix with his wife and sons and serves as a Catholic High School teacher. Even after her husband died in a feud, she discouraged her sons from trying to seek revenge. November Feast Days St. Cecelias feast day is celebrated on Nov. 22. She became a Dominican tertiary at the age of 16 after having visions of Christ, Mary and the saints. Featured She is busy in the kitchen while Mary is sitting listening to Jesus. Women like as Mary, Elisabeth, Anna, Mary Magdalene, Veronica, Joanna, Cecilia, Agnes, Agatha, Claire, Catherine, Bernadette, Maria Goretti, Faustina, Theresa, and Lucy are all wonderful examples of female saints for young girls to look up to. Instead, she had a burning desire to offer herself and her life as a true sacrifice in atonement for the sins against peace. St. Cosmas, the patron of medical doctors. The feast day of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is celebrated on Jan. 4. Chain Engravable, St Cecilia Medal Sterling Silver on 20in Chain, St Cecilia Medal in Sterling Silver on 18in Chain, St Cecilia Medal -Small Sterling Silver on 18in chain, St Cecilia Medal Sterling Silver Medium, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal 14 Karat Gold Filled Large, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal 14 Karat Gold Filled Medium, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal 14 KT Gold Medium, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal 14 KT Gold Large, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal Sterling Silver Large, Engravable, St Cecilia Medal Sterling Chain Medium, Engravable, St Cecilia Tiny Charm 14 Karat Gold Filled. But, I pray you have found your saint-buddy on this page. But also, their names arent the only rad thing about these saints; check out their stories! A mini call-to-action and reminder of why Mass is by Fr. Along with the three traditional vows, the MC sisters take a fourth vow wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor. More people are becoming aware of St. Teresas long and arduous dark night of the soul, but few were aware of it during her lifetime. Her mother died when she was 14. Apparently, she experienced this intense spiritual aridity for decades, even questioning Gods existence and love for her. Each of these saints is well known in the church for her good works and piety. He will be called Son of God and now your relative Elizabeth in her old age has conceived a son and is in her sixth month for her who was said to be barren. Mychelle is a writer and web designer who is passionate about a wide variety of topics and enjoys sharing her knowledge with readers. The Top 4 Questions Teens Ask Before Confirmation (And How to Respond! It is believed that Veronica left her veil in the care of Pope Clement I, the successor to St. Peter. She was born in Rome. She appeals to those who appreciate mystical theology and is the patroness of those ridiculed for their piety, those in need of grace, and those who are gravely ill. Born to an Algonquin-Mohawk tribe, St. Kateri developed smallpox as a child, which left her face pock-marked and disfigured. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Maria appeared to him and gave him flowers. Maria Pilar Martinez Garcia & Companions, St. Sebastian Sterling Silver Basketball Medal, St. Zoe of Rome Pendant (14 Karat Gold Filled), St. Raymond of Penafort 14 Karat Gold Filled Pendant, St. James the Greater Hand Painted Solid Resin Statue, Submit a Rosary Prayer Request to be Read Live Online. Today is International Women's Day, and as we celebrate womanhood around the world, there are many inspiring saints to turn to who embody all that is admirable about faith and the feminine. Here are eight female saints and the incredible lives they lived: 1 of 8 Saint Cecilia Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music. Lots of people have stories about how their saint found them. Bl. List of Various saints and their patronage. Look to Greek mytholo, Babies Can Get Bored: Here's How to Turn It Into a Good Thing. Now What? There is no right answer: all the saints are great choices! The feast day of Mary, the Mother of God is celebrated on January 1st. Anne . Am I Ready to Have a Baby? Be confirmed, pray, and keep the Ten Commandments. Also known as Kiswahili, the language has a melodic sound to it that makes it an excellent choice, 70+ Christian Baby Names and Their Biblical Meanings, Naming your baby after a beloved historical figure or place relevant to Christian teachings honors your child in a way many other names can't. For even more religious names, consider a selection of Christian baby names to discover a name that really speaks to your heart. She was a follower of Jesus and present during his crucifixion. June Feast Days Sister Faustina died in Oct. 1938. St. Margaret Mary is the patron saint of polio victims. Girl saint names are a favored choice for Christian families who want to honor their faith with a religious name for their newborn daughter. The 17 year old girl was given a small army with which she achieved success. I hope your site, Catholic Faith Patron Saints, will soon find and implement a better, more transparent and appropriate means of generating revenues. Common Vietnamese baby names take inspiration from flowers, animals, or desirable qualities and attributes, such as morality and sereni, The Swahili language is spoken throughout Eastern Africa and it has strong influences from Arabic. We have a lot to learn from these modern saints. What female saint should I pick for confirmation? Her sassy, stubborn-headed, emotional self had truly spoke to me in such a real and personal way. A lot happens between the ages of 12 and 14. She is the one who discovered His body missing from the tomb. It changed him forever. Adele, Adalie, Adela, Adelaide, Adelina, Adeline, Aline, Della Meaning: noble Saint Adele 's first vocation was as a wife and mother. While theres a myriad to choose from heres a selection of women who often broke molds and showed tremendous courage as they brought their gifts to the world around them. They accepted Gods tremendous love with great receptivity. Nor did I know Gods plan that I would end up studying at Franciscan University. October Feast Days Suffering From bullying to peer pressure to taking part in something that goes against their beliefs, these wonderful women can offer great support and hope to our children as they receive this life-changing sacrament. She has been the intercessor for many miracles and is the first Native American saint to be canonized. St. Philomenas cult didnt begin until the nineteenth century, when her remains were discovered in the Catacombs of Priscilla. She was just too funny, too sassy, too real St. Thrse of Lisieux had literally made me laugh out loud in adoration. Praise This will be released on the Peacock streaming platform on April 7th. Her feast day is October 5. Editors Note: Much of what we know about the lives of Catholic saints has been passed down throughout history in the form of record keeping and tradition. Ask yourself these questions to help you decide if you're ready ready to have a baby and be a parent. Those who know me will often hear me speak about family, faith, and food, when describing the things which I hold most dear. You can opt for short and sweet, or lengthier and lovely names. During the time that Cecilia lived in Rome, it was dangerous to be a Christian, and many Christians were arrested and martyred for their actions. Really. He earned a Bachelors Degree in History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. The following twenty five popular female patron saints should be considered as you search for your role model and patron saint. The Virgin Mary appeared to her three times instructing her to have the medal made. Many were also honored for their contributions to the Church and their community. How embarrassingly awesome. John 10:1-10 Jesus said:"Amen, amen, I say to you,whoever does not enter a sheepfold through the gatebut climbs over elsewhere is a thief and a robber.But whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear by Will Wright | Apr 24, 2023 | Confession, Sin. Beatrice. She died at the age of 23 in 123l. The Liturgy of the Hours is also called the Divine Office or the Breviary. This charismatic zeal as a woman can encourage us when we are uncertain whether or not we should use our spiritual gifts openly. 5 Patron Saints Every Student Needs To Know About! She died young, at the age of 24, but witnesses of her death claimed that her pock marks instantly vanished as she died, and her face became radiant perhaps one of the first miracles attributed to her. These saints experienced a profound conversion that really shaped their life in tremendous ways. She served God well by taking care of her family, praying, and doing works of mercy. She became Catholic and had a devotion to the Virgin Mary. St. Catherine Laboure is a visionary and the patron saint of the Miraculous Medal. Elizabeth. We celebrate her feast day on May 30. They are our ancestors, our teachers, our friends, our siblings. She was also frequently ill; once, she was so gravely ill that she neared death. Poland Controversially, she claimed to receive visions from St. Michael the Archangel, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine of Alexandria, which led her to approach the throne of King Charles VII with the concept of leading the French Army into battle with the English. St. Rita is one such saint. Her whole life was a Yes to God, which makes her an excellent model and inspiration for all Gods people. Virgins - Miraculous/Saint Joan of Arc. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. St. Rita is the patron saint of impossible cases. Know their story. St. Veronicas feast day is celebrated on July 12, Vicki Scheenstra is a former Catholic Bookstore owner and has been active in Catholic Education. Mary is actually the most popular Christian name in the world! At Lourdes France, she was told to dig in the mud by Our Lady. While these saints are truly worthy contenders to accompany our youngsters on their spiritual journeys, weve come up with a list of lesser-known saints whose lives were not only inspirational, but who experienced the hardships so many teens face today. Only 36 saints are given this title, four of whom are women. So click on the slideshow to discover more about these saints from throughout the centuries, and if you have a saint whos impacted your life wed love to hear about her in the comments below! Features a top 20 listing with links to medals and stories. She understood at her young age what a gift her purity was and was willing to sacrifice her life in order to preserve it. Much of her current popularity stems from the many women turn to her during times of despair, after a death in the family or even after a divorce. Saints & Angels. Your Child Has Been Confirmed! A contemporary of St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila was a Spanish mystic, Doctor of the Church, and a reformer of the Carmelite Order (the Discalced Carmelites). Chain - Engravable, Our Lady of Lourdes Rosary - Sapphire Beads, A Surprising Patron Saint for Artillerymen. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. When her husband died, she became a nun and founded a convent. Some of her ecstasies included falling into fire unharmed. If we suffer from a particular illness, who is the patron saint of that ailment? Female / Women Saints: A Catholic Online Saints & Angels The history of the Church is full of many female / women Catholic saints, who received recognition for great deeds or meritorious conduct. What do the Saints Tell Us About Purgatory? Another Easter by Christie McGee | Apr 8, 2023 | Evangelization, Saints. 5 things the Catholic woman should keep in her purse, Daily Readings for Sunday, April 30, 2023, St. Pius V, Pope: Saint of the Day for Sunday, April 30, 2023, Prayer to Saint Joseph for Success in Work: Prayer of the Day for Sunday, April 30, 2023. St. Agatha was born in Sicily, She is the patron saint of breast cancer. After the celebration of the marriage, while in their bedchamber, she told Valerian that her virginity was protected by an angel. St. Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers and of France. Many lost their lives in defense of the faith, while others were themselves the mothers of important saints. As its first abbess, she ruled with great compassion and holiness. Franciscan Many lesser-known names for girl saints have wonderful meanings and originally belonged to namesakes who were responsible for important works in the eyes of God. Senora De Guadalupe-Spanish Medal Sterling Silver with 18 in. St. Cecelia is the patron saint of musicians. St. Kateri died during Holy Week. But mostly, they know what it takes to be united with God here on this messy earth. They told her to go to the King of France and help him reconquer his kingdom. Your community Your faith Those in need Question 2 If you find yourself in a misunderstanding with another person, you are most likely to: Firmly hold your ground. We break down the numbers for you. Spain 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. If it was, it would totally be way more overwhelming than helpful. It would not heal and caused her to suffer until her death on May 22, 1457. On her wedding, it said that she sang her heart to God. By no means is this a complete list of the saints. This is definitely the most important step, and might be the only one you really need. Visit her website at for more information. If you're looking for a name that denotes a scholarly and educated child, consider one of these names: Not all female saint names are as widely-used as the ones listed above. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. She often saw gaurdian angels. ), St. Anthony More Than A Patron Saint Of Lost Car Keys, 7 Things To Do Before You Receive The Sacrament Of Confirmation. The details of her history are, at best, sketchy, but several people have reported visions of her independently of each other and report the same story. Breaking Down the Exsultet: What we Ought to Know about the Great Easter Proclamation. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. The angel then crowned the couple with lilies and roses. The history of the Church is full of many female / women Catholic saints, who received recognition for great deeds or meritorious conduct. The Catholic Church believes in the Communion of Saints. After hearing St. Francis of Assisi preach on Palm Sunday, she joined the Franciscans. Vicki, Your email address will not be published. Saint Names for Girls from A-B Abigail - Hebrew, patron saint of honeybees and beekeepers Adela - Germanic, patron saint of poets and writers Adele - German, patron saint of the eyes Adelaide - Portuguese, patron saint of abuse victims and second marriages Adeline - French, a blood saint of the Healing Church St. Gianna bravely opted for the third option, as it was the only one that would protect her unborn child. She gave everything to God, including her entire inheritance, and dedicated the remainder of her life to educating and caring for the Native Americans and Black Americans. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. These saints experienced a profound conversion that really shaped their life in tremendous ways. A true pro-life pioneer, St. Gianna was a pediatrician in Italy when she became pregnant with her fourth child. The history of the Church is full of many female / women Catholic saints, who received recognition for great deeds or meritorious conduct. Many were also honored for their contributions to the Church and their community. Saint Catherine was a disciple of Jesus. However, when you are confirmed, in the Latin Rite of the Church, you get to choose a Confirmation Saint. This saint is a special patron saint which you have chosen to be a special protector and guardian over your life. Those of us who dont feel God close to us would do well to turn to this faithful and heroic saint for intercession when we are tempted to despair. Her daughter, Gianna Emanuela, is a physician today. Imelda Lambertini St. Longinus St. Mary Magdalene St. Moses the Black St. Paul the Apostle St. Vladimir of Kiev Her signature is, of course, a rose in some form when a prayer has been heard and answered. All women can find in her a comforter and mother, as she understands celibacy, motherhood, marriage, and spiritual motherhood. Today is International Womens Day, and as we celebrate womanhood around the world, there are many inspiring saints to turn to who embody all that is admirable about faith and the feminine genius. St. Edith Stein was also known as St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. How fantastic is that!? Shes revered as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. Saint Quotes I tried to stifle the laugh, but it was impossible. Ascension of the Heart of Jesus Nicol Goni, St. Christopher Sterling Silver Softball Medal - Female, Submit a Rosary Prayer Request to be Read Live Online. Required fields are marked *. St. Margaret Mary was a visionary. When choosing a Confirmation name we often look to the most familiar saints such as St. Catherine of Siena and St. Thrse de Lisieux. There are many options for saint girl names to follow your family's faith when naming a new child. Born in Skopje, her birth name was Agnes Ganxha Bojaxhiu. September Feast Days Today, St. Rita is known as the patron saint for abused women, mourning wives and impossible causes. Tell her then to help me. Jesus responded by saying Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Her hope and dying prayer was that peace would be restored once again after the War ended. Small wonder she is the most popular Catholic saint. Saint of the Day for Sunday, April 30th, 2023, Prayer to Saint Joseph for Success in Work. The saints listed below represent some of the most popular saint-based Catholic names for girls. Out of jealousy, the Queen sent Beatrice to prison for her beauty. She was imprisoned and then tortured for her faith. In fact, the older form of the ritual had the bishop lightly slap the face of the newly confirmed saying, You are a soldier for Christ.. Mary. A saint is way more than their patronage, but sometimes we just need a saint in our lives who can pray for us in a particular way. The feast day of St. Bernadette is April 16. St. Bernadette had a vision of the Virgin Mary when very young. God works wonders in our lives in small and hidden ways, but sometimes His wonders are loud. St. Teresa of Calcutta is the patron saint of World Youth Day, the poorest of the poor, and the dying. Honored by scholars and theologians alike, St. Edith Stein is a true testament that the ultimate act of love is to offer ones life for the sake of another. She is the patron saint of soldiers and France. After converting four hundred people to Christianity, she was also arrested and condemned to death. As early as the 300s A.D., churches and people were being named after the 12 Apostles and martyrs for Christ. Some of the more popular confirmation names for girls are Mary, Teresa and Catherine. 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