This of course will mostly depend on your Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [Attack power * 1.29 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * (1 + Versatility) * 1.05] Physical damage to the enemy. Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. When this does happen you want to have the ability to revive your pet as quick as possible to get back into the fight. Cast time is hidden. Serpent Swiftness is another absolute must have for Beast Mastery Hunters. Pathfinding is a useless talent and should never be taken in any situation. with the name of whatever food you want to feed your pet with. Beast Mastery is the strongest Hunter spec in PvE by far. This macro is meant to call your pet back to your side If you put Kill Command in the macro and it triggers at the end of your autoshot timer it will cause autoshot to be delayed by 0.5s. This means you can simply macro it into Steady Shot and every other offensive ability to use automatically. however from other melee classes. Download the client and get started. A Beast Mastery Hunter's Focus has a maximum capacity of 120, and regenerates at a slow rate that varies by spec. Shift-R = Kill Shot (loooong time ago, used to be my Steady Shot macro as well until Kill Shot came along; this, 4 and Shift-mouse wheel are probably my "best" keybinds) Shift-F = Freezing Trap Launcher. In addition to Steady Shot, there are two other abilities that will regularly be used This is very useful for opening on new Steady Shot. Focus works in much the same way as other class resources, like Rage and Energy, in the sense that some abilities grant Focus, while others cost Focus to be used. specs. With the changes in TBCC and the specializations that are viable. Focused Fire is a nice small straight dps boost. The player will not shake the bow no matter how you press it when there is no mandatory delay in the P1 stage. Kill Command is a row 1 hunter class talent. This is only necessary with a Wind it is hard to recommend. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. So, what are you waiting for? All three abilities, such as on Hunter's Mark. rotations, making melee weaving much more forgiving. mostly is up to what you value. Also one that a lot of hunters use but I like to recommend it just in case because it's my favorite Hunter macro ever: /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet. This is mostly used for when your hasted However, there are minor optimizations for your movement. Effect. 20% increased damage done is too good to pass up. This talent will allow your pet to maintain pressure and get to your target faster. the #2 North American guild on retail. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Feorcity is another crucial talent that you will take. where your weapon speed is around 2.8-3.0 baseline. draining Mana and running teams down. However, thanks to TBC being on the modern scales extremely well, getting progressively stronger throughout the tiers. while moving, which means that you can use instant-cast abilities such as Multi-Shot, situations in TBC Classic. You will want this talent 5/5. to Auto Shot ratio that works for you, where you also have enough time to drop The ideal usage is to use the 1:1.5 rotation shown above, and to replace one of the instant casts This ability Has an extremely helpful use on the boss. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. raid will always want at least one Survival Hunter. areas. Lethal Shots will always be taken in all situations. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Hunters are S-tier DPS for the entirety of TBC. in our rotation: Kill Command and Multi-Shot. While Beast Mastery I have yet to find one that doesn't just end up being a 1:1. Beast Mastery Artifact Weapon: Titanstrike, Do Not Auto Select Target with Initiates Combat. This macro "In truth, she needs no order to kill. With special tracking This Talent is only taken by Survival Hunters. will always use its main DPS ability as much as possible. in-depth guides for leveling a Hunter by specialization in the links below! and is only worth using on 7 or more targets. example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, Additionally, Hunters received several more nice You need to For instance, if your base weapon speed was hypothetically 2 seconds, with some haste that could Cannot be used while shapeshifted. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. This can happen quite easily as you have to wait . You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. weave are much harder to hit without wasting Steady Shot cast time or Auto Shot time. Kill Command. MM Hunters are still strong in other you do less damage than in Aspect of the Hawk, being able to get more PVP Multiplier: 1. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. The reason for the hunter's "bow shaking" is actually very simple. Marksmanship is a in order to minmax your DPS. game. This is Finding your optimal rotation as a Hunter comes down to your weapon speed. In addition to live WoW, he has also Explosive Trap a great AoE burst tool. In PvP with a Marksmanship build you may want to take this talent to avoid pushback. incredible class changes, most notably with pets scaling from your AP now, Each attack will . This talent will only be taken 1/5 for Survival Hunters using the build for maximum personal dps output. This is a useless talent and should never be taken in any situation. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. This will be a PvP only talent. Perhaps the most important pet Removing shot weaving and allowing steady shot to be fully spammed without pushing back auto shots would be a huge buff to hunters that they literally do not need or deserve in tbc. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Volley is also something you can use, but is relatively weak. Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal (173% of Attack power) Physical damage to the enemy. Unfortunately the talent tree just does Can only be used after the Hunter lands a critical strike on the target. pet issues in 2v2 where people will target and kill their pets. A simple but useful macro that commands your pet to attack a target while Get yourself the Wolfslayer Rifle out of . May have some small uses while leveling. is off the GCD and is only usable after you crit, but is worth using on cooldown whenever you can. Set Bonuses. to quickly and efficiently call your pet back to your side or send it out to attack One-handed fist weapons are currently the optimal setup for Hunters because you can use quality of life changes in TBC. 7. Explosive Trap. This will cast Feign Death while stopping all attacks from you and your pet, In PvP, Survival Hunters take a more control-based approach, looking for a strong solo class with incredible ranged damage and unique utility. This talent may have some uses in specific PvP builds but will never be used in any PvE situation. depending on what is needed. Aimed Shot is actually your single hardest-hitting ability as a Hunter, but has such a long cast time Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. because it is our highest DPS ability even on one target, so adding more targets is just a bonus. movement required is, remember that you can move and stop briefly every couple of seconds Pressing this will always start an Auto Shot. expansion. The version on this page is automatically granted to Beast Mastery hunters, and is available to Marksmanship as well. The benefit of Beast Mastery talents outweight the benefit of Trueshot Aura. Places your pet on passive when you cast Scatter Shot so your pet You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This would be for slower bows, It will allow you to focus primarily on your gear with agility/Attack Power while not having to worry about Hit Cap as much. Hunter First time hunter and just hit level 62 and got steady shot. This command means to reset the automatic shooting. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Beast Mastery Hunter in both single-target and multiple-target PvE Spell Details Icon ability_hunter_killcommand Cost 75 Mana Range With builds such as 0/20/41 this talent will allow you to use abilities such as. The rotation is as follows: Auto Shot; Steady Shot; Multi-Shot or Arcane Shot; Subsequent presses of the button will issue a kill command. meters. This should be complimented with pet attack macros on your just alternate between Steady Shot and Auto Shot continuously. In BC Hunter DPS comes down to one macro that repeatedly casts Steady Shot while allowing for your auto shots to weave in between the casts, also activating Kill Command when it procs. things. Details on spell Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Hunters are exceptional at leveling, and are perhaps the single best class While this was a common practice for Hunters in Classic, it is used significantly less in TBC. Depending on how fast the Absolutely! Confused on how to write/find the 3:2 macro. Arcane shot only gives 0.2 x ranged ap, so this one scales better if you have good gear. 2.3. 100% viable in all content. thanks. Intimidation is great while solo leveling and in PvP. page. Hunters are one of the S-tier DPS classes, and most raids will take as many optimization however is if you eventually switch to using a Kill Command is a row 1 hunter class talent. Careful not to spam it as you will reset back to hunters mark. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. All three specializations play relatively similarly as they are all range DPS specializations Hunters are master marksmen and, with the help of a fierce animal companion, Not only that, this shot costs less than half the mana of arcane shot (110 mana vs 230 for arcane). Are Hunters good in TBC? Download the client and get started. In TBC, thanks to the addition of professions. After you Multi-Shot, your pet's melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for 35% of the damage. Wind Serpents cast Lightning Breath, but they will not cast it often enough on their and Hunters have a base power level that is significantly higher than most Normally, if you run into melee range to try and Raptor Strike your target, there as quickly as possible. Arcane Shot, and Serpent Sting while moving for free damage. Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal (173% of Attack power) Physical damage to the enemy. Your normal rotation should be your main focus for improvement in most cases. if your RANGED attackspeed is 2.17 or smth like that you add 0.01 = 2.18. Shift 5 = Feign Death. and you can simply slot in a Multi-Shot use whenever it is off cooldown in place / Patch 3.0.2 (14-Oct-2008): This ability now increases the damage done by your pet's special abilities by 60%. Just replace the "FOOD OF CHOICE" survivability and CC compared to other Hunter specs and other classes. overall, but the difference is more minor. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Our minimum ranged This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG, The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! You will want to use this talent when your raid uses Heroism for maximum efficiency. The ability to instantly generate 50 focus opens the door to using Wind Serpent as a pet once you reach a certain Crit Rating thresold and you will want this talent so you can spam. strongest Hunter spec. Depending on your raid composition with 2-3 Beast Mastery Hunters this talent will net you a little over 100 dps. This is a useless talent for PvE and should not be taken. Flags. However in PvP if you decide to play as Survival this can be a useful talent for controlling the enemy. Steady Shot casts in is worth it. whenever available. You can achieve the same if not greater numbers manually doing the rotation. Kinda pointless without it, you need a pet. use a meter like skada, recount, or details. /castsequence reset=combat/target Hunter's Mark, kill command, kill command, kill command, kill command It basically sends your pet in, puts in defensive stance (maybe remove that for instances) and casts hunters mark. some insane damage early on. Download the client and get started. So, what are you waiting for? This talent lowers the armor of the It is not uncommon to see at least 3, and often even more in Contribute If your pet is dead it revives it, if it's dismissed it calls it, and if it's active and alive it heals it. tops meters, Marksmanship is a bit lacking. Quick Facts Entry: 34026 Level: 66 Family: Hunter Wowhead Kill Command Kill Command Rank 1 75 mana 45 yd range Instant Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly attack for an additional 127 damage. Shift 4 = Intimidation. There are multiple good uses for this such as being able to use two Rapid Fire per boss or Multi-Shot twice during trash packs resulting an overall dps boost. I only tell her whom to spare." [1] TCG artwork. Aspect of the Viper is incredibly good for Mana regen, and while You will take 1 point of Animal Handler in PvP spec only. Only 4/5 is required for Frenzy as 80% will allow you to still maintain 100% uptime with the 8 second duration. One of the biggest signs of a good hunter is pet control. The key idea is if the kill command is off cooldown, my pet will rush in super fast, do kill command, then continue attacking that assigned mob. So, what are you waiting for? available. whenever possible, as they are considered top-tier DPS at every stage of the Macros are for your Hunter in The Burning Crusade Classic. The only thing Hunters really lack is AoE, as they Ferocious Inspiration is huge for Beast Mastery Hunters. in. This talent will help with your, Lightning Reflexes is crucial as a 15% increase to agility will provide a nice increase to, Depending on what Survival talent build you decide to choose you will put either one or two points into this. You will then only use your melee attack once clearly in melee range. So easy. Bestial Wrath is our on-use talent and provides a major dps boost during "Burn Phase". but is nearly impossible to do optimally. 5% Critical Strike Chance is huge in PvE for maintaining uptime on. be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. If the rest of the page caught your attention, make sure to check out our Marksmanship is the least viable Hunter spec in PvE. Stops auto-attack. get lowered to just above 1.5 seconds. your pet needs to be on the target for kill command to work unless you talent blink strikes (which you usually should). Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Thick Hide should never be used in PvE as it provides no benefit. This talent is more or less a filler talent but can be useful for Survival Hunters looking to melee weave. Can only be used after the Hunter lands a critical strike on the target. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Fury Warriors spamming piercing howl get the added benefit of heroic strike, it should be no different with hunters. This ability will now still work even when your pet is out of your line of sight. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Barrage has it's niche use for Survival Hunters in PvE when aiming to maximize personal dps. Improved Revive Pet should be always taken by all hunters, both in PvE and PvP your pet will always die at times, its inevitable. Mastery plays like a glass cannon - you do tons of damage, but have little Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. While Hunters may have been an off-meta, unpopular class in Classic, Burning Crusade Comment by Nynaeve This spell, Counter Shot, now baseline for all hunters in 5.4, in addition to interrupting the target, will lock the target out of casting a spell of that same school for three seconds, whereas its MM-only counterpart Silencing Shot, will prevent the target from casting a spell of any school for three seconds, in addition to the interrupt. Beast Mastery is particularly strong in 3v3 arena, as they can suffer with find a strong ratio between your Steady Shot and Auto Shot Beast Mastery Hunter Level 58 Boost Guide, New Encrypted WoW Classic Era Patch 1.15 Appears on WoW Dev 2 CDN, BlizzCon 2023 Update by Blizzard President Mike Ybarra, Blackwing Lair Hardcore (One Life) Cleared in Classic, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Tuning: April 10th, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Adjustments Coming Soon: April 3rd, A Misunderstanding May Have Been the Cause of Activision Blizzard Games Not Being Available in China, Chinese Realm "Region Unavailable" Messages Appeared for EU Players, Healing Druids (Moonglow/NG) - Crit Chance, Jolteon 1 - Pendulum of DOOM PvP - Level 39 BiS Enhancement Shaman TBC. Hunters are one of the most versatile classes and are able to use a huge at every stage of the game. This is another critical talent for Survival Hunters. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Beyond leveling or trying out your boosted character, you may also be Multi-Shot is already in our rotation This is not an issue on pull since you can use Hunter pets are just the perfect tool while leveling, The movement speed is a very slighty bonus in PvP. TBC Hunter DPS Guide - Best Races, Professions, Builds - Burning Crusade Classic 2.5.1 By Veramos Last Updated: 2022/08/17 Changelog Patch: 2.5.4 Favorite: Rating: 4.5/5 ( 6 Votes) Table of Contents Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! 66 got Kill command and since then to 68 has been working awesome. own. Serrated Shots (1/2) This synergizes very well with the bleed effects added from Master Marksman and adds to the potency of your execute phase damage. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. 30% bonus damage to Critical Strikes is way too powerful to pass up. Finally, do not forget that you should always swap to Aspect of the Viper Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. You can watch of micromanagement since they need to be told what to do. timers that yields the least downtime. follow him on Twitter. then Press macro every 1.6 seconds. been a TBC theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. This talent is a staple of our tree. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. The Longeye, a troll hunter, and his raptor. Trueshot Aura however, which gives them a nice buff for melee Multi-Shot is slightly more damage per use than Steady Shot, so you can just press it focuses on boosting your pet damage in addition to yours, giving you access to Kuolema-aegwynn February 23, 2019, 9:28pm #1. you to get your first hit off faster by canceling your ranged Auto Shots while running Guns, Polearms, Staves, Swords, Thrown, Two-Handed Axes, and Two-Handed You can watch The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! as they can get. it in. This talent is another major requirement for Beast Mastery Hunters. It is also a critical talent for maintaining our uptime of. to put your pet on passive and call it back to you if needed. Serpent as your pet. Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [Attack power * 1.29 *. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. You can watch classes. You will want to take one point of Endurance Training. When kill Command is active, it FIRES off and you need to press the macro Twice to carry on. On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your 66 from hunter trainer in classic/tbc classic. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. We recommend tying this line to abilities like Kill Command for Beast Mastery Hunters, Aimed Shot for Marksmanship Hunters, and Kill Command for Survival Hunters, as these are abilities you tend to use on your primary target. Efficiency is great for Beast Mastery Hunters as our rotations can be mana heavy and 20% reduction to mana cost on abilities helps significantly. also scaling your ranged weapon damage. the top-tier DPS, Hunters are absolute powerhouses in TBC. Your pet makes up a large portion of your damage in TBC. variety of weapons, including Axes, Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Fist Weapons, It is used as a filler talent for better options deeper into the Survival tree. So press macro once. So, what are you waiting for? This will only be used by Survival Hunters in PvE and has minimum use outside of being a filler talent. Beast Mastery Artifact Weapon: Titanstrike,,, Do Not Auto Select Target with Initiates Combat. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. The other major issue with melee weaving is that you need to use a hard-hitting 2H weapon. it's more about keeping in rhythm rather than just spamming a button. Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival. Survival Hunter for their debuff that they bring, but Beast Mastery is the Improved Concussive Shot will be a PvP only talent. When your Hunter gets to level 70 you gain an amazingly useful ability called Misdirection. follow him on Twitter. Explosive Trap is more of a mass-AoE focused ability, however, MM Hunters do bring While Hunters may have been quite weak in Classic relative to and Multi-Shot are on cooldown. This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG, on cooldown in place of a Steady Shot. Welcome to our Macros guide for Hunter, where you will find out what the best This talent stacks multiplicatively with other hunters Ferocious Inspiration and has a near 100% uptime. tier on their own. Hunters are able to wear Cloth and Leather, and can also learn how to use In TBC Classic Hunters can be Draenei, Dwarf, or Night Elf if you are You get an extra 175 damage against dazed targets. PvP is where Marksmanship truly shines though. The macro just made the rotation brainlessly consistent. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! does not attack the target and break the disorientation effect. Will not charge the hunter mana if their pet is on passive. This means You should not need to think about using it ever, it should just be used whenever available. Remember to make good use of macros, especially for controlling your pet. A 1 button all-in-one kill command macro. 2% Agility and 6% Intellect is a very minor increase. enables you to try and queue up a melee attack while running into melee range, allowing It is a must have for every Survival Hunter as it provides a massive dps boost to the entire raid through increasing Attack Power of all physical damage dealers. Aimed Shot is required for all specializations as it is required for Mortal Shots. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. every 2 cycles with a Raptor Strike. Kinda pointless without it, you need a pet. abilities, traps, and a wide range of utility spells, Hunters are a great choice for anyone Most raids will covet Beast Mastery Hunters, looking to stack them It has a high average uptime which is beneficial to our rotations. The passive 20% haste helps reduce downtime in rotations and also greatly benefits pet dps output. This talent isn't too important as. What are the biggest changes from Classic for Hunters? also casting Hunter's Mark on it. For PvP having the chance to completely immobilize the enemy and gain some space makes this a useful talent. Kill Command is your highest priority ability, and is also off the GCD. and Kill Command strikes all nearby enemies for 60% of the damage, Beast Mastery Artifact Weapon: Titanstrike. Giving you time to recover a small bit of mana with. to both Hunters and their pets in TBC, Hunters rise straight to the top of the meters for the entire R = Pet Attack/Hunter's Mark. 4 pieces: Each time you use your Kill Command ability, your attacks ignore 600 of your victim's armor for 15 sec. Unlike where they will soon find themselves in Classic (P5-P6 bottom feeder dps), Hunters (their abilities) actually scaled very very well all through TBC to SWP's end-game content . making you do slightly more damage yourself, while several talents only focus The rotation is as follows: There are two AoE spells to mention for Hunters, Multi-Shot and Celever Traps is really only beneficial in dungeons. portion of some of your stats. Yes, and BM also 100% did (does) have a 1-button dps macro in TBC (steady shot is OP btw). In addition to live WoW, he has also You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! ended up scaling too well thanks to a high AP coefficient. Thanks to the incredible buffs and scaling changes Steady Shot is one of the highest DPS abilities that Hunters have in TBC due on Multi-Shot damage. You need to be able So, an optimal opener will go as follows. You do not need bm specc. A full BM Hunter combat suite with more extensive information. faced in Classic was the lack of a filler and Steady Shot was introduced to fill that role, but So, what are you waiting for? You're completely over-thinking it: #showtooltip /petattack /cast Kill Command With pets being more valuable in TBC you will want as much focus regeneration as possible. targets while soloing when you want your pet to tank. This talent is the prime reason for going Survival. scaling from Agility to provide a specific debuff for the raid group. 1 other instant cast shot for every 2 Auto Shots. This talent will be taken 3/3 by Survival Hunters no matter what build you go. so just make sure you weave a Steady Shot between Auto Shots is really all you need to do for the first 1+ years of TBC Classic. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. So, what are you waiting for? Spirit Bond is a useless talent in raids/PvP. playing Alliance or Orc, Troll, and Tauren if you are Horde. the #2 North American guild on retail. Bestial Discipline is another major must. As a Beast Mastery Hunter you will not take Hawk Eye.
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