Also listed under All-Breed are the Group Shows, or shows limited to one of the seven AKC Groups: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Will receive dewormer at 6 weeks and first round of puppy shots. 08069 Entry Fee: 86 Limited Entry: 24 Alternates: 3 Website: Entries Accepted by: First Received Evaluators: Beth Greenfield Cat 1 Deb Hubbard Cat 1 Cindy Williamson- Cat [] Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club (USA) two WC/WCX tests for Tollers and Goldens (Goldens will run under the GRCA rules) June 17 and 18, 2023 location: Salt Lake City contact: Jennifer Malavasi, Entries are open at HuntSecretary for the 3-4-5 Mountain Prairie Field Test (NSDTRC) WC/WCX test for Tollers and Goldens. GRCA has over 4,000 voting members, 61 local member clubs, and members in many countries and supports the Golden Retriever Foundation. Halloween tips! the derby Judges. While most of our members are located in Ohio, we do have members all over Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana. Kathy Sutliff handled our merchandise both online and at the event. Females: 5. Anything Golden Retriever? This was well received. 11th Golden Retriever National - Go For Gold 2022 - National Golden Retriever Council NATIONAL EVENTS From time to time, the Australian Golden Retriever Clubs host National Conformation and Field Events. We also had a Parade of Rescue, coordinated by Lisa Kime of the GRIN Golden Rescue out of Cleveland. Ringside photos and insights from the judges of the Samoyed Club of America National Ringside photos and dog show candids from this years American Whippet Club National Specialty Showsight Magazinethe world's most influential purebred dog publication since 1992. '"Golden Retriever Club of America" is a registered trademark 6600 NW 3rd Place. The Golden Retriever Club of America is one of the American Kennel Club's (AKC's) largest national breed clubs, full of talented members working to steward the well-being of our dogs. Deadline for submission is 15 May 2021. Not only did they get to use the property but also the gorgeous lodge that was used for their dinner on Tuesday and the awards on Wednesday night. llustrated Study Guide Understanding the Breed Standard, Year-End Statistics Conformation, Field, Obedience, and Agility, Legislative Matters and GRCA Position Statements, GRCA Puppy Referral Manual For Member Clubs, Applications: For Certain Trophies & Awards, New Enthusiasts: Information and Support, 2014 YEAR END Agility Statistics for Golden Retrievers (GRNews), LIFETIME Agility Statistics 2014 (GRNews), 2014 Year End Conformation Statistics (GRNews), CCA Certificate of Conformation Assessment, Finding Field Contacts: Mission Impossible? Site Designed by DC Web Designers, a CVGRC also publishes a newsletter, sponsors this website, has a Facebook page, and holds bi-monthly membership and board meetings. The list of activities and the people who supported them would go on and on. For the WC/WCX and Hunt Test, we utilized a site in Williamston, Michigan (Jorgensons Farm), that is used quite often for these events. Watching the Field Events was enlightening, as the dogs showed such great hunting skills. And the Conformation ring showed us a large number of very nice Goldens that will keep us happy about the breeds future. Entries in the various events were strong again this year. 34482 Entry Fee: 80 Limited Entry: 21 Alternates: 1 Website: Closing Date: 04/27/2023 Entries Accepted: first received Additional Information:, Club: White River GRC Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Location: Glenns Valley Conservation Club, Martinsville, IN Contact: Beth McCormack, Test Chair, DOB: 04/16/2023 ( 2 weeks old) Sire: Peter Parker Foley (SR91501606) Dam: Lady Mary Jane (SS14716606) Males: 6. In addition, we had no local clubs willing to host in 2023 (Western) or 2024 (Eastern). Bred by: Min-ho Song. The qualifying judges were Chris McCool and Martha McCool. 264 talking about this. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Aramedia Group Inc. About Us Showsight Magazine Team and History, Submit an Advertisement to Showsight Magazine, Contact Us Showsight Support & Business Inquiries, The Cuyahoga Valley Golden Retriever Club, Gordon Setter Club of America | Beauty, Brains and Bird Sense, Jim Thacker, Dunbar Gordon Setters, Franklin, OHio, Family, Friends and AKC Sports Joy for Jeff Hillman, Doing It All Latent Learning in Dog Training, American Whippet Club National Specialty | Virginia Beach, VA. Washington DC web design company, Tarheel GRC Specialties Pinehurst, NC May 5-7, 2023 Friday 5/5 Independent Specialty Ms. Linda Willard Sweepstakes Ms. Lynn Tribble Saturday 5/6 Designated Specialty Mr. Terry Stacy Sunday 5/7 Supported Entry Mr. Gary Andersen, Club Name: Mid-Fl Golden Retriever Club Event Date: 05/07/2023 Event Time: 9AM Location: MADTA. Evergreens One Part Sand One Part Sea, RA May 28, 2009 Feb 4, 2023 Rochelle Andonian, Cayman GCH CH Gideons Tax Shelter (2/17/2011-12/22/2022) Vicki White, Flash Dauntless One Golden Flash 10/8/14-12/20/22 ~ Karen Bodner, Jewlyp Ch Lakesydes Junior Mint 11/14/12-12/5/22 (Julie and Cortney Corral), Bling CH Gangway Kelore Bling It On 12/22/12 6/13/22, Jay MBISS GCHS Rhapsody Yet Another One UD RN MH AX AXJ MXP MJP WCX VCX SDHF DDHF OS, Lark MACH Crossroads Meadowlark, CDX,RE,MH,MXS,MJC,MXP,MJP,MFB,T2B2,MFP,WCX,VCX,CCA, Crash Young VCD2 CDX BN RE TD MNH MH67 AX AXJ NF WCX *** VCS CCA HTHF, Houston Furtwangler UKC Ch Journeys Stargazer BN RN JH CGC (6/16/2011-11/2021), Dug Sanvido JAM GCHB MBISS CAN CH RBIS GANGWAYS DIG THIS AT SUDANS RN BN JH WC AKA DAMMIT DUG, Stinger OTCH One Ash Hornets Tale Ale UDX3, OM8, VCX, RE, AX, AXJ, WRD, WC, WCX, WDX, CA 9-4-046-17-21, Misty Meadows Return of Top Gun Cruise 12/16/2012-6/27/2021. That was the goal of our group and I think we succeeded nicely. We also just finished up hosting the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) National Specialty September 1-14th, 2022. Litter: River x Jack 2021 Owner: Karissa Shermeta GRCA National Specialty. It was also a place to get out of the weather. Karen Bodner was in charge of site decorations and she did an excellent job setting the tone for the site with photo ops, banners, and the general dressing of the grounds. 2023 GRCA National Specialty All events located within about 40 minutes from each other Then theres merchandise to purchase and sell, along with many other fundraising activities. It added a nice Native flavor to the trial. 2018-07-24. Flight 2 ClubName: Golden Retriever Club of America Event Date: 09/13/2023 Event Time: 8AM Event Location: Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR. Specialty Shows. Typically, GRCA suffix titles, awards, and designationsare placed after any AKC suffix titles the dog has earned. Agent: Kristin Lyons. natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. Owned by: Cathy Story. Host Club: Hudson Valley GRC Event Date: 06/25/23 Event Time: 9AM Event Location: Ulster County Fairgrounds, New Paltz NY in conjunction with our Super Specialty Weekend Entry Fee: $75 Limited Entry: 21 Alternates: 1 Website: Closing date: 06/05/23 Additional Info: Join us for a complimentary luncheon for all exhibitors. AKC Specialty Club Member. Our responsibility is to promote the temperament, appearance, soundness, (Res NS20-76). GRCA National Specialty. Owners:Alejandro Lima/Janice Granda/Michelle Granda. 2022 GRCA National Specialty. Nothing is more important than having our dogs make sure health was not a major concern. As with any dog show, the point of the conformation classes is determination of the best breeding stock to continue the breedand this point is taken nowhere more seriously than at specialties and particular the National. The Mid Florida Golden Retriever Club is hosting the following events on Sunday, May 7, in Ocala. For the attendees, it was a seamless event with no major distractions. llustrated Study Guide Understanding the Breed Standard, Year-End Statistics Conformation, Field, Obedience, and Agility, Legislative Matters and GRCA Position Statements, GRCA Puppy Referral Manual For Member Clubs, Applications: For Certain Trophies & Awards. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved. Friendly folks savor the Willamette Valleys farm-fresh bounty, treasure the past, and delight in lighthearted community fun. There was a Breed Judges Seminar this year to mentor potential judges on the breed. of the Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc.' . Experts share their thoughts; veterinarians discuss health concerns, research organizations tell of scientific breakthroughs and readers in general have a great time with this coffee-table quality magazine published twelve times a year. Ocala, FL. natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. CVGRC is a member club of the Golden Retriever Club of America and is licensed by the American Kennel Club. GRCA National Specialty 2010. Friendly folks savor the Willamette Valley's farm-fresh bounty, treasure the past, and delight in lighthearted community fun. Flight 1: Club Name: Golden Retriever Club of America Event Date: 09/13/2023 Event Time: 8AM Event Location: Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR. Greater Twin Cities GRC WC/WCX 9/9/23 Old Oaks Kennels, Blooming Prairie, MN Judy Super, Join us in the beautiful riverside community of Albany, Oregon. 94 talking about this. RV, Grooming, and Reserved Performance Crating Opens Today. 34482 Entry Fee: 80 Limited Entry: 21 Alternates: 1 Website: Closing Date: 04/27/2023 Entries Accepted: first received Additional Information:, Club: White River GRC Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Location: Glenns Valley Conservation Club, Martinsville, IN Contact: Beth McCormack, Test Chair, Below is a list of National Specialties approved for the beginning of 2006. Conformation had 1,013 entries in the various classes. We are also tracking cancer in dogs and seeing if the genetic make-up of our dogs is connected with certain diseases. We did have one judge not show up, but we had two other judges helping out at the event who were able to step in and keep the show running smoothly. Ocala, FL. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Washington DC web design company, Tarheel GRC Specialties Pinehurst, NC May 5-7, 2023 Friday 5/5 Independent Specialty Ms. Linda Willard Sweepstakes Ms. Lynn Tribble Saturday 5/6 Designated Specialty Mr. Terry Stacy Sunday 5/7 Supported Entry Mr. Gary Andersen, Club Name: Mid-Fl Golden Retriever Club Event Date: 05/07/2023 Event Time: 9AM Location: MADTA. Jemma (left) with her first Beginer Novice leg! It made for some difficult mechanics for the club. The roads were gravel by the main tent that was used by the open judges. 101 were here. Owned by: Luiz Fernandes/Deborah Salow/Kevin Foist/Cindy Fisher/Amy Rodrigues/Joe Ovalle. Health & Vaccines: Dewormed at 2 and 4 weeks. Golden Retriever Club of America: 09/14/2023: 3: Linn Cty Fair & Expo Cntr: Albany: OR: BaRay Event Services, Inc. . Entries open Aug. 18 and close September 29. Rally had 290 entries, while the CCA had 48 entries. Next Meeting: Monday April 24th 6 pm "Paint with your Pup" 1155 Winterberry Lane, Medina, OH 44526. There was a nice tent that was used for the contestants to meet and enjoy free coffee and sweet rolls. Contact INFO@GRCA.ORG Specialty shows are events limited to a single breed, e.g. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. The Golden Retriever Club of America is sad to share the news of the loss of our friend and leader, John Cotter. Additional Signature Form - Used when there are more than two signatures required. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Friendly folks savor the Willamette Valleys farm-fresh bounty, treasure the past, and delight in lighthearted community fun. The judges in all four stakes did a very good job with their tests. All of the sites were very nice and all the attendees appreciated the grounds. Ocala, FL. In part, due to the logistical challenges of taking on the ever-increasingly complex GRCA National, along with the potential benefit of having a consistent National leadership model in place, in 2021, GRCA assumed the National Specialty leadership role to begin in planning the 2023 GRCA National Specialty. October 28 at 3:29 PM. We invite you to join us for the Golden Retriever Club of America 2023 National Specialty at the Linn County Expo in Albany, Oregon hosted by the Golden Retriever Club, 2023 GRCA National Specialty Grooming and Reserved Performance Crating at the Linn County Expo Center will include stalls (each 10x10)located in the Cascade Livestock Pavilion arena. The grounds were . Ideally, a member GRCA club which has hosted a couple of independent specialties and field events like the WC/WCX, but which doesnt have the resources to host a National Specialty or wants a warm up to hosting a future National Specialty. Not only will you have the opportunity to help out the National, we want, Show your support for the 2023 GRCA National by sponsoring a Scent Work Trial trophy or class! Tips for Getting Started In the Field (Kathryn Newman), Ponds and Parks: An Introduction to Field Training (Laurie Collins), Obedience A Basis for Success in the Field (Ann Strathern), How to be a Welcome Member of a Training Group (Glenda Brown), Pro Field Trainers Finding Mr. or Ms. 34482 Entry Fee: 80 Limited Entry: 21 Alternates: 1 Website: Closing Date: 04/27/2023 Entries Accepted: first received Additional Information: Event being held in conjunction with MFGRCs annual cardiac/eye/DNA clinic reach out if you [] Club: White River GRC Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Location: Glenns Valley Conservation Club, Martinsville, IN Contact: Beth McCormack, Test Chair, club: Central Oklahoma GRC date: Saturday. The derby judges were Marv Baumer and Steve Schneeberger. Acceptable Colors of the Affenpinscher and Docked or Natural Tail, Peach Blossom Cluster Dog Shows | Perry, GA, Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Specialty | Gray Summit, MO, Border Collie Club of Northern California 15th Annual Specialty Shows | Lodi, CA, AKC Announces Judging Panel for the 2023 AKC National Championship, Interview With Carl Liepmann 2022 AKC National Championship Best Bred-By-Exhibitor Judge, Interview With Eugene Blake 2022 AKC National Championship BBE Non-Sporting Group Judge, Interview With Danelle Brown 2022 AKC National Championship NOHS Herding Group Judge, Columbia Missouri Kennel Club Show | Gray Summit, MO, Outside the Bubble: Looking Backward to Move Forward, The Bubble: We Need Fresh Eyes on the Future, The American Kennel Club Honors Centennial Clubs, International Kennel Club of Chicago Judges & Specialties, International Kennel Club of Chicago Announces Inaugural Open Show Extravaganza, David Frei Joins International Kennel Club Team, AKC Agility Invitational Winner Junior Excellent Class (12): Basil Handler: Charly Teller, The Kennel Club of Philadelphia 2022 National Dog Show | Oaks, PA, How to Watch the 2022 National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day, Kennel Club Of Philadelphia Once Again Shares Its Success With Dogs And People In Need, Interview with Dann Wilson Montgomery County Kennel Club 2022 Breed Judge, Interview with Beth Sweigart Montgomery County Kennel Club 2022 Breed Judge, Interview with Richard Powell Montgomery County Kennel Club 2022 Breed Judge, Morris & Essex Kennel Club donates $10,000 to animal-related charities in Ukraine, Morris & Essex Kennel Club Post-Show Recap With President & Show Chair Wayne Ferguson, Morris & Essex Kennel Club Show | Somerset, NJ, Important Message from Morris & Essex Kennel Club Regarding 2020 Show, Interview With Kathi Brown 2022 AKC National Championship NOHS Non-Sporting Group Judge, Insights from Dominic Palleschi Carota 2022 AKC NOHS Finals Best in Show Judge, Interview With Ann Yuhasz 2022 AKC National Championship NOHS Sporting Group Judge, Samoyed Club of America 90th National Specialty, 2022 Chihuahua Club of America National Specialty Judges Commentary, Dr. Marthina Greer 2023 WKC & Trupanion Veterinarian of the Year Award Winner, Interview with WKC President: Dr. Donald G. Sturz, Interview with Don Burlett, Show Chair of the 2022 Golden Retriever National Specialty. Our Members are golden retriever owners, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, and judges. Location: Marion Alachua Dog Training Association 6600 NW 3rd Place, Ocala, FL CANINE HEART & EYE CLINIC Genetic Testing Clinic by Neogen's Paw Print Genetics OPEN TO ALL BREEDS 97322 Entry Fee: $85 Limited Entry: 21 Alternates: 3 Website: Closing Date; 08/09/2023 Entries Accepted: Random draw, GRCA members given priority Opening Consider contributing to The Golden Retriever Foundation. By Wayne Bleazard, Executive Field Representative. A number of health clinics were offered, covering genetics, eye certifications, and heart evaluations. I must mention that the Monroe County Fairgrounds personnel bent over backwards to make sure that we had everything we needed for our event. Vet exam at 2 weeks and cleared for genetic disorders. We felt the entire event was well received and participation was strong for the breed. 2022 GRCA National Specialty host club, Cuyahoga Valley GRC is excited to announce a golf outing fundraising event! The American Shetland Sheepdog Association will be your host for Conformation, Herding, and Performance Events as well variety of activities and special events. Do You Give Up Just When Youre About to Succeed ? You don't want to miss it . Price: $2000.00. Again, this is tentative and we will update the web site and this page with changes. Club Name: Mid-Fl Golden Retriever Club Event Date: 05/07/2023 Event Time: 9AM Location: MADTA. Dianne Baker, from the Ft. Detroit GRC, was instrumental in getting raffles handled and helped to coordinate volunteers. Its where dedicated fans of the breed meet together year after year, sharing their knowledge and passion and bringing their best dogs to compete. Ocala, FL. . As such, a Regional Specialty is bigger than a local, independent specialty, but considerably smaller and less labor-intensive than the GRCA National Specialty. The ponds were well groomed for the entries to the water marks and water blinds. Females: 6. The entry premium for the 2021 Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty, hosted by the Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Fla., is now available. Copyright Mid-Florida Golden Retriever Club, Entry Premium Now Available for 2021 GRCA National Specialty Entries Open Aug. 18, September Edition of Golden Tales Now Available, Entry Premium Available for MFGRC Obedience/Rally Trial, New March Edition of Golden Tales Now Available, Health Clinics, CCA on Tap for May 7 in Ocala, Entry Premium Available for MFGRC Fun Match, Holiday Edition of Golden Tales Now Available, NEW EVENT: MFGRC To Hold Fun Field Training Day on Dec. 11, Entry Premium Available for Dec. 16 MFGRC Specialty. GRCA is looking for qualified individuals to fill new National Specialty positions, Working together with the NS Committee, GRCA has recently taken additional steps to assume management of future National Specialties. As Show Chair, there were adjustments made on the fly and these were handled quite well. Immediately after the Golden Retriever National Specialty, I was personally exhausted. llustrated Study Guide Understanding the Breed Standard, Year-End Statistics Conformation, Field, Obedience, and Agility, Legislative Matters and GRCA Position Statements, GRCA Puppy Referral Manual For Member Clubs, Applications: For Certain Trophies & Awards, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club (USA), New Enthusiasts: Information and Support, 2014 YEAR END Agility Statistics for Golden Retrievers (GRNews), LIFETIME Agility Statistics 2014 (GRNews), 2014 Year End Conformation Statistics (GRNews), CCA Certificate of Conformation Assessment, Finding Field Contacts: Mission Impossible? The inaugural National was hosted by the Golden Retriever Club of South Australia and held in the Adelaide Hills in November 1996. This plan would continue in the years following with the goal of maintaining the regional rotation when feasible. '"Golden Retriever Club of America" is a registered trademark Our major events include a Hunt test and regional Specialty (with Greater Pittsburgh Golden Retriever Club) in June, multiple Agility trials per year, and WC/WCX test in the September. (Glenda Brown), TITLES: Field Titles for Golden Retrievers, GRCA & AKC Field Trial Titles & Awards (Jim Pickering), The Super Bowls for Retrievers (Glenda Brown), WC/WCX: GRCAS Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) Program, Application for Clubs to Hold a WC/WCX event ONLINE, Instructions for Submitting an Online WC/WCX Application, Tips for Clubs Holding WC/WCX Tests (Glenda Brown), So You Want a WC or WCX on Your Dog (Ann Strathern), Rules (AKC) Regulations & Guidelines for AKC Hunting Tests for Retrievers, For Clubs Holding Tests Retriever Hunting Test Procedure Manual, Hunting Tests Senior & Master (Glenda Brown), Hunting Test Comparison Charts AKC, CKC, UKC/HRC, and NAHRA, Master National Qualifiers (Finalists) 1991 through 2017, Rules (AKC): Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedures for Retrievers, A Guide to Field Trial Stakes (Jim Pickering), Field Trial Statistics for Golden Retrievers, Year-end 2014 (GRNews), Its Magic! Host Club: New Jersey Pine Barrens Golden Retriever Club Event Date: 06/10/23 Event Time: 9AM Event Location: 627 Hawks Bridge Road, Cameys Point, NJ. Picking the Perfect Hunting/Field Puppy (Ann Strathern), Volhards Puppy Aptitude Testing (Wendy Volhard), Basic Retriever Training Equipment (Glenda Brown), Just Starting Out? Consider contributing to The Golden Retriever Foundation. Then, there are the support activities that are necessary. Some specialty shows may be held in conjunction with an All-Breed event while others are stand-alone events. Our responsibility is to promote the temperament, appearance, soundness, 6600 NW 3rd Place. The national was spread over three sites, to enable us to offer the full variety of events. Our website was handled by Rob Bedford, and social media (Facebook, etc.) Bred by: Diane Casey. Copyright 2015 Golden Retriever Club of America. 6600 NW 3rd Place. Right (Glenda Brown), Selecting a Field Trainer (Kathryn Newman), Tips to Become a Better Handler While Training (Dennis Voigt), Why I Hunt My Performance Goldens (John Robinson), Getting Started in Junior Showmanship Competition (AKC), 2104 Year End Obedience Statistics for Golden Retrievers (GRNews), Dog Training Articles by Connie Cleveland, Raising A New Puppy: Part III Kindergarten (3-5 Months), About the GRCA Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC), Past GRCA National Specialty Winners by decade since 1940, Golden Retriever Club of America Past National Specialty Winners, National and Regional Hosts and General Chairs. Whether you are looking for a Flat-Coated Retriever or already own one or more of this versatile breed, we have much information in store for you. Pacific Time unless otherwise noted. BRUTUS - CURRENT SIRE It's a jam packed schedule with titles galore! natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. All Rights Reserved. Specialty shows are events limited to a single breed, e.g. Since we also had to do grooming under tents at the fairgrounds, Cappi Mercer handled the reservations and organization of that area. Washington DC web design company, Tarheel GRC Specialties Pinehurst, NC May 5-7, 2023 Friday 5/5 Independent Specialty Ms. Linda Willard Sweepstakes Ms. Lynn Tribble Saturday 5/6 Designated Specialty Mr. Terry Stacy Sunday 5/7 Supported Entry Mr. Gary Andersen, Club Name: Mid-Fl Golden Retriever Club Event Date: 05/07/2023 Event Time: 9AM Location: MADTA. They deserve a big thanks for the very good job they did! The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. Williamston, MI 6600 NW 3rd Place. llustrated Study Guide Understanding the Breed Standard, Year-End Statistics Conformation, Field, Obedience, and Agility, Legislative Matters and GRCA Position Statements, GRCA Puppy Referral Manual For Member Clubs, Applications: For Certain Trophies & Awards. . During that time, they have both owner-handled dogs to championships, and Peg has been heavily involved with training their dogs in all areas of performance. The Golden Retriever Club of America held their National Specialty hosted by the Central Oklahoma Golden Retriever Club on the Groendyke's Ranch just out of Enid, Oklahoma. Don was President of Cuyahoga Valley GRC many years ago and he chaired the GRCA National Specialty back in 2003. Showsight may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. '"Golden Retriever Club of America" is a registered trademark I have mentioned the event chairs below and the work that they have done, but the other support activities were also a mountain of work. 2022 Golden Retriever Club of America National Speciality. The Specialty will be held October 22-30, with indoor events at the World Equestrian Center. Monroe, MI September, 2022 . Copyright 2015 Golden Retriever Club of America. of the Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc.' . Premiums are posted no later than 3 days before Entries Open Date) *Club-provided onsite show secretary. Dogs Compete in AKC Events. Site Designed by DC Web Designers, a GRCA also had an educational seminar at the National concerning genetics. Vendors were secured and handled by Megan McClung so that our attendees had a variety of goodies to purchase at the event. Interview with Owner Handler Tracy Kaecker, Interview with Owner Handler Dawn Johnson. Flight 1: ClubName: Golden Retriever Club of America Event Date: 09/13/2023 Event Time: 8AM Event Location: Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR.
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