I knew she was a liar. Steven first meets Opal in "Giant Woman". During a brief moment when the possibility of death is very real, Steven expresses no qualms about dying in Peridot's company. After she is free, she warns Steven not to trust the Crystal Gems and walks away. In the episode "Snow Day", it is revealed that Steven has been a vegetarian for about a month, drinks protein shakes for breakfast, has his own skin-care routine, and avoids too much sugar like the Together Breakfast, indicating a healthier lifestyle than what he had in the original series. He possesses Steven's compassion and humanity as shown when he demands his Gem counterpart to stop hurting White Diamond and the Gems under her control. I could literally squish you right now, it would not be hard! Like his guilt over Rose, he tries to keep these worries secluded in his heart and to not think about it, convincing himself he had no other choice. However, upon seeing each other at the party, tension and uncertainty between them (due to Steven believing that Connie's new look was a sign that she had decided to move on from him, and Connie presumably being uncertain of what Steven thinks of her after unintentionally leaving him completely in the dark during the duration of their estrangement) prevent them from reconciling immediately. "Little Graduation" shows Steven is shocked and somewhat saddened by the fact that Sadie and Lars have grown apart and she is now dating Shep. Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond, Fusion Gems: Fluorite Rhodonite "Earthlings" highlights their bond as he explains that he is just like her, that they are not like anybody else as they are both different from normal Gems, and asks her to stop shutting him out, which leads them to fuse into Smoky Quartz. The oldest of them is Pearl, who claims to have fought in the war when she was over five thousand years old. Throughout the show, he's put everyone else first, and his main goal has been to become the person his family wants him to be. She also sticks up for him when the Gems begin asking him multiple questions on what's happened over the past three days. Sadie is one of Steven's friends who, unlike her co-worker Lars, is friendly, considerate, and affectionate towards Steven. After Peridot steps out in the rain, she claims she has made up her mind about telling information about the Cluster, leading to Steven permitting to go to the Prime Kindergarten only if they hold hands the entire way, due to Steven having to watch over her. He is the monstrous form of Steven Universe after giving in to his inner turmoil and turning to the dark side. The final battle with Spinel in Steven Universe: The Movie shows him at the peak of his abilities as he fights her one on one, showing that he has grown exceptionally skilled since he was a child, able to either withstand or counter everything Spinel throws at him. But this is just so much. Steven Universe Occupation leader of the Crystal Gems Powers/Skills High intelligence Shape-shifting Fusing Summoning Gaunlet Precognition Super Strength Electrokinesis Lava Immunity Hobby Helping and teaching Steven Protecting Beach City Goals He also looks to Greg for advice on life, Gem affairs, and the like. After a frustrated Connie leaves on an equally upset Lion and stops responding to Steven's texts afterward, Steven becomes afraid that she hates him now. She also attempts to stop Steven from freeing the bubbled Crystal Gems, but fails and is attacked by Blue. During this time, Steven finally told her that he is not Rose and gave her his real name but she still called him Rose before she was corrupted. He believes that he can't tell Pearl anything without her blaming herself and falling apart, that Garnet acts "high and mighty" and lectures him, and that Amethyst is only "acting" mature and needs to get over herself. From shortest to tallest.E. A great example is in "Bismuth" and throws something at her and yells, "Look out!" Since Steven's biological age can be controlled by his state of mind, he possibly could live forever just like the other Crystal Gems if he learned how to control this ability. I just wanted to save everyone, but I couldn't even do that because look -- you're still here. Steven is rather naive and socially oblivious due to his isolated upbringing. White Diamond continuously chastises him for encouraging other Gems to bring out their flaws and even suggests that Pink Diamond and Steven are the same. The extent of the bubble's durability is unknown, although it has survived most of the following: The tremendous pressure of an ocean trench ("Bubble Buddies"). Steven rejects the offer but affirms that he won't try to talk to her and Peridot out of it if they don't feel safe on Earth. "The Future", taking place a few months later, reveals Steven is in a better place thanks to both his loved ones and therapy and has made plans to leave Beach City to see the world and make his own destiny like his father, leaving Greg his old room. Spinel is the main antagonist of Steven Universe: The Movie and a supporting character in Steven Universe Future.. She was created 6,000 years prior to the events of the movie to comfort the lonely Pink Diamond, who had lost her first Pearl to White Diamond.The two would play in Pink's garden until she was finally given a colony.At this point, Pink outgrew Spinel and abandoned her under the . They eventually find a way to connect, and Lars gets on better terms with Steven. After an explanation of why they reacted nonchalantly to Steven's departure and assuring they'll always be there for him, Pearl gives a tearful goodbye to Steven as he leaves Beach City. After all three of them are back in Beach City, Steven expresses remorse over not being able to heal Pink Pearl's eye, feeling the mission was for nothing but Mega Pearl puts a smile on his face when she told him the both Pearls understand Pink Diamond beter and they now have each other. Noticing his half-hearted efforts to cooperate, he is infuriated but finds out of his jealousy of always helping people. Steven first meets Sugilite when he and the Crystal Gems went on a mission to destroy the Communication Hub. However, he gets angry when Pink Pearl reveals that her cracked eye was Pink Diamond's doing, as he does not want to keep having to fix her mistakes, but keeps his anger under control. The skin and hair have bright orange markings, which appear to . It is shown that Steven respects her as he always listens whenever she speaks. Unfortunately, this has also gotten him in trouble as shown in "Bubbled" and "Room for Ruby" in which trying to befriend "Eyeball" and accept "Navy" as a Crystal Gem ended badly: "Eyeball" tried to kill him when she believed he was Rose Quartz due to his healing powers and "Navy" turned out to have been lying in revenge. even more so once they are trapped in the bubble because he is trying to stay calm, but he's able to relax more once he gives Connie her glow bracelet. Though Steven tries to reform her despite initially not trusting her when she visits his house as Bluebird, she rejects his attempts and reaffirms her hatred of him after she and "Eyeball" are defeated by Alexandrite, fleeing with "Eyeball" soon after. Now let's list all the known fusions: Garnet, Opal, Rainbow Quartz, Sardonyx, Malachite, Sugilite, Alexandrite. After the proposal fails, Steven allows Connie to ride Lion back home. He has also started coming to terms with suppressed trauma that he has built up over the course of his years of adventures and near-death experiences with Gems. Aquamarine says she's skeptical of how "a Steven" could also be a "My-Dad", but she accepts it because she wants to leave. After Rose Quartz gave up her physical form to give birth to her son, Steven Universe . Where is Pink?! Steven is fully aware that the Gems have portrayed Rose as a perfect and loving being, but he knows there is much more to her. In "Are You My Dad?" I finally know the truth. In "Little Homeschool" Steven attempts to get Jasper to join him and the rest of the uncorrupted Gems at their school, to which the latter turns down the offer. And that's why I'm here, isn't it? Upon her resurrections by Steven, Jasper acknowledges his power and pledges servitude to him as her diamond. However, in "Reunited", Lapis returns to help Steven and the Crystal Gems fight against Yellow and Blue Diamond, dropping the Barn on top of the latter. In "Change Your Mind", the first thing Steven does when he gets home is rush to hug Greg, knocking him onto the ground out of pure joy and happiness to be reunited with his father once more. When Steven expresses his disgust in this, Peridot attempts to leave, hurt. I understand. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven expresses disappointment towards her after finding out about her abandoning Spinel. Although Steven attempts to reform her despite not trusting her when she showed up at his house as Bluebird, she rejects his attempts after being defeated by Alexandrite and reaffirms her hatred towards him, fleeing with Aquamarine afterward. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Connie and Steven have known each other for well over three years, and their relationship has grown, to the point where Connie is comfortable with staying at his house without him around (something she mentioned in "Ocean Gem" that she wasn't comfortable doing). Pouinki_458 5 yr. ago. However, after confronting his irrational desire to keep all of his friends close, Steven comes to accept Sadie is happy with Shep and should be allowed to live her own life. The advice, however, backfires, instead agitating Connie to the point where she believes that Steven has given up on making amends with her after being unintentionally ignored for so long, and has decided not only to permanently cut her from his life, but to also replace her with Kevin as his best friend, and nearly leaves distraught at this. "The Trial" highlights his resolve to atone for the shattering of Pink Diamond in that he immediately pleads guilty knowing that he would be executed. Peedee is Steven's friend whom he helped out in the episode "Frybo". After thinking for a while, Steven tells Aquamarine that he is not "My-Dad", which frustrates her, but Rose Quartz, which then shocks Aquamarine. I added some easter eggs in there, but this time no clues cuz some of y'all didn't like that last time. He then takes him to Greg and Bismuth and watches as Steven relays a message to them for help before returning to his own body. Blue and Yellow Pearl: *laugh* Steven to Blue and Yellow Pearl. I'm coming with you. In "Ocean Gem", Steven is the one who insists on speaking to her and gets angry when she refuses to do so and hurts him and his friends. Rose's Room: Cloud Connie Tiny Floating Whale Another example is that when Connie introduces Steven to her favorite novel series, Steven had no idea about the order of the books in the series and was reading them out of order. Steven: I feel confused. During this time he also says his "last words", which are "I love you, Peridot" to her, showing his care for her. In "Steven's Dream" he argues with Garnet for not telling him why he shouldn't find the broken Palanquin, figure out his dream and learn why he is shedding a constant flow of tears. He is friendly toward almost everyone he meets (even to his detriment), rarely holds grudges, and is non-discriminatory, never treating anyone with prejudice, even enemies. Everyone then embraces Steven in a group hug and assures him that he is loved no matter what, and Connie herself promises that everyone will take of him just as he has done for them for so long, and kisses him on the bridge of his nose, causing him to start crying. Upon returning home, Greg comforts his son and assures him that mistakes are a part of life and that he will be there for his son when he needs him. While he was only a child, Steven steadily grew from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into the heart of the team thanks to his kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness. A flash of light appears, and Steven reverts to his normal state and finally breaks down emotionally as Connie looks on lovingly with everyone else. Sapphire even goes so far as to cry herself, out of guilt. He is also quick to open up to her about his feelings towards his mother and remarks that he is glad she is with them. Now, they've come to Earth for their revenge! Eventually, he apologizes to the three of them, and after "Shy" Rose Quartz empathizes with him over Pink Diamond, he settles on a sibling-like relationship with them as they were created by Pink like he was. After curing corruption alongside Blue and White, she directs a "peace" sign towards Steven using her ship before leaving for Homeworld. When it is indicated that Rose Quartz may not be responsible for Pink Diamond's death, Blue Diamond showed shock at the accusation that a Diamond was likely responsible. In "Lars' Head", after Steven finally returns to Earth, Steven tells Connie and the other Gems and Greg that he is back as Connie runs up to hug him along with the Gems and Greg. Aliens: Beetle Aliens Bird Blob Aliens Ungulate Aliens Worm Aliens Flower-Like Aliens Minor Alien Characters, Camp Pining Hearts: Paulette Percy Pierre The Diamonds then arrive, ready to confront Steven about where they will live, and Steven introduces Spinel to them, thus giving her the new friends he promised. During this, she becomes shocked to learn that Steven never told the Gems about going to the hospital, and is even more shocked when he reveals that he shattered Jasper and nearly did the same to White Diamond. I'm supposed to be better! Rewatching season 2 of SU and making a drawing based on one of the episodes I watched that day, episodes 19-20 day 11: PIE-RIDOT!! It is a circular, magenta gemstone with a pentagonal facet. In "Sworn to the Sword", it is shown that Steven and Connie function extremely well in combat as a team, with Steven defending Connie with his shield and protective bubble while Connie attacks using her sword-fighting skills. Rose Quartz. Alright, first let's list all the characters that have been fusions by height (minus Steven because he's only half): Ruby. Being curious I decided to throw this together. In "Little Graduation", Steven is shocked to know that Lars and Sadie have grown apart, and also due to Lars' upcoming departure, he lashes out at Lars and subsequently loses control of his own powers. In "Beach City Drift", it reveals that his negative experience with Kevin in "Alone Together" as Stevonnie carried over to Steven full-force, being one of the few characters in the series Steven possesses hostility towards. After Topaz reveals that Lars is still on the ship, Steven tells Aquamarine the deal is off, which only results in Aquamarine taunting him, even pointing at her tear-shaped gem and saying "Look, I'm so moved I'm crying. You're nothing like Jasper! "Same Old World" expands on their relationship as Steven helps Lapis find a home on Earth. The only problem with that is that now White smothers him with attention, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. Immediately after, Steven retains his kind and remorseful attributes as shown when he brings Jasper's gemstone shards home after calming down from his battle high and uses his and the Diamonds' essences to restore it. After hearing Greg openly state the lack of freedom and choices he had living with his parents, Steven rejects his points, saying that he had a normal life and was able to enjoy things Steven never could. However, in "Can't Go Back", Lapis admits to Steven that she misses Peridot and regrets leaving due to feeling so lonely. "Prickly Pair" shows that Steven has hidden issues with each of the Gems he has never talked about. It is there that Onion shows Steven around his room, inviting him to feed his pet snake and show Steven his collection of G.U.Y.S. From what Pearl and the other Diamonds have told him, and from White's reaction to his arrival on Homeworld, Steven appears uneasy and nervous toward White Diamond during their first meeting in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". This also displays a ruthless and darker Steven as he hones the destructive side of his powers with Jasper's training. However, when Rose Quartz's crime comes into question he is shocked upon the revelation of the flaws in his mother's crime and the possibility of another Diamond being responsible for Pink Diamond's death instead of Rose Quartz. UPDATE: 11/03/2020. it's magic. Steven has never attended a school and before "Nightmare Hospital" had never been in a hospital or had his vitals taken. In "Mindful Education" it is revealed that Steven harbors guilt over the unfortunate events upon Bismuth, Jasper, and "Eyeball". You may be looking for. Using the 3' mark as our gage point (putting it under the feet of the characters) Steven is 5'6" (not counting the Sandals) 1.67m https://ibb.co/M6Gdxwf. This deeply touches Bismuth, who breaks down into tears and says Steven makes her so proud to be a Crystal Gem and that neither she, Lapis, nor Peridot would be who they are without him. ; he later gives Explorer Gal to Steven as a token of their friendship. Steven Quartz Cutie Pie DeMayo Diamond Universe, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), they form, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), Amethyst, and Pearl, they form. And yeah, it sucks. Despite initially being shocked at this revelation he states that he can indeed believe it, given that Spinel is not the only one she wronged, though he doesn't hold it against her, not forgetting that she also suffered before and after what she did to her friend. His posture is heavily hunched over and his anatomy is disproportionate, with a potbelly, a long heavy neck ending in a small head, a short tail, long powerful arms, and relatively short legs.
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