40K 67.8K 2 episodes / month Avg Length 34 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, After being censored on every other platform, a laymen's political podcast by conservative working men has become a bastion of free speech. Even longtime noncommercial progressive talk outlet Pacifica found itself in serious financial difficulties, being forced to end local operations of its New York outlet WBAI in 2019 (then forced to resume them after the station's workers revolted). KATIE THORNTON: And my car radio dial- only one station was strong enough for it to pick up. The WNBA needs the names of the little girls. Some preachers are saying we are now under judgement because of legalizing Gay Marriage and Abortion, etc. [6] The conflict started when Savage decided to move the live broadcast of his show, The Savage Nation, from his original 6-9 p.m. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. Although because of who we are we find ourselves ranting on anything that is political news, then again who knows.Merchandise badgerstateresista.. 3 episodes / week Avg Length 38 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Phoenix, Arizona, US Conservative talk show with Republican rascal and raconteur, syndicated columnist T.W. A self-styled "right-wing religious fanatic'' radio host from Colorado has died due to complications from Covid-19, according to reports. Another anti-vax right-wing talk show host died last week the fifth in six weeks displaying a clear pattern as each death was linked by the fateful common truth that they all refused to . Ranking is based on relevancy, blog post frequency(freshness), social metrics, domain authority, traffic and many other parameters. BILLY CRONE: The COVID plandemic - this has been the biggest global dry run to prepare the world to receive the mark of the beast in the seven-year tribulation in the history of mankind. In that position for over a decade, by this point classic hits disc jockey Tom Kent had surpassed Limbaugh estimating he had nearly 10 million more listeners across his numerous programs; though unlike Limbaugh, Kent hosts multiple shows, tallying at least 50 hours a week on air, spanning numerous formats from classic hits to top-40 radio, as opposed to Limbaugh's singular three-hour daily program. You know, you're close to the hosts. In our nation, it IS that Tipping Point. These are the ones we need to remember. In a December 9, 2020 show, Limbaugh declared, "I actually think that we're trending toward secession", and the next day said, "I am not advocating it [secession], have not advocated it, never have advocated it, and probably wouldn't". Get access to 250k active Bloggers, Podcasters, Youtubers, and Instagram Influencers in 1500 niche categories. Liberal Talk Coming to Waukesha. iheart.com/podcast.. 381.7K 159.4K 16 episodes / week Avg Length 38 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, US The Hodgetwins known for their political humor from social media discuss current political events in the greatest country ever created. Stephen Baldwin Glenn Beck Michael Berry (radio host) Paul Bettencourt Bob Bird (politician) Bob Grant (radio host) Neal Boortz Tammy Bruce Rich Buhler Alan Burke C Pat Campbell (broadcaster) Simon Conway Monica Crowley D Jerry Doyle E Larry Elder Bob Enyart F Barry Farber Dick Farrel G Steve Gill Helen Glover (Survivor contestant) David L. Gray H PurcellPolitical issues of the day are discussed along with the posted topic. Blue Collar Black Listed - A Blue Collar Take on America's Political Disarray. A movement to bring justice to these children is a movement everyone regardless of political view, race or creed can support. How do we stop it?? THORNTON: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Bob Brinker Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. spreaker.com/show/.. 11.5K 1.9M 236.9K 4 episodes / week Avg Length 54 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, In each episode, Dr. Sebastian Gorka will inform you about the Leftist assault on our traditional values and he will define how we win against them. conservativeminds 177 372 1 episode / quarter Avg Length 44 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Feedspot has a team of over 50 experts whose goal is to discover and rank blogs, podcasts and youtube channels in several niche categories. Here's how it went", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Conservative_talk_radio&oldid=1138082607, Articles needing additional references from September 2021, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "It is time to rip and claw and rake, It is time to go to war, as the left went to war four years ago." Thank you. I know a lot of people - oh, my God, this is racist. I was sort of expecting to get sort of a wall of professionalism, you know, a lot of sort of media-trained PR speak, in a way. (SOUNDBITE OF RADIO SHOW, "THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW"). Thanks so much. as an articulation of the need for right-wing (i.e., unbiased) media, and as a mechanism by which any criticism or refutation of conservative ideas could be dismissed (either as biased . You think thats funny? Supply risk is a recurring problem in the purchasing process. But they're also just really good at talking off the cuff, at sort of taking a germ of truth and a germ of a critique that many people sort of across the political spectrum might have and really turning it to their perspective, offering the sole solution. LIMBAUGH: Let me put it to you this way. There is a lot of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Yeah . [8], Limbaugh continued to dwell on Fluke and her alleged sex life the next day with him saying things like if his daughter had testified that "she's having so much sex she can't pay for it and wants a new welfare program to pay for it", he would be "embarrassed" and "disconnect the phone", "go into hiding", and "hope the media didn't find me". May the Gadsden Fly Forever. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues. We. No, it's not. And now, they have a podcast! Something that I think is on one hand daunting and on one hand very exciting is that radio is still - you know, consistently ranks as the most trusted medium in America. No, no, it's not. Bernie & Sid [19] NPR's drive time programs, Morning Edition and All Things Considered, surpassed Limbaugh in 2016. Sean Hannity 4. 3. Mike Pence says, I refuse to certify at this very moment the election results of Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. 8. spreaker.com/show/.. 3 episodes / week Avg Length 110 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Red Pill News from RedPill78 features 30-minute news briefs Monday through Thursday. Clyde Lewis 7. Thanks to Talk Stream Live for sharing their annual list. "The Flamethrowers" captures the punch-you-in-the-mouth energy and sound of right-wing talk radio. The Power Hour schaftlein.libsyn.com 541 5 episodes / month Avg Length 34 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Conservative podcast that focuses primarily on Wisconsin politics. Talk radio, has been described as indulging in "edgier" content than network TV conservative political programs on Fox News, etc., which have a broader audience that includes non-right-wing viewers. Create Combine RSS Feeds From Multiple Sources. George Noory 8.. 32. These outlets make for terrific spots for rubes and boobs to go slumming. . Dennis Prager killed in 1919 and the names of 6 children killed in 2020 living in different cities in the US. They are the ones that divide us into categories based on our skin colour, political views and religion preferences. Marc Bernier, a right-wing radio host in Florida who called himself "Mr. Anti-Vax," died from COVID-19 on Saturday after three weeks of mg.show/podcast 3 episodes / week Avg Length 120 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, You know them from their videos, their book, and their time with the President. You know, something that I talked with Phil Boyce about, the senior vice president of talk content at Salem, is, you know, he argued that they're just sharing their opinions. 15. rebelnews.fireside.fm 288.6K 508.9K 1 episode / day Avg Length 47 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars, and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again. A Message for News Outlets and BLM Peaceful Protestors. Get targeted influencers list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign. Smart, musically talented little boy. The people who never get covid Media Four conservative radio talk-show hosts bashed coronavirus vaccines. Conservative firebrand Bob Enyart, the pastor of the Denver Bible Church and indelible talk show host, has died from COVID-19, his radio co-host announced Monday on Facebook. e.g. I don't want to hear about the EPA or the Department of Energy. Cumulus Media, a talk radio company with a roster of popular right-wing personalities, including Dan Bongino, Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro, has ordered its employees at 416 [] No BS. On 'Verdict with Ted Cruz,' you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country. And something I mentioned was that when I listen to conservative talk radio, I don't hear these perspectives shared as opinions. Several online and social media campaigns were created such as a Flush Rush group[9] on Facebook and the Stop Rush database. Copyright 2023 NPR. Michael Vara Howard Stern $95 M The off-beat and off-color Stern is dragging out his eight-digit contract battle with Sirius XM Radio, positioning himself as the main draw for the company's 27 million. 49. Hugh Hewitt is good at what he does. Report Podcast is rapidly growing. Until then MAGA 2022 wave is coming and hopefully the trash gets washed away in the tide. With this caption. (, Since stealing elections "is becoming the norm for the, "I will never surrender and collapse and act as if it's OK when hundreds of thousands have voted illegally." A FLORIDA radio host who blasted Anthony Fauci and coronavirus vaccines has died from Covid-19. He gained national recognition after hosting the popular singing competition TV series, American Idol. 1. Then they got sick. Now more than ever, Generation Z is in desperate need of a voice. Today, Clear Channel either owns or programs most of the nation's 58 strongest, 50,000-watt AM radio stations, liberally stocking them with right-wing talk shows. And they are the focus of a podcast series, "Divided Dial," hosted by Katie Thornton. He also has great guests, including Tucker Carlson, Victor Davis Hanson, Dinesh D'Souza, Gad Saad, and more. podcasts.apple.com.. 2 episodes / week Avg Length 64 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Real America with Dan Ball brings you the latest political headlines, by interviewing newsmakers of the day, including politicians, lawmakers, pundits, celebrities, and social media influencers. April 15, 2022 By Ryan Hedrick The 2022 Talkers "Heavy Hundred" list features a familiar name at the top. Hamill, a straight shooter, is not afraid to tell you what she thinks. They're just saying things, in some or many cases, rather than saying what they believe. Rob McConnell [8], So, Ms. mikechurch.com/cat.. 19.6K 2 episodes / week Avg Length 30 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, US Millennials, as we know, are wildly liberal. We're making a lot of progress, actually. 44. Listeners of conservative talk radio in the United States have predominantly been white and religious Americans as they are more prone to being ideological conservatives. podcasts.apple.com.. 719.9K 491.1K 3 episodes / week Avg Length 96 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, In Focus, hosted by Stephanie Hamill explores the top issues and stories of the day using insight and humor cultivated from many years of reporting the news and covering politics. Join Scott and Kellie as they run through news and provide their insight and opinions on the political happenings in the United States. Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh died last week.. Whatever you think of Limbaugh, he was the face of modern right-wing radio and his success coincided with a conservative takeover of an important but . I think as conservatives we often aren't able to clearly explain our beliefs and what it really means to be a conservative, so there will be shows dedicated to conservatism itself, national and world history that relates to why conservatism is the right ideology to follow, and I also want to have some shows that focus only on good news, as so much of what we hear now is relentlessly negative. Report is a quality Conservative podcast. You can bring important issues to the attention of talk show hosts resulting in thousands or millions of people being informed. Tune in and have a listen to the podcast! Heather Wade It brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. The killers are out there. fidespodcast.buzzs.. 38 173 1 episode / day Avg Length 33 min Jun 2020 Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, A conversational podcast where current events get broken down and modern culture is examined through the lens of Conservative, Christian Values! And I started to think about what sort of options people have to listen to on the radio dial and how it might be shaping their worldview and their political view. In the future just accuse them of having Christophobia and say they have a fear of Christ & Christians! Build the wall. Also in Political Talk Shows audioboom.com/chan.. 6K 566 10 episodes / year Avg Length 53 min Jan 2021 Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Pennsylvania, US Welcome to Conservative Minds is a podcast dedicated to examining conservative intellectual history to determine the core values of American conservatism. By Paul Farhi September 1, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. EDT Marc Bernier,. Robinson . I don't want to hear about Biden's overreach. 24. George Noory Michael Medved And I think they lost because right-wing talk radio just destroyed that candidacy. redcircle.com/show.. 150 2 episodes / quarter Avg Length 53 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, The Conservative Business Journal podcast is hosted by John Di Lemme - speaker, author, capitalism strategist, conservative political commentator, and founder of the Conservative Business Journal. Bob Enyart, 62, was both a pastor at the Denver . [13], On that day, Limbaugh made a public apology on his show, stating that " My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. No doubt whatsoever." Sean Hannity Also in OANN Podcasts spreaker.com/show/.. 11.4K 1.9M 2 episodes / week Avg Length 61 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Best-selling author and documentarian Dinesh D'Souza provides enlightened conversations about politics, history, philosophy, literature, and much more. It's Raisa Gorbachev. The NFL, all too often, looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. anchor.fm/country-.. 9 episodes / year Avg Length 22 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, This podcast explores the current political environment in America with a focus on North Carolina. Look no further as The Conservative Connection ushers in a new era of conservative politics that defies the media status quo. And no fear. By the 1980s, AM radio was in severe decline. 11. So just keep it up. Every news outlet should roll these childrens names across their screen every day. Get the real news, none of the fake media spin. Radio Ink is a radio-industry trade publication that is published 12 times a year for the radio management sector of the radio broadcasting industry. Join us LIVE every weekday at 3 pm. omny.fm/shows/the-.. 1.9K 2M 2 episodes / day Avg Length 43 min Play Listen on Add Links Get Email Contact More, Welcome to the Wayne Dupree Show. The nation's top-100 talk radio hosts have been named by Talkers Magazine, an industry source which bases its decision on many factors, including ratings, as well as courage, effort, impact,. (SOUNDBITE OF PODCAST, "THE CHARLIE KIRK SHOW"). Joe Piscopo You wont hear that kind of garbage on conservative broadcast. Diamond and Silk are going to bring you real stories from real America! Absolutely, there is an ideological motivation, as well.
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